Chapter 9: Where did Ai Go? Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <6> Youta: Moemi-chan! Takashi! Moemi: What have you been doing? You didn't come to school all this time! Even when I call you, it's always the answering machine. Youta: Well. Ah. <7> Moemi: Hey, don't you want to play with us? Youta: Eh? Moemi: Please, I'm so nervous being around Niimai-kun alone, so. Youta: I- I. now. .I have something important that. the fragrance of Moemi's hair, her beautiful voice. I have something more important to do, but my feet are frozen.! <8> Ai: Haa haa. I have to take these. to Youta. quickly. Haa haa. Sound: Gigigi. Ai: Ha! Kyaa. <9> Sound: Dosa. Bo. Ai: Oh no. the illustration board. Am I going to disappear like this. without being able to see Youta. <10> Youta: I've already given up Moemi-chan, but. why is my heart racing? I didn't want to see her. I don't want to see her yet! Sound: Gui. Takashi: Now we'll go see a movie. Sound: Gon. Youta: What am I doing. I have to find Ai-chan quickly! What am I doing! <11> Takashi: Youta! Sound: Ga. Takashi: If you're feeling confused, take Moemi-chan away from me. <12> Sound: Kon. Youta: What is he saying? Of course it's impossible. What is Takashi thinking!! Ai: Youta. Youta: Ha. Ai-chan!! Sound: Bari bari bari bari. Youta: It could be!! Excuse me. <14> Youta: .burned illustration board. So Ai-chan must be.! People: What? What? .lightening on such a fine day? In this season? Sound: Zawa zawa. Youta: If I didn't waste my time there. No. She must be somewhere else!! <16> Moemi: Well. 0.4 and. Sound: Tyurururu tururu gacha. Moemi: Ah, this is Hayakawa, and. Ah, Niimai-kun! Thank you very much for today. The movie was good wasn't it? Takashi: Yeh. Sound: Doki doki doki doki. <17> Moemi: Do you think. Moteuchi-kun will come to school tomorrow? Takashi: I don't know. Why don't you ask him that question? Sound: Gota. Moemi: Yeah. that's right. Didn't you think Moteuchi-kun was acting strange today!? Takashi: He has something to worry about too. <18> Moemi: Don't you think Moteuchi-kun is. Takashi: Hey. You talk about him all the time. Then, see you at school. Moemi: O-okay. Sound: Gada. <19> Moemi: Fuu. Sound: Gacha. Moemi: I wonder if Moteuchi-kun will come to school tomorrow. Sound: Pi po pi po pi. Tyurururu tyurururu. Gacha. Youta: Hello. This is Moteuchi. Right now I'm out, so please leave a message!! Moemi: Hello, this is Hayakawa. Well, I called you because I was wondering if you were coming to school tomorrow? <20> Moemi: Please call me when you get home. See you. Sound: Gacha. Sound: Gacha. Youta: She's nowhere. anymore. she's not. <21> Youta: Ai-chan. <22> Gokuraku: So are you saying it's recovery time? It's still the renting period. If you take this girl away from Youta Moteuchi now, it'd be too much. Rolex: There is no way. "Ai," is a sub-standard product. She wouldn't do any good even if we did let her stay with him. <23> Gokuraku: I don't think so. In fact, Youta Moteuchi is in need of "Ai." Rolex: .I'll decide what to do! Because I created "Ai." Chapter 10: Disappeared! Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <26> Gokuraku: Before you recover "Ai," please ask "Ai" what she wants. It's true that it's not yet the recovery time. <27> Youta: Video Shop Gokuraku! Please appear! You said it would appear anytime if I had this membership card!! Shit. Give Ai-chan back to me. Sound: Wiiiiiiiii. Wiiiiiiiii. Wiiiiiiiii. <28> Sound: Wiiiiiiiii. Youta: The VCR is still playing. so. Sound: Gusya. Youta: Uh. Because the VCR is still playing, Ai-chan must be somewhere!! <29> Narrator: He walked around the next as well, and kept looking for Ai. Youta: You're not anywhere anymore, Ai-chan. <30> Ai: Take me to Youta right now!! Rolex: Ai! What is your role!? <31> Ai: To comfort. Rolex: That's right. You must think only about comforting. But look at yourself now, you're jealous, lonely, flirtatious. You now have many emotions. <32> Rolex: In that way, you're not different from normal girls. A Video Girl has to be like an angel to men. There's no reason to exist if you're like normal girls. You have a limited playing time, so you can't live like a normal girl. You can't work as a Video Girl, so strange things are appearing on your body. This is enough to retrieve you. <33> Ai: Oh no. Please! Secretly take me back to Youta!! Gokuraku: It's impossible. Give up. Ai: What's going to happen to Youta!! He must be looking for me!! Gokuraku: I think he's not looking for you anymore. Ai: Why not!! Gokuraku: Actually, while we've been talking here for only a few minutes, in the real world it has been one week. That means our time is in fast-forward. <34> Ai: No kidding. Gokuraku: I'm not kidding. You have one more month of