Chapter 37: Video Girl Mai Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <5> Ai: She came out of the television!! Rolex: Your friend has now been born. Ai: Th-then. I came out of the television, like her. So, that's a Video Girl.! <6> Mai: I'm Mai Kamio. Nice to meet you. <8> Mai: I'll do anything for you. What do you want to do? Matsui: Un-unbelievable, it's like a dream. Your hand. I've never heard of a story where a girl comes out of the television. Give it to me. Mai: Okay. Sound: Su. <10> Ai: Haa. Haa. Haa. I'm not a normal human being. Oh my god. It's such a shock to me. Shit. Rolex: Fu. I'm going to be entertained from now on. There are no cases of Video Girls meeting each other before. It's very interesting.. But, I can see the result, the imperfect thing can't win over the perfect thing. And also interesting, the result of an non useful person who's not worthy of using Gokuraku has possession of a Video Girl. <11> Youta: A kiss. Are you talking seriously? Moemi: Yes. Youta: Serious?. Moemi: It's not the type of thing to be talking about in the middle of the road. Let's go somewhere where people won't watch. Youta: Why do you want to kiss? Does she want to kiss ME? No. It's not like that. Is it okay if anyone kisses her?. You're not that kind of girl, right, Moemi-chan. <12> Moemi: It's kinda exciting, isn't it? Youta: Hey, Moemi-chan. Is it because of me that you want to do it? Moemi: I won't answer the kind of person who asks that kind of question. <13> Youta: Sees. Really. I can kiss her. But. She's like a doll without a heart. I've experienced this feeling before. That's right. It's Ai-chan. She's similar to Ai-chan when she first got out from her tape. She did many things for me the best she could as a Video Girl, but just ignored my feelings. Like that feeling. I began to like Ai-chan because she was so imperfect. If she were a perfect Video Girl, then. Moemi-chan being like this. I. don't like. .I can't. Sorry. <14> Moemi: Yes! I knew you would say it. Nobuko-chan must think, "He kissed me, but he went to another girl," so I'll explain to her that Moteuchi-kun isn't like that. What just happened is evidence. Youta: Oh, I was tricked. Moemi-chan. But. I feel comfortable now. <15> Moemi: The result of your kindness hurt both Ai-chan and Nobuko-chan, but. Your kindness is important, I think. So, please don't lose it. I'll do something for you, so don't be depressed. Starting tomorrow, we'll have finals, so if you think about something, you'll flunk. Youta: Well. If I kissed you unexpectedly, what were you going to do? Moemi: I won't answer the kind of person who asks that kind of question. <16> Youta: Anyway, Moemi-chan became so giddy. Maybe she's supposed to be like that. She's more lively than what happened with Takashi. To love isn't always a success. If love becomes sad, people feel so much pain that is impossible to explain, but again, people have to love someone. Stupid humans. Matsui: Are you sure? Mai: Yes. If you can cheer up. <17> Sound: Goku. Do do do do do do do. <18> Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki. Ba. Dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun. Matsui: Even though she looks calm. Her face is embarrassed, too. It seems like she knows the way to entertain men. Are you embarrassed? Sound: Dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun. Mai: Yeah. A little bit. But, I'm fine. <19> Matsui: She really seems to listen to me._Then it's not worth it to restrain my desires. I'll touch you. Sound: Do do do do do. Mai: Yes. Sound: Gu. Mai: Ha. Sound: Dokun dokun dokun. Matsui: S-soft. And warm. <20> Mai: Ha ha. Matsui: How soft and warm a girl's body is. Mai: Ha ha. Matsui: Ha ha ha. Sound: Do do do do do do do do. Dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun. Matsui: Mai-chan. Sound: Do. Gaku. Matsui: I beginning to think of Mai as my old-time girlfriend. I don't care who she is anymore. Anyway, I just want to be with her forever. <21> Matsui: This room has air conditioning, but these clothes look so hot on her. I'll make you comfortable. Sound: Su. Matsui: Um? Where. Where and how can I take this skirt off. Sound: Su. Gi--. <22> Sound: Fusa. Matsui: Let me do it. Sound: Ba. Gaga. Matsui: Lie face down on this. <23> Sound: Goku. Matsui: Don't move. Okay. This girl listens to anything I say. This is exactly heaven!! Sound: Dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun. Matsui: I feel like if I move