Chapter 82: It's Jealousy Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <6> Youta: Ai-chan is absent from school... Youta: I worry... I wonder if she caught a cold... Youta: The day after tomorrow is December twenty-fourth. Winter vacation will start, then for a while i won't be able to see her. December twenty-fourth is the last day of school, Christmas Eve, and the awards party for the picture book contest. <7> Ai: Pretty soon, my life will... And i don't have any place to stay... Gokuraku: It's sudden, but I have to work for Gokuraku again. I'll clean out of this room, so stay at Youta's house. Ai: I can't see him anymore. I'm going to disappear soon... Before our emotions would become complicated, I'd better disappear from him... If I think about it, I can understand well why he would make himself believe I'm his sister. We know the separation will come, for sure, so if we get into deeper emotions, then we would just be hurt... <8> Ai: Ah... What should I do from now on... Ai: Wait, isn't that Natsumi's tent... Hey, Natsumi-chan, aren't you there. Police: Hey! Police: Do you know that tent girl? Ai: Huh? <9> Natsumi: How did you find out I'm here. Ai: The police man told men. He said to do something with the tent... Natsumi: Oh... Natsumi: I guess this is my end... Ai: What are you saying. Ai: Did you go see the guy you liked and talk to him? <10> Natsumi: Since I was a child, my heart has had problems, but since around the time we started to go out, I've had to depend on medicine. He knew about it and he was nicer because of it. Huh... We promised to marry, too. And he said the reason he left to Tokyo was for money to get married. Natsumi: I had a call from him for only the first week... After that, nothing at all... Even if I called him, he hung up quickly... Natsumi: I wanted to see his face directly before I died, but... Natsumi: I guess everyone's the same. Even though we loved each other so much our feelings changed without hesitation. I bet he has a healthy, beautiful girl who is always with him, rather than a country girl with this health. <11> Ai: I'll bring him for you! Natsumi: That's okay. Natsumi: It'd be nice if I could give you my life and you could be human... Ai: Natsumi-chan... <12> Narrator: It wasn't just white washing or sour grapes, but Natsumi really thought so... She gently accepted the Video Girl, whose existence is strange, and worried purely about Ai. She may also be a person who could see Gokuraku... Ai: Natsumi-chan spent the little life she has left following the guy she likes... She didn't run away like me... Youta also ran away... I wonder if she didn't think it could be painful, didn't she think it'd be better not to see him at all if it could only be for a short time... Ai: Or, does it mean that I don't love Youta as much as she loves the guy she likes...? Natsumi: I'll give you my tent, throw it away or do whatever you want with it... <13> Youta: I changed the sheets and I made up too, so... That's about it... Youta: Moemi-chan will come here soon... I think something will happen tonight... Moemi: I'm your girlfriend, so... If I stay like...that... I'll feel sorry for you, so... Youta: I'm very happy...that she thinks about me so much... But... I can't be in high spirits because...of that... Sound: Pin pon. <14> Sound: Gacha. Gokuraku: Long time no see. Gokuraku: Would you keep the VCR that has Ai's tape for me. Youta: Ah!! The plug... Youta: Oh... Yeah... This is the rebuilt one with the battery pack built in... Gokuraku: yeah... But it's not good if you don't connect the plug. <15> Youta: But... Why are you giving this to me? Gokuraku: Um... I'm going back to Gokuraku... Youta: Eh? That's nice! Gokuraku: I doubt it... Youta: But that man with the coat forgave you, right. Then doesn't it mean that he's not going to erase Ai-chan!? Gokuraku: I don't know...what he thinks... I hope he wouldn't make you guys sad again... <16> Youta: I feel a little relieved, I have her other half, even though Ai-chan isn't here... If this VCR acts normally, then Ai-chan will be fine as well, so... Youta: So Ai is going to live at that apartment alone... Youta: Anyway, Moemi-chan is late... Sound: Tyurururururu. Sound: Gacha. Youta: Hello. Youta: ...Moemi-chan. <17> Youta: What's wrong? Did something come up? Sound: Doki doki doki. Moemi: I'm sorry... I'm not coming today... Youta: Eh!? Why? Moemi: Because... Well... I think... Moemi: I'll disappoint you... So... Narrator: Youta quickly realized what she meant... Sound: Doka. Youta: ...Okay... <18> Moemi: I went to the station, but... Well... Not yet... Youta: It's okay... yeah... I understand... Moemi: I'm okay with the uniform, but it's strange, isn't it. Youta: Eh? Moemi: Ah... About the skirt... Youta: Well... There is an awards ceremony for the picture book contest tomorrow, but... Youta: Why don't you come with me... Moemi: Eh? Tomorrow? It's too sudden... Why didn't you tell me earlier? I don't have clothes for it. <19> Moemi: ...Oh, I see... Something came up with Ai-chan... Youta: It's not like that! Moemi: Now, I decided to come there! Youta: Eh. Moemi: No, just kidding... I'm not coming... I'll think about the party... Youta: ...Okay... It's not necessary to say, but girls are very sharp... <20> Sign: [The Next Day] Youta: Ai-chan finally didn't come to the last assembly... And, Moemi-chan said... Moemi: What time should we met... Youta: It's okay for now... Youta: She's late... Is she going to break our appointment... Moemi: Moteuchi-kun! <21> Moemi: I'm sorry, I'm late. Youta: Moemi-chan! Youta: S-Skirt! Moemi: Ehehe. Moemi: I guess I need an excuse to wear a skirt. The party is my excuse for today, and the uniform