playing time. To recover you, I'm fast-forwarding you. I bet Youta already gave up after a week, and pretty soon you'll finish fast-forwarding. Ai: Such a thing. Show me what Youta is doing now!! Either he gave up on me or her didn't!! <35> Gokuraku: .will be hard for you. Sound: Bu-n. Puchi. Ai: Youta!! Sound: Gaba. Youta: Excuse me. Sound: Fura. People: What? <36> Youta: Have you seen this girl? People: I don't know. Maybe she's at a television station? Youta: Excuse me, do you know this girl? Her name is Ai-chan. Ai: Youta. .looking for me for a week. <37> Ai: He's looking for me! He's looking for me!! I have to go to him! Right now, to him!! If I'm a failure as a Video Girl, make me human!! You're called a "God"!! You can do that, right!? Please. <38> Sound: Bi-- Gasya. Biri. Wuuu. Youta: Ai-chan. Sound: Su-- Fu. Youta: What! .This. What is this!! The picture disappeared. What about the tape!? What happened to the VCR!? <39> Sound: Kiiii. Jyari. Pinpon. Kiiii. Batan. <40> Youta: Ah. Ah. the light. the light in the entrance is on!! <41> Youta: Haa haa. Haa haa. Haa haa haa. Sound: Doki doki doki doki. Gu. Gacha. Youta: Ai-chan.!! <42> Moemi: Oh, Moteuchi-kun! Youta: Moemi-chan.! <43> Youta: So, she's not here. Ai-chan. Moemi: You haven't been to school at all, and even though I call you, the answering machine answers. So I was worried. Youta: I see. Moemi: I'm sorry. The door was open, so I thought maybe you would be back soon, and I came in. Youta: Moemi-chan. It's late, so you should go home. Moemi: O-okay. Youta: I'm sorry I made you worry. <44> Ai: Welcome home. Moemi: When I came to the entrance, Ai-chan was here, so she let me in. Ai: It's pretty late, but. Here! Illustration board. I'm sorry like this. <45> Ai: You stink. Haven't you taken a shower? Youta: Whose fault is it, stupid! Sign: [I send you ale!! Ai Amano] Youta: .is this a dream or illusion. .anyway, Ai-chan is in front of me! But this, I didn't know the package had changed. Chapter 11: Youta Leaving Home* Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura *This is a Japanese word that means something like, "Kid leaving from his mother," I'm not sure how one would phrase that, this is the closest I could come. Youta: Ai-chan's back! I can't believe that dark, lonely week ever existed!! Anyway, starting today, I can be with Ai-chan! I'll skip school and stay with Ai-chan all day, Um. Anyway. Ai: Hey, let's go somewhere, let's go on a date! Youta: Oh well. Youta: I bet this will happen. Ai-chan, are you already awake? Are you cooking breakfast? Sound: Ta ta ta. <48> Sound: Za-- Za za zaa. Gacha. Doki doki doki. Youta: She's taking a shower!! I think she'll try to do kobanzame while I'm brushing my teeth. Gee, I should brush my teeth until she comes out. Ai: Kobanzame--! Sound: Pita. Youta: Oh. Sound: Zaza. Waku waku. Syaka syaka. <49> Ai: Fuu. Sound: Gacha. Doki. Ai: Youta! Youta: She's coming!! Ai: I can's get out if you're there! Youta: What? Ai: Don't look! Chiki-monkey!* *Cute word for a pervert. Youta: What??? Ai: Don't peep! Sound: Sya. Youta: It's strange, destroying the rhythm. <50> Ai: .Youta, did you finish the picture book? Youta: What? Oh, that. I couldn't finish by the deadline. There's another one in a half-year, so, then. Ai: Why? The picture book was your dream, wasn't it? Youta: Why. Because I was looking for you. Sound: Sya. <51> Sound: Su. Youta: What? Ai: Sleep. Youta: Ah. Ai: You must be stupid!! Sound: Kara. Ai: Why are you running after me? Are you going to quit halfway through both dreams and love !? Like that, you'll never be able to go out with Moemi-chan. Youta: I'm not worried about Moemi-chan. I'm okay as long as you're with me. Ai: I'll tell you something. Sound: Syu. <52> Ai: I'm a Video Girl. I won't be with you forever. Sound: Kyu. Ai: If you try hard enough, Moemi-chan will fall for you, I think! Sound: Ban ban. Youta: She's back to her normal mood! <53> Ai: I'll send you ale*, so, you'll have both love and dreams in your hands!! If you can do that, you'll be a cool guy. Well, I'll take a walk! *this is an expression for Japanese men, especially used on Sports Day, as a sort of like "I'll be here anytime if you need help". Youta: Hey, what about breakfast? Ai: Don't act like a spoiled kid! Youta: What? Ai: Oh, yeah. Go to school today! Sign: [Date] Youta: I don't understand. What is she thinking? Something's different. from usual. <54> Ai: This is okay. Ai: Please, to Youta. Rolex: Do you want to go to him so much!? Ai: Ha! Sound: Bun. Rolex: If you want it so much, I can let you go back to him, but. Ai: What! Rolex: But there are conditions. These will be very difficult since you love Youta. <55> Rolex: You failed on the "Comfort," theme, so of course things