my eyes off Mai-chan, she would disappear, so I didn't go home, and I thought that my parents would worry, but I didn't go to call them either. I don't care about finals starting tomorrow. And, I don't care about anything anymore, if she's with me. <24> Ai: Hey. Would you give me an honest answer to my question? Gokuraku: Yeah, what is it. Ai: I was born from a television, right. I'm a Video Girl, right. Gokuraku: Nu. Chapter 38: Love Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <26> Ai: I am not a normal human being, right? What is a Video Girl? Sound: Chi. Ba. <27> Sound: Basa. Ai: Tell me everything. I'm ready for it. Gokuraku: Okay. Sound: Cha. Gokuraku: Don't make such a sad face. Sound: Wiiiiiiiiiiii. Gokuraku: I've rather waited for this time. <28> Sound: Zura. Kyu. Ai: I came from this tape which is always playing, right? Gokuraku: That's right. Sound: Gotsu. Gokuraku: There are many types of Video Girls, and you are a Video Girl who is supposed to "comfort" a person who is hurt. That means you were played by someone who has had a pain in his heart, so you exist now. <29> Ai: It's. Youta, right. Gokuraku: I recorded the memory of your childhood and your parents with this video camera, and dubbed it onto your tape. Ai: .Then. I have neither a father nor a mother. <30> Gokuraku: Please, don't be sad. I did something I didn't have to and made you sad. I knew you would find out sooner or later. Please forgive me. When I found out you lost your memories of being a Video Girl, I thought I would let you spend your life as a person. It was stupid of me. Ai: It's okay, old man. But, why did this happen? Gokuraku: Because you aren't perfect as a Video Girl. Youta-kun's VCR seemed to be broken and you were played as an imperfect Video Girl. And because you are imperfect, you happened to know the emotion a Video Girls wouldn't have. "Love." <31> Gokuraku: Those tears in your eyes must be tears of love, too. The guy who made you dismisses 'love,' he thinks of you as an obstacle. As a result, you lost your memory or met with something very painful. Ai: I'm not human or a perfect Video Girl. I. Gokuraku: But, you have love. Today, many people forget about it, but you know the unyielding pure love. Be proud of yourself and have self-confidence. If the perfect thing without love is a Video Girl, then the imperfect thing, like you, is human. <32> Gokuraku: I know this is very hard for you, but if I didn't tell you, I thought your smile wouldn't come back. You are a girl with a wonderful smile, so please do your best to get over this reality. Remember. The person who knows love is loved by others. Don't give up. There are many people on your side. Ai: Old man. <33> Sign: [Audio-Video Room] Mai: Um. Sound: Za--. Matsui: Are you awake? Come here. <35> Mai: Did you stay up all this time? Matsui: yeah. I'm afraid if I go to sleep, you might disappear. What a wonderful body. I never get tired of looking at you. Sound: Gui. <36> Matsui: I love you. Sound: Ba. <37> Mai: I don't know about love so much. I don't like that word. Sound: Ba. Matsui: I'm sorry. I'll never say it again, so please don't hate me. Mai: Don't worry. I don't hate you. Now. Cheer up. <38> Matsui: Are you sure?. Mai: I'm sure. Matsui: Good. Now I feel relieved, and am getting hungry. I should go buy food. No. I can't. What if she leaves while I. I'll be patient. Where are you going!! <39> Mai: The toilet. Sound: Dan. Ba ba. Dan. Matsui: No!! It's not good if someone sees you! Mai: But. Sound: Kyoro kyoro. Gasha. <40> Gokuraku: Ai. Aren't you going to school? Your finals start today. Well. Do whatever you want. Youta: .hot. Sound: Pon. <41> Moemi: Good morning. Youta: G'morning. Moemi: Well, as I promised, we have resolved Nobuko-chan's misunderstanding. Shall we go now, then feel better before the tests! Youta: O-okay. Moemi: Now, it's your turn. Hey, quickly. Youta: She didn't use the kiss, which she called "evidence," as a testimony, as proof. Then, I wonder why she did it. I wonder if Moemi-chan herself just wanted to know what kind of guy I was. .Nobuko-chan. <42> Sound: Pa. Youta: Nobuko-chan! Oh no. She's still angry. I guess it's not so easy. Nobuko: I hate you very much. Youta: Her sharpness has disappeared since yesterday. Good. Sound: Ban. <43> Ai: Hi! What's wrong. Your face looks just like a pigeon that was hit by a bean*. *A Japanese expression of someone being surprised. Youta: Well. Hahaha. What's going on. Today