Chapter 100; Separation Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <6> Youta: If this were my dream, this is about the time the short-haired girl would come to stop me... Youta: But this is realty... not a dream. That girl won't be here. Youta: Because of Moemi's pitiful state and beauty, I've lost more that half my mind. Youta: No!! Sound: Su. Youta: I can't do this!! <7> Moemi: Here he comes!! Sound: Piku. Sound: Guwa. Youta: ...Laying on the floor naked is cold, isn't it ... Sound: Dokun dokun dokun... Moemi: ...Then... why don't you warm me up... Sound: Doki doki ... <8> Youta: This isn't good!! I'm doing the opposite thing. I can't stop anymore. Youta: I don't even know why I came here... This weak mind... too weak... so my tears swell!! Moemi: Hold me! Hold me tight!! Don't hesitate anymore... please. Don't leave me, stay with me like this. Youta: Because of these tears, I can't see the field or the girl who stops me. My sight is even fading. <9> Youta: It doesn't matter! There's nobody who'll stop me! Youta: I should go! Don't worry! Youta: Go... <10> Sound: Su. Moemi: What should I do? What's he trying to do? I'm okay! I'm not scared... I'm not scared of anything. Sound: Doki doki doki. <11> Sound: Doki doki. Sound: Fuwa. Youta: I'm sorry. Youta: We... can't... anymore... Youta: In the end I'm rescued... Like I thought the girl with short hair was Ai-chan and she lives in my heart. I can't kid myself about that fact... <12> Moemi: No... don't talk... I don't want to hear it... Youta: We... anymore... Sound: Ba. Moemi: I said I don't want to hear it! Youta: ...better break up. <13> Sound: Ku. Youta: This way I can't make you sadder... Moemi: How... can you... how can you say such a selfish thing... Moemi: You're the one who asked me to go out!! Why is this happening? It's cruel! Don't you think so! <14> Youta: I'm sorry... Sound: Don. Moemi: Why! Sound: Gu. Moemi: Why... Moemi: What did I do wrong? Hey... Moemi: Is Ai-chan so much better? Hey! Would you start liking me if I act like Ai-chan!? <15> Youta: You didn't do anything wrong, Moemi-chan... Moemi: Then... why... why... Youta: Sorry... Moemi-chan isn't wrong at all. Even now I like her very much. Actually, I don't want to break up. But... it sounds very weak, Ai-chan is also an important person to me... I can't leave a girl who might disappear. <16> Youta: I wonder if this was okay. ...such an important person like Moemi-chan... I was the one who was angry at the person who hurt Moemi-chan, and now I hurt her much deeper... Youta: But If I don't do this now, I would hurt her more... Anyway, today I broke up with Moemi-chan, who I like very much... Youta: The next day... Ai-chan didn't come because she had something to do. It was good for me... Because I wanted to be alone. Narrator: - Day after the day... <17> Ai: Hi. Youta: Hi. Ai: Are your eyes red? What's wrong? Youta: Nothing's wrong. Ai: You seem strange, today. Youta: I must... just be strange. Something's wrong with my brain... <18> Ai: What's this? It looks very clean. It doesn't look like we're going to work from now on. Youta: I'm not ready yet. Ai: Then, let's get started. Youta: We can't start without illustration board. Ai: Wallet. Ai: I'm going to buy them for you. Youta: Hey. <19> Youta: We don't have to write a picture book, right? Then we can just stay together. Ai: What? Youta: To make some good memories, we should go out on a date. Ai: In your case you have somebody to do that with, so do it with your girlfriend. Youta: Then... why don't you be my girlfriend. <20> Ai: Do you know what you're saying? Youta: You said you wanted to make some memories quickly because your playing time isn't so long anymore, right? You can't hide it, I heard you when you were talking to that guy with the long coat. Ai: Do you want me to say something? Ai: It's your worst part! Youta: Eh? Ai: I don't know what you are trying to do for me, but you just pity me because my playing time isn't very long. You're just misunderstanding that as love. <21> Ai: While I'm out shopping, think about it again! Youta: Ah. Sound: Batan. Youta: It's not true, Ai-chan. It's not anything like that... Ai: Idiot. He's not thinking about what he said... What's he going to do about Moemi. <22> Ai: Look! I bought a lot of illustration boards. I'll make him write so he can't think weird thoughts. Ai: Um? It's Nobuko-chan! But why? It's been a while. Youta: -I don't have to rush... because it's just like my dreams now. If the girl in my dream... Girl: You're choosing me. Youta: - so, she'll surely accept me... Um? I see... It might be... I was curious because she looks different than Ai-chan, but... Youta: That might be Ai-chan when she becomes a real person... Sound: Gacha. Ai: Youta, it's your guest... I'll be downstairs. <23> Youta: Mo... Moemi: How about this? Do I look like Ai-chan? Sound: Su. Moemi: I won't break up with you. <24> Ai: Break up? That idiot said that to Moemi-chan!? Moemi: I can't be a good girl any more! I only have you... Youta: Such... Narrator: Youta was shocked about Moemi's look more than anything. Because that image of Moemi is exactly like that of the dream girl who he believes he's destined to end up