The Anime of Hayao Miyazaki Picture of Hayao Miyazaki

One of the most popular animators in Japan is Mr. Hayao Miyazaki. Miyazaki is also the animator who is responsible for catching my interest in anime. His movies of recent years have often outsold the Disney releases in Japan. When forming the production company, Studio Ghibli, Miyazaki chose the Italian word ghibli, which means "desert wind," because he wanted his movies to "sweep through the world of animation as a desert wind." Opinionated and independent, Miyazaki once referred to Disney animation as "lacking decency." He initially resisted efforts by Buena Vista, a subsidiary of Disney, in a deal to distribute his movies, concerned that mass distribution of his work at an affordable price would "cheapen" his work. But as fate would have it Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli have negotiated a deal with Japan Buena Vista to distribute his movies world wide sometime in 1998. Anime on VHS in Japan typically sells for $100 (U.S. dollars). This is great news for Miyazaki fans all over the world since many of his early movies, with the exception of My Neighbor Totoro, have been out of production and unavailable to non-Japanese speaking fans. The only other source of Miyazaki films is through fansubs. What is fansubs? Fansubbed Anime are Japanese language productions of Anime that have been subtitled in English by a network of dedicated Anime fans. I don't think you could call these people professional subtitlers. But they do professional work. Thus bringing impossible to find Anime to English speaking all fans all over the world. A good jumping off source for fansubs is the FANSUB GUIDE.

Some of the works of Hayao Miyazaki

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