is a good day. Narrator: Everything seems like it's going well. But. Mai: Naoto-kun. I'm hungry. Matsui: No! It's school time now, we might be seen by people! It's okay. We can stay here forever. This is our kingdom. Chapter 39: Conflict Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <46> Sound: Mi--n mi--n. Narrator: The finals are over, the tests have been returned, and Summer Vacation is waiting for tomorrow to begin. The students were relieved, but all the teacher, including one Grade-10 Class-B homeroom teacher, were troubled by one incident. One of the students from Class-B left his house and has been missing from the first day of finals until now. That student is. <47> Matsui: U. U. Narrator: First, it was during finals, so no one went near the Audio-Video room. <48> Rolex: Silly. Going without food and drink for a week, huh. So, like I thought, if the Gokuraku video is given to a person unworthy of using Gokuraku, he's lost his logic and gone crazy. Nothing good would come out of this. The Video Girl would be almost destroyed. Sound: Kotsu kotsu kotsu. Rolex: She wasted too much time. I should rewind it to the beginning and make her playing time a little bit longer. Sound: Wiiiii. Rolex: From now on, it's her real duty. <49> Sound: Pi. Gyuiiiiiiiii. Voooooooo. Rolex: If it finishes rewinding, Mai will disappear, so I have to be careful. It takes about twenty minutes to rewind a week. Sound: Goooooooo. <50> Youta: Nobuko-chan. Nobuko-chan. Nobuko: Oh, Senpai. <51> Youta: Without any embarrassment or worrying, it's a very nice environment. The period when we didn't speak seems like it never existed. Maybe it was because we were forced not to talk even though it was a pain for us, so our separated time made our feelings deeper. Nobuko: Hey, Senpai, let's go to the sea! And the pool, too! Youta: Sure. Nobuko: Let's meet every day during summer vacation! Youta: I felt like we would stay like this. Never breaking up. <52> Sound: Gyurururururu. Pi. Wiiiiiii. Mai: I have to cheer him up. Rolex: No. Now you have a new job. You, come with me. <53> Matsui: W.water. Rolex: You were delirious. Forget everything about this week. Take this pill. Matsui: Gyaaaaa!! Rolex: Was it too strong for a weak body? <54> Teacher: Hey, girls, would you do me a favor. Go to the Audio-Video room and bring me a film canister. Girl: Sure. Sound: Zu. Ai: You guys are always showing off. <55> Ai: Nothing would make it hotter today, but you're making it worse. Sound: Don. Zui. Zu zu zu zu zu zu zu zu. Doki doki doki doki doki. Ai: Hehehe. Don't make your girlfriend cry. Nobuko: Amano-san. Ai: I don't mind being your sister. He might break up with his girlfriend, but if it's his sister, I can stay with him all the time. I wouldn't mind that. <56> Nobuko: I feel that now is the best time for us. Youta: We'll have a much better time from now on. Sound: Gui. Nobuko: Se-Senpai. Sound: Gata. Youta: Let's do a continuation from the other day. I'll kiss you. Nobuko: Eh? <57> Nobuko: Sure. Youta: I thought we were over. .I can be with Nobuko-chan like this again. I want to look after this girl, who will still come to me, such a wimpy guy. <58> Youta: We'll start from this kiss again. <59> People: It's a suicide!! Sound: Giku. People: Matsui from Class-B tried to kill himself!! People: Are you serious!? People: It's in the Audio-Video room!! Hurry!! Sound: Da da da da da da da da da da. Nobuko: Matsui-kun did what!? Youta: The guy named Matsui was alive, even though he was unconscious. I've seen him before. He must be the guy who was after Nobuko-chan. She went to the hospital with him, because she thinks her rejection caused it. So, how is he? Nobuko: Still unconscious. For now, I came home today, but. I'm thinking to go the hospital again tomorrow. It happened because of me. Youta: But. We don't know that. Nobuko: But, we can't say I didn't cause it for sure. Anyway, I can't just leave him alone. <60> Nobuko: I'm thinking about going to the hospital until he comes back from his coma. Is it okay? Youta: Yeah. Sure, it happened, so. Nobuko: Maybe I won't be able to see you these two or three days. Sorry. Youta: It's not your fault. It's this time, so, Don't worry. <61> Youta: It's been four or five days since summer vacation started. I haven't seen Nobuko-chan at all. She goes to the hospital every day. The only thing she talks about, on the phone too, is Matsui. Sound: Tyururururu. Youta: Hello. Nobuko: Senpai!! Youta: Happy voice, something good must have happened. Nobuko: Well, Matsui-kun. Youta: What about him? Nobuko: He regained consciousness! <62> Youta: Then you don't have to go there anymore, right. Nobuko: But. He went unconscious again, but. It seems like he can't talk well, and is afraid of something. He holds my hand and doesn't let go. His mother said, "He seems to rely on you," and asked me to come see him as much as possible. Youta: What about the sea? The pool? <63> Nobuko: I can go there. I don't have to come here every day, so. Youta: Then how about on the fifth, August fifth? Nobuko: The fifth. Oh. I promised to come see him. How about the next day? Youta: I already have plans. Nobuko: .seem to conflict. <64> Youta: I became very scared. I froze and couldn't talk. The word seemed to indicate the bad environment that had just appeared between us. <65> Ai: .To be his sister. Because I'm not a normal person, so I can't want any more than that. That's what I decided, but. Starting this morning, I feel pained to think about the two of them. Sound: Gacha. Ai: Old man. Welcome. Y-you. Chapter 40: Contrary Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <67> Ai: You feel the same as I do. You. Mai: That's right. I'm the same as you, a Video Girl. <68> Ai: What do you want! Mai: I want to be a friend of yours. Ai: A friend!? You liar! Those eyes don't show any scrap of love, such cold eyes. Mai: You're really weird. Rumor has it, you're a bad product. I can't believe a Video Girl would talk about 'love.' <69> Sound: Gatsu. Po. Ai: Wa!! Sound: Pan. Mai: You. Should disappear! I heard we, Video Girls, have a special magnetism in our bodies. That magnetism is like a human blood type, yours and mine are different. <70> Mai: If one blood mixes with another type, it causes death, right. The same goes for our magnetism if they are mixed. The Video Girl's master tape will have interference, and her body will be erased. Where do you think is the easiest place for that magnetism to discharge from? Um? Sound: Goku. Kui. Mai: It's the mouth!! Sound: Biri. <71> Ai: Wa. What do breasts have to do with the mouth! Sound: Ba. Ai: Pervert!! Mai: To inject my magnetism into your body is easier from the mouth, but it also might be dangerous for me to get your magnetism in the opposite way. So, I'm aiming for your heart. Even through skin, if it's the heart, it's the same effect. <72> Ai: You're stupid! Are you okay, telling all your secrets to your enemy? Mai: It's not something like an enemy, or secrets. This is a game, either erase or be erased. Both have to know the rules at first. I want a fair game. Sound: Giri. Ba. <73> Mai: Kya. Sound: Do. Dan. Ban. Gu. Ai: Where are you grabbing!! Let me go!! <74> Sound: Ga. Ai: If u don't stop, I'll hit you!! Sound: Kuru. Mai: Do you need a handicap? You can't control magnetism, right? Like this. Sound: Bari bari bari. Ai: Kya--!! Mai: I can even paralyze you with the magnetism from my hand. Sound: Don. <75> Mai: It was too easy. I guess the game is already over. I wanted to enjoy it more, but, oh well. l make you comfortable with 'The kiss of death'. Ai: Oh no. My body can't move. Dammit! Is this is the end. Gokuraku: Stop it! Sound: Za. Mai: Who? Sound: Cha. <76> Mai: What is it? Gokuraku: You should know by a glance, an amulet. Rosary. This is made with the same type of magnetism as Ai's. You understand, right. This repulses you. Nun! Sound: Gi. Mai: Gyaaa. <77> Sound: Dosa. Gokuraku: We can't stay here anymore. Rolex: Fu. They think well, too. But that makes this more interesting. Not yet. Soon, we're really going to attack you.! <78> Youta: I haven't seen Nobuko-chan even once since the summer vacation started. Even in a phone call, she only talks about Matsui. I'm afraid we're going to be separated like this. Ah! I can't concentrate!! I'll go out and change my mood!! Sound: Ban. <79> Youta: Nobuko-chan! Well. Youta: Wa. Nobuko: Senpai. Youta: I'll shock her! Flowers. <80> Youta: She must be on her way to the hospital. By the way, this is the first time I've seen her with a skirt other than her uniform. It isn't for Matsui. It's not a joking mood. Darn. Nobuko-chan. Nobuko: Senpai! Youta: Her calm reaction made my depressed feeling more depressed. She sees me after a long time, but doesn't seem to be happy. <81> Nobuko: Anyway, it's been a long time since we've dated like this. Youta: I didn't even care, but I don't like to hear respective language from her. It