is also an excuse after all, right. Youta: Well... I guess... Youta: But, I'm happy. It's been a long time since I've seen you with a skirt on!! Narrator: Youta didn't know the truth. The skirt is from her jealousy towards Ai. Jealousy gave birth to a rush of feelings, and it pushed her back and made her wear the skirt. <22> Ai: People enjoy Christmas, and lovers are get excited. Youta also has a party tonight... Ai: I'm having a lonely Christmas in such a dark place... Ai: I can't live like Natsumi-chan... I've experienced pain once... I'll spend my life quietly until my playing time ends... Pretty soon Youta will forget about me, too... And, so will I... Ai: Merry Christmas!! Sound: Pan. <23> Gokuraku: What are you planning to do!? I can hardly help you if it's something to make those two sad. Rolex: Don't worry. It's good for Ai, and I'm sure Youta Moteuchi will be happy. Rolex: At least, as a result, AI's playing time will be extended. So, she won't be sad. End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 83: The Chance Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <25> Moemi: The party already started, a long time ago! Let's go, quickly!! Youta: Okay. Youta: somehow energized today... I bet she's also happy that she could wear the skirt... <27> Moemi: Oh, it's this hotel. Moemi: This hotel reminds me about. Moemi: The night we just laid down... Moemi: I bet you didn't like me so much, Moteuchi-kun. Moemi: You didn't even touch me. Youta: Eh! It's because you said! Moemi: What did I say. Sound: Ga-. Youta: You said... Well... <28> Sound: Goku. Moemi: Wow. <29> Sound: Gu. Youta: Everyone looks...happy... Of course... If I were standing there, I would be very happy... Youta: I wanted to stand there with Ai-chan... <30> Youta: With Ai-chan... Moemi: Why did we come here... It's painful for you. Let's go home. Youta: It's not like that. You worry too much, Ai-chan... <31> Moemi: Oh... Moemi: He didn't realize... Ai-chan's name, unconsciously... Moemi: Ai-chan's in Moteuchi-kun's mind... Now, too... And, always... Moemi: He told me he would stay with me, always, even if we're apart, his feelings wouldn't leave me... Sound: Gyu. Sound: Pon. <32> Lady: Did I get your signature? Youta: Ah... not yet... Youta: Is here okay... Lady: Well... Are you one of the award winners? Youta: No, I'm not. Lady: Then, next table. Sign: [Winners. Guests.] <32> Youta: I...see... Man: Ah, I'm late, but is it okay? Lady: Are you an award winner? Man: Y-Yes. Lady: Oh, you are, then... Youta: What a different attitude... Youta: I'm an outsider... <34> Moemi: Moteuchi-kun... Moemi: Anyway, how rude that woman is! I can't believe her attitude!! If Ai-chan were here, I wonder what she'd do... Sound: Doki doki. Moemi: I bet, something like this... Ai: Hey, you, who do you think you are!! Moemi: ...It's too difficult for me... Moemi: Be-. Moemi: Hie- ...This is the best I can do... <35> Moemi: Moteuchi-kun... Moemi: His back looks painful... Is it Ai-chan who is inside comforting him this time? Moemi: Moemi: Hey, which is it? Moemi: Call my name! Can you call my name? Or will you still mistake me as Ai-chan? Hey... Youta: Should we go home? <36> Tagashira: Moteuchi-kun! Youta: Eh? Ah... Yeas. Tagashira: You're Mr. Daizo's son. Tagashira: Your father does great work. I respect him. Youta: Oh. Youta: Eh... And... Excuse me, but... Who are you... Card: [Ryuji Tagashira] Youta: Ah... Tagashira-san, one of them who judged for the contest! Tagashira: I want to have a little talk. May I. <37> Tagashira: It was too bad you weren't chosen. Youta: Yeah... Tagashira: I pushed yours, but... Youta: Well... Youta: I...don't know where my father is... I'd like to know... So, if you have a request to make with him, then, please look for him by yourself. Tagashira: Oh, no. Well, my friend's publisher wants to publish a picture book... Tagashira: It's about, why you don't you write for them. Youta: Eh!? Me... Ah... Me!?* * Actually, it's, "Ore... Ah... Boku ga!?" Which are two ways to say, "Me" or "I," the first of which is informal, but now he's trying to be very nice, and he stammers and changes to "Boku ga." <38> Youta: Mo-Moemi-chan. Why don't you drop by my house! Okay!! Moemi: S-Sure. Youta: I can't believe this... I have a request for a picture book job... I thought it was weird that I got an invitation, even though I failed... Mr. Tagashira must have sent it to me... Moemi: It's so nice, Moteuchi-kun. Congratulations. Youta: Ah... It's...the best night, tonight!! Youta: The only problem is Ai-chan. Moemi: Eh? <39> Youta: See, he said. Tagashira: The warm story is nice, too, but especially your use of colors and coloring are my favorite... Youta: It's Ai-chan's part. Moemi: It's okay, right. use that one as a reference, and you can try to make it similar... Youta: No, no! It has to be Ai-chan! Youta: ...Moemi-chan? Moemi: Did you know that I was with Youta: Eh? What's that, a weird question... Of course, I knew it. <40> Moemi: I guess you haven't realized yet, but... You've been calling me, "Ai-chan." Youta: You're kidding!! I didn't... See, just now I said, "Moemi-chan..." Moemi: No... It sounds like "Ai-chan"... Youta: W-Why are you falsely accusing me... What's wrong? Moemi-chan! Moemi: It sounds like Ai-chan is living in your mind, so... Moemi: Why did you break up...with you ex-girlfriend? <41> Moemi: Sorry... I want to congratulate you today, but... I'm sorry... Sound: Ba. Sound: Tatatatata. Youta: Moemi-chan... Moemi: His ex-girlfriend held herself back nicely, but... I'm not going to... I have only Moteuchi-kun now! I'm used to being hurt, so even if it hurts me so much, even if I'm so sad... I won't run away!! <42> Youta: Ai-chan always stayed in my mind? That's why Nobuko-chan and I broke up...? No... it's not like that... Youta: I thought... It wasn't like that... but... Youta: Um. Youta: That's Natsumi-chan's tent... Youta: Such a place... Youta: It's... him!! <43> Rolex: What is this, at this place. Ai: Who cares, it's of my own choice! Rolex: Fu. Rolex: You've totally given up...becoming human. It's impossible to make love with one man, huh. Youta: Eh!? To become human!? End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 84: I Won't Run Away. Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <46> Youta: She can become human if she makes love? Ai-chan can?! Ai: ...I don't want to be human so much right now. It seems very hard to live as a human. <47> Ai: It's...okay...if you want to take back that condition... Youta: She was given that condition... Why didn't you tell me! Sound: Kara kara-n. <48> Youta: No kidding... Rolex: Fu. <49> Rolex: No. I want to watch it until the last minute. So, I won't take that condition back until the last minute... But, the part about if the man finds out about the condition, it's being discarded, it won't change... Rolex: Even if you try until the last minute and fail, I have something in mind to save you from disappearing... Don't worry... Sound: Su. Ai: Something in mind? Ai: What is that something in his mind... <50> Sound: Kara-n. Sound: Ka-n. Sound: Gasha. Ai: Youta!! <51> Ai: Did he hear that story... Youta: Oh? Ai-chan!? Why are you here!? <52> Ai: Good... He didn't... Sound: Gasha. Gasha. Sound: Ta. Ai: Um? Ai: Why did I get worried or relieved...I'd given up the contract to be human a long time ago... Even if he heard... Found out... It's not a big deal... Ai: Hi! <53> Ai: Hey, you're dressed up, you went to the party, right... Did you enjoy it? Youta: Oh, yeah. Youta: One moment, i felt Ai-chan was in my house... My heart warmed up and... Youta: Oh yeah! It's good timing. I have something to tell you. Ai: tell me what? <54> Youta: It's a surprise to hear! The picture book job, I got the job!! Ai: Nice going!! It's great! Congratulations! Ai: Nice going. Good for you. <55> Youta: you sound like an onlooker. I'll get in trouble if you don't help me. Youta: ...Small reaction, I thought she'd be happier for me... Ai: Not that... Do I have to help you again... I'm not interested in it anymore... Ai: I'll think about it. Youta: Don't tell me that... Help me if you can... Ai: What...? His reaction is light... I thought he would be more confused... <56> Youta: Shit!! Youta: I had to talk better to Ai-chan and ask her for help!! I was agitated and didn't know what to do... I didn't know she had the chance of becoming human... Ai: He acted strange... Like a kicked can... He looked painful from behind. I wonder what's wrong... Even though he got the picture book job... His reactions weren't like him either... Why...? Ai: Can't I understand his feelings anymore...!? <57> Youta: There was a chance for Ai-chan to be human... If I knew about it... I would... Can I do something now. Ai-chan gave up... And I shouldn't know about it... Youta: Can't I do any more... Sign: [2 Days Later...] <58> Ai: I'll help you with... the picture book. <59> Youta: Really... Thank you... You saved my life! Youta: ...But... I haven't met with people from the publisher. What to do, so... We can't start to work, but... Ai: Oh, is that right. Ai: But I came, so, I'll come here for a little while. Youta: Oh sure! When we suddenly met... I felt like she was my "home"... Ai: I thought it wasn't love, but we were just used to each other since we lived together... I thought so, but... Moemi: hello. <61> Youta: Wh-What should I do! What!? It's difficult to go through this situation... From their personality, I think they will both offer to leave... The problem is my decision for that... My reaction... Youta: It's 100% that Ai-chan will come back out... Ai: Well, the nuisance will disappear. Youta: But if I just let her go, I may not be able to reach her, even if she made up her mind, and for other reasons, I can't leave her alone... Youta: Then Moemi-chan will back out... Moemi: Oh, it's a job, then I'll go home today. Youta: But, I made her upset the other day, and even if it's for a job, it's obvious that she would be hurt if I stay with Ai-chan... Youta: What should I do!? Think!! There must be a good answer. Think hard!! Ai: We don't have a job yet... Right, then I'll...go home. Youta: What am I going to do, Youta!! Moemi-chan will say she'll go home!! Should I flow in the situation!? No, that's how I always hurt people! Show my clear reaction!! <63> Sound: Gachan. Moemi: I...will never run away... I don't want to lose you...anymore... So... I can't be a good girl. <64> Moemi: I won't go home...tonight... End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 85: Like Snow Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <67> Youta: Moemi-chan's sudden visit, her unexpected push, and mysterious mood, I lost my pace and I started to drift... Youta: I think I know what Moemi-chan meant by, "I won't go home," from the experience with Nobuko-chan... Both of us... Nothing to do... And just waiting for night. Youta: As I regret a little about letting Ai-chan go like that... Youta: We left to shop for dinner... Youta: Moemi-chan... <68> Youta: I want to drop by one place, so, would you go to the market first... Youta: After all, I worry about Ai-chan. The park her tent was at is just by here... It's not like I went to see her, but it's certain that I worry about my job the most. Moemi: Okay, sure... Moemi: We'll be together all night tonight, so. Youta: ...!! Can she read my mind? She sounded a little hurried, but