with. End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 101: Eager to return Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <27> Youta: Why... why did you cut your hair? Why? Moemi: You like girls with short hair like Ai-chan, right? Moemi: I'll never wear skirts either... You like tomboys like Ai-chan., right? <28> Moemi: Isn't this enough? Do I have to talk like boy, too! Like Ai-chan!! Youta: How can you say such a stupid thing!! Ai-chan is Ai-chan and you have your own good points!! Moemi: Stupid thing? <29> Moemi: What do you mean stupid thing!! You won't look at me if I don't do this!! Always, you just look at Ai-chan!! Youta: So... I said we should break up... Ai: Youta Sound: Gacha. <30> Ai: Moemi-chan. Ai: Youta. Ai: Why do you have to break up with Moemi-chan? Youta: ...Why... Ai: Why! <31> Youta: I have only one way to go now... I can't do anything better than this... I had better say it clearly... I might hurt Moemi-chan more, but... Youta: ...Why? ... Because... the one I like is... Ai: It's Moemi-chan, right!? You kept talking about "Moemi-chan, Moemi-chan" From morning till night!! Sound: Ga. Ai: Are you saying you want to break up while you like her so much? It doesn't make sense!! <32> Ai: Now I know why your eyes were red. Why do you have to break up if it's so hard for you!? Sound: Boso boso. Moemi: You know very well about Moteuchi-kun. Moemi: You sound like you know everything because you've been staying with him all day. <33> Ai: Moemi-chan... Moemi: You talk nicely... I don't care why you're smoothing it out... Just be yourself... Moemi: Don't be a good girl, just be yourself!! You like Moteuchi-kun, right!? Then why don't you say so! <34> Ai: Like Moemi-chan said... I like Youta. Sound: Piku Ai: ...But ... Ai: I like Moemi-chan as much as I like Youta, but... <35> Ai: But the two of you here aren't the ones I like very much. Where did Youta and Moemi-chan gone! <36> Ai: Why do we have to hurt each others? Let's go back to the time when we were eating dinner. <37> Sound: Su. Moemi: That's right... Sound: Fu. Moemi: I wanna go back... Moemi: Hah. Sound: Ki. Moemi: I'm going home... today! Ai: Ah <38> Sound: Gacha. Ai: Moemi-chan! Ai: I want to talk to you alone. Please see me tomorrow. Sound: Batan. Youta: Why did Ai... bring up those old things, like eating dinner together... <39> Youta: As I expected, did her memory come back... <40> Moemi: What would talking do for us... I can't be kind any longer... saying such a selfish thing... Moemi: But... Moemi: But I feel confused!! I can't hate Ai-chan... <41> Gokuraku: He's hiding the important part from me. Gokuraku: What will be the results of my programming... Gokuraku: He said this is for Ai but... I feel something bad would happen... <42> Sound: Za. Rolex: Ai, I made you feel nervous till now. Rolex: Pretty soon it will be completed... Look forward to it. <43> Sound: Byuu. Narrator: Twenty-eight days until the end of Ai's playing time... End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 102: Cannot hate Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <46> Youta: Now... What should I write... Ai-chan said she'll come here tonight, so... Youta: I want to think of something to work on together until then... Youta: You're up early today... Ai: I'm think I'm going to call Moemi-chan so we can meet, but I don't know her number, so give it to me. <47> Youta: About that, you can talk to her on the phone, right? Ai: No... I have something to tell her face to Ai: Okay, Youta! I'm going to take back your words, "Breaking up with her," that's what I'm going to talk to her about, okay. Youta: It's arbitrary... Ai: I have no ears to listen with. If you want to say something, I'll listen to you tonight. <48> Sound: Ki. Youta: Such a selfish girl... what is she going tell her... <49> Ai: Ah... I guess she won't come. Ai: While she was on the phone, she didn't say anything and she didn't reply to me, so... <50> Ai: Even if something would happen, I can't cry... Ai: I brought a "brave charm", Natsumi-chan's cap, but... Ai: No meaning now, huh... Ai: Ah, hello. Moemi: What are we going to do now? <51> Sound: Jari. Moemi: You said you wanted to talk to me, but do you have something to talk about? Ai: Um-... <52> Sound: Puni. Moemi: No. Ai: It's soft. Ai: I envy you. I would touch my bone if I did it to myself. I want to be full like you, Moemi. Sound: Muni muni. Moemi: It's very unnatural... I know you're insulting me, that way. <53> Moemi: Plus, I'm not trying to look like you of my own accord. It's confusing, but this is the only way I can keep Moteuchi-kun for myself. Sound: Su. Ai: Natsumi-chan! Please help me to keep from losing my courage!! Natsumi: Hey, hey, What's wrong!? You don't need my help, right? I'm sure you know why the girl would say this, so. <54> Natsumi: To begin with, you know many of her good parts, right? See! Do your best!! Ai: Natsumi-chan, thank you! I was able to keep myself from crying... Ai: Moemi-chan!! Moemi: What? Ai: No matter what you say, I'm okay, so let's talk face to face. Look at me. <55> Moemi: I ... don't want to see your face. Ai: Because you're kind... Moemi: What are you saying? I'm not kind! Till now I was just faking! Actually, I'm very cruel. Moemi: I hate