sounds so reserved. That's right. What? Wait, did she talk like this recently. I think she was talking more frankly. I felt like I didn't like it because it wasn't normal, right? Are Nobuko-chan's feelings really drifting away from me. Nobuko: I think you really have a large mind. You don't get upset even if we can't see each other because of my visiting Matsui-kun. Youta: Because. You have your own thoughts and actions, right. I can't be angry just because of that. Nobuko: I wonder if he really has a large mind. Maybe he's not interested in me, and he doesn't care about me. I see. <82> Nobuko: But if you just let me do whatever and don't scold me, then I might run away somewhere. Youta: Then, I'll take it as my fate. I tried very hard to act like an adult. Because I wanted her to think I was generous. Nobuko: You're really grown-up. Is it so easy? If I said we would break up, then he wouldn't stop me at all, and just say, "Okay?" You only think about me that much? I want to hear you truthfully. You said, "Don't go to the hospital," the other day, but why don't you tell me that today? I want you tell tell me, "Don't leave me." Youta: You said you might go away. Why would you say that. Do you want that? So, you're still upset about the other day, or her feelings still haven't come back to me. I want to ask her about that. I want to know if she likes me for sure. I want to know, but. What if I ask her, and then she looks troubled. I'm afraid of that. <83> Nobuko: Bye, Senpai. Youta: I have to say something. .like, "I'll call you tonight, or, "Like your clothes, or. No! I have to tell her something nicer. I have to say something. This way, it's too easy to leave! Like this, our relationship will quietly fade out!! So, something. Nobuko: Senpai. I wonder if he doesn't care about me anymore. Why does he look so normal, even after it's been a long time since we could see each other. <84> Youta: .Didn't know what to say. Couldn't say anything. I feel impatient, but maybe. I wonder . If deep inside me, there is a feeling of, "I don't care." Gokuraku: Long time no see, Youta-kun. Youta: Ai-chan. Chapter 41: Like Before Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <87> Youta: The day broke again. Recently, I haven't liked the morning. Because, I've been attacked by fear. Especially, this morning. Yesterday's Nobuko-chan. Nobuko: If you don't scold me, I might run away somewhere. Youta: Those words weigh heavy on my heart, and I don't want to wake up. I want to exist in dreams forever. As I become conscious, the dull pain in my heart Gets clearer. And clearer. Um? <88> Youta: Uwaaaaa. That's right. Starting today, I'm going to live with Ai-chan. Haa haa haa. Ai: Umm. <89> Ai: Um? <90> Ai: Awawawa. G'morning. Youta: Not g'morning. When did you come to this bed!! I told you to sleep in the other room! Sound: Pan pan. Ai: I wanted to sleep with you. Don't be so serious. Anyway, didn't you do something weird when I was sleeping? Youta: You!! Ai: Ah. <91> Ai: You're kinky. You must be imagining something while you watch me sleeping. Becoming like that. Youta: Ah. No!! It's just a wrinkle, the wrinkle made it look like it got bigger!! Ai: Oh yeah. Youta: Bad expectation. Ai: Then!! Let me see if it's true or not, take off your shorts!! Youta: Wuwa, stupid. Stop!! Ai-chan doesn't worry like usual. This mood. as contrasted with it. The old man's face looked so serious yesterday. <92> Sign: [Yesterday] Youta: Would you tell me what happened up until now. Gokuraku: Yes. After you were kicked out, our resistance continued. Gokuraku: Why are you doing this!! Rolex: Because you are against me. Ai: The old man, please help me!! I don't have to marry him or be with him forever!! But, until my playing time ends! I want to be with him! I don't want to be separated like this!! So, please!! <93> Gokuraku: I thought that that was love, and I wanted to help this pure love along. When he started to give her a hard time. Secretly, I dubbed Ai with the ready-made VCR I rebuilt. The one with the built-in battery for one week. Gokuraku: Now, I'll help you!! Sound: Gagaga. Bachi. Bachi. Bachi. Ai: The old man!! Rolex: You're really going to betray me! You can't just be like that!! Gokuraku: I can get away now if I turn this switch off. Rolex: Wait! If you do that, you'll be expelled from Gokuraku!! <94> Gokuraku: When I woke up, we had been thrown on the road. Maybe it's because of that shock that Ai lost her memory. Sound: Wiiiii. Gokuraku: For the moment, I dubbed the tape which is playing now. But, Ai lost her memory, so there might be something wrong with the tape. Youta: Even though, the longest time is a year. Gokuraku: We rented the apartment and lived secretly, but. Finally, the man started to erase Ai using another Video Girl. Youta: Another Video Girl? Gokuraku: This old man is too unreliable to protect Ai, so I'm asking for your help, but. <95> Gokuraku: I know you have your own business, so I don't want to force you. When Ai finishes her playing time and disappears, then she'll never be on the shelf at Gokuraku. So, then if she's going to disappear anyway. Youta: No! Even if it's just one year of life, she can live until then, right! Then she should live as long as she can! .To have one's life stopped by another. I'll take care of Ai and protect her! Gokuraku: I see. Ai: What a big house! Good! Good! I like it. Please look after me from today! <96> Youta: Ai-chan hasn't changed. I heard she met with many painful things, but it's like nothing happened, she's so normal. She' stronger than she looks, and doing her best. If I can spend time like before, then I might be able to get over this hard time. If I enjoy my time with her. -- Nobuko-chan! Why. Nobuko-chan's face. Ai: Hey. Sound: Giku. Youta: Wh-what? Ai: I fixed food, but, do you want to eat? Youta: Sure. .Happy to. <97> Ai: Good! It has to be like that!! Sound: Kuru. Youta: Wait! Wait!! Wait!!! Sound: Byu. Ai: Gee, you saw it. Youta: What do you mean, I saw it! You dressed to be looked at!! What are you doing! Ai: The underwear felt so bad because I sweated, so I washed them. I don't have a change. <98> Youta: Even so. Ai: Here. Youta: Ga--. Ai: Oops. Sound: Doki. Youta: I have some change! This way!! Ai: Yes sir. Youta: .If you walk around like that, I'll tackle you! <99> Sound: Pita. Youta: What? Was it a bad joke. Ai: Good! You have permission! Anytime you want! Sound: Suta suta suta suta suta. Youta: .What a girl. You can wear anything in that drawer. Ai: Let me see. <100> Youta: Ai-chan came back to this room again. How I wished for that when she disappeared. But now, even though Ai-chan looks at this room, she doesn't say she missed it or anything, and just looks at her own clothes like they're new. Ai: Why do you have so many girl's clothes. Youta: It doesn't matter, right! I feel so lousy about her losing her memory about when she was with me. I feel so sad that Ai-chan doesn't even know it. Ai: Hey, hey! Youta: Um!? What is it. Ai: Can I really wear all these clothes? Youta: She seems to know that she lost her memory, but I won't talk about it. Whether you know it or not, you'll live here from today. yeah. you can have them all. Ai: Neat! <102> Ai: Now, eat. Youta: Okay. Itadekimasu! It's been a long time since I've eaten her horrible food. I can be here naturally, without any hesitation or embarrassment. It's just like the old days are back. Sound: Paku. Ai: How is it? Sound: Mogu mogu. Gokun. Youta: Delicious. <103> Ai: Good. Sound: Niko. Kyun. Youta: Wha-What was that sweet feeling I had just now. Not good. Gokuraku: I heard you have a girlfriend now. I made up my mind to let you take care of Ai because of that. Just like the old days, even if you get to like Ai, she'll disappear anyway. Even if that time comes, I can't help you anymore. But, I don't have to worry since you have a girlfriend. Youta: No, no! Because I missed her, my mind just moved a little bit. Your cooking has improved! Hahaha. <104> Sound: Saku saku. Ai: Oh. I see, you've eaten my food before. This isn't the first time. Sound: Goku. Youta: Shit. No. Well. I mean! Ai: It's all right. You seem like you're trying not to touch on the fact that I lost my memory, but it's okay. I felt like I had been with you before, too. My body wants to do this and that at this house. So, I did exactly what I wanted, like sleeping with you. But you didn't seem like, "Who's this person," but like, "Can't help it, every time." So, I thought, "Oh, I see." <105> Ai: I don't care about losing my memory, so I'm not trying to remember either. I think it's better that I lost it. It would be a pain to remember now, the old days wouldn't come back even if I remembered them, so. Youta: She's rude, violent, and funny, but she's also pitiful. This girl. These sweet feelings came out, and I couldn't stop them. Nobuko-chan, be nice to me right now! Otherwise, I'll be overcome. Chapter 42: Slide Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <108> Youta: I hate this!! People: Kya--. Kya--. No--. Stop--. It's okay. I'm scared. So high. Eh--. Great! Grand! Ah--. No kidding. Wa. Wa. Bathing suit came off! Ga--. Ai: Kya-- oh--. Youta: I hate this slide, it reminds me of a horrible childhood experience!! This falling down without any feeling seems like. <109> Youta: When I broke my heart. And, Gya--!! Sound: Basha--. Za-- Papa. Youta: Gee. I feel horrible. Sound: Doki. Ba. Ai: It was so fun! <110> Ai: Let's do it again!! Sound: Suru. Youta: Ah. Sound: Ba. Ai: Kya. Gobo gobo gobo. Sound: Zaba. Ai: Have you gone crazy!? In public!! You've gone too far! Even though my body is so attractive. Youta: No! No! Your pant's string was unraveling!! Ai: Eh? Ah. Half bum. Sound: Puri. Ai: Too violent. I'm a girl! Be nicer!! <111> Youta: I wanted to come to the pool no matter what. I thought it wouldn't be a good idea to have fun with Ai-chan, but. I promised to come here with Nobuko-chan, but. We always just pass each other, and can hardly ever come, so. It's not exactly passing each other, I just try not to call her. I've read, "If you start to not get along, then don't call, just wait until her feelings soften." Both Takashi and Moemi-chan are gone and not at home, so I came here with Ai-chan, but. Ai-chan is doing some crazy things, so I can be like her brother. It really helps me because I can evade my shaky feelings. Ai: Why have you been so blank? <112> Ai: You're thinking about Nobuko-chan, right? Youta: It's not like that. By the way, you were followed, right? I wonder why you can play in such an open place. Sound: Putsun. Ai: I'm okay with this. Youta: Is your enemy a vampire? <113> Ai: If it doesn't work, then I have you. Youta: I don't have the confidence to beat up a vampire. Sound: Pan. Youta: You look like you're having fun. Ai: Because I came to the pool for the first time. Youta: I see. That's right. The Video Girl, Ai-chan, was born last winter, so it's her first summer. Ai: Even if I'm a substitute, I'm happy. To be brought to such a fun place. <114> Sound: Doki. Youta: U. So cute. Not good, not good. So you understand that you're a substitute. It would be a problem if you misunderstood strangely. I have strong feelings for Nobuko-chan. Ai: Some guy, while I'm honestly thanking you!! Youta: Uu. Sound: Piku piku. Ai: Oh, I see, you're embarrassed. You talk, and have to hide your embarrassment. Youta: Not at all. Ai: I see. In truth, I wanted to come with a handsome guy! Sound: Mu. Youta: Oh yeah, then find some handsome guy and ask him to play with you!! <115> Youta & Ai: Hah! Sound: Geshi. Youta: This girl! Sound: Guwa. Youta: Um? Ai: Hyo--. Sound: Ta. Ai: Ah. Sound: Kuki. Ai: U. Sound: Don. Youta: Oh boy. <116> Ai: Hehehe. Hey! Let's go on the slide again! Youta: Sorry! I really don't like that slide. Please forgive me. Ai: Ohh. Fine, fine. I'll go by myself. Youta: Sorry. Ai: What's wrong with him? He didn't want it for the first time either. <117> Youta: I don't know why I hate this slide so much. It's a very painful feeling after I finish the slide. I haven't been good at it since I was a child. Specifically, that time in kindergarten. One cola. That's right. The time in kindergarten. I don't know if it's called love or not, but there was a girl in the same class I liked very much. I always played with her. In particular, we liked to play on the slide, and the time we spent playing on the slide was the most fun time. <118> Youta: She went first, and. I came after her. We always used this pattern. And she always waited for me down there, and quietly gave me her hand. With her hand, she pulled me up. Even though I was a child, I could always be sure, "She likes me, too." That warmth in her hand, and the strength of her pulling me, I still remember. But one day, she moved. At that time, I felt lonely, but it didn't shock me. But when I slid on the slide myself, I was attacked by sadness and I cried. <119> Youta: Because there was no kind hand to pull me up. Just because of that. All the things, like the greatness of her existence and loneliness came over me, and I couldn't stand up. From that day on, I was overcome by many feelings, so I stopped playing on the slide. If I think about it, my passive attitude toward wanting to see the girls' actions might be that same of that feeling of wanting the warm hand. I don't have the courage to stand up, so the love where I don't