just like a declaration of victory... <69> Youta: I don't know why Ai-chan uses Natsumi's tent, but... Anyway, the tent can be moved any time, so... I worry that she may move because of the afternoon... Youta: Good... Good... It's still here... Youta: She's not here... Youta: Ai-chan's stuff was inside... She must live here. I feel relieved that I can see her if i come here... Ai: What are you doing. you shouldn't be here...!! You're with Moemi-chan, right! <70> Youta: Finally, the night came, Moemi-chan seems to really stay here... Then, we will... It's delicious... Your food... Moemi: Really? Thanks... Moemi: It's warm this winter... We won't see snow like this this year... Youta: Eh. ...Snow. Ai: It's the anniversary of the first date with the dress that Youta gave me. Youta: What am I thinking while I'm with Moemi-chan. Sound: Gotsu. <71> Moemi: Do you have any special memories about snow? Youta: Eh? not particularly... Moemi: snow... I like the view of snow on the ground... Everything turns white... Moemi: I feel like my mind also turns white as I look at it... I envy people who don't have any calculations in their mind, or any darkness at all. Like Ai-chan... Moemi: Would you like some tea? <72> Youta: Moemi-chan. Youta: Let's not talk about...Ai-chan... Moemi: Okay... Youta: I can't grasp her thinking totally... Moemi: I'll let you... If you receive an award... Youta: So staying here means... that, right? But... even though... I still have a question, because... <73> Youta: That she's not wearing a skirt... Since the day of the storm, she stopped wearing skirts. The pants show the wall in her mind... Youta: These clothes show she has a strong guard up. It's evidence that she hasn't opened up to me... Youta: So... Even if she said she would stay here, it was just to be together, and I'm better off thinking there's no further meaning. <74> Moemi: What's wrong? Sound: Goto. Youta: ...Just thinking... I don't understand... Moemi: I can't still have my courage... But, I want to be with you... <75> Youta: That's what I thought... At least I knew it before I expected something... Youta: I see... Now I understand. Sound: Doki doki. Sound: Doki doki doki. Sound: Doki doki doki. Moemi: Moteuchi-kun... Sound: Doki doki... Youta: Um? <76> Moemi: Don't laugh. <77> Sound: Kuru. Sound: Pasa. Youta: Mo-Moemi-chan... Moemi: I want to take the barrier away from my mind... I was going to do this as soon as I got here, but... I didn't have enough courage... Sound: Doki doki. Sound: Pasa. Moemi: Look at me, Moteuchi-kun... I'm doing my best to be patient! I want to take away the illness from that stormy day. Please, look at me!! Sound: Doki doki. Sound: Doki doki doki. Sound: Doki doki. <80> Youta: A bathing suit... I feel a little relieved, but... Little Youta is totally awake... Sound: Doku dokun dokun dokun. Youta: Even though it's a bathing suit... Moemi-chan is trying so much... No matter what I have to do, I have to hold my indecent feelings back... Moemi: Well... I'm just stupid... You think I'm weird, right? Youta: N-Not at all! Moemi: That's right... Moemi: Hey! Why don't we take a bath together! I won't look unnatural if I'm in water! Youta: Eh. <81> Moemi: Kya- Kya- i guess it's too small for the two of us in the bath!! Sound: Za za-. Youta: Then, while I wash my body, why don't you warm yourself. Moemi: Oh, I'll do it! Let me wash you! Let me do it!! Sound: Zapa. Youta: Eh. Sound: Goshi goshi. Moemi: your back is big... You're truly a guy. Youta: Oh... Yeah... Ai: See! It's nice to be washed by a girl. Youta: Why do I remember about Ai-chan again!! <82> Youta: Moemi-chan? Moemi: No! Don't look back!! <83> Youta: Mo-Moemi-chan. Moemi: Don't forget. Please remember my warmth even when you're alone... This is all... I can do now... Sorry. Youta: I truly are a person like snow... Moemi: I'm not, Moteuchi-kun. I don't have such a white mind. I'm blaming you and tormenting you... I arouse you and arouse you, then even if you ask me for it, I'll refuse... Unless Ai-chan isn't in your mind, I'll keep doing this. I'll keep doing it until then... Until then... End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 86: The Limit, Part 1 Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <86> Sound: Dokin. Youta: Moemi-chan is doing her best for me... Sound: Dokin. Sound: Dokin. Sound: Dokin dokin dokin. Youta: But her bulge penetrates my heart... I have to be patient, I have to... Sound: Dokin. <87> Sound: Dokun dokun dokun. Youta: No matter how hard I try, my body and mind go together!! I can't...anymore... Sound: Su. Youta: ...Ho... Youta: I could handle it somehow, I have to calm my heartbeat... Moemi: Ah... I'm so embarrasses... But, until Ai-chan leaves Moteuchi's mind, I have to torment him more... <89> Narrator: Ai kept wandering the city, even though she didn't know why she had to run away, like she was driven out... Youta: I feel like there are too many problems, and I wanted to settle down and think about what I should do from now on... Youta: Hey, Moemi-chan... Did you bring a change of clothes? Moemi: I did, but... Can I borrow yours. <90> Moemi: I want to wear your clothes... Moemi: If it's possible, I want to wear a large shirt of sweater. ...How can I be so cunning... Does my personality...have a problem... Youta: Okay... Sure, if I can find them, I'll leave them here. Moemi: But... I don't want to wait anymore! Moemi: My last love didn't succeed even though i waited. From now on I can't be quiet! Until I can shake off the day of the storm, and I can fill his mind with me... I'll be a bad girl as much as possible... Sound: Za. <91> Sound: Potsu. Sound: Potsau potsu potsu. Sound: Za-. Sound: Za- za- za-. Ko-. Youta: ...Rain... It seems like it rains...every delicate night... <92> Moemi: What will happen to us tonight... I wonder if tomorrow morning we will greet each other okay... Moemi: I may let you... Youta: I still think about those words... Youta: Because of her pants,. I know she hasn't opened up to me, and. Youta: She admitted to it as well, and... Moemi: I still don't have enough courage... Youta: And, it was a bathing suit... Youta: But... Youta: I understand everything, but... <93> Youta: Still now... Youta: The feeling of her breasts remain... Youta: I can't calm down... I could better feel their softness and form than when I touched her with my hand, maybe it was because I touched her through her clothes, but... Sound: Bun bun. Youta: No... I don't have the confidence to save myself... Youta: Then, before she comes... Sound: Doki doki. <94> Youta: Uwo- What am I thinking. Moemi-chan is under the same roof, I can't do that! Youta: Then! Think of something else!! Something, else... Something... Youta: As usual, if I try not to think about it, why does something like it always come into my mind... Sound: Zukkin zukkin zukkin. Youta: Ah... I was really smart to give her a big sweater... That would cover her hips as well... If I saw her hip line over the sweat pants now, I'd feel like, "Go right ahead..." Sound: Fa. <95> Youta: Moemi-chan? Why... Light... Moemi: Because I'm,embarrassed... Youta: Eh? Sound: Doki. Youta: Is she naked!? Impossible...!! I can't be...certain!? Youta: My eyes are... Sound: Dokun dokun. Youta: getting used to... Sound: Dokun dokun. Sound: Dokun dokun. Sound: Dokun dokun. <96> Youta: Oh... She's wearing the sweater... Sound: Su. <97> Youta: She's not wearing pants!? Not...good!! Sound: Doki doki doki doki. Moemi: I didn't put my underwear on... So if the light's on, I'm embarrassed if you'd be able to see through. Youta: Eh!? No underwear, too!? Sound: Dokun. Sound: Dokun dokun. <98> Moemi: Don't! Don't look at me so much! You can't get closer! Let's talk in this position. Youta: ...You said not to look, but... Sound: Dokun dokun. Youta: Under... Sound: Dokun. Sound: Dokun dokun. Youta: That... <99> Youta: She doesn't have anything on under that... Youta: Under that. Sound: Dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun. Sound: So. Sound: Piku. <100> Youta: She's trying to get over that stormy day. Sound: Dokun dokun. Youta: I have to hold myself back! I have to... Sound: Zu. Dokun dokun. Moemi: Oh! You can't come closer. Sound: Ba. Sound: Dokun. <101> Sound: Ba. Moemi: Moteuchi-kun is acting weird... I'm so embarrassed I could die... Did I overdo it... Youta: It's...past the limit... Sound: Gugu. Sound: Guwa. <102> Moemi: Mo-Moteuchi-kun? Sound: Dokun dokun dokun. Sound: Doki doki. Doki. Sound: Gyo. Doki doki doki doki. Sound: Dokun dokun dokun. <103> Ai: ...It's cold... Ai: Forty-seven...forty-six... Ai: Forty-five...forty-four...forty-three...forty-two... forty-one. Forty-one more days... I have to live like this... End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 87: The Limit, Part 2 Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <105> Sound: Dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun. Sound: Doki doki doki. Youta: My blood is flowing rapidly! The pulsing is becoming one solid form and I'm losing consciousness! Sound: Dokun dokun dokun. <106> Sound: Tan! Sound: Gu. Moemi: No! No!! <107> Youta: ...I can't! I have to stop!! I shouldn't take another step! Sound: To. Youta: The monster hiding away in the jail tower of my mind is planning to escape and make me confused! Sound: Gu gu. Youta: The monster that eats my logic also eats my blood, and expands! My logic is very little now, and my mind is going blank... Youta: My logic, don't lose! You're my last chance...!! Sound: Gyu. Youta: Oh!! My body in moving forward strangely! Sound: Gu gu gu. Youta: Finally, my consciousness has been thrown back farther! <108> Sound: Guwa. Youta: Stop!! Sound: Gya. <109> Youta: Ah... Youta: My logic has this view... I'm calming down... <110> Youta: Ah... I'm calming down... Youta: I won... <111> Youta: I can control it... <112> Youta: Wh-What's going on!! Youta: My mind and body are splitting!! Is the monster that eats my logic now controlling my body!? Youta: My hand... Youta: ...Is moving smoothly in a circle... It seems like she really has no underwear... The monster knew it, and put his arm up through the narrow isle to the tower!! <113> Youta: Can't man's instinct be an excuse!? Moemi-chan is serious!! She's trying to get over that story day! Then, if I do this to her, she'll be hurt even deeper!! Youta: No Youta!! If i go further than that, the lock that keeps the monster in prison will be removed!! Youta: Then I can't go back! Wake up, Youta!! Moemi: Do you love me? Sound: Dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun. Moemi: If you really love me... Then it's okay... <114> Ai: If you really love me... I can be human, so... I'm happy to do it... Youta: Ha!! <115> Sound: Za- za- za-. Dokun dokun dokun. Youta: Ai-chan brought back my consciousness which had been thrown away during the fight between logic and the monster... If it hadn't happened, I would've gone further with Moemi-chan... Youta: I think Ai-chan's vision came back because I subconsciously felt bad for Ai-chan... It was like Moemi-chan said, Ai-chan may exists strongly, inside of me. Youta: The monster hasn't calmed down yet... It's energy is roaring and it's struggling to escape from the prison... Youta: Is this love, or just desire... That depends on why Ai-chan exists inside of me, there is a high possibility that it's just desire... Until I find out if it's