Chapter 27: Pieces of Memories Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <6> Youta: Did you wake up? Ai: Where am I? Youta: My house. Ai: I feel so familiarized. Youta: Of course, you used to live here. Sound: Wiiiiiii. <7> Ai: Oh yeah. Then can I live here again? Youta: Not anymore. There's no space for you now, so. <8> Ai: I had a dream about him again. Dammit. Why's it so sad. Dammit. Gokuraku: What's wrong, Ai. Ai: Uh-un. Nothing, I just had a dream. I'll fix breakfast soon. <9> Sound: Wiiiii mu. Ai: Hey, Grandpa. Why is the VCR always on? Gokuraku: N-gu! There are many programs I want to record. Ai: I see. Gokuraku: Why so you suddenly ask me about the VCR. Ai: Well. Nothing. Just, because it also appeared in my dream, so. Anyway. His room was too familiar. <10> Gokuraku: Him? Your friend? Sound: Basha basha. Jya--. Ai: Yeah. His name is Youta, a strange guy. The VCR was on at his house too, so. Anyway, it was so realistic. Gokuraku: Ai. You're beginning to see the lost pieces of your memory. Ai. Why don't you go to that friends house? Ai: Why? <11> Gokuraku: If it's the same room that appeared in your dream, then you have clairvoyance. See, you have to try it. Sound: Ka ka ka ka. Ai: Oh. Gokuraku: Using this opportunity, if she goes to Youta's house, then it might help her recall her memory. Ai. I'm telling you, don't stop this VCR, I'm taping something more important than life. Ai: You're exaggerating, I know it. Gokuraku: It's no exaggeration. This tape is your life. If it stops, you'll disappear. We have to be very careful about it until your memory comes back. Sound: Wiiiii mu. <12> Ai: I should go to his house. huh. But why. I'm sure his room will be like that. I feel like so many things happened there. Many things. Sound: Zazazaza. Zuki. Ai: Wh-what. Ouch. My hand. <13> Girl: .And she went on a trip with her boyfriend, and they went all the way. Nobuko: Wow. Girl: Usually, she seems very shy, so when I heard about it, I couldn't believe it. But, anyway, it's amazing, hunh. Nobuko: I see. I envy her. Girl: What are you talking about? You're going out with a guy you've liked for a long time. Gee, I'll do my best to get a boyfriend. Nobuko: I'll do my best too, maybe. Girl: What. <14> Nobuko: For a long time, I've already decided that Senpai would be the first man. Girl: Are you serious? .Hey, are you, Nobuko? Nobuko: I hinted to him that girls might ask to go to a hotel, so. Girl: What kind of person would say that!! It's just like. Nobuko: I have to say it because he seems shy. Tomorrow is Sunday, so maybe I should go stay at his house tonight. Girl: Gero gero*. *It's a kind of joking expression, like, "Oh my God!" or something. <15> Sound: Ban. Youta: Hi. Ai: Hi. You have a date tomorrow, right. <16> Youta: It's not particularly scheduled. Sound: Ban. Ai: Good! I must be lucky. I may go to his house! It's kinda embarrassing. would sounds like I'm asking for a date. Youta: You too. Will have a date, right? <17> Youta: You'll have a date with the boy you're supposed to comfort as a Video Girl, right. Ai: O- of course. Hehehe. Youta: That's what I thought. Ai: Ch. I thought he would be a little bit jealous, but he doesn't care. Why do I expect such a thing. Oops!! I didn't ask him if I could come to his house!! <18> Ai: What should I do. I missed the chance to ask him, and it's somewhat of a trouble too, so. I guess I don't have to. It was just a dream. Yes, it was! But that room the VCR was in, I'm curious. Girl: .And that AV* girl looks like you. *Adult Video Girl: No kidding. <19> Ai: I remember he said something weird about me. Looks like an AV girl. Well. Video Gal? .Um, Oh, yeah, Video Girl! But what's a Video Girl? Video Girl, a room with a VCR. Why do I worry about it so much. We have a VCR at home too, and we don't even have a washing machine. Gokuraku: You can't stop the VCR. Ai: Every time I've noticed, it's on. The VCR in my dream was on too._Video Girl. The room with the VCR. Can't stop. Video deck. Video Girl. Youta. Using a video deck. And. And. Sound: Zaki zaki. Ai: U. U. There must be something. Anyway, I don't think this fuzzy headache will stop if I don't go to his room.! <20> Sound: Basha basha. Ai: I just have to ask him, "Can I come by your house?"Why am I so scared! I'm going!! Sound: Gu. Suta suta suta. Ai: Hey! Youta: Um? What? <21> Sound: Kaaa. Ai: Well. So. Shit. I've been too conscious about it!! What should I do. Nobuko: Senpai! Youta: Ah. <22> Nobuko: Oh, are you talking to him? Ai: Oh, no. It's okay. Nobuko: I'm sorry. Well. Today, I want to visit your house. So can I? Youta: I don't mind at all. Nobuko: Okay, then I'll call you when i get to the station. Youta: Um? Ai's gone. What did she want? <23> Sound: Zu zu zu. Ai: What am I doing. Sound: Su. Rolex: Long time no see. Chapter 28: I Don't Wanna Go Home Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <26> Rolex: You look fine. Ai: Who are you!? Rolex: Oh. You don't have to pretend, huh. <27> Sound: Buwa. Rolex: I guess you're living with the old man now, right? Ai: How did you know that. Rolex: Fu. I guess you don't know anything. Tell the old man that 'The Man with the Coat' came to see you. And also tell him, "I'm not so nice as to leave someone's mistakes alone." Now. I must go to the principal's office. There are many problems getting into school out of season. Pretty soon, I'll let you meet your friend. <28> Ai: What was he. I felt such hate towards him. Sound: Ta. Ai: He seems to know about me. But. There are too many people who know about me. It's strange, very strange. <29> Sound: Ba. Ai: Is it possible that I've lost part of my memory!? Girl: Wow, aren't you wearing a bra!? Ai: Eh?. Oh, because it's tight. Nobuko: Amano-san. She looks worried. She might like Senpai too. I'm weak about that kind of face. I feel sorry for her. No, I can't! I shouldn't be negative, I have to do my best for my love! <30> Ai: There's no album! There's no album, which is the easiest way to discover my past! I want to see some pictures as positive evidence. I have memories about my childhood. About being bitten by a dog, the funeral of my parents, and the junior high entrance ceremonies. But, it seems weird now that I only remember these, and nothing else. Sound: Gu. Ai: Video camera. Why is there so much video equipment? We don't even have a washing machine or microwave. <31> Sound: Wiiiiii mu. Ban. Ai: The VCR, always playing. What would happen if I stopped it?. Grandpa will just get upset for not recording his programs. Sound: Do do do. Gokuraku: You can never stop it. Ai: Or. Is it somehow related to me? I want to, I want to stop it! I might get an answer about this fuzzy question if I'm able to stop it. Sound: Do do do. Ai: If I stop!. Sound: Bita. <32> Nobuko: Wow! It's cool!! Wow, it's nice. It just looks like a designer's house! Youta: Over that wall is the bath and toilet. Nobuko: Gee, the kitchen looks so clean and easy to use. I'm impressed. There really is such a neat house like this! Youta: This is the third time I've had a girl in my house. I became calm without being confused! <33> Youta: Ai's room. After she left, it became the 'off-limits room'. Nobuko: Senpai, what room is this? Youta: Eh. Sound: Giku. Nobuko: Can I look in here? Youta: Well, not here. Sound: Hyu. Nobuko: The more you hide it like that, the more I want to see it! <34> Nobuko: Off guard! Sound: Zu. Sha. Youta: Ha! Why did I become so serious!! Hahahaha. <35> Youta: Do you want to see it so much? Nobuko: Well, if you don't want me to see it so much, it's okay. Youta: Sorry. It's been the same ever since Ai left, so if it's possible, I'd like to keep it like it is. Sorry, Nobuko-chan. Nobuko: Is this your room!? Um-- Looks clean for a guys room. <36> Youta: Shall we watch TV? Nobuko: Well. They aren't showing anything interesting now, right? It's okay. Youta: That's right. Sound: Gaku. Youta: Dammit. Um. I don't know what to do when we settle down, just alone. What!? She's taking her clothes off. I don't understand!! Sound: Doki doki doki. Chira. Su. <37> Nobuko: What's wrong?. Sound: Doki. Youta: What's she doing!? Suddenly, boldly, Nobuko-chan!! Sound: To. Goku. Nobuko: Senpai. Youta: Wh-wh-wh-wh! Sound: Dogi magi dogi magi. Nobuko: The window. It's hot if you keep it closed. Youta: Wha? Hahaha. Sorry! Sorry! Sound: Gara gara. Youta: She took it off because it was hot. Stupid of me. I thought too much, gee. <38> Ai: At last. I couldn't press it. I couldn't stop the VCR. I felt that if i pressed stop, everything would stop. But, why did I feel like that, why. Sound: Pita. Ai: Wh-where is this. But, I've seen this neighborhood. <39> Ai: This house, too. This house, too. I remember!! This house. Ai: Don't! Don't turn it off!! Don't turn the power off!! I'll disappear then!! Sound: Bu. <40> Ai: Uuuu! Wha-what was it. Sound: Zukiki. Ai: Can this be Youta's house. Sound: So. Ai: I got it. Sign: [Moteuchi] Youta: Oh my. Ai: Ha. Youta! If I go to his room. Something. <41> Nobuko: See, there I am, next to you. Sign: [Art Club] Youta: Really, you are. Is this Nobuko-chan too!? Nobuko: No-- Don't look at it!! Sound: Gura. Youta: Ooops. Sound: Doki. <42> Sound: Doki doki doki doki. Gyu. Youta: Oh, it's already 10-o'clock, Nobuko-chan. You have to go home. Nobuko: I don't want to. Go home. Youta: Eh? <43> Sound: Pi po pi. Gacha. Ai: He must be with Nobuko-chan, still. Chapter 29: Under the Roof Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <46> Ai: A horrible headache. I'm starting to. In the past I've forgotten. I must have been called a Video Girl. I don't know what a Video Girl is, but. I'll ask grandpa. He must know something. He hasn't told me anything so far, so I don't know if he'll tell me. But asking him is the quickest way. <47> Sound: Zaku. Ai: The man with the coat!? Why is he at my house.!? I feel a strong hatred towards him, just like when I saw him at school. I don't want to see him!! <48> Rolex: Won't you let me in? Gokuraku: Why did you come here? Ai and myself were expelled from Gokuraku, and we're not related anymore. Rolex: Don't make me angry. You expected me to come. Haven't you heard from Ai? Gokuraku: Ai? She hasn't been back yet. What did you do to Ai!? <49> Rolex: I haven't done anything. I heard she lost her memory. She doesn't seem to know that she's a Video Girl. Are you letting her live as a normal person? Gokuraku: I don't know how long she can live. So I just want her to spend the rest of her playing time by the guy she likes. Rolex: .How long she can live, hunh. Don't worry. Soon, you won't have that problem. I'm going to erase her before the end of her life span. Gokuraku: What are you trying to do!? Please, leave me alone!! Why do you have to do that to the Video Girl you made!! Rolex: I can't overlook the fact that there's a flaw in a Video Girl I was in charge of. I'm a perfectionist. I don't want to leave any mistakes. <50> Nobuko: I don't want to go home. Youta: --Does that mean she's going to stay at my house. A young man and girl staying over night, under the same roof. Oh, no, I'm imagining too much._Nobuko-chan wants to be with me. --But. The mood then wasn't natural, so. Um-- Nobuko: Um? <51> Youta: No. Nothing. Don't your parents worry about you staying out? Nobuko: That's okay. I told them that I was going to stay at Tomoko's house. Youta: So, you were planning to stay at my house form the beginning.? Nobuko: Yeah. Are you looking down on me now? Youta: Uh-um, I'm not. <52> Nobuko: Did he think I was such an easy girl. But if I don't act forceful, he wouldn't kiss me for a long time. Youta: Well, what should I get. Nobuko: I hope tonight will be a special night. .The first kiss with my longing Senpai. Sound: Kaa-- Nobuko: Shoot. I blushed. Um! um! <53> Waitress: have you decided what you want? Youta: Oh. Well, I want this steak and rice platter with garlic sauce. Waitress: Okay. Nobuko: Garlic means ninniku*. *Japanese word for garlic. Youta: Yes. You'll get stamina. Nobuko: Ehehe, the taste of the first kiss was garlic Nobuko: Oh, no-- Ga--n. But what did he mean by gaining stamina. Sound: Po. Niko. Nobuko: Um. Then I want the same thing. Waitress: Garlic sauce, isn't it. Nobuko: .Yes. Now, eye to eye! The two of us become a "stinky relationship*," Gee. * A kind of joke, about being a good partner <54> Youta: It's after twelve, but, it's weird just to sleep. So, in that case, we'd better see a movie. Sign: [Dangerous Sun] Youta: Adult, hunh. I haven't rented it yet. It's embarrassing, and I can't be brave enough. I want to see it. Sound: Doki doki. Youta: But, I can't see this kind of stuff with Nobuko-chan. Wait? Sign: [Blow Me Away] Nobuko: Senpai. Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki. Youta: W-wait!? So. I can't do anything kinky since she herself said she wanted to stay!? We might. Tonight. <55> Youta: Oh, so if I think about it. Nobuko: Garlic means ninniku. Youta: It must be right. What should I do. The man has to understand their feelings and lead the girl, but. I don't know anything. Nobuko: Senpai! I want to see this! I couldn't see it when it was showing in the theater, so. Oh, no, Senpai. You must always watch these tapes, don't you. Kinky! Youta: Ah. How can she. I imagined too much!! She's not in the mood at all. I almost started to get in the mood. <56> Youta: The tape we rented was the one I couldn't see with Ai-chan. And now, I'm going to see it with Nobuko-chan. I feel like it's fate. Oh now, I shouldn't always compare her with Ai-chan. Nobuko-chan is Nobuko-chan. Because, I'm going out with Nobuko-chan. Nobuko: What do you think when you watch such kinky tapes? Youta: What? To think or not to think. I've never seen them before!! You're misunderstanding me. Nobuko: Then, you're not interested in kinky things at all? Youta: Eh? Well, of course. I'm interested. Ooops. No!! She'll look at me with white eyes*! *Expression meaning to look down on someone. Nobuko: I didn't know you were so kinky! Senpai, you're horrible!! Youta: Not at all!! Nobuko: Oh, you aren't. Youta: Um? What? I don't understand her reaction. She sounds disappointed, but. It's impossible.but, um-- <57> Sound: Bagon. Don. Zugaga. Youta: Maybe because I've never seen this movie. But, I can't concentrate on it at all. All my attention is focused on Nobuko-chan. Sound: Chira. Youta: Nobuko-chan has remarkably big breasts. Maybe it's because it's dark in the room, but I can only thin of those things. Sound: Doki doki doki. Youta: Dammit! I want to hold her tight. At least I want to put my arm on her shoulder and pull her over to me! She's my girlfriend, and I'm also a guy, so I can do just that, right!! Just that! Sound: Muzu muzu muzu muzu muzu. <58> Nobuko: The room is dark and it's silent outside, a very good mood. You have a good chance to kiss me, Senpai. I'm so close to you, if I didn't want to, I would stay farther away from you, why don't you understand. Gee, I'll get closer to you! And put my head on your shoulder. Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki. Youta & Nobuko: Okay! I'm going!! Um. A scene with such bad timing. Sound: Kochi kachin. <59> Youta: You want to take a bath, right? I've already had a bath, so, please. Nobuko: Okay, Senpai, take me there. Youta: Oh boy. The towels and stuff are on the washing machine, so. Nobuko: Senpai. Youta: Um? Nobuko: Do you like me? Youta: yes. I like you very much. Nobuko: How far are you going with me, kinky! Sound: Syu. Batan. Pori pori. Nobuko: I hate that insensitive Senpai! <60> Sound: Gasa. Cha. Nobuko: If you like me so much. I won't mind giving you everything. Or, I'm not that attractive to him. <61> Youta: I can't let her sleep in a place like this. I can't just soak in Ai's memory forever. I like Nobuko-chan. I'll clean this up and let Nobuko-chan use this room, to forget about Ai-chan as well. <62> Ai: Where should I go. Sound: Ta. Ai: I kinda want to see Youta. U!? Sound: Ki--n. Ai: What!? Rolex: Ai, why are you hanging around. That old man is worrying about you. Sound: Ga ga ga ga ga. Ai: His face is in my mind!! Rolex: I'll calling you directly, through your brain. Ai: What!? Rolex: I can help you recall your memory. Then, you'll find out your not a normal person! <63> Ai: My arm is hot!! Uwa! What is this!? Chapter 30: The Long Night Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <66> Ai: No!!Sound:Bachi. Bagon. Gigigi. <67> Ai: What. What is this! Rolex: How was it? I can control this much of you, but don't worry, I can't take you life. Now you know you're not a normal person. Ai: Who are you!? Coming into my mind and telling me something I can't understand!! Rolex: You'll understand if you remember everything. Fu fu fu fu fu. Ai: I'm a normal human being. This must be some sort of mistake. <68> Ai: Youta. I can't! I can't depend on him. Depending on him doesn't help. Sound: Gu. Potsu. Potsu potsu potsu. Ai: But. Why does he always come to mind, even though I've only known him a short time. No. I must have