Chapter 91: A Beautiful Mind Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <6> Takashi: Hey... What are you doing? Ai: Oh, you woke up? I'm fixing breakfast. See... You're taking care of me, so I have to do this, at least. Takashi: I didn't know you could do girl things. Ai: He really has one too many words... <7> Takashi: How did you get the stuff. Ai: I just bought bread, eggs, and yogurt at the convenience store... Takashi: You don't have any money, right. We aren't shacking up together. You don't have to do this from tomorrow. Sound: Jyuu jyuu. Ai: Okay, okay, I know. Anyway, I understand how Moemi-chan couldn't bear with this coldness. Ai: I used to live in a second story apartment. How long have you been living alone. Takashi: After the winter vacation began... Since the day of the storm, I started to hate my niceness... I asked something unreasonable to my parents and they let me live alone... <8> Takashi: I'm thinking about quitting school, too... I can't see those two anymore... Ai: Oh... Takashi: A girl's panties are small, but they stretch. Sound: Kon kon. Ai: Don't stare at it too closely. <9> Takashi: If you don't want me to see the panties with your shit, then don't leave it around here. Ai: Is there shit on it!! Sound: Ba. Takashi: I'm just kidding. Ai: Wh-What. Sound: Doki doki. Takashi: The eggs are burning. Sound: Moku moku moku. Ai: Tell me that first!! He must be nice deep down in his heart... I'll try to think like that... <10> Youta: Where is she in this town... Or is she just not in town anymore... Youta: Anyway, I still haven't been able to find Ai-chan... Every time I find a clue, she disappears... Like escaping from me... Youta: This video deck works normally because she's still alive somewhere, so... <11> Youta: The time she said, "I'll help you," I didn't take that opportunity. It's stupid of me to think about that now... Youta: Since then, I haven't seen Ai-chan, or heard her voice either... Youta: For the time being, I was looking for her to ask her for her help on the picture book, but is that all? Youta: I ought to admit that Ai-chan is practically my sister, but I might not accept it so? <12> Youta: I could go the farthest with Moemi-chan that night. For that reason, I told her nice things, like, "Let's get over that stormy day together," but actually, it might not be the reason... Youta: To forget about my feelings toward Ai-chan, I started to... With Moemi-chan... Actually, I... Even now... About Ai-chan... Youta: Stop! Stop! What am I thinking!! <13> Gokuraku: She will disappear sooner or later. I can't help you out even if you start to like her. You can't fall in love with her... Ai: To live like a human seems very difficult, so I don't care about becoming human anymore. Youta: That's right... It's just my emotions trying to destroy the balance, and everyone would feel sad. Ai-chan will disappear sooner or later... She understands very well that it is her fate, so... I can't change her mind or whatever because of my ego. Youta: I have to think about Ai-chan practically... I should have, already. Youta: There is no time to think about these things now, and I don't have time to look for Ai-chan either. Sound: Kodo. Youta: I have to show the coloring of the characters and storyboards publicly tomorrow... Youta: Right now, I have only one way, to duplicate and learn Ai-chan's way of coloring... I'll go with a continuation of the story. It can't be bad... <14> Sound: Doki doki doki. Publisher: Um... Sound: Ton. Publisher: I want to say what happened to you... Youta: Yes. <5> Publisher: I don't feel the energy that I felt from the last one. First, about the story, you have to make it more interesting that the last one if you want to do a continuation... Publisher: This one...seems like you crammed it at the last minute. Well... It's not good... Youta: He hit the bullseye. Publisher: And the pictures, I think, there is no sharpness, like someone else drew them... That coloring and small touches were your good parts... Youta: Oops... So he can notice it... I can't tell him that someone else did the last one now... Publisher: Over all, I feel disillusioned by it. <16> Ai: How are you feeling? Sound: Koku. <17> Ai: Hey... Isn't it time... Tell me where your guy is? Sound: Paku paku. Ai: Eh? What did you say? Natsumi: The other day, I felt better... So I called him at work... Because I don't know... Where he lives... Natsumi: But, as usual, I was hung up on... I'm...really...hopeless... <18> Ai: Where does he work at? Natsumi: ...At the disco, K2R, in Shinjuku... Ai: All right! I'll be sure to bring him here. Natsumi: I's hopeless... And, I think he has a new girlfriend already... And it's troublesome for him, a sick person like me wanting to see him... And... My hair looks bad... My face is horrible... I may not want to see him like this. Ai: That's not true. If you clean like this, you'll look beautiful. <19> Natsumi: AH... You'd better not