have to be changed. You're new theme is "Send Ale" -- to put Youta and his loved one together. The playing time is endless, until you finish your job. There are ten steps in "Send Ale." As steps, you must finish each one. If you don't follow the steps, you'll automatically be erased! I listened to your wish, so the conditions aren't that easy. Now. what do you want? Ai: I accept the conditions. if I can be with him. <56> Gokuraku: It'll be hard for you. If you want to quit, do it now. Ai: That's okay. Rolex: Okay, the first step is, "Get away from Youta." It's difficult from the beginning, but finish your job. Ai: Already. I'm discouraged. Maybe I should have disappeared then. Sound: Bun bun. Ai: I can be with him! This is okay!! Youta! I'll surely make you happy! <57> Youta: Ah-- Something is weird. What happened to her while she was gone. Ai-chan. Um? The picture has changed!! What's this!? Sign: [I'll send you ale. Ai Amano] Ai: Youta, I'm going to school now!! Youta: Wait! I'm not ready yet!! Sound: Bun. Ase ase. Sign: [Step 1. Get away from Youta] Youta: Darn her! She's cold!! <58> Sound: Puaaaan. Gatan goto. Ai: Um--m. Sound: Gu. Piku. Ai: Who's touching my hip! I've met this many times. Hey, hey! You don't touch my hip without my permission!! Sound: Ga. Man: Ah? What? Sound: Giku. Ai: Ooops. It's the man from the other day. Man: You're the kid from the other day!! <59> Sound: Fu. Man: Mu. Where did you go? Shitty kid, come out!! Hey!! Sorayama: Shhhhhh. Ai: Thank you for helping me. Sorayama: Don't mention it. Sound: Pyu. Ai: Ah. Fu. .kinda cute. <60> Youta: I came to school after a long absence, but. Ai-chan left me, and. Ai: You're late, Youta. Youta: The teacher scolded me, and. Sound: Syobon. Youta: I didn't want to see Moemi-chan and Takashi. so very uncomfortable! Then, the time passed quickly, and it's after school. Ah, I feel so left out being absent for more than a week. I don't understand the classes either. Sound: Tobo tobo. Youta: It's okay! <61> Youta: Then I can bet my life on my dream! I don't have confidence in love, but I'll catch me dream!! Sign: [Art Room] Youta: Just my own style isn't good. I have to learn technique as well. Sound: Kon kon. Gara. Youta: Excuse me. I want to join the club. Sound: Piku. <62> Sorayama: Oh! A new member, Welcome!! What's your name!? Youta: Youta Moteuchi. Sound: Pyu. Ga. Sorayama: Sophomore? Youta: Y-yeah. Sorayama: Good, me too. Well, nice to meet you! Youta: Are you the only member? Sorayama No, there are many ghost members! If not, the club wouldn't exist. Okay, from now on, call me President. Youta: O-okay. Anyway, it's very kinky. Sorayama: Hey!! <63> Sorayama: The nude female is the most beautiful thing!! You can't talk about art without the female nude!! Sound: Ha ha ha. Youta: Adult magazines for your reference, hunh. Sorayama: Do you hate girls? For your reference, I love girls! Um? Youta: I don't hate. Sorayama: Right! Right! I touched a cute girl's hip in the train this morning. I grabbed it! It was very soft. I gave her a good impression of me, so if I do well, I can touch her every morning. So, my name is Takao Sorayama. How about it? It sounds very clean, hunh? Ai: Youta. Youta: Ai-chan. Sorayama: Um. <64> Ai & Sorayama: Ah-- Sorayama: Well. thank you for. this morning. Sound: Moji moji. Youta: This guy is a fake! Ai: "Thank you," are my words. You really helped me. I didn't know you went to this school. Sorayama: Well. Youta: They already know each other. Sorayama: Why. such a cute girl with that guy. What's their relationship!? I'm upset! Well, I'll have this girl!! Chapter 12: Do you hate me? Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <67> Sound: Kara karan. Ai: What is it? .calling me here. Youta: You've been cold recently. Do you hate me? Ai: I might. Anyway, from the beginning, it wasn't 'liking' or 'hating'. Youta: I see. Sound: Su. Youta: Don't come back to my house anymore. Go back to the Video World. <68> Youta: It'll be hard, even if you stay with me more than this. Ai: Wait. It's a lie!! The truth is, I love you! I'm sorry I was cold to you!! But. Rolex: Ai. Sound: Biku. Ai: Ha. Rolex: What you said just now is out of your programming. It's against you job of putting "Moemi and Youta," together. You can never say, "like," or, "love". Sound: Dokun dokun. <69> Rolex: You remember the conditions, right. Ai: Please. One more time. Give me the chance one more time! Sound: Syuu syuu. Rolex: Disappear, Ai! Ai: No! Youta!! <70> Ai: Haa haa haa. .a dream. Youta: You've been cold recently. Do you hate me? Ai: If he asks me that, how should I answer? I'm scared. Everything might end then. <71> Ai: Being cold to you is not because I hate you, Youta. Youta: Ai-chan isn't here. She didn't go anywhere without telling me. Sound: Burororo. Burororo. Youta: Yes! Yes! <72> Youta: Hello, this is the Moteuchi residence!! Ah, Takashi. Sign: [Kichijyouji Station] <73> Youta: Hello. Moemi: Moteuchi-kun! Youta: H-hi. --Well, Takashi suddenly had to go to his band practice, and he couldn't come. Moemi: I see. Takashi: Would you go somewhere with Moemi instead of me? Youta: -- was told, but I'd better go home. I'm finally able to give her up, and I'm with her again. Well, see you. Moemi: Ah. Moteuchi-kun, do you have time now? <74> Youta: How did this happen? Moemi: Here. Youta: I feel so wimpy, my weak decisions. This means I still like her, deep inside of me. Sound: Toboho. Youta: She has my type of cuteness. I can't lie about that. Wait, do I like both Ai-chan and Moemi-chan? Who do I really like? Moemi: Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom. Youta: Okay. Anyway, this is the first time I'll see a movie with a girl, so I won't worry about such small things, and just enjoy it. <75> Youta: Now I remember that I wasn't able to see the movie with Ai-chan. Ai: If we see a movie, we have to just sit there for two hours. It's a waste of time. Youta: .said that, and refused to see it! Fun*! * Fun, not the English "fun," is similar to "Hmph!" Sign: [Popcorn] Sound: Ga. Bari. Ai & Youta: Ah--!! <76> Sign: [Takao Sorayama] Sound: Kapo. Sorayama: My parents aren't home because they're on a trip! This is my chance. I'll bring Ai-chan home and. Kiss. Today, we'll get there. Um. Oh, she's cute. A beautiful girl and a toilet. An interesting combination. <77> Youta: What! Dating Sorayama! Why!? Ai: Leave me alone, it doesn't concern you.! Youta: Do you hate me? Sound: Piku. Ai: Just inviting me to a movie in return. Youta: In return!? For what? Ai: In return for saving me when I saw a pervert. Youta: Saving you from a pervert? Sorayama: Mo-Moteuchi!! Why is he here!? <78> Ai: -- anyway, that's what it is. Youta: You don't want to see a movie with me, but you can see one with Sorayama. Sound: Su. Ai: He doesn't understand. Youta. It means I don't want to see a movie with someone I really like to be with. I can't say what I am feeling, so understand a little bit, stupid! Sorayama: Are they going out? Even so, it's the danger of couples. Moteuchi is no competition. Moemi: Sorry. Anything wrong? Youta: Nothing's wrong. <79> Sound: Chira. Sorayama: Oh! What nice legs ???! I'll take her home no matter what happens!! For now, I just want to hold her hand. How should I do it. Suddenly might be bad. I'll act pure-hearted, so are there any other good ways. Movie: Yeah, the family is the best. Sound: Pin. <80> Sound: Su. Sorayama: Both of my parents work, so I'm always alone. So i can't watch. a family drama like this. it makes me so sad. Sound: Gaba. Sorayama: Umm. Oh, she's not refusing. She must be ???! Her breasts are small. I feel so lonely. Please come. to my house tonight. Ai: What!? Well, but. <81> Youta: What's that impostor doing to Moemi-chan! He didn't help her, but he might have touched her. Um. Sorayama: I touched a cute girl's hip! Moemi: Moteuchi-kun? Youta: Ai-chan, the pervert was Sorayama!! <82> Ai: What are you talking about? Youta: It's true, right now! Ai: It's not like that. You don't know anything! Moemi: It's Ai-chan.! People: Be quiet!! Ai: You're disturbing people, get seated quickly! Quickly!! Sound: Gyu. Youta: About me. so much. <83> Youta: Do you hate me so much!!Moemi:What does he mean!? Aren't they brother and sister? Ai: Why does this happen to me. It's just painful, even when we're together! I don't like this. I can't be patient anymore. Youta. <84> Sound: Su-- Ai: Oh no, I'm going to disappear!! Youta: What do you want to say! Say it! Ai: I have to save my feelings!! I'm sorry, Youta. It's harder for me not to be able to see you forever. Sound: Gu. Sorayama: What's wrong? Did I do something bad? Youta: This impostor! Ai: Let's go, Sorayama-kun. Youta: Answer me! You like him more than you like me!! People: Shut up, stupid!! Sorayama: Ha! He's being jeered! Ai: Sorayama-kun. <85> Ai: I'll go to your house today. Sorayama: Eh, really! But what about Moteuchi-kun? Ai: It's okay. Sorayama: I'm sorry, Moteuchi-kun. Sound: Peko. Nita. Youta: That guy!! He's planning something!! Chapter 13: At Home Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <88> Youta: Ai-chan. Are you really going! To his house!! Ai: Sorry! I might become colder and colder to you if I stay with you. Until I'm able to get my mind set, I don't want to see you. Sorayama: Well. you don't have to force yourself, and Moteuchi-kun seems upset too. <89> Youta: What's that face for! Sorayama: Nothing, I just don't like you being so close to Ai-chan. Anyway, I'll get Ai-chan. Youta: Don't be tricked by him!! He's not the person you think!!Sorayama:That's cruel Moteuchi-kun. Why do you have to say that. Ai: Youta. He's trying so hard to stop me. <90> Moemi: Moteuchi-kun. Ai: Let's go, Sorayama-kun! Sorayama: O-okay. Ai: I don't have to be with him! He's doing well with her! <91> Sound: Do. Sorayama: "In trying to get two rabbits, you couldn't even get one."