Chapter 109: Bet your life? Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <6> Ai: Then why did you celebrate my birthday!! Don't show your kindness in an incomplete fashion!!! Youta: The day after that... Ai-chan didn't come to my house... Youta: And the next day, I didn't know where she was, so I just kept waiting for Ai-chan's call. Youta: Let's meet and talk anyway. Youta: Don't you have much playing time? We shouldn't waste time. Sound: Wiiiiii... <7> Sound: Tyurururu. Tyrurururu. Youta: And the next day... Youta: Hello. Youta: This is Ai-chan, right?... Ai: ...Youta... Youta: Ai-chan... <8> Ai: Sorry. Please forget about the day before yesterday. Ai: At that time...I was in a bad mood, so...I blurted out something meaningless. Youta: Then you can come back here right now, can't you. Ai: I want to be by myself a little longer... Youta: The picture book! What are you going to do... Don't have much playing time, do you. Ai: Don't worry about the playing time. But...can you make it alone? The picture book. Youta: ...make it alone. It's impossible, because I haven't' practiced... <9> Youta: It's impossible. I can't, it has to be with you... Ai: ...anyway, I'll call you again, so... Sound: Doki doki doki. Ai: So long... Sound: Gacha. Takashi: Do you run away every time you have some problem? Don't run away. <10> Takashi: Go to Youta's house... Ai: But... Takashi: going to leave here pretty soon... Mr. Shimizu asked me to make music with him, so I'm going to Okayama. Ai: Wh-what... Then, how about Youta... Takashi: You're talking about Youta misunderstanding me, right? It's okay like that... I think. To hold regret in my heart throughout my life is my compensation... Ai: ...Takashi-kun... <11> Youta: She said it so naturally, I can't let it alone... Youta: If I become well, Youta: Then you'll lose your reason to exist... Sound: Tyurururu. Sound: Gacha. Youta: Yes! Hello. Gokuraku: Oh, is this Youta? Long time no see... Youta: Grandpa from Gokuraku! Long time no see!! What have you been doing! Gokuraku: I don't have time for that kind of talk right now... <12> Gokuraku: I have something to tell you right now. I'm at a place called Kichijouzi, but you can come here now... Youta: Eh... I don't mind, but... How about at my house? Gokuraku: It could be dangerous there... Anyway. In ten minutes, I'll wait in front of the station. Youta: What... In front of the station... Sound: Gacha. <13> Youta: What could he... His voice wasn't normal.. What's happening at Gokuraku!? Is something going to happen to Ai-chan!? Gokuraku: That man can't do anything since there's so many people. Gokuraku: But I have to destroy my traces, otherwise, he'll keep following me. Rolex: Mu. Rolex: Ha. He destroyed his traces. Such a cheap attempt... <14> Youta: Gee... In front of the station is all around here... Sound: Gui. Youta: Ah... Grandpa. Gokuraku: Let's run! Youta: To where? Gokuraku: Anywhere, run! Youta: Y-yes. Y & Gokuraku: Haa haa haa. <15> Gokuraku: It's hard for an old man... Youta: Did something happen... Gokuraku: You'd be happy if you didn't see the Gokuraku world. Youta: Eh?... Why. Gokuraku: You must have been in hard times all the time... I couldn't follow that man... Gokuraku: The Elders don't think about you and Ai at all. This way, Ai will be treated as a doll, and you'll live with a deep hurt. <16> Gokuraku: I heard there's only three people in Japan who've met Gokuraku. The other two were before I became a manager, so I don't know who they are. So I want you to be happy...of course, Ai, too. Gokuraku: I'm thinking about making Ai into a human being. Youta: What? Can you do it!? Do that. Gokuraku: I believe I can do it if I try. Youta: Then!! Let her become human!! <17> Gokuraku: Are you sure? Gokuraku: They are more powerful and horrible people than we think... I don't think they'll just sit by and watch you and Ai having happy days, without doing anything... Gokuraku: They might come after you to take Ai back forever. It's possible they might aim for your life as well. <18> Sound: Ka. Youta: It means...risking my life... Can I... Can I do that?... Sound: Po po po. Gokuraku: A thunderstorm in winter... Sound: Goro goro goro. Sound: Za-. Youta: I can't answer immediately, because I'm scared of losing my life... I wished Ai-chan could be human so much, but whatever I say, I worry about myself the most!! But... but... Sound: Su.. Gokuraku: I won't ask you for the answer right away. Think well, it's an important thing. When you make up your mind, just press this button. If not, don't press it. <19> Gokuraku: However, Ai's playing time is only seven more days, so give me your answer in two days. Youta: Eh!? Seven days left!? Sound: Su. Gokuraku: I want to get some data from you. Remember why you think Ai was broken. Youta: Ah... yes. Youta: Seven days... Just seven days left... Sound: Ka. <20> Rolex: When you do something out of the order, I told you there'd be no guarantee on your life. <21> Sound: Ba. Youta: Grandpa!! Sound: Gaku gaku gaku. <22> Sound: Dokun dokun dokun. Rolex: Um. Sound: Gata gata. Youta: Are you going to...kill me... Like grandpa... Rolex: So what? Youta: Not...for free!! If you make Ai human... I won't say any... Sound: Gata gata gata. <23> Rolex: Shut up!! Sound: Bi-n. Rolex: Is it love! Love, huh! Do you think it's love!! Such a flowery word! You can throw your life away for another, huh!? If your life is so cheap... Sound: Gi. Rolex: Then, die!! Sound: Ba. End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 110: With Beautiful, White Snow Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <26> Rolex: Regret that you talked about love in that dead world!! Sound: Buoo. <27> Sound: Ka. Sound: Gaku. Sound: Becha. Sound: Goro gor goro goro. Sound: Za-. <28> Rolex: Ku... Rolex: What am I doing. Ku ku ku... I got distracted... Rolex: If I erase you now, then I can't make any difference... Sound: Gaku gaku. <29> Rolex: Even if that old man comes to see you, you'd better not listen to him. With you interested, if you put your neck on the line, You'll die. <30> Rolex: I want to erase you right now, but... you have to complete that machine, so... Rolex: But this is your last chance. Sound: Gata gata gata gata. <31> Youta: He said if the man comes, it means... the old man wasn't killed that time... that means Ai-chan still has a chance to become human... but... Gokuraku: It's possible they might aim for your life as well. Sound: Gu. Youta: I don't have the confidence. I don't have the confidence to protect Ai-chan. Shit! <32> Youta: The next day -- it's been four days since Ai-chan left here... Youta: Ai-chan can be in this world only six more days... Sound: Giiiiiiii... Youta: I know it, but the day is ending without being able to do something or giving me any answer... Youta: Ai-chan! <33> Youta: I have to be ready to throw my life away. I'll press this button when I make up my mind. Sound: Niko. Sound: Su. Sound: Gu. Gacha. Youta: Ah. Sound: Gogogo. Sound: Bo. Youta: Gu!? <34> Youta: Uwaaaaa. Youta: Haa haa haa haa haa haa. Sound: Doki doki doki. Youta: Haa haa haa. Sound: Gota gota gota gota. <35> Youta: Dammit! Dammit!! Youta: Gosh. I'm so scared deep inside... I wanted Ai-chan to be human so much! That wish will be true if I press this button! Dammit! Dammit!Dammit... Youta: ...I... Youta: Don't have any scrap of courage... I haven't changed anything at all, since last year when I hurt Moemi-chan because I didn't have any courage. Sound: Giiiiii... Youta: Like Ai-chan said, my sincerity is fake. ...hurting others, in the end I worry about myself and am full of myself being kind to others. Youta: a horrible guy...useless guy...useless. Sound: Giiiiii... Youta: Usele... <36> Youta: Ah... Youta: Be... Youta: beautiful... Youta: I don't know why...I started to run... <37> Youta: If I go out into that white snow... Youta: I might have thought... Youta: it would cover this stagnate feeling and strong fear... <39> Youta: I see... Youta: While Ai-chan hasn't come these few days, she's lived only in my memory. I could only see the same smiles, same scenes, and same words. The Ai-chan from the past... it is, of course, there wasn't a new Ai-chan... But... Gokuraku: Are you sure? There are more powerful and horrible people than we think... I don't think they'll just sit by and watch you and Ai having happy days, without doing anything... They might come after you to take Ai back forever. It's possible they might aim for your life as well. Gokuraku: I won't ask you for the answer right away. Think well, it's an important thing. When you make up your mind, just press this button. If not, don't press it. Rolex: Even if that old man comes to see you, you'd better not listen to him. With you interested, if you put your neck on the line, Rolex: You'll die. Youta: But... <40> Ai: Hi! <41> Youta: But... But!! Youta: There's Ai-chan, who radiates the real and true brightness of life! Youta: There's...Ai-chan!! Rolex: Even if that old man comes to see you, you'd better not listen to him. With you interest, if you put your neck on the line, Rolex: You'll die. Rolex: You'll die. Youta: I... <42> Youta: Moemi-chan has said that Ai-chan was like snow... I think white snow is whiter than any other white and more beautiful... <43> Youta: I could think, because of that white. It's more important than anything... ...can't lose...can't erase... Youta: I could think honestly... End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 111: Medicine to Erase Memories Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <45> Narrator: To make Ai human, Youta had to prepare so much because there was a possibility that his life would be endangered by the Gokuraku, even after Ai became human. Rolex: You'll die. Youta: Dammit, I'm scared!! I'm horribly scared, dammit!!! Narrator: Youta couldn't make up his mind because of his fear of dying, Narrator: But Youta realized how much he needed Ai, after not seeing her for a long time, Narrator: So he decided to press the button. <47> Sound: Pa pa pa pa. Gokuraku: Youta-kun... You've made up your mind... You've really made up your mind, right... You've bet your life, right... Okay! I'll spend my life on the procedure to make Ai human. <48> Ai: Yo... Ai: You...ta! Sound: Gugugu. Ai: It