you! Sound: Zuki. <56> Ai: ...I see... Natsumi: Do your best! Ai: I understand... It's natural that I'm hated... If I wouldn't exist, you and Youta wouldn't be like this... Ai: Even though, I like you! <57> Ai: What I'm saying is not meant to assault you. I aspire to be like you very much, you can cook very well and you worry about others, I want to learn these things from you. I think Youta likes you because of these things. Ai: For many reason Youta seems to be crazy but... when he takes back his words and doesn't break up... When you see him... at that time... Ai: Please be what you used to be. Moemi: Why... why so... <58> Moemi: I... am not good with competition, so... I did my best. If I hate and hate and hate you so much... Moemi: Then typically, I might give Moteuchi-kun up, so... Sound: Gu. Moemi: Why are you such a nice girl? I can't hate you. <59> Ai: I... am going to be separated from Youta pretty soon. <60> Ai: That's why I told him I want to finish the picture book before that... Ai: He's very simple and clumsy, so he said that. Sound: Ga. Ai: I guess he thought he shouldn't say such a convenient thing like,"Wait till we finish the book..." I think he thought he shouldn't make you sad... He was so sad his eyes became red, such an idiot... <61> Ai: That idiot only worries about others even though he doesn't have a brain, that's why something like this happened. Ai: But, it's also his good part too. Moemi: ...cruel. Ai: Eh? Moemi: Ai-chan... you're a little cruel, aren't you? Ai: Ah... Moemi: ...saying 'stupid, stupid' about Moteuchi-kun. Ai: Mo... Moemi-chan... Moemi: Moteuchi-kun isn't stupid! <62> Moemi: He's extremely stupid and a shitty guy. Ai: Moemi-chan... Ai: You finally smiled. Moemi: A... Ai-chan... End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 103: Trust Me Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <64> Moemi: ... Moemi-chan... <65> Moemi: What. Ai: I was a go-between for you and Youta, and I might sound inconsistent but... Ai: I don't want to quit working on the picture book, then... Ai: You might not be able to date him for about a month, so... I wanted to talk to you about it... <66> Ai: Oh yeah. How about this? You come to Youta's house everyday as well, and... what can you do... Anyway you'll just be with him. Moemi: Uh-um. It's okay... I'll wait for him till you guys finish the book. Ai: Thanks... Moemi-chan... <67> Youta: I see. You guys were talking about that, huh... Ai: Sorry, I didn't ask your permission to do this...but... <68> Ai: You still like Moemi-chan... and I'll disappear soon, so if you think well, you'll know what's best. Youta: About Moemi-chan... honestly it might be true. But even though I asked myself so many times, I still like you more than Moemi-chan... Ai: Like I told you the other day! You're worried about me disappearing. Youta: It's not true. It's not sympathy. Ai: So! <69> Ai: Have you ever thought about sleeping with me!? <70> Ai: Ha. How about that! It was persuasive, huh? did you understand well? Ai: So... Sound: Kuru. Sound: Ga. Sound: Kun. Sound: Dosa. Bu. Sound: Ga. <71> Ai: You're violent. Youta: Shut up! <72> Ai: Do you want me to tell you something? Youta: What? Ai: This is not "Sleeping with me," this is called, "Raping me"! Youta: Eh...? Sound: Ba. <73 Sound: Gu. Youta: Uh. Giee!! Sound: Doka gasya syan. Ai: Even though I had to, I grabbed something weird. Ai: What's that soft thing? You're not even excited and you're trying to sleep with me? Ai: I prefer strong guys... No thank you. <74> Ai: Even though you try, you're too honest to lie to yourself. Youta: I... Youta: I can't just watch you disappear! Ai: Youta... I won't die. I won't be erased either. Just... the loan period will be over... that means... <75> Sound: Su. Ai: Someday... when you're depressed... if you still have a pure mind, we'll be able to see each other if you rent my tape from Gokuraku. I'll cheer you up then... <76> Ai: Okay? Youta: Do you like that? Don't you want to be human... isn't there any way you can be human? Ai: Of course I... think this is okay... I can't be human... and there's no way... Youta: I wanted to say "That's a lie! There is a way to become human", but... if I know it, then it will be nulled. I can't say a word. When I say it, Ai-chan will lose her chance to become human. <77> Youta: But even if I would be quiet, there seems no possibility... Ai-chan already made up her mind, she doesn't care... then I have to make up my mind too. Sound: Ba. Ai: If you think about me... and worry about me, then... Ai: Please be good to Moemi-chan, and let me spend the rest of my time in kind surroundings. That's my wish. Youta: Ai-chan. <78> Youta: ... that's right... what I feel about is what Ai-chan said... Youta: But... I can't say such a thoughtless thing now... <79> Moemi: I will wait because I want to. Moemi: If you remember me when you finish the book, then come back to me. But if you forget about me... Moemi: If you forget about me, that's okay that way. I'm just waiting because of myself. It's okay, right? <80> Youta: It's ... not okay at all. I'll come after you for sure! Moemi: You're stupid... If you say that, I'll take it seriously and trust you. Youta: Trust me... <81> Moemi: Already... I trust you. Youta: Sure... Rolex: What do you want? It's rare that you call me... Sound: Ni. End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 104: Happy day. Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <83> Ai: I have something to ask you. <84> Rolex: What is it? ... anyway... I listen for you. Ai: Right now... I'm planning to write a picture book with Youta... Ai: but it takes time... <85> Ai: Can you extend my playing time till we finish the book? Please give me time. Ai: Please. Rolex: ... Even though you didn't ask, I have something in mind that would extend your playing time. Ai: R-really!? <86> Sign: [Chapter 104: Happy day] <87> Station: Line three, the train is arriving, please stand inside the white lines. Youta: I really think we can't see each other for about a month, but are you going to be okay? Moemi: I'm okay. The winter vacation will be over tomorrow, and school will start the day after tomorrow. Then a month will pass quickly. Sound: Puaaaa. <88> Sound: Gagagaga. Moemi: See you soon. Sound: Gatan gatan tata. Youta: Okay... Sound: Pusyuuu... Moemi: W-well... my father will transfer to... <89> Sound: Rurururururu. Youta: Eh? What did you say? Sound: Pusyu. <90> Moemi: In one month... when Moteuchi-kun finishes his book... I might not be in Japan... Sound: Tatan tatan tatan. Moemi: Moteuchi-kun's promise came from his kindness which Ai-chan taught me. He didn't say it just because of the situation, I think his words are something he must live with, such heavy words... But the promise will bring him pain soon... Don't worry. I don't trust that promise... so. <91> Moemi: But... I'll wait for him... that's the only thing I can do. There might be 1/10000 chance... Youta: ...Wonder what Moemi-chan was trying to say... Youta: Anyway I told her to trust me... I have to give up Ai-chan... Youta: Um... from Dad... that's odd... <92> Ai: Tou!! Sound: Dou. Ai: Did I scare you? Youta: I thought I would have a heart attack!! Ai: You were scared, huh! I see! I see! Sound: Ban ban ban ban. Youta: Ouch!! Ouch!! Ouch!!! Ai: Um. What is this? <93> Youta: Darn, she ignored me... Ai: Hey! Who is this... Daizo? Youta: My dad. Ai: Eh!? Is that so!? Hey! Hey! Can I read it!! Youta: Sure? Ai: Well... " How are you, my son..." okay... " I heard from Tagashira-kun... but you're drawing a picture book...", okay. Ai: "Don't you want to come here to study?... It's also meant as an apology because I couldn't do anything for you as your dad"... Hey! Ai: Where's your dad at? Youta: ... In Paris... <94> Ai: Paris!? It's great!! You should go!! Youta: Idiot... What am I going to do about Moemi-chan... Ai: Oh... that's right... But your dad is asking you... Youta: It's okay... He's been selfish, he must be capricious this time again. It's okay to leave it alone. Ai: Oh yeah. Youta: By the way! You look happy. Did anything good happen? Ai: He he he. It's a secret. <95> Ai: Surely! ... finish it!! ... the picture book!! Youta: Yeah. Ai: If I come to Youta's house, I can take a bath for free. It's very reasonable. Sound: Syawa. Ai: I can wash as much as I want too, and the dryer is also free. I don't have any more money so this helps me a lot. <96> Rolex: Even though you didn't ask, I have something in mind that would extend your playing time as a result. Ai: That guy warmed up little bit. Kusu kusu. Sound: Kyu. Ai: Now I don't have to worry about time and I can do my best to write the picture book. Ai: Um! I have a good idea!! If I take time, I'll have longer playing time!! <97> Sound: Kakan. Ai: ... Shit. I didn't bring my underwear... the one I was wearing is in here... Do I still have one of my panties left in my room? Sound: Gooooo. Sound: Bata bata bata bata. Youta: What's she doing in the isle? Sound: Dota dota dota dota. <98> Youta: Hey! What are you doing!! Sound: Ba. Sound: Gan. Ai: U. Ai: Ouch... Youta: Again, you're walking around like that!! Throughout my memory of high school, junior high, elementary school, and even kindergarten, for 17 years, I've never seen a girl without shame like you! Ai: Wait! 17 years old... I see. You are already 17 years old! Youta: What! Of course, you're 17 too, right? Don't change the subject!! <99> Ai: No, I'm not!! I'm 16. I'll never be 17. Ai: I'm a video girl, not a person. I don't age and in the first place, I don't have a birthday. When am I going to age? <100> Ai: When you'll be an old man, I'll still be 16. It's kinda sad... Ai: Of course I won't be playing that long. Youta: Ai-chan. Ai: Hey don't look so down! I had a happy day today, you would destroy it. Youta: Okay. Youta: By the way, wear something or you'll catch cold!! Ai: Oh yeah, I don't have any comfortable clothes, let me borrow your sweatshirt. <101> Gokuraku: I'm still not clear as to what I'm making because that man holds the key part... but I feel that I shouldn't complete this. If my guess is right... this is... Gokuraku: I'm working for him... I kept it inside of me through all that happened, but... after I confirm with him what this is... then I may have to report to the elder... End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 105: Happy Tears Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <103> Ai: January 9th, afternoon, he was strange from the beginning... Youta: Oh! You came!! Put your stuff down!! Quickly. Youta: Good! Let's go!! Sound: Ba. Ai: Eh? Just a minute. Ai: Where are we going!? Aren't we going to write the picture book? Youta: Ah? We're going to buy art supplies. Sound: Batan. Ai: Both of us? Youta: ...It's a little heavy, so. Ai: ...By the way, lock the door. Lock it if we go out. <104> Sound: Dadan dadan. Sound: Pusyu. Ai: Hurry and buy them, and come home quickly! Sound: Gashi. <105> Ai: What? Aren't you getting off!? Youta: They don't sell them in Kichijyouji. Sound: Purururu... Sound: Psyu-. <106> Ai: Gee, so many people!! Ai: Many of these people look like high school kids, but I thought winter vacation was over. Youta: Like our school, their school's vacation last until today too... that's why. Ai: By the way, this too... <107> Youta: Um? Ai: Well... I forgot what I was going to say. He he he... Let's go shopping! Ai: Almost... almost, I was going to say, "It's been a long time since we've walked through this town." If I said that, he would know my memory had returned... Ai: Then he wouldn't be able to calm down... Finally, now that everything has settled down, I want to avoid destroying it... Oh well. <108> Ai: Didn't they have what you wanted? Youta: Um--... Youta: Hey! We came here, so do you want to play around a bit? Ai: Eh? Ai: Um- what should I do... wouldn't it be disgraceful to Moemi-chan... Is it okay if it's just for a short time? It's okay since my playing time extends until we finish the book. Ai: Okay... Let's play a little bit! Youta: Nice going!! <109> Ai: Wow, it's been a long time!! This is the bowling alley Youta and I went to the first time! Sound: Gakoon. Youta: How long do we have to wait? Clerk: You can play now. Sound: Gara gara. Gao. Ai: ...A little sentimental... Ai: He might be trying to bring back my memory. That's why he's trying to take me to places we've been... If that's so, this isn't good! He would know my memory has returned if I start looking sentimental. Youta: Um? Ai: Ha ha ha. Wh-what should I do... It's not good to change my attitude all of a sudden... <110> Sound: Suka. Youta: Um-- Ai: Wow, you're doing great. Youta: G--. Because you distracted me from behind!! Ai: Ah, bad teeth. Hey, this is the final frame, you can bowl one more time, lucky. Youta: Gee... Sound: Ka. Youta: Um! <111> Ai: Big chi...* * She started to say "chinko" which means penis. Sound: Pyu-bun. Ai: Keta keta keta. Ai: Okay! I won't way it anymore! Ai: Gee, I laughed and laughed. Ai: It's been a long time since I laughed like this... Ai: It's just like that time. <112> Ai: Ooops... Ai: I have to stop these sweet emotions...So is this what Youta is trying to do?... What he said about concentrating on the book is a lie, and he must be thinking of something that would make Moemi-chan sad... Ai: But why? I'm going to disappear soon.. Choosing such a girl... why? Youta: What's up? You look down. Ai: There's probably one answer... he knows the condition that will make me human. Let's go home now... <113> Ai: We went to the tea house after bowling... this is exactly like going through "The anniversary of the first date with the dress that Youta gave me." That anniversary hasn't happened yet, so he's simply trying to bring back my memory by taking me to memorable places. Ai: Youta, I already got my memory back, and I suppressed my feelings of liking you. So it's impossible for you to do this! We can't waste time, right... Moemi-chan is waiting for you... Youta: Just today... let's not talk about Moemi-chan... Ai: Those words are also what I said then... So I'm not wrong. You're trying that. But Youta, if you know what it takes to be human, then I can't be human... <114> Sound: Dadan dadan dadan dadan. Ai: Why is he so restless... Youta: Oh, yeah! Ai: He said, "They might sell them," and when we got off at the station, we really got off. Ai: Hey, can we find the art supplies here!? Sign: [The Great Maze] Youta: Two student tickets. Ai: Hey you, Youta! Are you listening? <115> Youta: Okay! Let's go!! Sound: Gui. Ai: Wait. Youta: It's not so popular recently, so nobody's here. Good! Good! Ai: Hey, hey. Ai: Hey! Ai: What is this! Aren't we going to make a picture book!? Aren't you thinking irresponsibly, while Moemi-chan is waiting for us to finish the book!! Ai: From the beginning, you didn't plan to buy art supplies! Youta: Yeah... Sound: Kuru. Ai: I don't know what the significance of taking me around is, but I won't change my mind!! I'm going home! <116> Ai: Um. I don't know how to get home... Ai: Hey... Yo... Ai: He's not here, damn him... Ai: Haa. Haa. I think I've been walking around in the same place for more than ten minutes... Ai: Haa haa. Sound: Za. Ai: Is this the exit!? <117> Sound: Kiiiii. Ai: Gee, so dark... just a check point, hunh... Ai: Th-this is... Sound: Gyu. Youta: Snow... Sound: Za za za. Sound: Za za. Sound: Za. <118> Youta: You look good... no change. <119> Ai: I tried to pretend not to know... tried not to know... But... I lost... Youta: I... knew your memory had returned. See... that time you said something about us eating dinner with Moemi-chan... It was before you lost your memory... Youta: I was planning to celebrate "The anniversary of the first date with the dress that Youta gave me," a little bit earlier today... We're not going to have much time later because of the picture book. But... the first reason for this is... Sound: Su. <120> Youta: Well... It was in may bag all day, so... It looks bad... but... I have a good one at home... Youta: Anyway... I wanted to surprise you... so I made this... I'm not good with these things, so... I couldn't do it so well, so. You... misunderstood and it made you worry, but... Youta: ...yesterday... you said you don't have one ...I don't think so. Just a year ago, the last day of winter vacation... I met you... and you were born into this world, so... Youta: Ah, why... <121> Youta: Don't cry. Did I say something wrong... Ai: Stupid... stupid... Youta: Anyway... Happy Seventeenth Birthday... End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 106: A Change in Feelings Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <124> Ai: Now I have a birthday! Youta celebrated it for me!! Ai: Just because of that... just that, I feel so happy!! <125> Youta: Hey!! Are you listening to me!? Ai: Sure!! I'm listening! Ai: Then! What is it! Sound: Chira. Youta: Okay... <126> Teacher: So... Teacher: What are you going to do? Without quitting school, and doing your best one more year? Your parents are worried to leave you alone in Japan. Moemi: A little more... I want to think it over... a little more. <128> Moemi: Over these houses... Moteuchi-kun and Ai-chan are writing a picture book... <129> Youta: Trust me! Moemi: If I don't trust that promise... then I should go to Geneva... But, I can't make up my mind because of a tiny expectation, and I like him. Moemi: I... What should I do...? What should I do that would be best for Moteuchi-kun? Moemi: Hey... Moemi: Moteuchi-kun... What should I do? <130> Youta: Oh... it's time for you to go home... Ai: Y-yeah... Ai: I'm kinda tired. Should I stay here tonight. Youta: Eh? Ai: Just kidding! Sound: Niya niya. Youta: Wh-what? <131> Ai: How old am I? Youta: ...17. Sound: Niko. Sound: Chu. Ai: It was in return for your celebrating my birthday. See you tomorrow! <132> Moemi: Moteuchi-kun! Youta: Wha? Moemi-chan!? Moemi: I... am embarrassed... Youta: Why? Are you still in Japan? Moemi: Eh?... Because... you... told me to wait... Youta: Oh that... I had to say it to make everything settle down okay... And I thought you would leave for a foreign country... <133> Moemi: Wh-what do you mean? Youta: What do I mean? Youta: Just what I said, I didn't even think of letting you wait, and I didn't want to seriously go out with you from the beginning. Moemi: Tha-that's cruel!! I showed you my naked body because of that! Why do you say that now!? Youta: I don't care. 'You' took your clothes off by yourself. If you keep doing that, you'll be hated. <134> Moemi: Ha. Sound: Biku. Moemi: What a dream... Moemi: Moteuchi-kun wouldn't think like that! And he doesn't know that I might or might not be going to a foreign country... Moemi: More than that... more than that... Moemi: Even though I pretended to be nice... I still cannot give up... I trust that, "Trust me," very much... I... I... <135> Rolex: That man, where did he go... Sound: Su. <136> Sound: Pin pon. Sound: Gacha. Youta: Hey, good morning! Sound: Kyun. <137> Ai: What was it... that kyun... Ai: I never felt like that before. Ai: I feel weird... I feel uncomfortable being here... Sound: Chira. <138> Sound: Bachi. Youta: You look bored. What's wrong? Sound: Ka-. Youta: Um? Isn't your face red? Ai: No. Ai: Oh yeah, I'll take a shower!! I'll use it!! <139> Ai: Our eyes just met...!? Why do I have to be confused so much! Eh? Sound: Gacha. Youta: Um, what? Are you still here? Youta: Hey, do you want to take a bath with me, it's been a long time. Ai: W-with you... Ai: Don't say such a stupid thing!! Youta: Oh. Sound: Batan. <140> Youta: What was that? I was just kidding... She's weird today. Sound: Doki doki doki doki... Ai: What happened to me... I'm feeling very weird... This is not like old feelings are coming back or what! It's different... this... What is this heart beating.. <141> Computer: I you wish to meet him, please make an appointment. Gokuraku: I'm in a hurry. Please arrange it! Computer: You really look like you're in a an exception, I'll let you in only this one time. Gokuraku: T-thank you!! End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 107: The Elder Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <144> Sound: Ru. Sound: Pisyu. <145> Elder: I've never seen you before... Ah... Gokuraku: Yes. I'm the manager of Gokuraku Japan... Elder: Okay... And... what do you want? <146> Narrator: The old man from Gokuraku told the Elder everything that happened until now. ...About the actions of the man with the coat and about Youta and Ai, not hiding anything... Because he was scared of lying, and the Elder finding out later... But he was more scared of what decision the Elder would make after he heard that Ai was a bad Video Girl and played on for more than a year... Elder: I see... Okay... I'll think of a penalty for him... But... Elder: it's interesting that a Video Girl can have emotions other than those programmed. <147> Sound: Chi