touch my hair... It's oily...because I haven't washed my hair... Ai: So. Sound: Su. Sound: Su. Ai: It doesn't matter... You're sick so you have no choice about it. You didn't fall in love with some low life guy that would hate you because of that, right? I'm sure he fell in love with you because of your beautiful mind. Ai: Be more bold, otherwise, it's not like you... Natsumi: ...Thanks, Ai-chan... <20> Ai: Excuse me... About the condition of Natsumi Yamaguchi in Room 302. Nurse: Are you her relative? Ai: Ah... No, I'm her friend. Nurse: She's all right, she'll get better. Sound: Niko. Ai: Well, if I make her happy and excited, is it bad for her heart or something? Nurse: No, I don't think so, cheer her up a lot. <21> Ai: That nurse was lying... Her condition must be bad... She was weak... Ai: Look forward, Natsumi-chan! I'll surely bring your guy! Nurse: She said Room 302... That's the person who will be in a critical condition soon, right? The girl who just came seems to only know about the patient's heart. Nurse: Yeah... It's more than her heart... <22> Sound: Tyurururu. Tyurururu. Gacha. Machine: Hello. This is Moteuchi. I'm out right now. Please leave a message after the beep... Pi-. Moemi: Ah... Hello... This is Hayakawa... Moemi: You've been out all the time recently... Moemi: Well... When you come home, please give me a call. Then, bye bye. Sound: Pi-. Youta: Sorry...Moemi-chan. I don't want to talk to anyone right now... <23> Sign: [Eat something good with this.] Ai: He's terribly blunt. He can write nicer than this. Ai: Takashi-kun tries very hard to be nice to people. I was played as a Video Girl, but haven't helped anyone, even Youta... I want to help someone before my playing time ends! Ai: before my playing time ends... End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 92: A Painful Face Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <27> Natsumi: Look in the drawer... Natsumi: There is a picture, right. Natsumi: That's him... Natsumi: I think...he's twenty--one now... Four years older than I am. Natsumi: Just about...a year ago...suddenly, he said he was going to Tokyo... <28> Natsumi: He said he found a job. I don't look like it, but I'm a sissy, so I said, "no," like a spoiled brat... Natsumi: I said that if we separated, our hearts would be apart a far as the distance. But... Natsumi: He said when he could save up some money, he would invite me here and we would live together. So, I let him. Natsumi: For the first month, he called me every day. He said he didn't have a phone, so I couldn't call him... I just had to wait for his call. But then he started not to call me... After three months, I didn't hear from him... <29> Natsumi: I couldn't bear it, so I came to Tokyo. He told em where he was working when he used to call me every day, so i thought I could see him if I went there. But the other employees always kicked me out, so I couldn't even see him... Natsumi: His name is Kouji Shimizu. You'll know his face from the picture. But, I think it's hopeless... He must have a new girlfriend... Natsumi: I've already given up, so... And am ready for death, too... Ai: What are you talking about. I'm sure I'll bring him here, so! You can't give up!! Sound: Ba. <30> Ai: I told her, "I'm sure I will," but... If i can't bring him, Natsumi-chan may quit living... Ai: Okay! Take a chance!! Sound: Gu. Sound: Ba. <31> Sound: Gya gya. Ba ba. Zudada. Don. Ga. Dogyan. Ai: Noisy... Ai: Ugh... Expensive. Ai: Five thousand yen gone so quick... <32> Sound: Dogyagya do do do da da zugya gigya dagya ban ban ba. Ai: What is this... <33> Sound: Don dadada zugyan gya gya ban do do go zan. Ai: know!? Boy: Eh!? Ai: Where is the guy named Shimizu!!? Boy: He's dancing over there!! <35> Ai: I don't know what... But, it's impressive... <37> Girl: Shimizu-san!! Girl: Look at me Shimizu-san! Girl: Shimizu-san!! Ai: He's so popular... Ooops, it's not the time to be impressed! Ai: Excuse me! Get away!! Ai: Hey! Shimizu!! <38> Girl: What a bitch! Girl: She called him Shimizu... Sound: Zawa zawa. Ai: Natsumi-chan is in danger!! Please come to see her!! <39> Kouji: I don't know who you're talking about? <40> Ai: If you don't come, Natsumi-chan will die!! Kouji: Hey! Since when can some junior high kid come in here!? Boy: Oh, sorry. Ai: I'm begging you, so please come see her!! Anyway! Whatever you think!! Ai: It's cowardice to leave something so vague!! <41> Lady: Who is that kid? <42> Lady: Your persistent ex-girlfriend... Lady: Is she her friend? Kouji: She's really annoying. <43> Lady: You say annoying, but you look glum. Lady: Is it possible... Lady: That you still...can't forget about her... Kouji: Impossble. Ai: I'm sure I saw...his painful face for a moment. I think his heart isn't cold! I won't give up!! End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 93: You told me! Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <45> Ai: I wonder why he doesn't go see Natsumi? Ai: He even promised to live with her... Did he simply change his mind? But, what about that painful face I saw last night? Ai: Anyway, to get in here once costs 4000 yen, and I don't have any money. So, I can't come often. I have to see him soon, and persuade him... Sound: Ban. Ai: Wa. <46> Ai: Hey!! How can you kick me out at the entrance!! Give me my money back, my money! Sound: Para. Sound: Batan. Ai: Shit... What do I do now... <47> Ai: All right!! When he goes home is my chance!! I'll wait for him! Ai: I don't think he'd use that entrance, so... There aren't any stairs in the disco, and there's no exit around here. The rear entrance should be somewhere else! Ai: must be here... <48> Lady: How long are you going to stay like that? let's go home. Sound: Uto uto. <49> Sound: Gashan. Bika. Ai: Oh! Dammit!! Ai: This isn't good... Did he already go home... Ai: oh! I'm lucky!! The kitten saved me. Sound: Gacha. <50> Ai: What!? A car!! No...kidding!! Sound: Da. Ai: Oh. Sign: [Empty] Ai: Taxi!! <51> Sound: Shikato. Buun. Ai: Hey!! I'll lose them! Sound: Bu bu. Ai: Now! Sound: Da. Sound: Dan. Sound: Bako bakon. Ai: Let me ride! <52> Sound: Barorororororo. Ai: This apartment is like a high class hotel... Sound: Ga-. Ai: Um? It won't open. <53> Lady: What are you thinking about. <54> Kouji: Why...champagne? Did something nice happen? Lady: Every day I can be with you is like our anniversary. Kouji: I'm tired. Would you leave me alone. Sound: Ba. <55> Sound: Basha. Lady: Does that mean I annoy you by being with you!? Hey!? Lady: Who's giving you this kind of life? Who is giving you good money every month!? Sound: Gugu. Kouji: I'm sorry... <56> Lady: If you understand it, it's okay... Lady: I get upset because I love you. Stay with me forever, then you'll never have any trouble with money. <57> Ai: Oh, here it is... Room 501... Sound: Ko ko ko. Sound: Ko ko ko. Sound: Kashi. Sound: Shi-n. Sound: Ga. Ai: Dammit! What's going on!! Lady: Hold me...Kouji... <58> Ai: I guess...things won't be so easy... If they were so easy, Natsumi-chan wouldn't be having a hard time... Ai: After all, I'm useless. It depresses me... Ai: I wish...Youta were with me... Sound: Pushu-. <59> Youta: ...I'm starting to not be able to do anything without Ai-chan... I need Ai-chan! <60> Natsumi: It was hopeless, wasn't it... Natsumi: I don't expect him to come see me...If he's normal, he would forsake me, who has a short life left to live... I'm not disappointed anymore, and I don't expect anything anymore... Ai: Natsumi-chan... Natsumi: I'll die sooner or later... So I want to, right now... My life doesn't have any meaning... <61> Ai: Are you talking serious? Ai: What did you tell me before. Ai: You told me not to give up my life easily!! Ai: When I said, "I'll disappear pretty soon," you said, "You're still here... You don't have to hold your love back..." That's what you said!! Ai: I will...disappear pretty soon as well... The guy I like doesn't even notice me. <62> Ai: Every time I'm about to give up... I always remember your words. Ai: I'll be disheartened if you don't give me a good scolding, like usual! Sound: Pinpon. End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 94: The Hopeless Person Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <65> Moemi: Can't you do it without Ai-chan's help? Moemi: You'll be okay. I know you can draw. Moemi: Cheer up. If you need me, tell me anything. I'll help you as much as I can. Youta: Thank you... Moemi: Then... I'll call you again. <66> Sound: Tsu- tsu-. Youta: I don't feel better, even though i hear Moemi-chan's voice... Sound: Pako. Youta: It doesn't mean I don't like her or anything... It's not that in that dimension, but I need Ai-chan... It's not "love" or "hate," so I think Ai-chan was a part of my life... Youta: I'm a hopeless guy who can't do anything without Ai-chan... <67> Kouji: Oh, here you come. This way! Come in! Takashi: Oh, okay... lady: Hey, I'm still here! Ask him to leave! Sound: Gu. lady: Wai... Sound: Ba. Sound: Bata. <68> Takashi: Was it okay to let her leave like that? Kouji: It's okay. I planned for her to leave at this time, so. Kouji: Sit down wherever you like. Takashi: Ah... Okay. Kouji: If you were a girl, this wouldn't go so smoothly. We might have to break up, since she's a hysterical woman. <69> Kouji: She'll be okay if I follow it up on an answering machine message. Sound: Tyurururu tyururururu. Sound: Pi- pi-. Kouji: Ah... hello... This is Kouji... I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I don't want to show you to any other guys. I'll make this up, so... Kouji: I love you... Bye. Sound: Pi. Kouji: Want a beer? Takashi: Oh, it's okay. <70> Kouji: We're weird, aren't we? Takashi: Eh? No... I envy people who can say, "I love you," so clearly. Kouji: Uh. I don't love her. She's not the one I really like! Takashi: Eh? Kouji: They think money is everything. They use people with money, step on other people, if it's for money, bow to people with money, don't think think of people as people if they don't have money. That's what they are. <71> Kouji: That's what I say... I talk big, but...I'm also counting on tonight's contract with a talent production, DDC. I want big money and a big chance so much I can taste it. Kouji: I may not be different from them at all. Takashi: ...but... Men go after their dreams... Kouji: You think so? That's right!! When men lose their dreams, it's the end! Hey, we get along well! I'm glad I could see you. Hey, open your beer. Takashi: Ah... Okay. Takashi: Since that incident at the disco with the employee who attacked Moemi-chan, I started to know him, and he invites me over sometimes like this, but every time I visit, he talks like a machine gun... I bet he's a lonely person... He wants to be able to talk openly like this... <72> Ai: I'll persuade him today. Sound: Chira. Ai: Hah! I know it won't work! It's more possible if I wait for him to leave the disco. Ushoto. Ai: Fuaaaa. Sound: Ga-. Ai: Ah!? <73> Ai: Ah!! Ai: Oh, just a minute!! Sound: Suta suta. Kouji: It's a very important time for me, now!! Don't hang around me!! It's trouble for me! Ai: I don't care if it's an important time or whatever, it's about a human life...!! Takashi: Hey, what's going on. Ai: That's what I want to know. Why were you with... Sound: Voooon. Ai: Ah. <75> Ai: Ah... What should I tell her... I can't say, "In the end, I couldn't bring him here..." Ai: Natsumi-chan... hello! <76> Ai: Is it okay for you to stay up!? Natsumi: Yeah, I feel fine today. I may be getting better. Ai: Oh, that's good... Natsumi: And, is Kouji coming to see me? Ai: Well... Natsumi: Fu... Natsumi: Well... Would you not come by anymore? I want you to leave me alone! <76> Natsumi: Even though i do my best to forget about Kouji, I remember him every time you come! You make me expect him, and in the end it's hopeless!! Leave me alone!! Natsumi: Hah! How can you help someone when you can't even succeed in your own love... Natsumi: Get out. Ai: Take care. <77> Sound: Gaku. Natsumi: Sorry, Ai-chan... I had to tell you that much...because you're a nice person... You'll disappear soon, right. You have to think about yourself more than others... Such a nice girl like you shouldn't disappear with a sad feeling, like I am... Haa haa haa. Natsumi: Fuuu. Natsumi: The only person I feel worry about is Youta-kun... Even though Ai-chan does her best, if he's a wimp, nothing will get better... Natsumi: I'll call him and tell him about it... I can't die like this... <78> Ai: In the end, I can't help anyone... Sign: [Natsumi Yamagushi. To Nurse. If something happens to Natsumi-chan, please call this number. Ai Amano] <79> Ai: How do you know him? Takashi: Since the incident when Moemi was attacked. Takashi: I guess he supervised the young employees there, and he suddenly came to visit me. He just kept apologizing and said it was his carelessness... He didn't look like such a cold person... Ai: But he's happy now, making a contract with a production company. Such a guy... Takashi: I remember now. He said, "When I get money, I'll heal my friend's illness..." Ai: Eh? <80> Sound: Tyurururu. Takashi: Hello... Oh, she's here. Hold on a second. Takashi: It's from the hospital. Ai: Eh! Ai: Hello, this is her... Sound: Doki doki doki. <81> Publisher: Like i said, you don't have to rush, so... Publisher: For now, we're thinking about stopping the picture book. Publisher: We think you... Hello? Are you listening? Hello... Sound: Pu. Youta: Ku... Kuku ku. Sound: Gaku. Youta: After all, me dream is gone, too... Stupid... Stupid... <82> Natsumi: Now... Stand up. This is the last time to pull your head up. <83> Ai: It's a lie!! Natsumi-chan can't be in critical condition!! What should I do! What should I do!! Takashi: Calm down! Calm down. Takashi: Let's ask Shimizu-san to come with us! That's the only thing we can do now!! Ai: B-But, they won't let me in there!! Takashi: I'll do something! End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 95: A Moment of Fate Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <85> Natsumi: This is that last time I'll pull you up. Youta: Natsumi-chan. Youta: Why is Natsumi-chan here, where has she been until now. Anyway, Natsumi-chan's hand was stronger than those things... <86> Man: Well, your dance is wonderful every time I see it! It will be accepted by the world! Wahaha. Lady: Kouji, stay with me forever, I can make you bigger and bigger. Ai: Will it really work? Takashi: Don't worry. While I'm paying money at the entrance, you can go in behind me. <87> Ai: Please do a good job! Takashi: Sure. Sound: Gogan. Ba. Dodo. Zugyaa. Sound: Gan. Babagyan. Boy: Welcome sir. Takashi: Hi. Sound: Dokaka. Sasa. <88> Boy: Ah! Sound: Doki. Gyuon. Ai: Be-. Boy: Hey! Wait!! Takashi: Calm down. Sound: Gogodon. Ban. Lady: This isn't so comfortable, so why don't we go somewhere else? Sound: Gacha. Sound: Ban hyun kyu don