Black and White Images
There's lots of new stuff's about time, isn't it?

One of my favorite scenes. It's a nice way to make a first impression, don't you think?

Is it me, or is this boy just *too* skinny...? Maybe it's just the pants...

The first time Ken Wakashimazu's face is seen by the outside world. I guess.

At last, cute little Takeshi chan stands up to his captain. Do you want to see what happens to him after that?

I'm not sure what to make of this one. He's wearing shorts!!

Genzo Wakabayashi in Germany. Okaaay...

Man...doesn't Tsubasa always get his butt kicked? Hyuga kun certainly looks happy...

The cast of Captain Tsubasa playing around. Hmm..I always assumed Kira was too wasted to catch anything...

They're the greatest soccer team in the will somebody please show them how to dress...?! Nice outfit, Ishizaki kun...(snicker)

Aww..don't you wish your brothers were this devoted...?

Jito kun's fortunate intervention in the Holland special. Wow...I thought Sano would've been jealous!

My....haven't they all changed...(laughs) I love this picture...doesn't Wakashimazu sama look like Kurama, for some reason...?

Aww...this one's adorable...I can't figure out who that is on Wakashimazu's head, though...

Sound familiar?

Courtesy of Yoichi Takahashi and my friend Raquel, here's the lovely Pierre at a peaceful moment. Stop drooling, all of you!

Well, it's Hyuga kun. Don't you think it's about time he's gotten the attention he deserves...?

A determined Wakashimazu. Actually, this looks more like a picture of Wakashimazu's sutekina kami than anything. ^^

The end of Tsubasa and Hyuga's long rivalry. Sort of. Anyway, it's a cute scene.

You're getting rather sick of him, aren't you?

Yes! Misaki's back in the game! And everybody wants a piece of Sano kun, ne? ^^

Yes, it's Schneider. I really have nothing against this guy. Honest!

Gino Hernandez. What a sweet guy. ^^ Yes, Tsubasa does take requests.

I'm starting to develop a great deal of respect for this guy. Hen, ne...

Fan Dias looking a little too pretty for his own good. Is that blush you're wearing, Tensai?

I guess that proves that old rivalries die hard. I wonder...did either of them even think of what the referee would do to them before they started to get silly...?

You all know this happy little boy, right? It's a shame he lost to Schneider's team shortly afterward... Well, for those of you who have only seen up to this point in the series, Ramon Victorino does return, but...he just doesn't seem as happy. I guess old age will do that to you...

So this is what the CT world would look like if Ishizaki ran everything. Tsubasa making yakisoba? I want some!

The Holland Youth Team and their fine captain, mourning a loss. It's Cruyffhold, I think.

Misugi in action. I just love the way this guy takes charge, even if he's been off the field for a really long time. If he were as strong as everybody else, would he be even better than Tsubasa?

You fools! Don't you know the caffeine in Coke will dry you up like a sponge in an oven if you drink it after you've been running? Ah, well...

Poor Pascal. It's so hard to find a picture of him without Dias. I wonder why he's so skinny. Do you suppose his Genius buddy eats all of his food?

A picture from a doujinshi copied for me by Erika, who is too kind, if I haven't mentioned it before. This is a yaoi doujinshi, but even if you don't like that kind of stuff, it's still very funny and cute, and Wakashimazu looks very, very nice. I'd like to scan the whole doujinshi some day...anybody interested?
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