hurts!! Now, what are you doing!! Sound: Gabu. Ai: Why... are you crying... <49> Youta: It's...nothing... Just... I thought you wouldn't come here anymore, so I was just happy... Sound: Gaga. Gigigi. Pi-. Gaga. Gokuraku: Can you... hear me Moteuchi-kun... Thank you for making up your mind... Don't worry about me. I'm trying to do it without him knowing... Sound: Gaga gigi. Sound: Ba. Ai: What is it... <50> Sound: Gaga. Gokuraku: Take care of Ai after she becomes human... Sound: Gagaga pi-. Ai: What did he mean... after I become human? Eh? What does it mean!? Ai: Don't kid him!! It's impossible to do something behind his back!! If you do something stupid, you'll die!! Youta: It's nothing! Nothing! Don't you worry!! Let's work on the picture book!! We don't have time. <51> Ai: ...don't have time!? But he said he would extend my time until we finish the book. Youta: This baggage... are you going to stay here starting today? Ai: Ah... Yeah... I can't stay where I was anymore... Is it trouble for you? Youta: Not at all. You're welcome here. Why don't you come on in. Ai: ...make me human and no time... Something happened that I didn't know about... <52> Youta: I didn't expect you to use this room again. Youta: Hey... You... Youta: About me... Well... Ai: About the other day! I sorry that I acted weird. I felt kinda lonely. I thought I was going to disappear, but there's no deep meaning. Youta: But... Ai: Hey! Phone call! <53> Sound: Tyururururu. Sound: Tyurururu. Youta: Yes, yes. Ai: Youta must be thinking of something stupid... I fell into passionate love, by mistake... So... I didn't want to come home, but Takashi left and I didn't have any place to go, and... he told me not to run away... Ai: Two days ago. Takashi: Mr. Shimizu asked me to make music with him, so I'm going to Okayama. Takashi: You're talking about Youta misunderstanding me, right? It's okay like that... I think. To hold regret in my heart throughout my life is my compensation... Ai: Why... Why can't everyone act wisely. Ai: After the phone call, Youta said, Youta: You know the shop, 'Magokoro,' right. I'll be there, so if anything happens, Ai: And he left... Good... I have something to confirm too... <54> Ai: Hey! Come out!! You can hear my voice, right!! Ai: I want to talk to you. Rolex: It's bothersome, you calling me so often. I have many things to do. I'm busy. Ai: H-hey! About my playing time! Wasn't it until we finish the book. Rolex: ...I don't know where you heard what...but. For the time being...the playing time will end soon, but...I'll keep our promise. Ai: For the time being!? What do you mean saying, "The time being!" What do you mean, hey!! <55> Ai: I know I can't act against you. I won't make such a vain effort, so tell me what you're going to do! Rolex: Fu... You're still the Video Girl I made... You understand more than the old man, even though you're broken. ...I'll tell you... <56> Ai: Th-then...we can't continue on the book... Rolex: It depends on Youta Moteuchi. If he continues, then you'll probably help him. Ai: Do you have to do it... Rolex: Yes... It's on my shoulders, so I bear the responsibility... Rolex: I was going to asking sooner or later... This is a good chance to ask you... Rolex: Playing a Video Girl for more than one year is unusual. You probably met a few people... <57> Rolex: Besides Youta Moteuchi... How many people know you well. Ai: Eh? Ai: Takashi-kun, Moemi-chan, Nobuko-chan. Three... Maybe... Rolex: Um. Tell me their names. I have to erase their memories. Ai: What? Memories!? Can you do that!! Rolex: Of course... I put my spirit in the memory pills and they will be erased. <58> Rolex: With these, only memories about you will be erased. Ai: ...only about me... forget... Rolex: Now... The names of the three... Ai: I'll!! Ai: I'll make the three of them take them... Sound: Piku. Rolex: Fu. <59> Youta: Eh!? Youta: Transferred to Geneva!? The whole family!? Moemi: ...Actually... I was going to tell you on the phone, naturally... But... Youta: A moment... I remembered, my dad in Paris is inviting me there... It's closer to Geneva, staying in Paris than in Japan... Moemi: I wanted to see your face... <60> Youta: Wh-when? Moemi: February third... Five days later... Youta: !...The same day Ai-chan's playing time ends. Moemi: It was a short time, but thanks a lot for going out with me... You have to take good care of Ai-chan... <61> Moemi: I shouldn't have seen you... <62> Moemi: Good luck... Youta: This is what she was going to say so many times, and couldn't... During that time, she decided to break up... I'm a really selfish guy, I told her to trust me and... So stupid... The one who has to say thank you is me... Thank you, and... I'm sorry.. Moemi-chan... <63> Ai: One for Moemi-chan. Sound: Goso. Sound: Bun. Sound: Saku. Ai: left... Ai: For Youta... End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 112: Eve of the final playing time Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <65> Sign: [Kokoro-kun's* job. Youta Moteuchi. Ai Amano.] *Kokoro means mind or heart. Narrator: Youta's picture book is getting done well... It is a story about one robot, and... Narrator: That story begins with the birth of a robot. In one town, one scientist makes a robot to make everyone in the town happy. It's name is Kokoro-kun. <66> Narrator: Kokoro-kun's job was to make the people in town happy. So, he tried to befriend them, but the people in the town had never seen a robot, so they were scared and didn't even get close to him. He thought and thought that he couldn't make people happy this way... Narrator: But one day, Kokoro-kun saw a builder who hurt his primary hand, then he built a house in place of him. Narrator: The builder was so happy and Kokoro-kun was too. The sound of laughter is Kokoro-kun's energy. Narrator: Because of that, Kokoro-kun became popular and he went to help one person after another... <67> Narrator: He's finsihed the story this far... After this, the townspeople started to forget about Kokoro-kun... And at ends when Kokoro-kun stops moving, in the scrap yard. But...Youta isn't going to finish it until the final day of Ai's playing time. He felt that if he finished the book, it would make everything end... and he'd lose the remaining days... Narrator: Nexy day... and that next day... seem important for Youta... Youta: What? What's going to happen in the end? Youta: I haven't decided yet... Ai: I can only help you four more days, so decide on something good, okay? <68> Youta: Why? Youta: It's not true, right? You'll be human, so we can be together forever. Ai: ...Are you still saying that? It's impossible... The old man might be caught right now... Youta: Don't you want to be human? Don't you think about it? <69> Youta: Hey! Sound: Gashi. Sound: Doki doki doki-. Ai: Don't bring your ugly face closer to me! Sound: Ba. Ai: Let's quit this... Ai: I'll disappear, so let's enjoy, have fun!! Youta: Ai-chan... <70> Ai: ...To comfort Youta... I was played for that, but I... couldn't comfort him or make him happy at all... Ai: He can't be happy if he stays with me... It's best if I can disappear and he and Moemi-chan can get together... It's the last way I can make him happy, Ai: with this pill which will erase only memories of me. Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki doki doki. <71> Youta: Ai-chan. Sound: Doki. Sound: Sasa. Ai: Wh-what. Youta: ...I... Youta: Broke up...with Moemi-chan... <72> Ai: Why!! Youta: She'll be gone to a foreign country. Youta: So. Youta: You don't have to worry about Moemi-chan anymore... Sound: Pan. Ai: Why did you just let her go without saying anything! Why didn't you stop her!! You don't care because she'll be in a foreign country!? Since when have you become so cruel!! Youta: ...It's not like that... <73> Youta: It's not because you're a Video Girl or Moemi-chan will be gone to a foreign country... For me, you are... Ai: Why can't you understand. saying I'll disappear pretty soon. Youta: I believe that the old man will make you human. Youta: I believe it... <74> Narrator: -Meanwhile- Narrator:The Gokuraku Manager was looking for some clues in Youta's memory, to find a trick to make Ai human. Youta: The result of my part-time job...sweat and tears... Yesterday the new video deck just arrived!! It shouldn't be broken! Shit!! Gokuraku: Um... From this situation, he must have dropped the VCR... Gokuraku: The VCR broke because of a strong shock... Gokuraku: Ai gained her emotions because she was played in a broken VCR. I see... I see... <75> Narrator: The sun rose and the sun sank, and the day passed so quickly... Narrator: The two of them just worked on the picture book very hard. Narrator: Even though they had so many things in their minds to talk about, the worked quietly, calmly... Narrator: last, the expectation of the Eve of the final playing time... Youta: The VCR is playing without any change from normal... It'll be okay, there's no sign of the expiration of the playing time... Youta: We haven't finished the book... I can't finish it without Ai-chan... Ai: Youta... Dinner is ready. <76> Youta: Wow! It's so decorated! Ai: Because it's the last night. Youta: As a Video Girl... Ai: Anyway!! Eat! Eat! <77> Youta: Delicious!! It's the most delicious ever!! Ai: Well, it's my real talent, hunh? Sound: Pyu. Youta: Don't think too highly of yourself! Ai: Ha ha ha. Sound: Puru puru. Youta: Dammit!! I'm soaked with mayonnaise!! Ai: So am I! Youta: Well, shall we take a bath together, after all this time! <78> Narrator: They are scared that it's not guaranteed their hearts will be beating tomorrow... To forget about it, they enjoy their time... Sign: [For the toilet] Narrator: Talking of memories is like admitting their end, so as they trace their good times, just enjoying and enjoying. Youta: It'll be okay. Ai-chan will surely be human!! I couldn't elieve such fun times can end!! It'll be okay. Sure!! Sure!! Ai: At last... Like this. I'll disappear before noon... Ai: I don't have much time... I have to make him take it this time. <79> Gokuraku: Be happy, Youta-kun! And Ai! The trick is about done! Finally, I just have to gain control of the main computer that controls the Video Girls... Computer: Mr. Rolex has left his seat right now. Pi--. Gokuraku: Good! Now's