gaga. <89> Lady: You! Why are you here!! Sound: Ba. Ai: Shimizu-san! Come with me right now! Ai: Natsumi-chan is in critical condition!! Man: Who are you? Get out of here. Kouji: ...She won't die so easily... She's not such a weak person. <90> lady: Kick that kid out! Kouji: Do you understand now? I'm not the kind of guy who is going to see her even if I hear she's in critical condition. I chose money and fame over her. What would happen if I see her now. Ai: You're lying! You're just scared because you may lose your position if you go see her!! You worry about Natsumi-chan's sickness. You said you still love her, right! Ai: What will be there! After you lie to yourself and go after your dream! <91> Ai: We can't help it. Let's go to the hospital, just the two of us. Takashi: I'll stay here. It's not good if Shimizu-san decides to go and doesn't know where the hospital is. Ai: Okay. Takashi: I'm sure...he'll go. Ai: Yeah. Sound: Da. <92> Sound: Gacha. Nurse: Her heart beat is dropping. Ai: Doctor. Haa haa. Doctor: She's still in a coma. Doctor: I hope she has a strong desire to live... Ai: You're lying...!! Ai: What will be there after you lie and go after your dream!! Kouji: How can that girl use all her might for others... Natsumi... After all... I can't let the big chance in front of me go... Lady: Kouji! You shouldn't think about going to that bitch. If you do that, I'll kill every chance for you to survive in this world!! <93> Youta: I don't know what to do... Natsumi: Just be honest to yourself. Natsumi: If you lie to yourself, nothing good will stay inside you, the only thing that will remain is regret. Youta: Like you said, I've been lying... don't know my feelings...well... Natsumi: Then what are you depressed for? Who do you need the most now? <94> Natsumi: You want to see Ai-chan, right... Youta: Do you know!? Where she is!! Sound: Su. Natsumi: ...Calling... Youta: Ah, wait! Youta: ...She's not here... What was it...? ...That... <95> Ai: Natsumi-chan!! You can't die! Please, open your eyes!! Sound: Su. Ai: Natsumi-chan! Sound: Beri. Natsumi: Don't cry... <96> Natsumi: I said...something very rude to I deserve it...I guess...I can' here...anymore... I'm sorry...I shouted at you... Ai: No! I won't forgive you!! I'll hit you when you get better!! Sound: Niko. Natsumi: thing. Listen to my...will... Ai: Not now!! I don't want to hear it!! Natsumi: Be good to Youta... Make as many nice memories as you can... <97> Ai: Okay, okay, so you too will be fine!! Natsumi: ...I... Sound: Giwa. Natsumi: Ah. Sound: Buwa. Natsumi: Th-Thank you...Ai-chan... <98> Ai: Shimizu-san!! Nurse: Doctor! Her heartbeat is getting normal! Kouji: Look at yourself. It doesn't look like you. Natsumi: Kouji... Kouji... Sound: Gashi. Kouji: Forgive me Natsumi... I won't leave you anymore, I'll stay with you forever!! <99> Natsumi: No... It's you important dream, right... Go for it... I won't bother you anymore. Kouji: Natsumi... Natsumi: Ai-chan... Ai: Um? Natsumi: I" happy. Sound: Niko. Ai: <100> Sound: Su. Sound: Suto. Ai: Eh? Ai: Natsumi-chan? Sound: Buru buru. <101> Ai: Natsumi-chan... Sound: Yusa yusa. Ai: Move. Sound: Yusa yusa yusa yusa yusa yusa. <102> Ai: Move!! Ai: Natsumi-chan!! <103> Ai: Uu. Sound: Gacha. Youta: Why did I...come to this place... Ai: Youta! Youta: !? Ai-chan!? Narrator: The wish from Ai's heart called Kouji, and Natsumi's kind prayer led Youta. Do strong wishes call forth miracles? End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 96: The Things Natsumi Left Behind Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <106> Youta: My mind was blank white... Youta: I walked to her unconsciously, like I was led. Youta: Did Natsumi-chan bring me here to let me see Ai-chan... <107> Youta: I can't believe this! Just a while ago, Natsumi-chan was active, and in my room... Natsumi: This is the last time I'll pull your hand up. Sound: Su. Sound: Fu. Youta: She's warm! I can't believe she died!! Sound: Gaku. Sound: Gugu. Youta: I...was only helped by you... <108> Youta: Natsumi-chan... Natsumi: Don't make such a down face. Cheer up. <109> Youta: I couldn't do anything for her... Youta: Shit! Shit!! <110> Sound: Cha. Sound: Batan. Ai: Youta... <111> Sound: Su. <112> Ai: Aren't you going home? Kouji: I'll stay with her a little longer. Ai: Bye... Kouji: Okay... <113> Sound: Za. <114> Ai: I'll call you... Youta: Ah. <115> Youta: I shouldn't have let her go like that... Youta: She said she would call me, but...I can't count on it... Youta: I could finally see her... Youta: It was too sudden for Natsumi-chan to die, and... Too shocking... My mind Youta: It was just white. So, now for the first time, each of those moments come up clearly... Youta: ...Like a dream... That I could hold Ai-chan...and that Natsumi-chan isn't in this world anymore... <116> Natsumi: You really goofed. Youta: Sorry, Natsumi-chan. you let me see Ai-chan, but I lost that chance... If I can, I want to see you and