Chapter 18: The Glass Staircase Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <6> Sound: Ba ba ba ba ba. Youta: Wh-what can I do!! <7> Sound: Syu---n syun syun. Youta: Many shafts of light. Is she being sucked into the VCR!? Is she returning to the VCR like this!! Wait!! Sound: Bachi. Youta: U. <8> Sound: Do. Youta: Gu. Sound: Gi gi gi gi gi. Ai: Yo.ta. You. ta. Youta. Sound: Gaba. Youta: Ai is on the screen. This proves that Ai was sucked back into the tape!! <9> Sound: Fu. Ai: It's goodbye. Youta. I was going to play for only three months at first, but we could be together longer than that, so it's okay, right. I had fun, even though it was a short time. Youta: Wait! I still need you!! Don't disappear!! Don't disappear, please! Ai!! <11> Sound: Su-- Fu. Youta: H-hey. really disappeared. Ai. did you disappear. Stupid!! Let me in!! Let me in here!! I want Ai back!! Give Ai back to me!! Hey!! Sound: Ban ban ban. Ban. <12> Gokuraku: I'm weak with that pure tear. Youta: Gokuraku's old man!! Give me Ai back!! Ai.! Gokuraku: Do you want her back no matter what? Youta: Of course!! Let me in here right now!! Gokuraku: Well, don't talk so loud. You have to give up since this already happened. But because of that tear, I'll give you a chance. But I won't give you any help. Take her back by yourself. Youta: That's what I wish for!! Let me in here right now! Gokuraku: Don't rush so. Gee. Today's young people are. Close your eyes and put your hands on the television screen. Youta: Okay. Sound: Baooo. <13> Sound: Dosa. Muku. Youta: What? What? Am I here? It wasn't so difficult. Gokuraku: You're a special case. This is the only and last time. Youta: Then, where is Ai!! <14> Youta: A glass staircase.? Gokuraku: We're in the tape whose theme is love, therefore, what you are looking at comes from your image of love. each person sees something different. <15> Youta: I don't care if it's difficult. Anyway, Ai-chan is up there!! Sound: Da. Gokuraku: Hey, I haven't finished. Gee, young people are hasty and troublesome. Sound: Oaki. Youta: Dammit. This is so weak. Ha, this is exactly like my image of love. So. Since I'm already rejected by girls, I have a fear of love and weakness. That's what created this "Glass Staircase". I can go up since my love never succeeds. Sound: Pakiki. Meki. <16> Youta: Haa. Haa. Haa. Sound: Paki paki. Youta: Haa haa. My feet hurt. shit. This piece of glass got stuck in my foot. My stomach hurts, too. Shit. I have to go to Ai-chan. Sound: Gasya. Gaku. Youta: Ooops! I can't even stay on. And there is a river of electricity, too. I would lose my life. <17> Youta: There's still more to the top. Zee zee zee zee. Sound: Pishi. Gaku gaku gaku. Youta: Zee zee. Sound: Do. Youta: U. .Good. . I'm lucky this part is thicker. Zee zee zee. Sound: Gaku. Moemi: Why don't you. quit now?. <18> Youta: Mo- Moemi-chan!! Why are you here!? Moemi: The strange old man brought me here. Youta: Why did you come. Moemi: Because I heard Moteuchi-kun. Youta: You like Takashi, so. You should just think about him. Moemi: .I realized clearly when I saw Moteuchi-kun having a hard time. The one I like is Moteuchi-kun. <19> Youta: Eh!? Moemi: So let's go back to the real world? Please. Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki. Youta: Does Moemi-chan. me!? Is it. all that happens now. all my dreams. Sound: Piki. Youta: No, my feet hurt so much, this isn't a dream. Moemi-chan really. about me. But-- Okay. Moemi: Moteuchi-kun Youta: --but, I want to take Ai-chan back no matter what. So, would you go home alone first. Moemi: Eh? <20> Sound: Gasya-n. Moemi: Moteuchi-kun. <21> Youta: Shit. What's going on. I'm feeling so much pain, so it must be real. Now, I can't go back. Sound: Gi gi gi. Youta: Gua!! If I climb to the top of this, under so much pain, what if Ai-chan isn't there. Yes!! I have to go there anyway!! The answer is at the top of here!! <22> Youta: Zee zee zee. Finally. Takashi!! Takashi: What are you doing, Moteuchi. Ai-chan isn't here. See!? That's why seriously loving someone is a waste. Look back. <23> Youta: What!? What about the staircase!? What was I doing.!? Takashi: Do you understand? Even though you worked hard for the moment of emotion, It's just a waste. When you wake from it, there is only pain. Let's go back. Youta: Takashi. Takashi: Um? Youta: That's right. I have cuts and pain all over, but I could come here. The energy flows from my body if I like somebody. To love is not a waste. <24> Takashi: Ha. you're horrible. Sound: Su-- Youta: Takashi!. What's going on. What's going on here!! Gokuraku: This place is what it is, the place you cannot understand. The friends you saw along the way were illusions that your weak mind created. they were you own questions asking you to run away. Good job, you could get here without taking the easy way. If could be proof that you feelings toward Ai are serious. Youta: And! Where is Ai-chan!? Gokuraku: Ai is in the back. Sound: Da. Gokuraku: Wait!! <25> Gokuraku: He's gone. Gee, this you person is. Ai is over there, but it's not so easy to get her out. Youta: Ai!! Ai: Yo. Youta. Chapter 19: The Electric Shock of a Broken Heart Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <28> Ai: You're an idiot, you coming after my in this place. Unplug the cord behind my right hand, quickly. Otherwise, I'll really disappear. Youta: Okay. That one! Ai: My power is being sucked away, and I can't move. Sorry. <29> Sound: Kyu. Youta: Don't worry. I just have to unplug it, right? It's easy. Sound: Gu. Uoaaaa. Ai: Kya. <30> Youta: What!! Sound: Syururu. Gogogogo. Computer: I'm absorbing Ai right now. Interference is not permitted!! The rental due date with you is already over!! You're breaking the rule!! Youta: What. happened to Ai. Old man, help me out!! What's going on!! Gokuraku: It's the main Video computer in Gokuraku! I can't do anything about it!! Computer: I'll absorb all the energy from you!! Remember the pain from the past!! Remember the fact that you failed in love!! <31> Youta: Gua. Mi- Mika-chan.!? She's the one I liked when I was in elementary school. Youta: Would you exchange diaries with me? Mika: Why? I. don't like you, so there's no reason to do that. <32> Sound: Wahahahaha. Boy: We came after you because you looked suspicious! Boy: Moteuchi wants to exchange diaries! Boy: A hundred years early for you. Mika: It's not nice to laugh, everyone. Kusu kusu. Youta: It was my first love. The first love I cherished. but everybody. Everybody. Gokuraku: Get over it! Get over this trial. If you get over this and take Ai back, you'll grow one step. <33> Computer: If you don't want to hurt your mind any more than this, leave here!! Youta: Ha! .This .is .just. Sound: Gu. Buchi. Youta: A bitter memory!! Gokuraku: Oh! Sound: Zuru. Youta: It seems better to unplug it before I get hurt!! <34> Sound: Bari bari bari. Youta: Gua. Sound: Gasyan. Youta: Oh, there it is. Sound: Mi-n mi-n mi-n. Youta: Are these Hiroko-chan's clothes. Sound: Doki doki doki. Doki. Youta: .are these Hiroko-chan's pa- p- pa. Sound: Do do do do do do. <35> Girl: You're kidding!! Sound: Zawa zawa. Giku. Youta: Youta: Not good, not good. Girl: Hey, you know what, Hiroko? There's a rumor that Moteuchi likes you. Sound: Doki. Hiroko: Eh-- No way, that's the kid who always draws and isn't sophisticated, isn't it? Girl: That's true! Youta: I'll quit. drawing anymore. <36> Hiroko: Wait. my panties aren't here. Youta: Oops, dammit!! Sound: Gon. Youta: Not. good. Sound: Gacha. Girls: Kyaaaa. Youta: Oh well. <37> Hiroko: Horrible. Youta: It was the summer of eighth -grade. A year and a half of love was over. After that, I quit drawing and read manuals to make myself sophisticated. S-stop it. Not anymore. Sound: Ga. Computer: Ha ha ha, you don't have the energy to love anything! <38> Gokuraku: Do your best!! Just a little more to go! If you can get past this, I'll let you rent Ai again!! Youta: No more. I don't want to love anymore. Gokuraku: He can't. He's totally consumed by heartbreak. this is where it ends. Computer: You still have one more pain. I'll let you remember it as well, as a bonus. Sound: Hyu. Youta: U. Computer: That new pain. Ga. Sound: Piku piku. <39> Sound: Zusa. Pata. Ai: I'm sorry, Youta. Sorry to let you have a hard time. Don't worry about me anymore, and go home. I can't stand you being hurt. <41> Ai: --thanks. I could talk to you until the end, so I don't have anything to regret. Gokuraku: Oh!! The power of Ai's spirit has won over the computer! The tow of you are attracted so much. Youta: I'm awake!! With your tear. <42> Youta: The hardest thing to do right now is to leave Ai!! Sound: Ga. Bari bari. Youta: Nuuuu. Gua. Sound: Gabo. <43> Sound: Gogo go ga gogo go. Youta: Ai!! Sound: Zuzu--n. <44> Ai: The idiot gets wounds all over. extreme. Youta: He he. Ai: Hey! It's continuing from your room. We couldn't kiss at last! Youta: Eh! Oh. that's right. Then close your eyes!! Ai: Um. Sound: Su--. Doki doki doki. <45> Sound: Tsun. Bu. <46> Youta: My house. we came back. We were disturbed again, huh. Wait? .have you passed out. Sound: Yusa yua. Youta: Hey! Hey!! Chapter 20: Play Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <49> Youta: No kidding! Hey!! Wake up! Are you dead!! Gokuraku: Don't be confused! There's still one last step! Youta: Old man from the video shop!! Gokuraku: Bring Ai to Gokuraku, to the slope where you encountered the Gokuraku. <50> Gokuraku: The tape was destroyed by the main computer. So I have to dub to a new tape. Youta: Okay, good! It's that slope, isn't it. Gokuraku: Wait! Gee, you people are so hasty. Put some clothes on her or people may become suspicious. Youta: I see. Gokuraku: Then, I'll wait for you. Sound: Bu. Youta: Ho. Good. <51> Youta: Haa haa haa haa haa. Sound: Za. Youta: Haa haa haa. Haa haa. <52> Youta: Here we are. Don't worry, nobody is going to bother us. Sound: Za. Zazaza. Ga--. <53> Gokuraku: I'm caving in to your spirit. Youta: He he. Gokuraku: Then, come this way. I'll take you to a special room. <54> Youta: Wow. Ai. Wake up soon and smile at me. <55> Gokuraku: I'll be fired if that man finds out about this. Sound: Pi pu. Youta: That man? Gokuraku: Yeah. The great person who made Ai. Youta: Oh, so you didn't make her. Then maybe its better to ask him to do this instead of you. Gokuraku: Don't talk nonsense. We're breaking the rules. That man wouldn't even let us do this. Now it's ready. I only have to make a copy of the tape, but. I have one thing to tell you. Youta: Okay. Tell me anything. Sound: Kohen. Gokuraku: Ai is a Video Girl no matter what. When she disappears next time, I'll never do this again. <56> Ai: Youta. Youta: That's fine. <57> Gokuraku: Good. The dubbing starts! Sound: Pi. Vuooooo. Shun shun shun. Gokuraku: Pretty soon, Ai's body will disappear. And she'll appear on the screen. Then, pray just like when you met her the first time. Sound: Von voon voon. Gokuraku: Pray, "I need you," strongly. The Video Girl won't play if that person doesn't want it. Sound: Gooooo. Doki doki doki doki. <58> Sound: Voon voon voon voon voon. Dan. Youta: Ai!! I got here at last. Sound: Gi gi gi gi gi gi gi. <59> Youta: I could get here. at last. At last. Open your eyes. Sound: Gyu. Youta: Come out. Now! Come out!! <60> Youta: U. Sound: Ka. Byuuuuuuu. Youta: Ah. I missed this feeling. Pretty soon, we can spend time like that time. <61> Sound: Zuzu. Youta: Ai! Ai: Youta! <62> Ai: Youta!! Sound: Ta. Gu. <63> Youta: Don't run away anywhere anymore. Ai: Okay! <64> Sound: Bu. Ban. Rolex: I won't forgive you!! Gokuraku: Dammit!! <65> Sound: Syururu. Ai: Youta!! Youta: Ai!! Sound: Bo. <66> Sound: Fon. <67> Youta: Um. Ai. Old man. Where are you. Where did everything go!! Chapter 21: Senpai* *Means an elder person. Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <70> Sign: [Spring] Youta: That dream-like event is a fact, and Ai-chan disappearing is a fact, too. The cut on my cheek is proof of it. <71> Youta: I can't struggle against the facts. So I'll start everything with this morning, not wasting the days I spent with Ai-chan, to catch my dreams, like she wished. Sound: Za. Youta: I'll make a wonderful start. Ai-chan must be somewhere. I'll meet her some day, so I won't be laughed at by her. <72> Sign: [Homeroom Assignment. Junior Class A. Junior Class B.] [First Assembly] <73> Moemi: Long time no see. Takashi: I heard Youta couldn't be promoted to a Junior. Moemi: Yeah, I know. I heard it. <74> Takashi: How has he been? Moemi: I don't know. Takashi: Why not. But you. About him. Moemi: I thought I might, too. I found out Moteuchi-kun likes Ai-chan, so. I held myself back, not knowing. <75> Moemi: I bet Ai-chan isn't his sister. Takashi: I know it. I've known him since we were kids. So I know he doesn't have a sister. --But he. He. He. Moemi: I! I was shocked by what you said at the hamburger shop. So. I remembered your phone number. Takashi: You're stupid, too. <76> Sound: Buwa. Nobuko: Wa. I hate this!! Why are the skirts at this school so short!? Sign: [Nobuko Nizaki (New Student)] <77> Girl: Give up, we already entered this school. Nobuko: Listen! Our classroom is in the old wooden building. It's horrible. And, there's a person who flunked out. And, a person who doesn't come to school from the first day. So many bad people in my class! Girl: Then why did you take an examination here? Nobuko: Because. Girl: I know. No-chin's reason to come to this school is unpure. Nobuko: Stop calling me No-chin. Hey! Did you see them!? Those two!! The coupling of a handsome boy and a beautiful girl is somehow, great. Girl: What do you mean great. <78> Takashi: Youta. <79> Youta: Hi. <80> Takashi: He looks different. Moemi: Moteuchi-kun. <81> Nobuko: Senpai! Moteuchi-senpai! <82> Nobuko: You're kidding! The same class!? You're the one who flunked. Youta: Yep. Sound: Gara. Nobuko: But. this is luck. Boy: That's the one who flunked. Boy: He looks normal. Sound: Zawa zawa. Kui. <83> Youta: What? Nobuko: It's not a good environment. Let's get out of here. Oh yeah! Take me to the top of the building, where the monster is at! Wow, it looks scary close-up! The principal said it's the Saint Monster, which protects the school, but it's rare for a school, isn't it? Youta: I think so. It might protect the school, but not us. If it protected us too, then nobody would have to be hurt. <84> Nobuko: Somehow you're different from the other boys in this grade. Youta: Eh? How? Nobuko: You look grown up. Very calm. Youta: It's not like that. I'm just pushing myself. Nobuko: What?. By the way, Senpai! You don't remember me at all, do you? Youta: Sorry. Not at all. <85> Nobuko: Ooops, that's what I thought. It's a little sad. But I guess it's possible, because you quit the art club right after I joined it. Youta: Oh. Nobuko: You taught me how to draw with charcoal in the art club, when I was in junior high. Um, the wind isn't blowing. Youta: Eh? Yeah. The first assembly will start pretty soon. Shall we go? Nobuko: Senpai! <86> Nobuko: Do you have someone you like right now? Youta: Eh? Nobuko: I see, you do. But, I won't give up, Senpai. Because you're here, I entered this school. <87> Youta: .I'm called Motenai. You must like the odd ones. Nobuko: .Maybe so. Hehe. But you're very neat now! I'll beat them up if they call you Motenai!! Chapter 22: Unspeakable Words Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <89> Sign: [The First Assembly] Nobuko: I won't give up, even if you have someone you like. Because you were here, I entered this school. Youta: Because I'm here, huh. <90> Youta: Ai!! Sound: Gushi gushi. Youta: She wouldn't be here! She wouldn't! What am I doing. <91> Sound: Basya--n. Youta: Something's wrong with me! It's the end when I start to see illusions. <92> Youta: Mo- Moemi-chan. Thank you. Sound: Kyu. <93> Youta: I freeze up when I'm with Moemi-chan. Is this regret. Sound: Kyu. <94> Youta: Dammit. She's cute. Moemi: What happened here? Youta: Eh? Oh. I cut myself on some glass. <95> Moemi: I don't know what happened to you, but you look bigger now. Youta: Oh yeah. I got so happy when she said it. I realize that Moemi-chan is still in my heart. I don't know when it's going to happen, waiting for Ai-chan, and I can't forget about Moemi-chan. I'm that kind of person. Not a big person at all. I'm a man who still can't say, "I like you." <96> Nobuko: Is she the one you like! Youta: Nobuko-chan! Sound: Zui. Moemi: The one Moteuchi-kun likes. <97> Youta: If I use this situation. I just have to say, "Yeah." I know I'll be rejected, but. Something might be cleared up. <98> Youta: That's right. Sound: Gyu. Nobuko: Oh, so she isn't. I know if you're talking seriously or just kidding. Youta: You got it. I surely didn't say it from my heart. It was like I said it to hide from embarrassment. I guess that way, she would get my feelings. <99> Moemi: Moteuchi-kun. The one you like is. A. Youta: Nobuko-chan!! There is a place which has a beautiful landscape! Do you want to go!? Nobuko: Eh? Ah yes. Youta: Was she going to talk about Ai-chan. I don't want to hear it from Moemi-chan's mouth! Nobuko: Well. My name is Nobuko Nizaki. What's yours? Moemi: Eh? Hayakawa. Moemi Hayakawa. <100> Nobuko: Hayakawa-senpai! I like Moteuchi-senpai! Please help me out!! Youta: I wonder how well we can read feelings from words. There are words we never say or can't say. And the words, "I like you." These need good timing to say, and if the timing is off, they turn out to be words you 'can't say' --I might now be able to say those words to Moemi-chan or Ai-chan. <101> Youta: She said the words I have so much trouble saying, so easily. Nobuko Nizaki. interesting girl. Nobuko: Senpai, what is it, you're staring at me! I guess you fell in love with me. Youta: Idiot. Nobuko: Hayakawa-senpai! I like Moteuchi-senpai! So please help me out! Moemi: --Why am I worrying about it. <102> Nobuko: Senpai. What kind of person is A.something-san? How much do you like her? Sound: Su. <103> Sound: Su. Ai: H-hey.scoot over. Sound: Kon kon. <104> Ai: Hi! <105> Youta: Ai!! Sound: Gata. <106> Youta: Ooops. Teacher: You must be Ai Amano!! What are you thinking, not coming to school the first day, and being late to class at the beginning of the semester!? Come to the teacher's lounge later! Sound: Koso koso. Ai: Stupid. Youta: It's Ai-chan! Ai-chan is in front of me!! She's really here!! Ai! <107> Ai: --You.are being too friendly. How do you know my name? Youta: Eh? Are you joking with me? Ai: What? Youta: --Ai's eyes look serious. her eyes say she doesn't know me. Chapter 23: A Sad Game of Tag Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <109> Sign: [Teacher's Lounge] Sound: Gara. <110> Ai: Video Girl? What is that? You're really talking about something weird. Youta: Ai-chan. Did she forget that she was a Video Girl? --or a different person with the same first name, last name, and face? Ai: Not fair. It seems like you know about me, but I don't even know your name. Youta: Ah. Youta. Youta Moteuchi. I felt sad having to introduce myself to Ai. <111> Youta: I wonder where she lives now. That's right, I might find out something if I go to her house. Well. Ai: Hey. Youta: Um. Ai: Let me ride on back! Boy: What. <112> Ai: Bye, You;. See you tomorrow. But I feel like your face is very familiar. It's strange. Bye bye. Sound: Babobobo. Youta: Ah. The words she just said make it clear. She must be Ai! I wish she were a different person. <113> Nobuko: She's the one you like. Amano-san. Youta: I like her in one way. Nobuko: The same as me then. It's a sad game of tag, isn't it. <114> Nobuko: I run after you. And you run after Amano-san. Youta: Why do you like me, Nobuko-chan? Nobuko: Maybe it's your stolid face. Youta: It's glum, shy do you like that part? Nobuko: Oh, not it doesn't mean that. I'd better say studious face. I weak around people who do their best. The face when you were drawing. The face when you were teaching new students, like me, how to draw with charcoal. In your eyes, you were seriously trying to teach us. I felt you were a nice person. <115> Nobuko: And. Basically, I like that kind of face. Youta: She really talks straightforward. Can I answer this bright smile? Nobuko: Hey-- What is it!? That strained smile. Youta: Eh. Nobuko: Was it difficult for you? Youta: Oh, now. It's not like that. <116> Youta: Should I have said that to make her expect something!? Should I have!? Should I have? Nobuko: Ah, Senpai. Youta: Was it so strained? Nobuko: Yeah, very much. You looked like you were in trouble. Youta: Hehehe. Oh yeah, I meant to smile normally. Maybe I. Every time I begin to like someone, I have a difficult time smiling. <117> Youta: Because Each time I was rejected. You have a good smile. Nobuko: Senpai. Sound: Gi. <118> Youta: I'll cloud your smile right now. I'm sorry. <119> Youta: I'm sorry, Nobuko-chan. Ai-chan appeared in front of me, so I didn't have the confidence to respond to your feelings. --But. That Ai-chan is. <120> Ai: Youta, welcome home! Youta: She forgot about the times we spent together. And no more. No more. <122> Boy: Hey! Look at Amano, her panties, her panties. Boy: Wow. <123> Sound: Su. Ai: Um. What do you want? <124> Youta: What a way to sit! Everyone is looking at your panties. Sound: Nu nu. Ai: Why not? I won't lose anything. Look!Look!! Everyone: Wow. <124> Sound: Hyu-- Youta: You just acted so stupid!! Ai: Leave me alone! If people hide this stuff in the beginning, it only gets dirtier. I guess you want to see it too, don't you? That's fine, I can show it to you. <125> Ai: I found your good side! You seem to worry about me a lot, even too much. I'll listen to you. I'll behave. I kinda like you, so. And it seems like I've known you for a long time. But if you overdo it, you'll be offensive Be careful. Youta: Ai. I feel pain every time I catch a glimpse of one of her old parts. Nobuko: Senpai! Good morning. <126> Youta: No.Nobuko-chan! That. hair-style. Nobuko: You said you every time you began to like someone, you have a difficult time smiling. I will like somebody, so I won't forget my smile. I'll do my best to catch you soon! Starting today! Youta: She taught me. I feel like I've just awaken. because of her positive attitude. But I would spend my attitude on Ai-chan. This might just be a sad game of tag. Chapter 24: Each One's Decision Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <128> Youta: Sunday. I promised to go on a date with Nobuko-chan. I said okay because she was trying so hard, but I think about Ai-chan even when I'm drawing the picture book. The half coat I always wore when I went out with Ai-chan. Sound: Poi. <129> Youta: It's not the season for coats anymore. I'll try not to think about Ai-chan today. It's not nice to show my dark face to Nobuko-chan. By the way, this is my first time to wait on a date. Boy: Sorry, what did you want? Girl: hey! you're late. Youta: There was a time I envied that kind of thing. Sound: Don. <130> Nobuko: Yoo-hoo! Youta: No-Nobuko-chan! Did you cut your hair again? Nobuko: Yeah, once I cut it, I was convinced it wasn't the right length, so. Youta: Her actions are somehow similar to Ai-chan's. I can relax even though i don't know her well, maybe it's because of that. <131> Youta: I like these color works of art. Nobuko: .Even the clothes fashions are 'earth tones'. But it's stupid to pursue fashion, we have to keep our eyes to the future. Youta: I think so. We can't say all, but most fashion is created to be mass-produced. Nobuko: I see. Youta: I say that, but it's me who is influenced by mass communication. <132> Youta: Shall we go out? Nobuko: Okay! Youta: It's going well. The two of us might get along well. Wait.? It's just like I'm trying to go out with her. --but. Did I naturally think that because I'm beginning to like her? <133> Moemi: --That's what I heard. Takashi: Oh yeah. Why is Moemi still with me, with such a cold guy. But the biggest problem is that I'm still going out with her, even though i don't like her so much. <134> Takashi: I originally started doing this for Youta. for him to love her for himself. Sound: Suru. Takashi: It's obvious that this is not going to work out. Sound: Su. Takashi: Then, .quickly. <135> Takashi: In my mind, I always say, "You shouldn't choose a guy like me." Has Moemi-chan noticed, or not? Looking unconcerned. Moemi: Hey. Can I hold your arm? Takashi: She hasn't noticed. <136> Youta: Wow!? Takashi: Hey, Youta. Nobuko: I think, Hayakawa-senpai. Youta: yes. <137> Nobuko: She likes you. Youta: What? How can you say that, without any connections or evidence. Nobuko: It's my sixth-sense! It's possible because of those hasty actions. Youta: But! She has a boyfriend! You saw him too, right? They were enjoying a date just now, as well. Nobuko: There are many things that people think, and what they do don't match. Youta: Um. <138> Nobuko: I couldn't think the two of them were enjoying themselves. Youta: Eh? .Sharp observation. Nobuko: Senpai, don't you think it's possible that one person can begin misunderstanding the other person while they are going out? Youta: Eh? Ah. Maybe so. Nobuko: Why do you think a girl would do at that time? Youta: I don't know. Nobuko: We try to confuse boys, too. Like saying something to make them angry, or. Taking a big chance to find out if they really like us. Youta: I see, for example. <139> Nobuko: For example, to hold my arm suddenly. Youta: Wa! Nobuko: See, if you don't like me, your face looks like, "What's she doing?" Youta: Oh, no. I didn't mean that now. Nobuko: If we run into a corner and we ask each other for a kiss, or to go to a hotel. Youta: Hotel!? Nobuko: Hey, Senpai. Youta: Ahaha, I'm sorry. <140> Youta: I don't think it works on men. Most men would go for it if they were asked. Nobuko: Then would you go with me if I ask you now? Youta: What are you talking about! Nobuko: You're face turned red, so cute! Even if we ask, we can see if it's just desire or not, so it doesn't mean we have to go. Hayakawa-senpai looked like she was in that situation. So, if her boyfriend shows her everything clearly, they will get along well, I think. <141> Youta: Nobuko-chan might be the 'manual-type' like I am. I might get along better with her than with Ai-chan, who didn't fit any pattern. Maybe I can think like this. Ai-chan forgot about me because she appeared as a Video Girl to someone else. Then I shouldn't go after her right now. Then. You already told my the girl's secret techniques. You have to think of some new techniques. You'll have a difficult time from now on, Nobuko-chan. Nobuko: Eh? you that. Are you saying. Youta: So. Well. <142> Takashi: I've always walked at my own pace. it must have been too fast for Moemi. Even though, she tried to follow along with me. Youta seems like he totally gave up on Moemi. Then doing this has no meaning. Then I'll make up my mind. Moemi did her best to catch me. I didn't make any effort toward her. So, from now on. Sound: Ta. <143> Takashi: I'll do my best at one thing. To like her. From now on, I'll try to walk with her, at her own pace, and hold her hand. <144> Moemi: I can't. Any more. <145> Youta: So. Well. A.Ai!! Nobuko: So. you're saying you'll go out with me? Youta: Nobuko-chan. When I was driven by an impulse to go after Ai-chan right now. I realized that I was trying to see Ai-chan in Nobuko-chan. What should I do. Chapter 25: Relaxing My Body Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <148> Nobuko: You mean you'll go out with me? <149> Youta: Shit!! Haven't i made up my mind, without a doubt!? I told myself that she must have appeared for someone else. I've decided to go out with Nobuko who really like me, but. I want to run to Ai because I want to know what's going on with Ai clearly. But, if I go, I'll hurt Nobuko-chan. <150> Youta: --But!. Sound: Ba. Nobuko: Senpai!! Youta: Sorry. Nobuko-chan. <151> Youta: Why did she lose her memory? Where is she living now? I can't. Till I make sure then. Ai!! Ai: Youta. Youta: Not only then. At last. I. Ai. <152> Youta: Ai!! Sound: Ga. Ai: What are you doing all of a sudden!! You're really too familiar!! <153> Nobuko: Senpai. Senpai. Youta: Ha! What kind of person am I. What am I thinking, Nobuko-chan wants me answer, but. I can't answer with this kind of mind! Nobuko: Don't force yourself, Senpai. You want to go, right? <154> Youta: Nobuko-chan. She's forcing herself. This girl. I won't go. I won't go! What are you talking about Nobuko-chan. You're misunderstanding. <155> Ai: So there you guys are! I saw you from behind, I thought it could be. I was just going through without saying anything, but this is the first time I've seen a classmate in the city, so. Youta: It's not the first time with me. Ai: Are you guys going out? <156> Ai: Hey, it's nothing to hide about. Nobuko: Oh, no, we're not like that. Youta: Nobuko-chan. Ai: Oh yeah. <157> Ai: Then I'll take him! Sound: Ba. Nobuko: No you don't!! Ai: I'm just kidding. Don't get so excited. Sound: Po. Ai: I'm not so silly as to interrupt your love. So, I'll disappear now. Nobuko: Ah. <158> Nobuko: Oh, yeah! I have something to do!! I have to go! Amano-san, please look after Senpai! Youta: Eh? Ai: Ha? Youta: W-wait! Sound: Da. Ai: What's she doing. Youta: She's worried about me. Nobuko: What am I doing. My words and my actions are incoherent. Sob, sob. <159> Ai: What do you want to do now? Do you want to see a movie? Youta: Movie. I remember I asked Ai to go to a movie with me before, but she refused. Ai: It's a waste of time just to wit there for two hours, not saying anything. I'd rather talk to you, like this. Youta: At the time, I thought, "Why?" but I understood Ai wanted to talk to me a little more than she can now. But, Ai, right now. is totally opposite. A movie is just for killing time. It's a pain. Ai: If you don't want to, I'll go home. You don't have to force yourself to be with me. Youta: Shall we see a movie. <160> Sound: Chira. Youta: She's buying household goods. So, she started a new life somewhere? Ai: Why are you looking at my ham, kinky guy. Youta: No, I'm not!! <161> Moemi: Moteuchi-kun! Youta: Moemi-chan. Moemi: What's going on here!? Weren't you dating Nobuko-chan!? She was walking away and crying!! Youta: She was forcing her self so much. That girl. Ai: Gee, then I'll bring her back. Which way did she go? hold this. Moemi: To the station. Ai: Okay. <162> Moemi: Does Ai-chan have amnesia!? Youta: Yeah. So I'm worried how she's doing now. Moemi: But then why did you just let Nobuko-chan go. Youta: That's right, it wasn't wise, hunh. This weak mind has yielded only bad results so far. Where is Takashi? Did you finish your date today? <163> Moemi: We just broke up. Youta: Eh? Moemi: Moteuchi-kun. Don't you think some other feelings camouflage the feelings of 'like'? For example. just interested.or.just thinking so.or sympathy, or envy. After I broke up with Niimai-kun, I was thinking while I was walking. I think I'm tired of being tied up by 'thoughts' and 'envy'. I untied them, so I feel relaxed now. <164> Ai: I found her. Youta: Nobuko-chan! Nobuko: Senpai. Youta: I remember, my whole body felt relieved when I was going to say, "Let's go out," to Nobuko-chan. Maybe it was because I got tired of following after my feelings toward Ai, which would no longer succeed, like Moemi-chan. Ai: What are you guys doing. Aren't you really going out? Nobuko: No. We're not. Sound: Ga. <165> Youta: Hehehe, actually, we are. Right. Nobuko: Senpai. Youta: Relax my body and start off in a new direction! Chapter 26: Deepening Feelings Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <168> Youta: I was swimming. I was swimming in the middle of an open sea. Nobuko-chan is cheering me on, so I have to do my best. Nobuko: Do your best. Sound: Chu. Youta: Everyone else is so ahead of me, and. I'll be eaten if I stay here so long. <169> Youta: Swim ahead. Swim!! Sound: Zaba. Youta: Haa haa haa. Ai: Nobody's here anymore. Youta: I thought this would finally happen. Ai: Me too. <170> Youta: It was a dream. It was a very good dream. I'll see the continuation of the dream. I ended up with Ai-chan. What a dream. But. I was very happy that she waited for me. I just decided to go out with Nobuko-chan yesterday. I feel so down. <171> Youta: Do I feel gloomy going out with her? It was just a dream. I can regain yesterday's feelings when I see Nobuko-chan. .If I still feel gloomy even after I see her. Nobuko: Hey, brother! Why don't we ditch school and take off for coffee!? <172> Nobuko: Just kidding! Good morning, Senpai! Sound: Giku. Youta: H-hi. Sound: Doki doki doki doki. Su. <173> Nobuko: We're going out, right? Youta: Y-yes. Nobuko: Wow. Sound: Don. Nobuko: I'm glad it wasn't a dream Youta: Cu-cute. Good! Everything is fine. I can go out with her!! Boy: Pink! Boy: Beige! Youta: Um. <174> Ai: Bzzzzzt. Both of you are wrong! Boy: Um--. Youta: What are you doing? Boy: Oh, hello, Moteuchi-san. Youta: Quit calling me "san." You can just say my name. What are you guys talking about, pink or beige? Ai: Um? Oh, which color of panties I'm wearing now. Youta: Wha. Ai: Now what color is it!! Youta: Um.--. Striped, yellow and blue! Ai: Pinpon, pinpon! People: Wow. Boy: It's true. <175> Ai: Wow, how did you do that!! Sound: Pyun. Youta: Well. That's not what I'm talking about!! I told you not to show off your panties! Or something. Ai: As a reward for the correct answer, I'll wear your favorite panties and let you see them privately tomorrow. What kind do you like? Youta: Eh? Well? Then. Ai: I give up! I give up! Youta: What do you mean you give up!! Gee. The kind of game kinky people would be happy with. So this is the real image of a Video Girl. <176> Sound: Piku. Youta: Eyes that see right through me. Gee. What a bad girl she it. Nobuko: You're so excited, Senpai. Youta: Eh? Why do you say that? I don't think so. Nobuko: Senpai, at last, about Amano-san. Youta: Not true! How can I explain. She's like my bad sister. It's no lie. If I'm conscious, I can't be so excited. It must be because of you that I'm so excited. Nobuko: And. So what would you like? <177> Youta: What? Um. I think polka-dots. Ai: Everyone!! I heard this guy really loves polka-dotted panties. Let's call him Mizutama-kun*. *Mizutama means polka-dot. Youta: hey! Hey! People: Mizutama-kun. Youta: Hey! It's only because you asked a weird question. People: Wahahaha, Mizutama-kun. <178> Youta: People say, "If people are physically separated, they become mentally separated as well." I think that's right. As i face Nobuko-chan more, my feelings toward her become stronger. I didn't have to worry about my dream. Nobuko: Senpai Youta: Nobuko-chan. Sound: Porurururu. Poruru. Gacha. Nobuko: Hello. Oh, Senpai!! Youta: Were you sleeping? Nobuko: No. But, I'm sitting on my bed. Hehehe. Youta: Really? Me too! <179> Nobuko: Really!! I'm happy we're doing the same thing. I was just thinking about calling you right now. Youta: Oh yeah. It's fun. My heart feels like Muzu-muzu* or Uki-uki**. I wonder if this is the actual feeling of having a girl friend. *itchy, and **excited <180> Ai: Byo--n. Oh. Kishishi. Ready, set, go. Nobuko: Senpai! Ai: Um. Sound: Piku. Nobuko: Today. I'm wearing them. Youta: Eh? What? <181> Nobuko: Your favorite, Mizutama. I'll show them to you later. Youta: Eh!! Wh-wha--. Nobuko: Kyahaha. Blushing, so cute. Boy: Amano. What color are your panties today!? Ai: No panties! <182> Sound: Poi. <183> Ai: So stupid. Mizutama. Teacher: Hey, Amano! It's home room time. Where are you going!? Ai: I'm not wearing underwear, so I'll go buy some!! Youta: Ai?. Ai: Ah-- Why am I so irritated! <184> Youta: Hello. Oh, Nobuko-chan? What are you doing now? Nobuko: Eh? .Well, I was waiting for your call. Just kidding. Youta: Don't you want to see me now? Nobuko: Eh? We were together at school just awhile ago. Youta: You don't want to? Nobuko: Not at all. I'd be happy to! Youta: Good! Then. Each day my feelings get stronger and stronger. <185> Sound: Karan karan. Ai: Ah. Two days ago I dreamed about him. Dreamt that I was with him. It was very fun at the seashore with him. After that I feel weird around here.