just desire or love, I can't make love to Moemi-chan! Moemi: Shall we...go to sleep... Moemi: Can I sleep with you? <116> Youta: I hesitated a little bit, but decided to sleep with her. Maybe I should have let the monster out, but... Youta: Moemi-chan is fighting over the scars from the day of the storm, so I will fight too... Youta: The monster that ate my logic hasn't calmed down... But even for a moment, I have a way to get out... The vision of Ai-chan. Sound: Dokun dokun dokun. Youta: I don't know why it has the power to push my excitement away, but I'll depend on it tonight... Sound: Zuki zuki zuki. Moemi: My body is crying... Moteuchi-kun was big, too... It was almost... Sound: Kyun kyun kyun. Moemi: He stopped that close, and how could he stop there? Is it because he cares about me? Or, is it because Ai-chan exists inside him? Moemi: I realized... Either way, he's a very faithful person... Even if he couldn't take me because of Ai-chan, if it were a rude person, he would take me... Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki. Kyun kyun kyun. Jyun. Moemi: Poor Moteuchi-kun... I tormented you too much... Sorry... <117> Moemi: I'll be faithful too... I'll tell him everything... If he hates me, I'll go home... If he forgives me... Moemi: Then I'll let him come to me. I feel sorry for him, that he keeps having a hard time... Sound: Tokun tokun tokun. Ku. Moemi: The most... Moemi: ...I can do right now. Sound: Jyun. Tokun tokun. Moemi: My body is crying... Sound: Dokun dokun. Moemi: It's okay, i won't regret it... Sound: Dokun dokun dokun. <118> Moemi: I'm...sorry, Moteuchi-kun. Youta: Um? Youta: What's wrong? Moemi: I...have been tricking you all day today... I didn't do that because of the stormy day... Moemi: I felt confused about Ai-chan existing inside of you... I wanted you to look at just me... And I tormented and tormented you... In truth, I don't have the courage to give you all of me just yet, but I did something indecent and if you asked for my body, then I was going to refuse you... Moemi: But... You're a nice person, so... A nice person, so... Sound: Za-. Moemi: He hated me... Regardless, I'm a horrible girl... I was really stupid... <119> Youta: I started to like you. Youta: I started to like you more. Your faithful part, I really like it. I also have about you doing that, so... Youta: And until your scars from the stormy day heal, I'll wait. Youta: But... Actually, right now... Well... That, but, because you're sexy... hehehe. Moemi: Moteuchi-kun... Sound: Doki doki doki. Sound: Dokun dokun dokun. Gya. Sound: Dokun dokun. Moemi: If it's Moteuchi-kun, if it's Moteuchi-kun! Moemi: ...The most I can do right now... <120> Sound: Su-. Youta: Eh? What?? Sound: Doki doki doki. Sound: Doki doki doki. Doki. Youta: Moe... Youta: Ku. Sound: Biku. <121> Sound: Piku. Moemi: Sorry... This is the most I can do... Youta: No... No, Moemi-chan, ku. um. Sound: Biku biku. Sound: Su. Youta: Moemi-chan. Moemi: Ha... Moteuchi-kun is... But, I can't go back. I made up my mind. If it's now and in his arms, I may be able to get over it... <122> Moemi: I like him, so... Because I like him very much! Sound: Dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun. Sound: Biku biku. Sound: Dokun dokun dokun. Su. Sound: Piku. Youta: Um. Moemi: Moteuchi-kun! Moteuchi-kun!! Sound: Jun jun. Youta: We can't, Moemi-chan! There is something you have to get over... Half-way finished isn't good. Youta: Until then, I'll stay in hard times as well!! Narrator: Moemi realized that if it's with him, she can get over anything. But she didn't realize that strong trust was the one she wanted. The rain has stopped... With the end of the storm... End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 88: Even Though I'm Not Human Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <126> Youta: Good morning. Moemi: Good morning... Moemi: Didn't you sleep...? Youta: I did... <127> Sound: Ba. Moemi: I look weird after I just wake up, so don't look! Sound: Sa sa. Moemi: You're so warm. Moemi: Can I be with you today, as well? <128> Youta: Oh... Sorry... I have a meeting with Tagashira-san, from the other day, and a person from the publisher... Moemi: Oh... That's not fun... Moemi: I'll go wash my face. Sound: Gaba. Youta: Wa! Your hair looks bad! Moemi: Eh. Sound: Ba. <129> Sound: Guru. Moemi: Kya-. Youta: Be quiet!! After Moemi-chan goes home, I'll let you out of your cage! Moemi: Horrible, it's a huge explosion!! Moemi: Ha. Moemi: You saw it! Sound: Kuru. Bun bun. Youta: I didn't, I didn't! Moemi: Ah, I'm totally awake... I wanted to sleep a little more, but... Sound: Ta. <130> Moemi: Then, I would not be able to leave you, so... Youta: Moemi-chan is going forward... Even through what happened last night... Why do I feel like I'm being left out... <131> Ai: Um... Cold... Sound: Goso goso. Sound: Buru. Ai: I want to pee... <132> Ai: U. What a smell... Ai: Ge... So dirty... Ai: I don't want to, but... I have no time to worry about it... Sound: Kii... Ai: Dammit! I'm not human, so I wish I didn't have such a troubling physiological phenomenon... ...Like I don't have a period... <133> Youta: It's the first time I've been to a place like this... I don't know anything, so I feel very nervous... Goku. Dammit, I started to want to go home... What should I do if this publishing person is rude... What should I do if I'm told that the plans for the picture book have been canceled... Sound: Dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun. <134> Youta: I may be able to work on the picture book. I was told to be a professional after high school. Youta: I can't wait more than two years! Sound: Ga. Youta: Then I can even quit school