apologize! And I want to be scolded! ...It's such a pain that I can't talk to you anymore... Such a... Narrator: Not only Youta, but Ai and Kouji had their own thoughts in their hearts, and couldn't sleep. They taste the bitterness and weight of a person's death and let their tears sink into the dark of night... <117> Kouji: This is the last place Natsumi spent her life... Kouji: I wonder what she felt and Kouji: If I had seen her sooner, she might not have had to die... Kouji: She's been lonely since her childhood... When she was still in kindergarten, she lost her parents in a traffic accident, and she was adopted by her aunt in Okayama... I heard they didn't take care of her well, either... They didn't come to the hospital at all this time as well, right... <118> Kouji: Uh... I can't talk about others... Kouji: Natsumi would be happy if you had it. <119> Sound: Su. Sound: Ziwa. Ai: I smell Natsumi-chan... Kouji: Niimai-kun... Kouji: I was able to see Natsumi because you stopped them. Thanks. Takashi: I can only do this much. <120> Takashi: Shimizu-san, what are you going to do from now on? Sound: Gu. Kouji: What am I going to do. Kouji: I'll go back to Okayama and think hard. Ai: What are you saying! Ai: Natsumi-chan gave you permission. You can only accomplish your dreams! <121> Kouji: That's right. Youta: As I thought, she didn't call me... I was stupid... I should have stopped here then... A guy like me... <122> Ai: Gee, it's not safe. Lock your door. You wouldn't even know if a thief came in like this. Youta: Ai-chan! <123> Ai: It's been a long time, so I put your type of outfit on. Sound: Hira. Ai: Ah. Youta: Natsumi-chan, I'll be honest. I'll be honest to myself! Ai: Natsumi-chan, I can't ignore it, so I'll listen to your will. I will make nice memories with Youta. End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 97: The Lie Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <126> Ai: It's about time to be hungry, isn't it. I'll fix dinner for you. I bought some stuff. Youta: Well...Ai-chan. Ai: What? Eh!? You don't want to eat my food!? Youta: It's...not like that. <127> Ai: Then wait quietly! I'll fix some delicious food. Sound: Kura. Sound: Doki doki. Youta: Ai-chan!! Sound: Ba. Ai: Oh yeah. Ai: I forgot to buy carrots. Would you go buy some! Ai: I haven't cooked for a long time. <128> Youta: I think she's trying to change the subject... I did something selfish, even if it's too late, I want to tell her my honest feelings... That's...what I learned from Natsumi-chan's last... She can react however she wants after I tell her... Youta: But... I don't want to make it that I can't see another person. I don't want the person living yesterday to suddenly disappear!! If she can become human by making love with a person... If I can help her... Youta: I don't want Ai-chan to disappear!! <129> Ai: Gee... He has girlish tastes... I can't help it... He... Ai: He. Why... That time... Just because it had been such a long time... Ai: I just want to make some good memories, and I don't want Moemi-chan to be sad. I didn't come here for that... Ai: Youta must not be able to make Moemi-chan sad either... If I can make love with Youta, I can be human, but it's impossible. He takes such an action without thinking, and if I take it seriously, in the end, he won't be able to make Moemi-chan sad. So... I have to have a strong mind... <130> Youta: I was surprised. You've become a much better cook. Ai: Really. You said something that made me happy. Ai: When I used to live with the old man, I cooked every day, so I guess I just got polished. Sound: Kata. Ai: Wh-What. <131> Youta: ...Had rice on you face, like a kid. Sound: Po. Ai: He did something that embarrassed me... I can't let him do something lovers would do. We can't go over the line! Sound: Ga. Sound: Gugugu. Ai: It's my rice. I won't let you eat it!! Sound: Gugugu. Sound: Guwa. Sound: Paku. <132> Youta: Fufufufu. Sound: Moga moga. Ai: Dammit. I'm getting upset somehow. Sound: Muka muka muka. Sound: Ga. Sound: Bicha. Bya. Ai: Ke ke ke ke ke. Sound: Shu. Sound: Byu. Sound: Ban ban. Youta: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Ai: It's not nice. Gee. <133> Sound: Tyurururu. Ai: Telephone. Phone! Youta: Hi. Hi hi hi. Sound: Tyurururu tyurururu. Youta: Yes yes yes. Sound: Gacha. Youta: Hello! Moemi: ...What's up? you sound happy today. Youta: Oh... Moemi-chan... <134> Youta: It's because I have a guest now... Moemi: Oh. Moemi: Is it Ai-chan? Sound: Doki. Youta: No... Sound: Doki doki doki doki. Youta: Ku... Why did I lie... Didn't I want to make things clear... <135> Moemi: ...hey...Can I come over now? Youta: Eh... But... The guest is still here, so... Sound: Zu zu zu. <136> Moemi: ...I want to see you... Just seeing your face is fine, so... Is it okay? Youta: ...Sorry. I have a guest today, so... I'll call you tomorrow... Sorry... Bye. Sound: Doki doki doki. Sound: Gacha. Ai: You sounded so cold... poor Moemi-chan... Youta: A-Ai-chan! I...!! Ai: Now, I'll go home. <137> Youta: Go home!? Are you going to live here from today? Ai: Of course not. I told you before, but you have Moemi-chan, so I can't live with you. Ai: But, I'll help you with your picture book. So, I'll come here every day, so tell me ahead of time when you have a date with Moemi-chan. I don't want to come here for nothing. Youta: The picture book... Youta: If I tell her I lost the job, she'll say she doesn't have a reason to come her... But... I just swore to be honest to myself... Like this... okay, like this... Youta: Dammit!!... Youta: Ai-chan... About the picture book... Sound: Doki doki doki. Youta: The job...was canceled... <138> Ai: Even if it's not that job, we can still draw, right. It's okay! Let's do it!! I made a promise with Natsumi-chan to make some nice memories. Let me help you. Youta: Then! Let's talk about the picture book! You don't have to rush home, right!? Please! Ai: I guess so... <139> Moemi: He said it wasn't Ai-chan, but... I wonder who's visiting... Moemi: Who could make him so bright? That person can make him feel better, and...I can't? That means...that... M's Mom: Moemi... We have something to tell you. Come here. Moemi: What? What talk. M's Dad: Well, sit down first. M"s Dad: Actually... <140> M's Dad: Your dad... I've been relocated overseas. Moemi: Eh? M"s Dad: ...It seems like It'll be a long time... M"s Mom: The company offers a place to live, so... M's Dad: I don't want to live apart from you, so... <141> Moemi: No... No!! Moemi: No! I don't want to go overseas!! I'll stay in Japan!! I can live by myself, so it's okay. Moemi: Haa haa haa. Moemi: I don't want to leave Moteuchi-kun! I don't want to be lonely anymore!! <143> Ai: I told you, you don't have to see me off. People would think we're lovers! Youta: Is that wrong? To be thought of like that. Youta: Hah! It's not your style to be embarrassed. Ai: Mu. Ai: Oh yeah! So you aren't embarrassed about even this!! Sound: Ba. Youta: Wa... Sto...p... <143> Ai: See, everyone's looking at us. Youta: A...Ai-chan! End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter: 98: Continuation of Dreams Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <146> Youta: She saw us! When Ai-chan was hugging me... I'm sure, from Moemi-chan's expression... Why is Moemi-chan here... <147> Sound: Kotsu kotsu kotsu. Sound: Doki doki doki. Youta: She's coming! What should I do... How can I explain... Sound: Su. <148> Youta: Ai-chan...!! What are you trying to do!! Ai: I was just...kidding with him, so don't worry. Moemi: Yeah... I know. Ai: Then... You take care of him. Here! Baton touch!! <149> Sound: Pan pan. Ai: He he he. Ai: Bye Youta! Good luck!! Youta: Ah... Yeah... <150> Ai: I have to buy a ticket. Hahaha... Youta: Shall we...go to some tea shop... Moemi: Ah... Sure. Ai: I don't need to buy a ticket since I live in this town... But, I have to hide it from him... If he finds out I live with Takashi-kun... I don't know what he would do... <51> Youta: I guess this situation is called sitting on a married bed... Sound: Dokun dokun dokun. Youta: You seem okay wearing a skirt now... Moemi: I may go back to wearing pants again. <152> Youta: Eh? Why!? Youta: Her words cut into me quickly... They're too hard on my heart... Her words. Moemi: ...About your lie... I can't forgive you, but... It's better... But. Moemi: Why...was...your voice... So... Narrator: She was going to continue with, "bright," but she felt Youta's answer would destroy their balance, so she held onto her word. <153> Sound: Su. Sound: Su-. Youta: ...I feel like... Sound: Biku. Dokun dokun dokun. Youta: We were more friendly when we were just friends... Youta: No! No! I said that without thinking, but I would just hurt Moemi-chan if I tell her now. I guess we shouldn't be together tonight more than this... <154> Moemi: Hey... Youta: Eh? Moemi: Can I come by your house now? Youta: It's...already late tonight,'d better go home... Moemi: ...I see... Sound: Gata. <155> Sound: Su. Sound: Ga. Youta: Come by tomorrow... Moemi: Not to your house... Some nuisance may come as well... Youta: Nuisance?... She means Ai-chan? Moemi: How about in front of here at ten in the morning?... Youta: Ah... Sure. <156> Youta: Then... See you tomorrow... Moemi: Okay. Sound: Ka ka ka. Sound: Pita. Moemi: You...see off Ai-chan...but you don't see me off... <157> Sound: Do. Sound: Ta ta ta. Youta: I was careless... Many things happen in front of me, so... I can't worry about small things now... Youta: While I was spaced out, the end of the year, and the new year have passed... I'm living lazy days... This looseness is exactly like myself... Dammit!! Youta: I have to pull myself together! I talk honestly to Moemi-chan tomorrow... <158> Youta: Wait!!... Moemi: Don't go!! Moteuchi-kun! Youta: I want to know... Moemi: Moteuchi-kun!! Sound: Za za. Youta: Wait! You!! <159> Sound: Gashi. Youta: Haa haa haa. Girl: So you chose