* *Self-explanatory idiom Youta: I'm not. Sorayama: I began to hate you more and more. Bye! Moemi: What's wrong? <92> Moemi: You look down. Youta: Eh? Moemi: You've looked down from the movie theater. Youta: Eh. Oh yeah. It's not true! See! I'm fine!! Fine!! Moemi: It's not just today, you seem like you've been down recently. Anything wrong? <93> Youta: Do you. worry about me. Moemi: Yes. Shall we go to your house? Youta: Eh? <94> Sorayama: Please, come in. Ai: Okay. This is the first time I've come in somebody's house besides Youta's. A different smell, a different mood. Kinda refreshing. Sorayama: Ku, ku, ku. I finally got her in my house! It's the same as if she's in my hands!! Watch your step. Ai: You're really nice. Sorayama: No. <95> Sorayama: Ah! Just. Wait at the top of the stairs. Ai: Okay. Sound: Chira. Sorayama: Wow, I can't quit this-- Everything will be decided by whether or not I can act like I pure hearted person. <96> Ai: Oh, so this is called an oil painting. Sorayama: Yep. Ai: There's only this one? What about others? Sorayama: Eh? Ah, well. Ai: There are, aren't there? Sound: Gasu. Sorayama: Ah. Ai: Wow, all of them are female nudes. Sorayama: Shit!! I should have hid them somewhere she couldn't find them. Am I weird. Are you scorning me? I have to cry now. Ai: Not at all. I think it's normal that boys are interested in this. <97> Ai: If you like, I can be your nude model next time. Sorayama: Eh? Wow! I'd like that I'd like that Ha. Oh, no, being pure-hearted! My cheeks! Getting red! Getting red!! Sound: Moji moji. Po. Ai: I'm just kidding. Did you take it seriously? Sorayama: Well, yeah. Ai: You're really cute. Sorayama: Don't tease me. Well, anyway, she's fell for my trick. Good! Good! <98> Ai: Youta. I bet he's having fun with Moemi-chan. I guess I didn't have to be cold. I'm clumsy. I don't know any other way. Sorry, Youta. Sorayama: Are you thinking about Moteuchi-kun? Ai: Eh, not at all! Sound: Gacha. Ai: Oh, thank you. Sorayama: Later, let's go out to dinner. Ai: That's fine. Sorayama: Good. <99> Sorayama: Today. I want you to be with me all day. Ai: Okay. Sure. Sorayama: Good. If she's with me all night! I'll have a chance to kiss her!! <100> Sorayama: This is when I was five years old. Ai: Wow, cute. I see. Sorayama: Showing her an album! It help to take her off her guard. She doesn't even notice my hand is touching her bottom! She's in!! Since we're here, we'll go as far as we can!! Ai: Ah, are they your parents!? .looks fun. Sorayama: Eh. <101> Ai: Ah, I'm sorry. I forgot, he's sensitive about his family. Sorayama: It was fun before, my father and mother were getting along well, and they stayed with me. Sound: Uru uru. Sorayama: Now. Always,. I'm alone. Ai: I don't have a family. The only person closest to being family is Youta. But even Youta, right now. I kinda understand how this guy feels. <102> Sound: Poro poro. Koro. Ai: I'm sorry. I hurt you. Sound: Gaba. <103> Sorayama: I want. to kiss you. Ai: Eh!? Eh. Sound: Do do do do do. Ai: What's happened. my body. Kiss, hunh. It's okay. just kissing. Sorayama: I got it!! <104> Youta: Why? Why, to my house? Moemi: Because. I wanted to come since it's been a long time. Are you. angry with me? Youta: Uh-um, not at all. Moemi: Are you sure? .recently, I felt you might hate me. so. <105> Youta: Aren't you getting along with Takashi? Moemi: Eh. We're okay. Yes! Youta: If you guys are okay. even if I. I. hated you, it's okay, right? <106> Moemi: Why? I don't want that. I like you, so. Sound: Su. <107> Sound: Ba hu. Youta: As a friend, right. I. will tell Takashi to be nice to you. Moemi: Moteuchi-kun. Maybe. I. <108> Moemi: I. maybe. Youta: Maybe what? <109> Sound: Doki. Do do do do do do. Youta: Mo-Moemi-chan, what do you want to say? Could it be. She likes. me. Sound: Susu. Youta: It's impossible. Sound: Goku. Youta: It must be something else! Anyway. from Moemi-chan's face, this must be a serious matter. Chapter 14: I like you Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki doki. Ai: A kiss. I wonder what a kiss is like. I feel very tense. Ah! Sound: Gaku. Bosa. <112> Ai: Gee, his eyes are shining, he must be serious. Here he comes, he's coming! But. is it okay to kiss him? .only two who like each other should really kiss. Sound: Gya. Ai: Does he like me? Just because he's lonely, right? It is. It