now!! Sound: Za. Youta: Ai-chan! <135> Youta: Now... Where did she go. If she's not with me, I can't make the picture book... Youta: She may have moved to another park... For now, I'll go look for her around here... <136> Sound: Paku. Ai: I'm famished... This kind of sandwich and milk is my only meal for a day... I can't help it since I don't have any money... Uu... I thought it would get colder. I guess it's because it's getting cloudy... Sound: Buru. Sound: Poro. Ai: Ah. Sound: Poto. Ai: It's wasting. Hi-. Sound: Ta. <137> Ai: I can eat it if I take off the dirty part. Sound: Gu-. Ai: Diet, diet. Ai: Left... Ai: A little over one month, I have to live on 24707 yen. I may starve before my playing time is over... Anyway, it was good that I didn't use too much of the money that Youta gave me... Sound: Kun kun. Ai: Stinks... <138> Ai: If I think about it, I haven't taken a bath since I left Youta's house... I don't want to waste money, but... I'll try the public bath called Sentou. Sound: Za. Ai: It's my first time. I don't know anything, so I'm nervous... Ai: Now! I'll get in, like I'm exploring an unexperienced zone! Sound: Gu. Sound: Gura garu. Doki doki. Man: Miss! Pay first, please!! Ai: Oh, I see... It's a prepay deal... Sound: Biku. <139> Ai: Oh...the Sentou has a special smell. I like it. Sound: Kako-n zaza. Girl: Hey, listen! That girl looks cute, but she stinks. Sound: Hiso hiso hiso hiso. Girl: No kidding, hasn't she taken a bath? Girl: It's rare for people not to take a bath so long that they smell like her. Sound: Hiso hiso hiso. Girl: Hey, don't, she can hear us. Sound: Ban. Ai: Hah! Sound: Guu Guru Gururu Girl: Oh no, she seems hungry. Poor girl. Sound: Susu susu. Hiso hiso. Girl: She must be extremely poor. It's not nice to laugh. <140> Ai: Eh!? Ai: Don't give me this... I don't have an umbrella... I just took a bath. Ai: There's no other way! Sound: Ba. Sound: Bicha. Ai: Why!... Ai: Why do I have to experience this... Is it because I'm not human!? Why does my body start to stink even if I'm not human! Why do I get hungry, I'm not human! Even though I'm not human, why do I have to go to the bathroom! Even though I'm not human, why do I have a complex! Even though I'm not human! Even though I'm not human! <142> Sound: Tsuru. Ai: Kya. Sound: Basha. Ai: U. <143> Youta: Gee... Where did Ai go... End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 89: The Flu Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <146> Ai: Takashi-kun!? Why... Takashi: I saw you getting out of that gap...and I was worried, so. Ai: But... you waited for me in this rain... <147> Takashi: ...Putting up a tent in a place like this, it's like you're hiding... It doesn't look normal at all... Did something happen between you and Youta... Ai: It's none of your business. Takashi: Fu... None of my business, huh. Takashi: I just wanted to get involved in something that wasn't my business once. <148> Takashi: For now, why don't you come to my house. You'll freeze like that. Ai: Warm... Sound: Gata gata. Ai: Takashi-kun is warm, so my cold body is hard on my heart... It's been a long time since someone was kind to me... Sound: Gata gata. Ai: But... Nothing better will happen if I'm saved now... I have only forty more days of life. Youta is going out with Moemi-chan, so there is hardly any chance of becoming human. Ai: And, if I get involved with Takashi... I bet it doesn't matter, but Youta and Moemi-chan's balance may mess up. <149> Ai: It's okay... Please, leave me alone... it here. Takashi: I...see. <150> Takashi: I guess 'none of my business' doesn't quite fit my nature. I feel like if one says okay, then it's okay. Takashi: What would Youta do? Sound: Zaaa. <151> Sound: Gata gata. Ai: ...In the end... I should have asked him to stay... Why did I worry about many things... Ai: Ah... I feel numb... Ai: Co-Cold... <152> Youta: Uh... It feels bad. The underwear is also wet... Youta: Gee... Where did Ai go... Anyway, I have to find her, otherwise, I can't make a picture book... Sound: Tyurururu. Youta: Hello. Youta: Ah... Moemi-chan. <153> Moemi: What's up? You sound down. Youta: Eh? You think so... I'm not. Youta: W-Well... Moemi: Yes. Youta: I'm naked now... Moemi: Eh? Youta: I didn't have an umbrella, so I'm soaked with rain... I'm going to go take a bath. Youta: I'll call you back, sorry. Moemi: Okay, sure. Youta: Bye. Sound: Tsu-. Tsu-. Moemi: ...Somehow, he's cold... It's okay if he calls me back... Sound: Tsu- tsu-. <154> Sign: [The Next Morning...] Youta: It's very room, the rain... How long will it last. Youta: Anyway, I have to find out where Ai-chan is today... If she puts her tent up in the city, I should be able to find her soon... <155> Sound: Goho goho goho. Ai: U... A horrible fever... I guess I've got that thing called the flu... I feel a chill and sore all over my body... The flu is terrible. Ai: Dammit, I want to go to the bathroom... Goho goho. I don't want to move, but I have to go... Ai: U. Sound: Guwan guwan. Sound: Becha. Ai: There's no other way... I'll do it there... Goho. <156> Youta: Shit... She's not here... She might... If she left this town, it's trouble... Youta: Ha. I forgot about one place! I thought she left the room, but... She must be there! Youta: Empty. Youta: ...Anyway... I have to look for her step by step in the city... <157> Sound: Tyurururu tyurururu. Sound: Tyurururu tyurururur tyurururu. Moemi: I guess he's not there. The answering machine hasn't turned on either... Sound: Purururu purururu. Moemi: He said he would call me back, but why doesn't he? Ai: Ha ha ha. Ai: Ha ha. Gu. Ai: ...It feels so painful... ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. <158> Sound: Purorororo. Purororo. Purororo. Moemi: At this hour... Moemi: He hasn't been back... What's wrong? Moteuchi-kun. Sound: Tyururururu. Tyurururu. Gogogogogo. Sound: Tyurururu. Gogogogo. <159> Ai: U... U... U... Sound: Gata gata gata. Ai: Ha ha. Sound: Zukin zukin zukin. Ai: Ah... My going to break... U... U... It's like I'm dying... Somebody... Somebody... <161> Youta: Day break. Youta: Oh yeah... If I look down from the top, I can see since it's bright. <162> Youta: Um. Youta: If I think about it, it's impossible to find that small tent from the top of this building... End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 90: Cool Guy Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <166> Youta: I thought the tent would be noticeable, but... I can't see it, even from the top. I just have to walk around and find her. Youta: Haa... I'll take a little break. Sound: Zu Zu Zu. Youta: Fuu. <167> Youta: Ku- ku-. <168> Youta: Ha! Sound: Ba. Youta: Oops! It's so long!? Youta: Ha ha. Youta: I wasted time!! <169> Youta: Why... I feel very curious. Youta: I'm being pulled... <170> Youta: Th-There it is! Sound: Doki doki doki. Sound: Doki doki. Sound: Doki doki. <171> Youta: Dammit... It's empty again. Youta: It's still warm... It looks like she was just here a while ago... I'll wait a little bit... Youta: If she doesn't come back... I found this place, so... I'll go home for now and come here again tomorrow... Sign: [The Next Day] Youta: It doesn't look like she's been back... What happened to her. Even though I finally find her... <172> Ai: Um... Ai: This is...the old man's apartment... Ah... My head is fuzzy... Ai: I feel like...I had a very long dream... It was a terrible dream. I almost died... Sound: Bo. Ai: Gee. I'm so sweaty... Ai: Ah... A change... Ai: I don't want to catch the flu like in my dream, so... I'll change clothes... Sound: Poi. <173> Ai: What? I'm not wearing panties? Well, who cares... Panties, panties... Sound: Fura. Ai: Um... Anyway, when did he buy the bed. <174> Ai: Anyway... It looks like there are many new things I didn't know about... Sound: Bo-. Ai: No, this isn't the old man's room!! Takashi: How do you feel? <175> Ai: Wh...! Sound: Gara. Ai: Oh. Ai: Gya. Sound: Dosu. Ai: Takashi-kun... Ai: People usually don't look while a girl is changing!! Takashi: Don't worry. I just glanced, but there was nothing interesting, so IO looked away. <176> Ai: Nothing interesting...!? Sound: Pishi. Sign: [The sound of pride being hurt.] Ai: Hey you!! A young, juicy, naked girl is next to you. Don't you see me!? If you're normal!! You must be perverse!? Takashi: You so bold... I like that... I think you're weird, too. Ai: Okay! Don't look this way until I finish changing! If you really start to want to see, then you can. Takashi: Don't worry. I won't look. Ai: ...Anyway... He's so quiet. Even though my head was fuzzy, I didn't notice he was there... Anyway, I'm glad i didn't fart... <177> Ai: Hey. Ai: What's this. Takashi: Ah... Sorry. I was confused, so I washed everything in the laundry... Ai: He was confused? Does he get confused as well. Takashi: Anyway... I feel better. When I found you, you looked dead. You got better, just like magic. <178> Ai: Oh... you saved me... I'm sorry that I complained. Takashi: Don't mention it... It was a coincidence that I helped you... The rain stopped and I had something to do out along the way, I just thought I'd see how you were doing. Ai: I don't know if he's nice...or cold. Takashi: Somehow... It's kind of nice to deal with things that aren't my business. <179> Ai: Oh no, it wasn't none of your business. I don't know what would have happened to me if you didn't bring me here... I really appreciate it. Takashi: But... If it were Youta he would have taken you home by force... Then you wouldn't have had such a horrible flu... Takashi: I thought he should worry about himself and stop worrying about others, but... On the other hand... I envied him... I like that part of him. <180> Takashi: Why don't you stay here for awhile. I won't be here during the daytime since I'm working, and you don't have anywhere to stay, right. And, go to the hospital. See the doctor who came here yesterday. Ai: O-Okay... I've never seen a doctor before. I'm a little scared... What should I do about staying here. I don't want that life again... Maybe I'll depend on him this time. Takashi: I've never worried about girls, but... I guess I can do it because I don't feel like you're a girl... Fu. Sound: Piku. Ai: Basically, this guy lacks delicacy... Sign: [The Next Day.] Doctor: Okay, pull up your shirt and let me see your chest. Ai: Why do i have to show my breasts to an old man. <181> Doctor: It's amazing. you got back to normal. I was even thinking about putting you as in-patient. Ai: I've never caught a cold before, so. Maybe the medicine was efficient? Doctor: your brother must watch you overnight, without sleeping, as i instructed him. Sound: Dosa. Doctor: He was very worried, so, I hope he won't fall this time. Ho ha ha. Ai: I thought he was blasting me, but I guess not. He must envy Youta's kindness... Ai: he must be doing his best to be as kind as Youta... Ai: What? <182> Ai: What are you doing here? How about your job? Takashi: Well. I took today off, too, I just came by since I had to go out. Ai: Too? Then yesterday, also? Oh... Ai: Oh, the tent! I was going to take it down later... Sorry for you time. Takashi: No... i happened to pass by there, so... Ai: He likes "happen" and "coincidence" Sound: Niya niya. Ai: I found one of your good parts! <183> Youta: No kidding... Youta: Where did she go... End of Chapter ----------------------------------------------------------------------