me... Youta: Show me your face! Who are you!? <160> Sound: Tyururururu. Youta: Ha. Sound: Tyurururu tyurururu. Sound: Gacha. Youta: Yes, hello. Ai: Good morning, Youta! Youta: Ai-chan! Ai: Well... When should I come over then? Youta: Ah... Well... Today... <161> Youta: The dream I had this morning... It was the continuation of the dream I had about a year ago... That unknown girl was the same person who was in the dream I had when I met Ai-chan for the first time... I didn't listen to Moemi-chan and I ran to that girl... That short-haired girl...might be Ai-chan... Youta: And today she said, "So, you chose me..." Youta: This dream may be suggesting what will happen today... Youta: Where...should we go? Moemi: Somewhere that doesn't cost anything, and...without disturbances from anyone... <162> Youta: School... For sure, no one would come to school on January fourth... But, why school... Moemi: It's been a long time... It's been a year since I came to this class last time... Youta: The stove is getting warm. Moemi: I...may not be able to come to school anymore... Youta: Eh? <163> Moemi: Come here. It's warmer by the windows... Youta: It is... Moemi: Hey... Kiss me. End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 99: I Like Moemi-chan Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <165> Moemi: Kiss me... Youta: I like Moemi-chan... But, I'm trying to break up with her... Then she asks me for a kiss... Youta: She's been quiet since I met her today. If she sensed something, it may be the last kiss that makes up her mind... Youta: Maybe, I may finish our relationship cleaner than I imagined. Youta: With this last kiss, we are... <168> Youta: After the year broke, the clubs are on vacation, there are no night-duty teachers or janitors... Youta: At the quiet school, which is like a different world. Youta: I'll kiss her a little longer with this feeling of freedom, since we're alone in this open and closed space, and the complicated feelings of our last kiss... <169> Sound: Poro poro. Youta: Moemi-chan... Sound: Ku. Moemi: I...won't lose my heart. Youta: As I thought... Moemi-chan seems to know what I'm going to tell her and what is waiting for her. She's holding herself back... <170> Youta: What are you doing? Moemi-chan... Moemi: It's a Youta: Mo-Moemi-chan. Moemi: No!! Please, stay like this... Youta: With Moemi-chan's harsh voice... I can't move. Youta: Is she unbuttoning her coat... Wait... I've heard, "It's hot," before somewhere... Sound: Su. Sound: Su. <171> Sound: Basa. Sound: Doki doki doki. Youta: This is... Youta: Like... Sound: Doki doki doki. Youta: Just like in my dream! <172> Youta: ...Why... Moemi: I can be seen if it's Moteuchi-kun. Not only that. Moemi: I can give all of myself. <173> Moemi: I want to keep both your heart...and your body... Sound: Su. Sound: Pikun. Youta: N...No. Sound: Gi gigi gi. Sound: Fuwa. Moemi: Look at me! <174> Youta: It's not good, Moemi-chan... Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki doki. Youta: If I just turn back, there is the naked Moemi-chan I dreamed about. Moemi: Aren't you interested in me anymore? Or am I not attractive to you? Moemi: How am I different from Ai-chan? What am I lacking? I'll do my best to get closer to Ai-chan, so please! Look at me before that! Youta: Moemi-chan! What are you saying... <175> Sound: Dokun dokun dokun dokun. Dokun dokun dokun dokun. Youta: I didn't see her this day. I understand so much in my mind. Youta: But Moemi-chan is beautiful, and... This is a special spell... Sound: Dokun dokun. <176> Youta: Moemi-chan's body is dazzling in how it reflects the sunlight... That each particle of light tempts me with sweet whispers... <177> Youta: My body has no freedom... I am drawn towards her... <178> Moemi: Don't leave me alone...anymore... Youta: Moemi-chan... <179> Youta: This isn't a dream. Even if i look outside, there is no grass field, or that short-haired girl. <180> Youta: I like Moemi-chan... I still like her very much... But I'm thinking about breaking up with her. I like Moemi-chan very much, but Ai-chan is also an important person to me... ...She'll disappear pretty soon, so I can't leave her alone. I like Moemi-chan... <181> Youta: I want to be with Ai-chan as much as I can before she disappears. Then I know I can't give much attention to Moemi-chan... Youta: I like Moemi-chan. That's why I can't ask her to wait until Ai-chan disappears, such a selfish thing, so even I know no one will be with me in the end. Youta: I still think I should break up with Moemi-chan. <182> Ai: Fuaaa. Ai: Today is the fourth of January... Ai: Until i disappear... One more month... <183> Youta: I'm going to break up with Moemi-chan... Youta: But this isn't a dream, so there are no fields of grass or a short haired girl. Nobody will come to disturb us, so... Youta: I feel like I'm going to hold Moemi-chan... End of Chapter ----------------------------------------------------------------------