receive the hand will end. If that small slide was my original form of love, even not the first love, then this complicated, triangle slide is like my love now. <121> Youta: Why is Nobuko-chan here?? But I guess she's thinking the same thing. What kind of expression in on her face? I guess she's in trouble since she's the one who refused to come because she said she had something to do. If I insult her from the beginning, we'll get worse, right. How can I start. Nobuko: Hello. Youta: Eh!? It's kinda very cold, isn't it? At this time, Hello? <122> Youta: Did you come here by yourself? Ooops, what am I saying, too. Nobuko: Um-hh. Two of us, with my friend. Youta: A friend? Guy? Girl? Could be Matsui, he got out of the hospital. Oh yeah. Not good. I started to slide. Sound: Syuuuuu. Doki doki doki doki doki. Nobuko: I called you. <123> Nobuko: It was the answering machine, so just in case, I left a message, but. Youta: She called me. Good thing I didn't show my emotions. So, I guess it was after I left. Well, something like this would happen as well. Stop! Stop! At last, we could meet each other, so. Sound: Niko. Youta: .Stopped! <124> Nobuko: Senpai. You're very calm. You seem not to care about me. Don't give me a cold smile. Youta: Oh, no!? Sound: Gyun. Youta: The well-thought out action resulted in the opposite. <125> Sound: Zapaaan. Ai: Burururu. Oh! Youta!! This is wonderful, can I try it a fifth time. Ah. Chapter 43: Passing each other Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <128> Ai: W-Well. I mean. Oops. I showed up at a bad time. Youta: Please, don't misunderstand this. This is nothing, just. Sound: Ki. Youta: No-Nobuko-chan. <129> Youta: Big tear drops. Ah. I've never seen her face like this before. Sound: Ba. Basha basha. Ai: No-Nobuko-chan. <130> Sound: Basha. Ai: Nobuko-chan!! Sound: Da. Ai: What are you doing! Go, quickly!! Youta: Ah. Yes! She was so upset. Now I have to talk to her well! <131> Nobuko: U. <132> Ai: Youta! Youta: Would you excuse us, Ai-chan. Ai: Ah. Sure. <133> Youta: Hey, let's talk. Nobuko: I have nothing to talk about! From the beginning, I knew there was a shadow of Amano-san in you. But, I decided to give myself up to you because you said you liked me too, but. But, this is. You're getting along well with Amano-san, so you don't have to stop me. You just want my body, right, because we didn't go all the way. <134> Sound: Pan. Youta: Ah. So-Sorry. But. About today, it's really. Nobuko: .I'll do my best, Senpai. <135> Nobuko: I'll do my best to start hating you, so. Sound: Da. Youta: Wait. Ai: Ah. Sound: Su. <136> Sound: Kon kon. Ai: Youta, aren't you going to eat? Youta: Leave me alone. <137> Youta: I like Nobuko-chan, but I wonder if I really love her. When Moemi-chan treats me nice, I wonder to Moemi-chan. When Ai-chan is beside me, I tend to Ai-chan. I have felt love towards Nobuko-chan, but I wonder if I've ever given her love. <138> Nobuko: Moteuchi-senpai!! Youta: For the first time, I confirmed my love and went out with a girl. Nothing ever came from me. Nobuko: Do you have someone you like, now?! I won't give up! Ehe. I'll sleep with you. Youta: We're actually going out. Youta: .Either I was moved by her pushing, or I was intoxicated by being liked. Nobuko: You just want my body. <139> Youta: No! It's not like that, Nobuko-chan!! Sound: Gu. Su. Do do do do do. Nobuko: Senpai. Sound: Do do do do. Youta: Is it really untrue? I want to continue that, and touch her with this hand, don't I. because I can do it if she's my girlfriend, right? Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki doki. <140> Nobuko: I'll do my best to start hating you. Youta: Are we going to end up like this. End up like this. Nobuko: I like you very much, Senpai! Sound: Gu. Youta: Nobuko-chan. I don't understand my feelings well, but I don't know if I'm thinking when I calm down, but anyway, now these never ending tears tell me that I like you. I like you, Nobuko-chan!! <141> Nobuko: Was it too rude to say he just wanted my body. He was really angry. Sound: Bafu. <142> Nobuko: Confusing. He did such a cruel thing to me, and why. Why do I feel such pain just because his face is in my mind. I can't break up with him like this. Ai: Where are you going at this time? Youta: Well. I'll just cool my mind off. Sound: Batan. <143> Youta: Maybe we can make up now. I go see and talk to her, and I'll apologize for what I did wrong. Sound: Tatan tatan tatan tatan tatan tatan. