Hime-chan no Ribbon episode 28

Episode Title
Jingi naki Hime-chan!
Air Date

Hime-chan said, "Until now, there's never been a time when I hated myself." Hime-chan recalled the events that made her feel so sad. (about Yuka, Daichi at school) "I know it's not Daichi's fault in my mind. But my body can't keep up." Then Hime-chan made up her mind. "I have to apologize to Daichi!" Hime-chan got her spirits up. "Ike ike go go jump!"

The next day at school, Hime-chan couldn't bring herself to apologize to Daichi. During class, they were trying to decide what to do for the "freshman party". One boy said that he wanted to see a concert done by Yuka. But Hikaru objected right away. She said that they should do something that was more suitable for junior high. But Hikaru couldn't think of anything else. Then the class leader asked Hime-chan for her ideas. Hime-chan said that they should open a takoyaki shop. Everyone laughed when Hime-chan went through the motions of eating a takoyaki. Sei agreed with Hime-chan's idea, but Hikaru objected.

After the class took a vote, Hime-chan's idea "takoyaki house" won.

After school at the shoe boxes, Daichi overheard some students talking about Yuka. The girls didn't like Yuka for stealing Hime-chan's role of Peter Pan. But the boys liked Yuka and said that it was all right for cute girls to do anything.

Daichi was leaving. Yuka ran up to him. Daichi was angry at Yuka for stealing Hime-chan's role. Yuka was sad that Daichi was angry at her, especially when it concerned Hime-chan. Then Yuka fainted, this time for real.

Daichi carried Yuka home. (Yuka was staying at her aunt's house.) The doctor checked her, but Yuka was just tired from overwork. Yuka's aunt asked Daichi about how Yuka was doing in school. She said that after Yuka moved, she never made any new friends. So before starting her TV work, Yuka wanted to come back to this town. So Yuka's aunt was very worried about Yuka.

For the school play, Hime-chan took the role of just one kid on the island. Hime-chan accepted it and just tried her best.

Even when she was helping with the preparations for the freshman party, Hime-chan was very cheerful and trying her best.

When Yuka came to help out with the party preparations, some other girls said that she didn't have to help because she was probably too busy. Then Daichi scolded them and told them not to decide things for Yuka. Yuka was very happy that Daichi tried to protect her. Hikaru got mad that Daichi protected Yuka. Daichi also told Yuka to speak up and tell everyone how she feels. Hime-chan felt that Daichi had a very strong tie with Yuka as a childhood friend.

On the morning of the freshman party, Hime-chan was not very cheerful. After Hime-chan left for school, Pokota also left to take a peek at the party. But Pokota saw Yuka getting kidnapped on the street. Pokota rushed to tell Hime-chan.

At school, the drama club captain was looking for Yuka. Hime-chan said that she would go look for her. Pokota found Hime-chan and told her about Yuka. Hime-chan told Daichi. Pokota said that he heard the name Ohgawara. Ohgawara was a well known gangster in the next town. Daichi told Hime-chan not to come, but Hime-chan insisted. So they went together to Ohgawara's place on Daichi's bike.

When they got to the house, they spotted a man in dark glasses standing in front of the gate. He got a call from one of the other people inside the house. Hime-chan and Daichi found out that Ohgawara was still not there. So Hime-chan transformed into Ohgawara.

Hime-chan walked up to the guard and told him to bring Yuka outside. But while she was waiting, the car with the real Ohgawara inside came to the gate.

Ohgawara and his men went up to the gate. Hime-chan turned around. They were shocked to see another Ohgawara. Ohgawara and Hime-chan started arguing about who was the real one. Then the guard came out with Yuka. Daichi and Pokota ran up to them, and Daichi helped Yuka escape. When Ohgawara told his men to go after Daichi and Yuka, Hime-chan tripped them. Ohgawara accused Hime-chan of being the fake one. Then Ohgawara and Hime-chan went inside the house.

Daichi and Yuka got away. When they got far enough away, Daichi got a small mirror from Yuka. Then after telling Yuka to stay where she was, Daichi ran back to the Ohgawara house.

Hime-chan knew that they would figure out that she was the fake one. So Hime-chan tried running away. But Hime-chan and Pokota fell down into a basement cell through a trap door. Ohgawara said that he would take care of the fake one later.

Hime-chan was unconscious. So Pokota ran out and found Daichi in the yard. Daichi also got spotted by the guards. Daichi gave Pokota the mirror and told him to tell Hime-chan to transform into Yuka. Then Daichi got caught.

When Ohgawara questioned Daichi about Yuka, Daichi said that Yuka was in the basement cell.

Meanwhile Pokota tried to wake up Hime-chan.

Ohgawara went down to check out Daichi's story. Ohgawara saw Yuka in the cell and was shocked. He quickly let Yuka out.

They all went up to a large room. Hime-chan (still in the form of Yuka) asked what Ohgawara wanted with her. Then Ohgawara pulled out a picture of Yuka and said that he was a big fan of hers. Hime-chan and Daichi were shocked. Hime-chan thought, "Henna ojisan.." [weird old man]

Ohgawara wanted to go out with Yuka. But Hime-chan said no and left.

Daichi and Hime-chan went to where Yuka was waiting. Daichi told Yuka that Hime-chan had come to rescue her although he tried to stop her. There was not much time left before the Peter Pan play. So Hime-chan rode Daichi's bike with Yuka sitting behind her. Hime-chan pedaled hard and they made it back to the school in time. But there were only three minutes before the play was going to begin. Then Yuka fainted.

The curtain opened. Hime-chan was on the stage playing Peter Pan.

After the play ended, everyone congratulated Hime-chan. The play went over very well.

Daichi went to the nurse's office. Yuka was in the bed. Daichi asked, "You pretended to faint, right?"
Daichi said, "As I thought.."
Yuka said, "I didn't join the drama club to do Peter Pan. Hime-chan is such a nice person. I did something so bad, but she still came to help me and pedaled the bike until she ran out of energy."
Daichi said, "She's that kind of person."
Yuka said, "When I moved I couldn't make any new friends. So I thought I could come back here to my old self. But Hime-chan was in the place where I wanted to be. She's so cheerful, popular, and friends with you. So I got upset and did that. I even lied about the kiss to try to get you back." Yuka started crying.

Then Hime-chan (who had been standing at the door), dropped the can of juice that she was holding. Daichi and Yuka spotted Hime-chan. Daichi said that he was going to leave. When he was on his way out, Hime-chan apologized to Daichi. Daichi nodded.

When Hime-chan went into the room, Yuka apologized to Hime-chan. Then Hime-chan then shook the can of juice and asked if Yuka wanted some. Hime-chan opened the can, and it sprayed all over Hime-chan. It was cider instead of juice.

Yuka and Hime-chan laughed. Then Yuka invited Hime-chan to her concert.


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Questa pagina è stata progettata da Daichi
Ultimo aggiornamento: 01-01-1997