chi chi chi. <148> Ai: I think the reasons I had strange feelings toward Youta is... Youta: Just a year ago, on the last day of winter vacation, I could see you, and you were born into this world... Youta: Anyway, Happy Seventeenth Birthday... Sound: Kyun kyun kyun. Ai: Only remembering makes my heart race... Sound: Doki doki doki. Ai: This much... this much! Sound: Ba. <149> Ai: But... I wonder what this feeling is... The feeling I cannot kill? No, it's different... I didn't have this pain in my heart while I was feeling love... Ai: Youta's face stays in my mind... Is there any feeling stronger than love? Or is this a totally different thing? Ai: Anyway... anyway I shouldn't let him find out! Ai: I have to behave better tomorrow since I was confused today. ...Do my best to act natural to him... Naturally, just like nothing happened. <150> Sound: Ko... Moemi: Moteuchi-kun was nice on the phone today, too... I didn't see any change in him... Moemi: Can I wait? Getting scared is just my fear. Sound: Gu. <151> Moemi: Oh, no! I don't understand!! Sound: Gu. Moemi: I can't totally trust him!! Moemi: What should I do? I have to make up my mind. Either leave Japan or stay... I have to decide soon, what should I do... What should I do... <152> Narrator: -After this... For a few days, Ai has tried to act normal, and the book is getting done... Same conversation as usual, the same air, ...they looked as usual... But... <153> Narrator: Ai's feelings became stronger day by day. She felt pain just looking into Youta's back, and wanted to hold him from behind... Narrator: January 25th, 9 more days of playing time. Ai: Yo.. Youta... Sound: Doki doki doki doki. <154> Ai: Oh no!! Why!? I can't stop... Sound: Doki doki doki... Ai: I'm being drawn closer. Sound: Pin pon. Youta: Um? Youta: Yes. Ai: Fuu... Ai: Break out of it... I have to break out of it! Sound: Ta. <155> Youta: Please bear with the dirty room. Moemi: I'm sorry I came suddenly. Ai: Moemi-chan... Sound: Gacha. Youta: I see, today is Sunday, I don't know the date recently. Youta: Hey, Moemi-chan brought a cake for us. <157> Moemi: Hello, Ai-chan... Narrator: Suddenly, without thinking, Ai said a rude lie. Ai: I hate cake. Moemi: Eh? Ai: I'll bring coffee, so you two eat, okay? Sound: Kuru. <158> Moemi: Ai-chan... didn't like sweet stuff. Youta: I don't know... Maybe she's on a diet. Youta: Ai... Why do you have to be so angry?... Moemi: I'm really sorry I came early, Moteuchi-kun, Ai-chan. I came to know many things today... about my feelings, and many things... to clearly make up my mind... Ai: ...I showed my attitude openly! I couldn't stop it! <159> Ai: I know what this feeling is! I know it clearly!! This- this is! Ai: Jealousy! A very strong one, but why!! Ai: I've never felt this before. Even when I was feeling love towards Youta before... So something is different from that time!! I don't understand! seems like there is a duplicate of myself inside me... Ai: Shit! Shit!! <160> Narrator: On the other hand, on the world of Gokuraku which has a different time stream, the Gokuraku's manager and the Elder are still talking. Elder: So what do you wish me to do? Gokuraku: Yes, so... Rolex: It's unusual that you are here. Elder: You came at a good time. We're talking about you right now. Rolex: Oh yeah... What about? <161> Elder: I heard that you left the broken Video Girl running for more than a year. What is a person like you doing that for? Rolex: Yes... I'm sorry. Elder: But the real problem is the manager of Gokuraku Japan. He doesn't seem to understand our main reason in running Gokuraku. I guess it's just because he's an employee. Gokuraku: What do you mean? End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 108: Passionate Love Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <163> Gokuraku: What don't I understand...? How different is it from my reason? Elder: Let me ask you first... What do you think about it? Gokuraku: I think... with our Gokuraku Videos, we help people who have a pure mind... and save them... and teach them to love people... Elder: Oh, stop it! <164> Elder: ...saying such an annoying word... I guess people older than me still believe in such an inferior, unreasonable thing. Elder: Anyway!! You're not wrong about 'saving them,' but our reasons are fundamentally different from yours. Gokuraku: No... kidding... Elder: Now Rolex, about your broken Video Girl's... disposal... Rolex: About that... I have something in my mind for her disposal... Give me a little time... Elder: Since you try to be perfect all the time, I bet you have a good idea... I'll let you do it... <165> Elder: That's all. Both of you, leave. Rolex: Now... continue working on it. Gokuraku: Okay... but... would you tell me what I'm making? <166> Rolex: Fu, you kinda already know, right? That's why you went to see Mr. Barutekku. Rolex: The next time you give up working, I won't guarantee your life... And I'll give you the main concepts now, since I don't have to hide them anymore. Gokuraku: ...One thing I want to ask you, it's impossible to complete this here. Would you let me complete it in a better facility... Rolex: I thought... this would be enough... but it's okay. <167> Rolex: I want you to know that