is. <113> Ai: It is! <114> Ai: No!! Sound: Doka. Muka. Ga. Gaba. Gaba. Ai: No!! <115> Ai: Wa. Sound: Ga. Sorayama: What are you doing! You said okay!! Ai: Kya. Sorayama: I was planning on kissing you from the beginning! I decided to kiss you!! Don't move!! Sound: Gu gu gu. <116> Sound: Pan. Da. Ai: I don't want to. I'm sorry. <117> Sorayama: Dammit! I revealed myself. I should have thought that way until she fell for me completely. shit. Ai: But. a little bit. I began to like you. Sorayama: Eh? Ai: I guess it's my old habit. No matter what, I'll find some good part. <118> Ai: Both in a good way. and. a bad way, your straightforwardness isn't bad. I want that person to learn. Well. remember, the result could be like this too. Then, I'm going home. Sound: Gacha. Sorayama: Ah. Sound: Gacha. Ton ton ton. <119> Ai: Ah. I feel refreshed. It's the first time I've spent with somebody besides Youta. Youta. What's he doing. <120> Sound: Tyururururu! Tyurururu. Gacha. Youta: Hello. This is the Moteuchi residence. I cannot reach the phone right now, so please leave a message! Sound: Pi---- Ai: Stupid! Where are you. I'll be at 'Magokoro,' so if you hear this, come here immediately. Sound: Gachakon. Pi-- Chakon. <121> Ai: Gee-- Where did he go, that idiot! Youta: Moemi-chan has been quiet since that. "I. maybe." What did she want to say. What did she really want to say. <122> Sign: [Magokoro] Youta: Ai-chan. <123> Youta: What should I do? What should I do!? What should I do!! Moemi: I'm sorry. I sorry I said something weird. but I'm okay now, so. Don't worry about me. Youta: Moemi-chan. No! I can't leave her alone now!! <124> Youta: Are you really okay? Hey. If anything happens, come talk to me, okay. Moemi: You're really kind. I think I misunderstood my feelings toward your kindness. That kindness isn't good for me when I feel lonely. Youta: What do you mean. lonely. Moemi: Oh, nothing! So long. Thank you very much for today! Youta: Moemi-chan. <125> Ai: Ah, isn't Youta coming. I bet he's still playing with Moemi-chan at Kichijouhgi. Sound: Nu. Ai: Ah. Sorayama: It's good you're somewhere I can find you easily. I. began to like you, I seriously began to like you. <126> Youta: Haa haa haa. Haa haa. She's not here. It's always like this. while I was hesitating, you've left. You. Chapter 15: My Heartache Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <129> Youta: Haa. At last, she didn't come home, Ai. What's she doing. Well. anyway. I didn't lock the door, so she can come in anytime. Boy: Did you do it! Boy: Of course! Sound: Piku. <130> Boy: Because there were only two of us, it's unusual if I didn't do it. Boy: I think so too. Boy: Gee, you're lucky. Then how was it!? Hey! Youta: They're saying 'do it' or 'don't do it'. that means. that? If it's unnatural not to do anything, the two of them. Then, am I weird? Um. Sound: Piku. Youta: .Ai and Sorayama .were being together alone. Could it be. It could! <131> Youta: No! No! From the beginning, she was alone at the tea shop, and she left a message on the answering machine. Wait! She might go to Sorayama's house after that. Well. but. Um. Dammit!! Nothing happens even though I worry!! Divert, divert. Moemi-chan! Why do I have to hide from her. <132> Moemi: Ah!! Youta: What's wrong!? Moemi: Moteuchi-kun. <133> Youta: What's this! It's very cruel. Moemi: I've gotten used to it. Sound: Beri. Youta: You've gotten used to it. Does that mean it happens all the time? Moemi: I can't help it, Niimai-kun is popular. There's competition all around me. We're trying to hide it, but .but they find out. Youta: What does Takashi say about this? Moemi: Nothing. I've never told him. <134> Takashi: You're getting along. Youta: Takashi! Sound: Pon pon. Youta: By the way! Hey you!! Moemi: I don't want him to worry. <135> Youta: Moemi-chan. You're hiding the fact that you're having a hard time. You must really think about Takashi. Moemi: But. Why does he say that. Youta: Eh. Moemi: .like, "You're getting along well," I was just talking to you. Youta: Isn't it jealousy? He was jealous. Moemi: Do you think so? He didn't look like it. His eyes looked happier. <136> Kaminari: Moteuchi! Youta: Oops, the student guidelines, Kaminari. Kaminari: Seems like you're coming to school seriously lately, hunh? There are bad products like you, so I can't relax, got it? You're already on the hit list. You'd better not do anything wrong. Moemi: Don't worry, don't worry. <137> Youta: Moemi-chan's having a hard time because of Takashi. That's why she looked lonely last night. .I should say something to Takashi. Moemi: I don't want him to worry. Youta: .may I shouldn't do anything extreme. But. <138> Youta: Sorayama is coming to school now. Sign: [After School] Sound: Ki--n ko--n. Youta: Takashi! Where is he!! There he is! <140> Moemi: Can we go home together once in awhile? Youta: What do you want!? <141> Sorayama: Oh well. I have some good news for you. Youta: Sorry, I'm in a hurry. Sorayama: I was with Ai-chan all day and all night. <142> Sorayama: Ah, I feel so tired because I didn't get any sleep. So I was planning to miss class, but I really wanted to tell you this, so I came. Well, listen to me. Can you guess? I was alone with Ai-chan. Ai-chan was great, as opposed to her looks. Sound: Nitaa. <143> Sound: Ga. Youta: What are you trying to say!! Sorayama: Fu. I like big breasts, but I also like Ai-chan's small breasts as well. Youta: You. What did you. do to. Ai-chan. Sorayama: Don't you understand? Both her mind and body are mine. Don't get close to her. <144> Sound: Don. Kaminari: Moteuchi!! Youta: Haa haa haa. <145> Moemi: Well, can I hold your arm? Takashi: Eh? Moemi: Uh-- Um. nothing. Don't you want to eat your burger? Takashi: Yeah. <146> Moemi: .there is .no progress. Takashi: Progress? Moemi: We're going out, right. Takashi: Eh? .I guess so. Moemi: We've never been just the two of us, either. Can I ask you something? Takashi: What? Moemi: Niimai-kun. Do you like me? Chapter 16: The Last Kindness Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <148> Moemi: Won't you answer me.? Sound: Gya. Takashi: .I'll tell you. But before that, can I ask you something as well? Why do you always talk about Youta when you're with me? You might not notice by yourself, but. Or do you already know, and are thinking about it? You might like Youta. Youta, right? I don't mind. <149> Takashi: Why don't you go see him, then find out yourself. Even though. you would still be confused and call me from there. I'll listen to you again. That's my answer. You remember my number, right? Sound: Su. Moemi: Eh. Takashi: You don't remember. How about Youta's? You remember it, right? <150> Takashi: You already have the answer, right? <151> Principal: Well, it's a fight between two students, so I'll let you go this time. Youta: Thank you very much. Excuse me. Kaminari: Principal! Why don't you suspend him from school! Principal: It's not that serious. Kaminari: Moteuchi hit the son of Sakuzou Sorayama. Anyway, I think he can't be left like that. <152> Youta: I hit a person for the first time. Am I not pure-hearted anymore. don't I have the right to ask Ai-chan to stay with me. Station: Step back inside the white lines. Sound: Gota goton goton. Pusyu. <153> Youta: H-hi. H-hey. What's wrong!? Moemi-chan. Moemi: Sorry. Youta: No. It's okay? Did something happen? Moemi: I was with Niimai-kun, just a while ago. Youta: With Takashi? <154> Moemi: I found out many things. many things. Niimai-kun gave me very warm eyes for the first time today. Youta: That's great. He's never been nice to girls. Moemi: Oh yeah? Youta: Yeah. Actually, something happened to him once, and after that he's never like girls seriously. So when you confessed your love, I though, "Not good. Take more time," but. Well. It's great progress. Moemi: I see. <155> Moemi: Hey!! Look! Look! There's fish here!! Youta: Eh? Oh yeah!! I didn't know there were fish in a place like this. Moemi: .It'd be better not to know. Youta: Ah? Moemi: One thing I found out is. Station: The train to Tokyo is arriving, please get inside the white lines. Moemi: .Niimai-kun doesn't like me much. <156> Youta: Eh. Moemi: And. Niimai-kun knew what I was thinking. Youta: You were thinking? Youta: I. about Moteuchi-kun. Youta: Eh!? Sound: Doki. <157> Sound: Purorororo. Station: The train to Tokyo leaves on Line 6! Moemi: .like you. Sound: Pa aaan. Dadan dadan dadan dadan dadan dadan. Do do do do do do do. Youta: .You're kidding. <158> Moemi: Sorry! Don't worry! Listen to me until I finish. He told me to see you. It was the first time he talked nicely to me. But. he was nice, but. It was like his last kindness, and. As a result, he pushed me away. When I was pushed away, then I found out something I didn't want to know the most. <159> Moemi: .This person who doesn't like me. finally, I like him very much. <160> Youta: I already gave up on Moemi-chan and. Moemi-chan doesn't know It's not Moemi-chan's fault., but it's kinda too. hard, face to face. Ai-chan is moving away from me too, recently, and. Definitely no hope with Moemi-chan. Horrible. Really. Um. <161> Ai: Youta!! <162> Ai: Wa!! It seems like it's been a long time. Youta: Ah. Ai: I slept till just awhile ago. I was just going to pick you up at school. It's a good thing we didn't pass each other. <163> Ai: What's that face for! Youta: Nothing!! Sound: Gu. Ai: Oh. Youta: You left suddenly! But you show up when I'm in a pinch!! You're really nice!! Youta: What's that!? Hey, Youta. Aren't you going to ask me where I've been? Youta: It's all right! Because you're here now. I know Sorayama saying he did it with Ai-chan is a lie because of this smile! <164> Youta: Wahahaha. So you kept drinking the 'free refill' coffee from the family restaurant! Ai: Um. because Sorayama-kun asked me to be with him, so. Youta: Uhm, so he was lying! Ai: So I had a stomach-ache. Youta: Hey, hey, when you're cooking. Ai: Ah, hey!! Youta: I missed this horrible food. Ai: Excuse me!! Youta: Well, I'll take a bath before dinner. <165> Ai: Youta, this is the last time I can fix food for you. Sound: Tyururururu! Narrator: Youta was happy, not knowing what Ai was really thinking. but even that happiness was struck by the word, "Expelled from school>" Chapter 17: Sad Couple Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <168> Teacher: You're expelled from school. Youta: What. --that call was from my homeroom teacher. What!! The principal said he would overlook it this time!! Teacher: The president of the PTA didn't forgive it. As a matter of fact, you hit the son of the president of the PTA. Youta: Eh? The son of the PTA's president!? .is Sorayama!? I see. that provocative attitude, like he was planning to strike, had this behind it. Teacher: Anyway, come to school tomorrow, I think the principal will tell you directly. <169> Sound: Ju ju. Goo. Ai: This is the last time to take care of him. I exist only to "Send him Ale". Until I understand without a doubt, I should be apart from Youta. But. Actually. this much. about him. but. Ha!! Sound: Su. Gu. Ai: If I think I like him even a little bit, am I going to disappear. <170> Youta: Expelled, huh. Very difficult. But I have Ai-chan. Having Ai-chan is more important than being expelled from school. I won't tell her about being expelled from school yet. We'll just enjoy today!! <172> Youta: Don't go. anywhere. anymore. Ai: Hey, let's kiss! Youta: Eh? Sound: Goku. Ba. Youta: Oh, yeah, I have to wash the clothes!! Ah, I'm busy, I'm busy!! Ai: Stingy, Youta!! <173> Youta: .Expelled from school, huh. Sound: Ban. <174> Ai: Before he comes back, I'll put my stuff together. and leave here. <175> Sound: Wiiiii. Ai: Hi, how are you? My other half. Sound: Byuuu. Gagaga. Ai: This idiot!! Don't play the tape with a broken VCR!! I thought I was going to die!! Be sure not to touch the VCR!! If you turn the power off, I'm going to disappear! <176> Ai: .It was fun. at that time. I didn't know the emotion of "like." Even if this, "I send you Ale," is rewound, I can't go back to that time. This isn't, "I comfort you,". If it's so painful, I should turn the power off. I'm a wimp. <177> Youta: Someday in future, I believe I can share my dreams to the people of the world!! What? Oh, that. I couldn't finish by the deadline. Why. Because I was looking for you. Ai: Stupid. To leave him. I'm leaving for him. I don't want to. <178> Youta: Sorayama's dad is a more open-minded person than I thought. Mr. Sorayama: Actually, the one who told the homeroom teacher to expel you was my wife. I want to settle this amicably, since this is a fight among kids, but. Principal: Well, but, we can't just close our eyes, because it's already spread to the PTA. We could give you a suspension for two weeks. Kaminari: Moteuchi! Don't get happy too quick!! You already have a week of non-excused absences! And if you're suspended now, you'll miss the final text, that means. Youta: .repeating a grade, huh. <179> Youta: It doesn't matter to me right now. If Ai-chan is with me. and I can create a picture book. <180> Youta: Ai-chan. Ai-chan!! <181> Sound: Za. Gacha. Ai: This room's bright. if the blinds are opened. Youta: What's wrong with you. <182> Ai: I was going to leave this house. today. Youta: Eh? Ai: But I couldn't do it, it was too hard to leave you. too hard. Youta: Why!? You don't have to leave! Stay here forever. Ai: Uh-um, I can't, because. It's my destiny! I have to 'send ale' to your love. I shouldn't like you!! <183> Ai: A Video Girl shouldn't be like a person. .But. Sound: Ga. Ai: Shall we kiss. <184> Sound: Su. <185> Ai: U. Sound: Ba ba ba. Youta: Wh-what's wrong?! Sound: Dosa. Youta: H-hey! I can see through your hand!! Ai: .if I like someone, I'll disappear. haa haa haa. Right now, in my mind, I thought, "I like you very much." Strong. so. Youta: Whah! What can I do for you. Ai: I was going to disappear. I can't stop. this feeling. I can't. leave you. <186> Ai: I like you. Youta. I like you very much. Sound: Su. Youta: Wait! Don't rush!! Okay, how about this!! I like you! So send ale to us that our love can succeed. For yourself, send ale! Okay! Okay! Ai: Fu. Idiot. Sound: Su. Ai: I. found your. good part. again. Sound: Syuooooo. <187> Youta: Ai!!