known him in the past that I've forgotten. I can't be normal anymore. After knowing so many things. Help me somebody. <69> Sound: Zaaaaaa. Picha picha picha. Kyu. Nobuko: I should have asked Senpai to take a bath first. So I don't make the bath dirty, I'll just take a shower. Sound: Chapou. Doki doki doki doki. Nobuko: Me too. I'll be an advanced girl*. *This is a term used to denote a girl who knows a lot about sex at a young age <70> Nobuko: I'll be okay. Fine! For a long time I've decided that Senpai will be the first man for me. Even if it happens, I'm scared! Even if it happen. <71> Youta: Nobuko-chan has been taking a bath for a long time. I wonder if she's washing her body right now. Body. Sound: Powawawan. Youta: Stop! Stop! As the night deepens, I start thinking more kinky!! Not good! Not good! I have to be patient. Nobuko: I'm wearing his favorite mizutama panties. My mind is also ready. Good! I'm coming!! Sound: Nu. Niko. Doki. <72> Sound: Pashi. Suta suta suta suta. Nobuko: What's going on? Senpai! Suddenly, he became. Sound: Doki doki doki doki. Youta: Nobuko-chan, use this room. So you can go to sleep, I'll take a bath. Nobuko: Eh? Sound: Shaka. Nobuko: But. This. Wasn't it the off-limits room? Youta: It's okay now. I want Nobuko-chan to use this room. Nobuko: A little bit. The smell of life. Someone was living here. Who was it? I curious. But. I'll try not to think about it. I want my thoughts to be of 'The Night for Two' between Senpai and I. <73> Nobuko: But._He said I can go to sleep first, such a thing. After being so worried, and making up my mind, is 'The Night for Two' over already?. Sound: Za-- Za-- za-- za-- Ai: I'm stupid. Why did I come here, depending on him doesn't do anything. he isn't related to this, even if something happened in the past, it doesn't matter now. Sound: Picka. Ai: Oh yeah,. I can borrow an umbrella. I just want to see his face. <74> Ai: I shouldn't. He would wonder what happened if he sees me like this now. I don't want him to worry. And. I don't want him to see this face. Sound: Cha. Youta: Fu. What!? You haven't gone to sleep yet? Let's get up early and go somewhere tomorrow. So, let's go to sleep now. Nobuko: Eh. Well. Okay. Youta: Then, good night. Nobuko: G'night. <75> Sound: Do. Nobuko: Is the game over? I thought about it so much._But when the time comes, I can't do anything. Ah, such a wimp. Sound: Gabu. Nobuko: Stupid Senpai. Insensitive! <76> Sound: Za-- za-- za-- za-- Za-- za-- za-- Youta: The sound of rain is so loud in my ears I can't sleep. I thought I would calm down enough in the bath. But if I think about it, Nobuko-chan is sleeping just near by. Sound: Doki doki. Youta: Let's go to sleep. Sound: Goso. Nobuko: Don't stare at me, Senpai. I'm embarrassed. <77> Sound: Doki doki doki doki. Bafu. Youta: One sheep, two sheep, three sheep. Sheep. Nobuko: Four. Youta: Uwa!! Sound: Gaba. <79> Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki. Nobuko: W-well. Youta: What's wrong? Nobuko: N-nothing. Sound: Ta. Gachan. Youta: Ah. <80> Sound: Kii kii za--. Za-- za--. Za-- za--. Doki doki doki doki doki. Doki doki. Doki doki. Gacha. <81> Youta: .Ah. Sound: Zuzuzu. Youta: Nobuko-chan. Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki. Youta: Don't you want to sleep together? Nobuko: No. <82> Sound: Pori pori. Youta: Oh yeah. Then, g'night. Sound: Kii. Nobuko: Just kidding. <83> Sound: Za-- Za-- Chapter 31: Sorry. Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <85> Sound: Za-- Batan. <86> Sound: Za-- Za-- <87> Sound: Za-- za-- za--. Za-- za-- za--. Doki doki doki doki doki. Muzu muzu Goku. Doki doki doki doki doki doki doki. Youta: What can I do._What should I do. I can't go to sleep anymore, and. I might do something kinky. Nobuko-chan. What should I do. <88> Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki doki. Za-- za-- za--. Youta: I'm getting tired of this position. But._I'm so tense, and worried about many things. My body, too. It's kinda scared or something. Like this, my arm is almost cramped, so I dare to. Slowly, slowly. Sound: Piku <89> Sound: Zuzuzuzuzu. Piku. Tsu. Youta: Um! Sound: Biri biri. Jun jun. Youta: Th-this soft feeling is. Sound: Piku piku. Youta: Bottom. Sound: Dokkun. <90> Youta: Oh no. Little Youta woke up! Sound: Gyu. Dokkun dokkun dokkun dokkun dokkun. Youta: Calm down! Please, calm down! Nobuko: It seems like my heart is going to come out of my mouth. The bed is shaking because of my heart pounding. I'm embarrassed. He'll know it. Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki. Youta: I can't move. Nobuko's warmness tied up my hand and I can't move it! If I move now, this 'softness' and 'warmness' will overcome me, and I'll hold Nobuko-chan.! Act completely logically!! Sound: Don don don don don don don don don. Youta: Be a rock! Be a rock!! <91> Nobuko: Se-Senpai. Sound: Gishi. Fusa. Nobuko: You don't.have patient. Youta: Her 'whisper' was added to the softness and warmth, and the temptation was complete. I was overcome. <92> Youta: Why am I holding her so tight, I want to be gentle and nice to her. To hold Nobuko-chan as as tight as possible could be rude. Tight, tight. <93> Youta: A person's hands are amazing. They can distinguish between skin and underwear even under pajamas. Not only hands, I can feel she's not wearing a bra. I learned it from a book, but they really get hard. Now, with all my body, I'm feeling Nobuko-chan's softness. Even now, my heart has just run away, but it feels so good I almost want to pass out. Nobuko: Senpai is hot. He feels me. The man seems to have two hearts. Is it because of me, or. Would you do this to someone else as well? Youta: Stupid. Nobuko: His eyes are really angry. I'm happy. <94> Youta: Under the blanket. This closed space seems like everything. My logic has gone and I'm losing my thoughts. The only thing in my mind is. Nobuko-chan. I love you. I love you. Nobuko: Um. Youta: I love you. I love you. <95> Nobuko: No. Youta: Sorry. Nobuko-chan. I let myself go too far. I shouldn't have touched you. I'm sorry. Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki doki. Za-- <96> Nobuko: Now. I'm wearing your favorite, mizutama. Youta: What is she trying to say. Nobuko: Mizutama. At first. Sound: Doki doki doki. Youta: Can I see? Nobuko: No. Youta: I see. That's what I thought. But, then why. Nobuko: Not unless you kiss me. <97> Youta: I see. That's what she meant. .A kiss. When I was longing for. I could do it only in a dream. There was a time I almost did it, but. At last, I couldn't. But. Now. I. Finally. <99> Youta: I can't stop anymore. <100> Sound: Tyurururururu. Doki. Tyururururu. Muku. Tyurururururu. Youta: What is it at this time. Sound: Tyuru. Gacha. <101> Youta: Yes. This is Moteuchi. Hello? Ai: Sorry. <102> Ai: I'm sorry I called you. Youta: Ai-chan!! Chapter 32: Cancel Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <104> Youta: Hello! Ai: Why is his voice so warm. Youta: Hey. What's wrong. <105> Nobuko: .A call from Amano-san. At this time. .Seems like something very serious. She looked worried at school too. She's going to! Sound: Kui. Nobuko: .Try to confirm her love with Senpai. Youta: Hello? Sound: Doki doki doki. Nobuko: I'm so close by. But why do I feel so much fear? <106> Youta: Where are you!? Outside, right? Ai: At the station. Youta is coming! I can see him! I think I can forget about all the bad things! No! He said he has a date, I can't give him any problems now. <107> Ai: Just kidding, were you surprised? Hehehe. The truth is, I woke up early, so I was taking a walk, but I got bored, so I decided to try and trick you. Youta: You're lying. You're walking in the rain, huh. You're voice wasn't normal. Ai: It's my caprice, so don't mind. Go to sleep, you have a date today, right. Then, bye. Youta: A. Sound: Tsu-- tsu-- <108> Ai: I got tired. Felt relaxed after I heard his voice. I don't want to go there now and. I'll sleep here a little bit. U! Cold!! Sound: Biku. Ai: Gee. Wet through the panties too. Sound: Kon. Ai: I became so happy just talking to him. It's a problem. I like him this much. <109> Youta: I wonder what happened to her. Her voice on the phone earlier. Ai: I'm sorry I called you. Youta: .Sounded very depressed. --She said she was at the station, but. U!. What am I thinking. Right now, I'm with Nobuko-chan. I can't go to the station or anything! <110> Youta: Nobuko-chan's eyes. Blaming me. She can see through my feelings, that I was going to her. A little bit, but. Sorry. Nobuko: Is something wrong with Amano-san.? Youta: Eh. yeah. I don't know what's wrong, but, she said she's hanging around outside. Let's go to sleep, we can't go on a date today if we don't. Sound: Su. <111> Nobuko: Aren't you going to Amano-san? Youta: Why?. I'm not. Nobuko: Are you such a cold person? Let's go! Senpai! Youta: Eh. But. Now. Nobuko: Senpai! <112> Youta: The day is breaking. The rain has stopped. The clear morning air says we kissed, we touched, and everything was fake. The air flows between me and Nobuko-chan, who's walking a little apart, is telling me. You're sulking a little bit, right. But. .The time we can be together for Ai-chan. You're a good girl. It's okay, right. We can be together all day today. Nobuko: I'm a bad girl. <113> Youta: Eh? What? I couldn't hear. What did you. Nobuko: Senpai. Youta: Um. Ai-chan. Nobuko: Senpai! Sound: Don. Za za. Za za. Za. <115> Youta: You'll catch cold sleeping here. G'morning. Ai: Youta! Youta: You strange person, what are you doing here! Ai: Leave me alone. Happy. I'm happy. <116> Youta: You're wet. You'll catch cold. Sound: Doki doki doki. Ai: This unexpected luck makes my feelings active. I. No! I'm going to say my feelings! Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki doki. Ai: About you. Sound: Do do do do do do. <117> Ai: Nobuko-chan. Sound: Su. Nobuko: Are you all right!? Amano-san. Ai: Eh. Ah, yeah. <118> Nobuko: Your clothes are wet. Youta: A handkerchief isn't enough, I'll go get a towel from the convenience store. What happened to her? She looks like she was walking around in the rain all night. What is the guy who rented Ai-chan doing! I hope he's not a rude guy! How can he meet Gokuraku. I want to see his face!! Ai: Thanks. It's all right, I'll wait for a towel. You're so kind. Nobuko: I'm not kind. <119> Ai: You guys were together until now. Nobuko: Yes. You think I'm so rude, and I shouldn't have come. But I can't win out over you if I try to be nice. I thought so when he said, "Where are you?" over the phone. <120> Nobuko: I've liked him for three years! I've liked him all this time!! I like him more than anybody! I love him!! So. I won't give up!! Sound: Da. Ai: Ah. <121> Youta: I got home without knowing why Nobuko-chan went home without telling me anything. My room has easily stayed the same as before our time was stopped._Nobuko-chan's sharp reverberations stayed here. Sound: Pi. Youta: I knew how confused Nobuko-chan was when I heard the message on the machine. Sound: Pi--. Nobuko: I canceled our date today. Chapter 33: Stealing Love Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <123> Sound: Puaaan. Goton. Goton. Girl: I know you get a haircut every time something happens. Nobuko: You got you haircut, too, Tomoko. Girl: I did it for the summer. Of course, it's something to do with Moteuchi-san? Right!? Nobuko: No. I don't want to talk about it! Girl: It's okay, tell me. <124> Youta: I'm a horrible guy. I kissed Nobuko-chan, and I acted like I was going to see Ai-chan. Actually, I went anyway. There no reason for her not to get upset. I just have to apologize. Even if she won't forgive me, I can't complain. No-Nobuko-chan!? Oh. She wasn't. <125> Sound: Jari. Youta: Kiss. I did kiss Nobuko-chan, right. Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki. Youta: It'll be okay. We kissed. She wouldn't say we would break up so easily. Maybe she got better over the night. She'll smile at me. <126> Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki. Youta: She'll be okay. She'll smile at me. Smile. Sound: Do do do do do do do. Giri. Su. <127> Youta: Not so easy! Not easy!! She may be angry!! If I think good, it's the opposite. After we kissed, then I went to another girl. Of course she's upset. Sound: Gi--. Dada. Youta: Now. What am I going to do. Gee! It's no time to think!! I have to talk to Nobuko-chan!! Sound: Guru. Dada. <128> Youta: But how am I going to explain to her about Ai!? I can't tell her about the Video Girl. Sound: Dokan. Zuzuu. Rolex: Moteuchi Youta-kun. Isn't it. Youta: So he is. Sound: Dokun dokun dokun. <129> Youta: Now. The guy who separated Ai and me. Rolex: Is Ai's memory back to normal? Youta: Eh? Memory. Back?. What!? Why did you come here. Rolex: I came to erase Ai. Youta: What!? <130> Nobuko: What was that! I thought he would look a little bit scared, but he's smiling! Like an idiot!! I know he was thinking about Amano-san. I'll break up with that guy!! Sign: [1-B Naoto Matsui] Matsui: Break up, hunh. Good. This day came earlier that I thought. Boy: Hey, Matsui, what are you doing? Matsui: Shhhh. Boy: Do you still have your eyes on her!? Give up, she has a boyfriend. <131> Matsui: But, from her talk with a friend on the train, she's about to break up. Boy: Oh yeah. Then why don't you go tell her, "I like you," now. Matsui: I was going to do that now, even if you didn't tell me. Boy: Are you so brave? Matsui: Shut up. Look! Sound: Doki doki doki doki. Doki doki doki doki. Doki doki doki doki. Matsui: You guys were so noisy, I lost my chance. I'll quit for today. Sound: Kuru. Don! Boy: Then we'll help you! Matsui: Wa. <132> Matsui: Uwatata!! Sound: Dosa. Gasa gasa. Matsui: Hahaha. Sound: Suku. Matsui: H-hi. Sound: Pa. Matsui: We-well. <133> Youta: .Erase Ai!? I see, that's why she was acting weird. Why. I haven't seen her!! It's possible!! She wasn't in my class room! The bag wasn't there either! She hasn't come to school yet!! I'll see her if I wait for her at the gate!! I have to stop Ai-chan before she sees him! Nobuko-chan! Please understand me, it's a matter of Ai's life!! I'll apologize to you later, so now let me go to Ai-chan!! <134> Matsui: Just. My friend pushed me. Hahaha. Nobuko: Nobody's there. Matsui: Ah. Well. Shit. They ran away. Ah. <135> Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki. Ki. Matsui: Ni. Nishizaki-san! <136> Youta: Haa haa haa. Ai-chan! Good. I could get her before he did. Sound: Ho. Youta: Ai-chan! Sound: Tsui. <137> Sound: Gtsu. Youta: Wait! I have something to tell. Sound: Pan. <138> Sound: Za. Ai: Don't make a girl cry! Nobuko-chan would misunderstand, so don't get close to me anymore. <139> Ai: I can still control my feelings. But Nobuko-chan is already going out with you. I can't steal you. I mean, I don't want to see her with that face again, so. Matsui: All the time. Well. I have liked you! Please go out with me. Chapter 34: Stand by You Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <142> Matsui: Please. Go out with me. Uwa. She looks troubled! Nobuko: Well. I. Sound: Bu. <143> Sound: Kuru. Matsui: Haha. Please, don't think about it! Bye! Nobuko: Did you hear that? Hey, Senpai! There's a guy who told me that he likes me. If you think I'm so easy. I don't know what may happen to me. Hey, Senpai. <144> Matsui: I think it's hopeless from the first. I'll push and push and push!! Sound: Katsu. <145> Youta: I was shocked. I didn't think she would slap me. I couldn't have even gone after her. I can't catch Nobuko-chan either. What am I doing. I guess, the actions I took that morning were extremely bad. I'm getting such a powerful return from it. <146> Youta: Good. She looks okay now. But. That man with the coat certainly said, ".Erase Ai,". I can't be careless. Oops. My seat is next to hers. This is an awkward situation. But this is not the time to be nervous. I have to tell her about the man with the coat soon. <147> Youta: We-well. Ai-chan. Sound: Piku. Ban. Ai: Do you want to read this? Youta: .This isn't good. But, I don't have to rush because I have the opportunity to talk to her any time during class. Ai & Nobuko: Um. <148> Sound: Piri piri piri piri. Piri piri piri piri. Doki doki doki doki doki. Youta: The air between those two seems piri piri*. I can see now what happened between them while I went to buy the towel. The two of them weren't there when I returned. * Piri piri is an expression of a tense air around people. Sound: Do do do do do do do. Youta: Both of them are stubborn, so. They might fight to grapple, or. Coldly ignore each other and pass by. <149> Ai & Nobuko: G'morning! Sound: Niko. Youta: I felt so chilled. At a glance, it looked like nothing happened, but those fake smile were scarier than grappling or ignoring each other. I think I saw the terrible part of women. <150> Youta: If I think well. I shouldn't be telling Ai anything. If she lost her memory. She must be spending her life not knowing she's a Video Girl. Then, she wouldn't know a Video Girl has a short