my chance... Sign: [Gokuraku Main Computer] <80> Youta: What's wrong... Ai: We didn't finish...the book... Youta: We don't have to finish it today, in particular, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, or any time is fine... There are no deadlines, we'll have more than enough time. Youta: If...we can't complete the book... Then it will be because you like someone else. Youta: I think I can't complain even if it happens, because you'll be free after you become human... But I won't give up like before. I won't depend on others either! Until you look at me, I'll shine my manhood. <81> Youta: One human is going to be born. I thought and thought, then made up my mind. At the same time, I clearly noticed... I have only you... I love you more than anybody. Sound: Suto. <82> Ai: Youta... Gokuraku: Moteuchi-kun! Can you hear me!? Can you hear me!? Gokuraku: It's a success!! Gokuraku: It's done well!! Gokuraku: I only have to connect this cord, and Gokuraku: Ai will be human from tomorrow on! <83> Youta: Great!! He did it! Ai-chan!! Ai: Old man... Gokuraku: One thing I have to tell you... Rolex: The playing time is over. End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 113: Youta's Erased Memory Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <86> Sound: Bakiki. Gagaga. Bu. <87> Rolex: It's our promise. You'll die. Sound: Dan. Rolex: Youta Moteuchi, don't worry... I won't kill you... <88> Youta: Run away!! Old man!! Gokuraku: I won't let you do whatever you want. Sound: Do. Rolex: Fu. Sound: Pan. <89> Ai: Old man!! Sound: Posa. Rolex: Stupid guy! Gokuraku: Mo-Moteuchi-kun... Gokuraku: It's an emergency! Remember when you started to play Ai!! It's our last defense!! <90> Rolex: Is that all you wanted to say? Something meaningless... You should fall!! Gokuraku: What!? Oh! Sound: Ga. Sound: Gashan. Rolex: Too bad... Sound: Bu. Youta: Why... Sound: Buru buru. <91> Rolex: Fu. You worked hard. We went through so much trouble to fix the networks. Rolex: Just in case... I checked this one, but... You worked as I told you... There are no problems... Thanks... Gokuraku: He didn't notice... I couldn't make Ai human, but it's still possible that I can take him with me... <92> Rolex: Your duty has been completed. Retire from your life. Rolex: Between time and space, you must struggle with the hell of emptiness and lonelyliness Sound: Bakon. Gokuraku: Nu! Nuoh!! <93> Gokuraku: Moteuchi-kun... When you see Ai having a some pain, use your courage to break the VCR. It's the way to take his life and to protect your life and AI's spirit, as a result. I almost trust the strength of your love. Gokuraku: Don't give up, trust in love!! Sound: Uan. Rolex: Now... <94> Youta: Why... Youta: Why!! Sound: Dada. Ai: At last... At last, I'll be like this too. I'm scared a little bit... I've already made up my mind, but I'm scared of disappearing... In my mind, I guess I was expecting it... To be human... <95> Ai: After my playing time is up, I'll disappear instead of finishing the tape... If I resist that man, he'll erase me, so I'll disappear. Ai: That man said he would give me three months just before ending the tape. But I won't be myself then. I can't spend time with Youta like this anyway... So Youta should get together with Moemi-chan. It's best to erase their memories, and I'll disappear. Ai: I won't let that man do what he wants... Sound: Gu. Youta: That's right!! ...There is one more way for Ai-chan to be human. <96> Sound: Kata. Ai: Youta.... Ai: It's really time so say good-bye... <97> Ai: Yo-Youta...? Sound: Doki doki doki doki. Ai: Youta... Sound: Piku. Sound: Ba. Ai: Ah. <99> Ai: Youta? Youta: I'll make you human... Ai: Eh!? Ai: Is he... Rolex: You gave up completely...on becoming human. It's impossible to have love with one man. Ai: So he was listening then. Ai: No... Yo-Youta... Sound: Dosa. <100> Ai: Impossible... It's impossible... If you know it... It's impossible... Youta: No... I won't let you disappear like this. Ai: Youta... Ai: I can feel so much... Even though he wouldn't touch my breasts... Ai: No... I can't leave him... Already... My mind is becoming blank... Ah... Ai: I can't... His warmth... Just... Just so this... Ai: Like this... <101> Sound: Bikun. Ai: Ha! Ai: No!! Ai: No... W-wait... Youta: Eh?... Ai: Why...don't you kiss me? Ai: Kissing is a secret longing for girls... If I can give all of myself to the person I like, ...I wonder how happy I would be... Youta: So many times... I tried to kiss you, but... Every time... You left... I'm scared you'll disappear... <102> Ai: It's okay. I won't leave this time... Just because I was played, Nobuko-chan and Moemi-chan were hurt... Youta: Ai-chan... Ai: Then... Only I. Ai: Even for a little while, only I can't be so happy... <103> Youta: Ai-chan... I...feel so strange right now... Because of that kiss, I feel like you can be human... Such a miracle will happen!! Youta: With this kiss... Youta: This ki... <104> Sound: Gokun. Youta: What did you do? What? Ai: The pill... To forget about me... You're going to a foreign country with Moemi-chan, because it's the best thing to do. Youta: What... Why? Youta: Uh!! Youta: Guwa!! Ai: Youta! <105> Youta: Gua, gugu u gaga. Sound: Gata gata gata. Ai: No... Ai: I'm sorry!! I'm sorry, Youta!! End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 114: Just before Ai's Disappearance Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <107> Ai: Youta, I'm sorry!! I'm sorry I gave you pain!! Youta: Guaaa! Ai: Ah. Ai: Youta! <108> Youta: No...kidding! To forget about Ai-chan!? I won't forget!! I won't forget!! Youta: I won't lose to such a drug... I won't forget... I won't forget about Ai-chan even if I die!! Youta: I won't forget!! Guaa!! Youta: Gugu! <109> Ai: It's too late already! We can't help it! Ai: Pretty soon Youta will forget about me... I'm just waiting for that... Youta: A-Ai... <110> Ai: Yo...! Sound: Gu. Ai: No, I shouldn't go!! Youta: He-l-p me... Sound: Gagagaga. Sound: Bu. Sound: Fu. Sound: Do. Ai: Youta... <111> Ai: Uh. Uh uh... Ai: Uh uh... uh. Ai: Uh uh uh. Ai: Be happy... Ai: Youta... <112> Sound: Do. Ai: ...I don't think I can make Moemi-chan take this pill, but... You do something... Youta: ...Um... <113> Sound: Gugu. Youta: ...Headache... Why am I...laying down here? Ai: It's obvious, but... He really forgot about me... I don't exist inside you anymore... I knew it... I knew it, but... <115> Youta: What's going on... Why was I there... It seems like something's missing... But why do I feel like I'm in a hurry... Youta: Travel luggage... Youta: What...? Didn't I stop going to the foreign country with Moemi-chan? I feel like I'm in a hurry because I have to go to the airport soon!? Youta: Anyway, I'll take a shower to clear up my mind... Sound: Su. <116> Sound: Kacha... Ai: Youta lost his memory. I don't have anything to do anymore... Ai: I should disappear by turning off the power... Rolex: Why are you crying. Your playing time has been extended for three more months as a perfect Video Girl... you should be happy. <117> Rolex: You'll change after I press this button on the remote control when the counter is blinking. I'll wait until just before the end of the playing time, so until then, bring Youta Moteuchi here. Ai: Too bad. Youta is going to leave pretty soon. He'll go to a foreign country. Ai: I made him take the pill you gave me. He already forgot about me! Rolex: You did such a stupid thing... Then, I'll recall his memory... Ai: I won't let you do it. I won't move until he leaves this house! I won't let you do as you please! <118> Sound: Pachi pachi pachi. Sound: Gu. Sound: Bari bari bari. Rolex: Fu. Sound: Za-. Youta: I think...Moemi-chan said she would take the one leaving at 8:00... I have to hurry... Sound: Za-. <119> Youta: Um? ...What?... I think I broke up with Moemi-chan... When did I decide to go to a foreign country with her? I don't understand... It seems like my memory around there has fallen off... I think... Moemi-chan said... Moemi: It was a short time, but thanks a lot for going out with me... You have to take good care of XX-chan... Youta: Um? ...Who was she talking about. Youta: About who... Moemi: You have to take good care of XX-chan... Moemi: XX-chan. Sound: Baki. Youta: Gawa!! My head...!! <120> Ai: In this case, you can't use your specialty, teleporting! Sound: Bari bari. Rolex: You don't have the body to use that technique from the beginning. You shrank your life. Don't force yourself so much, you have to be played for three more months from now. Sound: Fu. Sound: Pa. Rolex: The counter's starting to blink. We don't have time. Open the way now. Ai: ...Am i going to be on the shelf at Gokuraku, without thinking of all this, if the counter zeros out and the tape finishes. Rolex: Do you think it's that easy? You'll just be a bad product if you return to the tape. That kind of thing goes in the trash. Ai: I feel better now, since I heard it... <121> Rolex: ...Feel better? You're so mad. Saying such a thoughtless thing. Rolex: Calm down... I can't let you work in such a heated situation. It causes trouble. Ai: I'm normal! Ai: I bet you don't understand. It's better to disappear if I lose my feelings of love toward Youta! Sound: Ba ba. Sound: Do do do do. Rolex: Love...!? <122> Youta: I feel like my brain would explode if I tried to remember. Sound: Buki. Youta: But... I feel like this empty space in my mind is something I shouldn't forget. Youta: I have to remember whatever it is right now... Youta: That's right, Youta, you forgot something very important. I want to tell you... But when you remember, it might destroy some of your brain cells... What do you want to do? Youta: I'll bear with any pain... I forgot something very important. Please tell me. Youta: Okay then... I'll tell you. Youta: Gyaaaa!! <123> Sound: Ba ba bachi bichi. Sound: Ba. Rolex: Don't you talk about love, Video Girl!! Sound: Buwa. <124> Ai: Kyaa. Ai: Gyaa! Rolex: I bet you don't have the power to move your fingers. Did you think you could win with your power... Ai: Youta... Leave the house quickly. I don't want you to see me as one of his puppets... <125> Sound: Gacha. Rolex: Mu. Youta: Don't play with Ai anymore. Give her back to me. End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 115: Separation Kiss - The Day Ai Disappears Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <128> Rolex: You...didn't take the pill. Youta: Yes... Youta: I took it... I have a power stronger than that drug... Do you want me to tell you what kind of power that is... The word you hate... Sound: Piku. Sound: Ka. Rolex: Shut up! Sound: Bi. <129> Youta: Whatever you do is meaningless. I'm different than before! I made up my mind to throw my life away even!! Youta: I! Won't!! Quit loving!!! Ai, anymore! Rolex: Shut up!! Sound: Ka. Rolex: Such a thing like love is!! It's an illusion!! <130> Rolex: "Love" is a flowery word used to fill one's desires... That's love! Humans are the animal who love themselves the most. I can't forgive the narcissist who talks about love. Sound: Zuga. Youta: Gu! Don't you...envy? Sound: Piku. Sound: Su. Rolex: I could calm down because you told me something so stupid. Ai was almost going to end playing. <131> Rolex: I'll let you wake up from the illusion of "love." You must be able to do that, because you're pure-minded. You don't have to waste time being sad or feeling pain, if you become more pure of mind and know the life of love. That's our goal. Sound: Kachi:. Sound: Wiiiiiin. Ai: Kyaaa. Youta: Ai!! Sound: Ba. Rolex: Fu. <132> Ai: Hello. I'm Ai Amano, sixteen years old. Nice to meet you. Sound: Niko. <133> Youta: Ai... Youta: Ai-chan.... Ai: You look down... <134> Youta: He did such a horrible thing... I wasn't going to lose, whatever happened... I was thinking everything would start now... Rolex: She was going to disappear in a few seconds. You should thank me because you can be with her three more months. Youta: Ai-chan isn't here anymore.... Ai: Why are you so down? Youta: I lost someone I loved. Ai: Oh... <135> Ai: I might not be enough for you, but... I'll do my best to comfort you. Youta: Dammit... This is the end... It's the end, and a waste of the efforts of the old man and Ai. Youta: Is it impossible to beat him, no matter how much I try... Sound: Su. Sound: Fuwa. <136> Ai: You can do whatever you want to me. I'll listen to everything you, Moteuchi-kun, want. Youta: I can't look at her... She looks like Ai-chan, but her mind isn't Ai-chan's. Youta: If the VCR hadn't been broken, Ai-chan would've been like this... If it were that time, I might be happy as well. I would give myself up to a moment of pleasure, and after three months everything would go back to normal, just like nothing happened... I think then... Like he said, I might think love was meaningless... Youta: But... Youta: Don't... Ai: Eh? ...Don't you like kinky things?... Ai: Then... What can I do for you? What would make you happy? Ai: Tell me anything, Moteuchi-kun. <137> Youta: I love you, Ai-chan... I will never forget you... Ai: No...!! <138> Ai: Let me out of here!! <139> Moemi: Ai-chan! Moemi: Do your best!! Ai-chan! Trust strongly in your feeling of love towards Moteuchi-kun!! <140> Ai: Uu... Moemi: Do your best! Ai-chan!! Ai: U. U. U. U. Sound: Zaki zaki zaki zaki. <141> Ai: Kuaaaaa!! Youta: Ai. Sound: Gata gata gata. Youta: Ai-chan!! <142> Ai: I love you...too...Youta... <143> Youta: Ai... Ai: U U U I! Rolex: Oh... She's in trouble again... Then, I'll recover her. Youta: No, you can't. She's not yours anymore. Youta: She just left from your hands now! <144> Sound: So. Ai: Um... Rolex: What are you doing!! Youta: I'm going to break the VCR. Rolex: Such an idiot! You can't see her anymore if you do it! Youta: That's right. Rolex: Fu. Don't bluff me. You don't have the courage to lose AI. Youta: ...I'll teach you one thing. Youta: That love is not only what you think it is!! Sound: Ba. <145> Sound: Gasyan. Rolex: Stupid!! Sound: Bu bu bu bu. Sound: Baka. <146> Rolex: What!? Rolex: That old man's plot!! Guaguwaa. Rolex: Remember! Love doesn't exist in this world!! You tried to protect your love, and Ai will disappear soon. You know! Meaningless!! It's meaningless!!! <147> Rolex: Ha ha ha ha ha. Sound: Van. Youta: It's not meaningless... <148> Youta: She's disappearing... Finally... Youta: Ai-chan!! <149> Ai: Youta... I...feel so good. Youta: Oh yeah. That's good... Ai: It's because of you and Moemi-chan. Youta: Moemi-chan? Ai: yeah... She encouraged me to do my best... Youta: Oh yeah... Ai: Hey, Youta... Youta: Um? Ai: You can kiss me... <150> Youta: Then... I will... Ai: Yeah. <151> Narrator: Ai disappeared... They couldn't even say good-bye, but with the strong bond of their deep love, holding their hearts together, might have been satisfied more than anything in the world. Narrator: Ai's sparkle won't go back into the VCR and be scattered like a small galaxy. The beautiful sparkle... It is watching Youta, warmly...warmly... <152> Youta: February 3rd. Youta: Ai became a sparkle of light... Youta: I hurt many people. I hurt Nobuko-chan because I couldn't be devoted... I hurt Moemi-chan because of my untrustworthy kindness... I hurt Takashi because I forgot about trust... I will change. I think it's the only thing I can do, as compensation to everyone... I think I will change under Ai's spark... End of Chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 116: Everyone's Feelings Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Proofread by : Mike Chapman and Shampoo Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <154> Sign: [April] Moemi: Moteuchi-kun... How are you doing? I'm in Japan... I didn't go away to the foreign country. The day I was going to leave, at the airport, I don't remember well, but I fainted... And, then I had a dream about Ai-chan... <155> Moemi: I had a dream. Ai-chan was trying very hard to do something... Moemi: And I realized that leaving Japan in running away... Moemi: Because my reason was that it was hard to stay alone in Japan if I didn't get along with you... I realized that it's not good, and Ai-chan was doing her best... So I started to live by myself. Moemi: Moteuchi-kun... By the way. Today is a very fine day... The cherry blossoms are very beautiful... <165> Sound: Fuwa. Sound: Ba. Nobuko: Gee! Why are the skirts at this school so short! <157> Nobuko: I think... I said something last year... Nobuko: When I saw Senpai again here. He taught me art in junior high art club... Nobuko: Senpai! I'm working hard to rebuild the all but destroyed club at this school. I wanted to do my best at something, like you. See, I'm good, right, Senpai! Moemi: Nobuko-chan. Nobuko: Oh! Hayakawa-senpai, why!? Moemi: I...missed this school... <158> Nobuko: Senpai... I heard you quit school and left for a foreign country. Moemi: I want to do my best alone. I have some savings, so I want to get a part-time job and live alone. Moemi I always depended on someone, so... I decided to stop it... Moemi She...always did her best by herself... <159> Nobuko: Same here... I'm thinking to be like Moteuchi-senpai... His attitude with facing a problem seriously... I want to be like that... He wasn't settled, but at least he was focused on the picture book and Amano-san! Sound: Su. Nobuko: It's kinda confusing, but... Those two just fit... I think they'll be together forever... Moemi: I think so too... Moemi: I want both of them to be happy. Nobuko: Listen!! Stupid Youta Moteuchi. Nobuko: You broke up with these two good women! Take good care of Amano-san!! You have to be happy!! Moemi: Nobuko-chan... Kusu. <160> Sign: [-Okayama-] Takashi: Youta... Are you doing okay? I still really regret hurting both you and Moemi... But... It might sound weird, but I'm trying to use it as a starting point... Takashi: Your kindness... It glimmered for me, who doesn't have room to be... If I could be kind, I wouldn't have had to hurt you two... So, I'm doing my best to be like you. I'm having a hard time since it's hard to change my personality... Takashi: I'm in a band with Shimizu-san in Okayama. We're practicing to be professional. With many people... I think about myself in a crowd... I can see things I've never seen before, and I'm enjoying every day. Youta... It's because of you... Thank you. Takashi: happy... I know you can be!... <162> Youta: Ai... I didn't realize that I made such a big mistake. I depended on someone I had to protect. Ai... Yes, on you... Youta: I didn't realize it until our hearts got together, at the last moment, that you were having a hard time because I depended on you... And the biggest mistake is...that I depended on you for my dreams. Youta: I said I couldn't finish the picture book if Ai wasn't with me. What a stupid thing... It's not a dream any more if I give it away... <163> Youta: Ai, watch me... I'll stand on this starting line to change myself! I'll finish the unfinished picture book by myself. I feel like I can stand on this starting line if I can do that simple thing. Youta: Please take the finished book, Ai. I added to the ending of Robot "Kokoro-kun". Kokoro-kun doesn't stop moving at the scrap yard. It's my message for you, Ai-chan... Youta: It's finished... Sound: Gigigi. <164> Sound: Ba ba ba ba. Sound: Kira kira kira kira kira kira kira. Narrator: Ai's sparks fell on my, just like congratulating, Youta. <165> Sound: Zawa zawa zawa. Moemi: Wow. Nobuko: Great! Takashi: Oh... Moemi: Ai-chan... Nobuko: Ai-chan... Takashi: Ai-chan... <166> Youta: Ai-chan... Youta: Ai-chan. I see... You're going to disappear... <167> Youta: It's enough because I could be with you until now. Youta: Don't worry... I'll be okay alone. Youta: Thanks for watching me until the last, Ai-chan... Youta: Good bye... <172> Ai: Youta... <173> Youta: Ai! <174> Ai: Youta!! Youta: Ai-chan! Narrator: Everyone became happy because of Kokoro-kun. "I'm a robot. I'm useless since everyone's happy." Kokoro-kun quietly closed his eyes. <175> Narrator: Everyone in town cried when they found Kokoro-kun at the scrap yard. "I thought everyone became happy, but we can't really be happy like this." "Kokoro-kun is already a member of the town." And they prayed, "If there is a God in this world, please listen to us!" Narrator: The prayed for a long time...devoutly...devoutly... Then, in one flash of light from the sky a voice was heard, "I listened to your wish." The people's wish was accepted by God! <178> Narrator: Kokoro-kun became human. End of Chapter ----------------------------------------------------------------------