I hired you as an engineer, and not as a Gokuraku person. Don't act selfishly. Gokuraku: ...Yes... How horrible... Most people in our time have lost loves. There are many artificial people like him, and they don't know a parent's love. So maybe it's something natural... Gokuraku: So I thought the Gokuraku existed to protect the strong love of pure people... Gokuraku: Ai... Moteuchi-kun... I feel sorry for them like this... I have to do something. It's going to be very risky, but with all my knowledge and technique, I have to do something... <168> Ai: Just sit somewhere. Youta: Hey, this isn't your house! Ai: Don't say something so hard. But your chinpo* is soft. * chinpo means penis. Youta: Hey you!! What are you saying! Don't guess about such a thing!! Ai: So it's true, because you're so upset. Youta: Shut up! Ai: I'm right, I'm right. <169> Moemi: Do you really want to eat? Ai: Eh? Well, you brought it, so I'll eat. Youta: Good... Ai-chan is normal now... --but why did she look so angry... Youta: Maybe I'm just thinking that. Moemi: Please continue working on the book after the break! I didn't come to bother you. If I can help, I will. Youta & Ai: Ah? Youta: Then... <170> Ai: Around here, you do this with white paint. Then cut the tracing paper a little bigger than the board, like...this. Moemi: Ai-chan... Moemi: I'm sorry... Ai: You don't have to apologize to me... Youta: So, Moemi-chan... Use this table. <171> Moemi: It's always like this... When I see Moteuchi-kun acting normal, he's always with Ai-chan... ...I could see his natural kindness... Moemi: I was attracted to Moteuchi-kun's kindness, but it was his natural kindness that I liked. Moemi: I knew it, but was scared to admit it... What I need now is courage. Sound: Bi bi. Moemi: Courage to admit that there is a stronger bond between them than that of a girlfriend and boyfriend. Courage to admit that I'm bothering them. Moemi: I love Moteuchi-kun, but I don't know if it will change to 'real love'... The type of love that will grow cold later cannot win over such a strong bond. <173> Moemi: I... am going home. Do your best, both of you. Youta: Eh? Ah... okay, be careful. Ooops! I have to take her home!! Ai: Oh oh, don't feel so constrained. Sound: Ba. Youta: This is from one of Teacher Amano's lessons. Youta: I'll be scolded if I don't follow your lesson. Youta: Moemi-chan, wait, I'll take you home!! <174> Ai: Every time Youta paid attention to her, strong jealousy made my heart ache... I acted very brash, like a return to the first jealousy... Sound: Doka doka doka. Ai: Am I such a mean person!? Sound: Kyu. Ai: Like he said, I put them together, that's what I wished for. What's this feeling now!? Tell me! What is this feeling!! Is this love!? Did I awaken to love just now!? Sound: Dosa. Ai: Then what were my feelings toward him before this!? Is this just an illusion!? Tell me!! Who is inside of me!! <175> Moemi: It's okay, you don't need to see me off. Youta: Eh... But... Moemi: Moteuchi-kun... Moemi: I have some big news. Youta: Eh. Moemi: If I say it now, I might change my mind, so I'll call you later... So long... Youta: H-hey... Wait... <176> Sound: Gacha. Youta: What was the big news... Why did she say she might change her mind... Youta: - the air is heavy... Ai-chan is obviously different from a while ago... Just like this morning... Sound: Ko ko ko ko ko. Ai: Youta... <177> Ai: What's the difference between Moemi-chan and I for you? Ai: I said something bad... really bad... there's blood rushing to my brain... Sound: Dokun dokun dokun. Ai: Like a plug has been removed... I feel like I'm going to say bad things more and more... It's okay... just go straight, some answers might come out... Ai: What am I for you? <178> Youta: Both you... and Moemi-chan... are important to me. Ai: So you're saying we're about the same? So I'm your girlfriend too? Eh? Youta: No... You're not my girlfriend... Youta: I don't know what the right answer is...but a girlfriend and boyfriend are in passionate love. So, if I think back to the beginning, I wasn't in passionate love... That's what I think. Ai: Passionate love? Are passionate love and love different... <179> Youta: Even now my heart races when I'm alone with Moemi-chan. When I liked her one way, I felt a pain in my heart when our eyes met... Youta: Passionate love is painful. Sound: Buru buru. Youta: It's never been like that between us. Sound: Kuru. Youta: -That means... Ai: Ah, this talk is boring! I'm not in the mood, so I'll go home!! Youta: Well, listen to me. Youta: We are. Ai: I don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear it. <180> Youta: Just listen. Ai: Ah! Ah! Youta: Listen!! Sound: Ga. Ai: No!! Sound: Ba. Youta: I was thinking that you've been acting weird recently... could... you are... I finally made up my mind about you... and why now... Ai: Then!! <181> Ai: Then why did you celebrate my birthday!! I was very happy!! Very much!! Don't show your kindness in an incomplete fashion!!! Ai: I see... I am in passionate love with Youta... I felt love before, but I wasn't in passionate love yet... I didn't know passionate love was so painful... End of Chapter ----------------------------------------------------------------------