life. Even if I told her everything. It's just like I were to tell her she has cancer. She would be shocked. Rolex: Is Ai's memory back to normal? .To Erase Ai. Sound: Chira. Youta: Even though. He came to erase Ai before her life span. <151> Youta: On the other hand, she has a short life. Why were you born as a Video Girl. You don't have to talk to me. I'll stand by you and protect you from him. Originally it was because my VCR broke, so I have the responsibility for this. Sign: [Senpai's Stupid] <152> Matsui: I like gym class. Because I can spend an hour with Nizaki-san at the same place called ground. Sound: Guru. Ai: What do you want! You're always tagging along like shit after a goldfish!! Youta: Aha. Finally, you talk to me. Matsui: He is chasing after another girl while he's going out with Nizaki-san. <153> Ai: I hate you hanging around me. Youta: Why. Why did you call me that time? Ai: Because. Sound: Za. Youta: Anyway. <154> Youta: I'll stand by you all the time. Ai: you mean. <155> Youta: Um!? No-Nobuko-chan. Sound: Da. Matsui: Nizaki-san!! You're a horrible guy. <156> Ai: Look what you've done! She misunderstood this!! Youta: Yeah. That's right, Nobuko-chan, Ai-chan forgot that in the past I spent time with her and we used to love each other. And, me too. "A heap of time" is on Nobuko-chan's side. You don't have to worry at all. I'll explain it well to Nobuko-chan later. You hate to be misunderstood too, but, please don't worry. It's not a matter of liking or disliking you. I just. Ai: Just what? <157> Ai: Just. Stand by me. You mean. Anything. You don't know anything, and don't talk so cruel!! <158> Youta: I'll stand by you all the time. Nobuko: He even kissed me. Youta: I'll stand by you all the time. Nobuko: He even touched my skin. Youta: I'll stand by you all the time. Nobuko: Even though. Youta: I'll stand by you all the time. Nobuko: Even though. Youta: I'll stand by you all the time. Matsui: Are you okay? <159> Sound: So. Nobuko: I think it's uncalled for to be nice to me now. Matsui: That guy! Break up with him. Nobuko: But. I like him so. I like him so very much. Matsui: But._I won't give up. Nobuko: This person is similar to me. That dumb part. Chapter 35: Courage Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <162> Sound: Za. Nobuko: Ah. Girl: Why are you standing there, Nobuko! Nobuko: Sorry. <163> Sound: Za. Youta: Just a minute! <164> Sound: Sata Suta. Youta: Nobuko-chan! Sound: Ga. Youta: Finally, I can tell Nobuko-chan what's going on. Ho. Good. <165> Youta: Well. About Ai-chan. Nobuko: Kiss me. Youta: Eh? Nobuko: Touch my breasts. Sound: Gui. Youta: Eh? But. People are watching. <166> Nobuko: I'm fine! If you like me, do it!! Youta: B-but. Nobuko: That's right, it's not good for you if someone sees that you're doing something with me. Sound: Ba. <167> Sound: Su. Gu. Youta: You have to look up. Sound: Za. Ai: Um. <168> Ai: Those two. Why can't I move! I don't want to see it, but I can't take my eyes off them. What happened to me. Sound: Do do do do do do. <169> Youta: I feel so tense. I've done this once. Kissing shouldn't be so difficult. But. When I'm so tense. Just kissing. Dammit. Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki. Nobuko: What's wrong, Senpai. Sound: Ba. Nobuko: Of course you can't do it in front of that person!! <170> Youta: What person? Sound: Ba. Ai: Ha. Youta: Ai-chan. Sound: Da. Youta: !. Nobuko-chan!! Sound: Ba. Da. Youta: Ai-chan!! Dammit. What am I doing. <171> Nobuko: Senpai, so rude! I gave you a chance. I wanted you to prove it by your actions instead of your talk!! Matsui: You might think I'm being persistent, but I haven't gotten your answer, so. I want to know everything clearly. I didn't have the courage, so I ran away this morning, but. Now, I'm ready. I'll be okay no matter what you say, so please, give me an answer. <172> Nobuko: Right now, I can't think. Matsui: Wait, don't kill me half-way. If it means no, then say so! Nobuko: I'm sorry. I can't go out with you. Matsui: Okay. I understand. <173> Matsui: But, I asked you even though I knew you would reject me. Just consider my courage. Youta: Courage. My ears hurt. If I had the courage a while ago, she wouldn't misunderstand. Matsui: Well, don't mind me. The one I liked was the Nizaki-san who always smiled, not like you, with a depressed face. So. Haha. You're not attractive now. Isn't it better to break up with him? Bye. Sound: Ta. <174> Sound: Ki. <175> Nobuko: Do you want to break up. Youta: .If Nobuko-chan. Nobuko: Just kidding. <176> Youta: --Again. How many times have I witnessed this scene. Every time, I don't have the courage to go after. No, even if I have the courage to go after her, but I don't know what to do after that. So in the end, I don't have the courage for it. So I'm a manual person. If I don't have a manual, I can't do anything. I thought I grew up a little, but nothing has changed. Nothing. Matsui: U. Ku. Shit. Trying hard to be strong. But tears came out. Rolex: You don't look like you're worth being able to go to Gokuraku, but. a special case is a special case. Matsui: Um? <177> Youta: After I went back to the class room, both Nobuko-chan and Ai-chan didn't speak to me. The only communication I had with Ai-chan was the letter from her, that she gave to me after school. Ai's Letter: [You seem to worry about me somehow, but I'm not a child either. I can take care of myself. In the past I forgot, I was related to you somehow, but it doesn't matter right now, right? Then, leave me alone. Nobuko-chan will be sad, and it's a pain for me as well.] Youta: Either way, she doesn't mean to be friendly toward me. I kinda worry about the "It's a pain for me as well," part, but. I'm hated by two girls. "Motenai Youda" has returned. Until I clear up courage as my biggest problem, I'll have to be "Motenai Youda." In the end, finally, myself. Sound: Su. Youta: Um!? <178> Moemi: Where are you looking with that dead face? Youta: Moemi-chan! H-hi, long time no see. .Everything started when I didn't have courage for Moemi-chan. Nothing. Ke. What am I. I'm acting like a spoiled kid after she's kind to me. Pretend to be sulking. <179> Moemi: You're not acting like yourself! Because you listened to my talk before, so this time I'll listen to you. Hey, tell me. Sound: Kui kui. Youta: Now I need courage again here. Courage to scold myself. "This isn't just kindness," but. Too warm and sweet a kindness to me now. Sign: [Meanwhile] [Audio-Video Room] Matsui: Gokuraku Video. "Please Cheer Up," .Is this an adult video? Adult video? Well. I got it for free, so. I'll watch it. Chapter 36: Kindness Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <182> Moemi: Cheer up. It doesn't mean she rejected you, so. Youta: But. It's something. <183> Moemi: But why did you go to Ai-chan when you were with Nobuko-chan. Youta: Because. It was about four o'clock in the morning, and. Her voice wasn't normal. Moemi: Four o'clock in the morning!? Youta: Oops. Dammit. Moemi: I see. You were alone with her until four o'clock in the morning, huh. What were you doing? Youta: We didn't do anything. Moemi: You're so honest, it shows up on your face. Did you go all the way? Youta: Eh? <184> Moemi: Secretly, secretly. Youta: I'm serious. We were just talking. Moemi: Gee, if you keep lying, not going to listen to you. Youta: What should I tell her -- I don't want her to image something weird. I kissed her. Moemi: .Oh. <185> Moemi: You couldn't stop there, right? Sound: Bu. Youta: Wha wha wha. What are you talking about? I'm serious, just now. I lied to her about the next thing. Moemi: I see. But, it's envious. You know what a kiss is like. I want you to teach me, too. Youta: What? <186> Sign: [Audio-Video Room] [Please Cheer Up Mai Kamio] Sound: Bi-- gacha. Wiiiiiii. Za--. <187> Rolex: This video will heal you pain. And pray with your honest feelings. Then, a miracle will happen. Matsui: He said something weird like that, but did he mean. Oh. Sound: Van. Mai: Nice to meet you, I'm Mai Kamio. Matsui: Wow, she's cute. Mai: You seem to be depressed. Were you rejected? Matsui: Ke. None of your business! This tape is sarcastic. <188> Mai: But, please cheer up . I'll do whatever you ask of me. I'll let you forget about the girl who rejected you. If you want me to be with you, I'll get out of here and be next to you. Matsui: Ha. Mai: Please lead me there. If your wish is strong enough, I can get out. Now. Call me. Now. Matsui: Seriously. Mai: Call my name. Sound: Goku. Do do do. Mai: Ma. Sound: Do do do. <189> Matsui: Uwaaa!! Sound: Ga. Matsui: What am I thinking. I almost became serious about the girl on the tape. So stupid. A Video Talent wouldn't come out of the television. Mai: I see. Sound: Bun. Matsui: Ha? Has it ended already? This tape. Sound: Za--. Wiiiiiiiiii. Pi. Matsui: What was it. Sound: Ga chakon. Matsui: This tape. That weird guy tricked me. <190> Moemi: Um-- .I understand you worrying about Ai-chan losing her memory, but. You didn't have to go to Ai-chan when you were with Nobuko-chan. I think you had another way to solve it. Youta: Yeah. I think so too. Sound: Kusu. <191> Youta: It's not a laughing matter. Moemi: Sorry, sorry. But I don't think it's so serious that you think that deep. Actually, Nobuko-chan is just jealous, and he's jealous because she likes you. So don't be depressed because you think you were rejected. Youta: O-okay. Moemi: I laughed because. Your extraordinary kindness hasn't changed at all, and I think you should think about yourself a little more. <192> Moemi: To be kind is a very difficult thing, because it's easy to be the cause of trouble. Your kindness has tormented me as well. Understand? Youta: Um. Uh. Yes. In truth, I understand. It must be the same as Moemi-chan's kindness to me now. She probably means that everyone will want to give in if they are treated nicely. .give in and tend to the person who is nice. But now I can't give in. If I gave in, I'll be the worst. I have to clench my teeth and get over this. Is Moemi-chan telling me this indirectly. <193> Sound: Ta. Moemi: Hey. Would you kiss me? Youta: Eh? Moemi: I want to know what a kiss is like. Please. <194> Youta: Moemi-chan. Moemi: I was tormented so much, so it's for compensation. I want you to kiss me. Youta: B-but. Moemi: You don't have to like me. Please. Youta: What is she thinking, Moemi-chan. She's not the kind of girl who does these things. I used to like you before. This attack is too much. What are you thinking, Moemi-chan!! <195> Sound: Gara gara. Ko. Teacher: Hey, Amano! Would you do me a favor. Ai: Ah. Yes. <196> Rolex: Believe it. Believe it with all your heart, and pray. Mai will appear before you. Sound: Gara gara. Gararara. Matsui: What was that coercion. Sound: Gachakon. Wiiiiii. Von. Mai: Thank you, you played my tape again. Matsui: The wording is different from last time. <197> Ai: Ah. Rolex: You came at a good time. Your friend has now been born. You might want to go. Sound: Su. Da. <198> Matsui: .From all my heart, I pray form all my heart. Come out! Please come out. You said you'd do anything I wish. Come out and entertain me! U. Sound: Paaaaa. Byuoooo. Matsui: Ah. It feels so good. Sound: Katsu. <199> Matsui: Wh-what happened. Sound: Za--. Mai: Fu fu. Sound: Giku. Mai: Hello. Ai: From the television. A girl came out!?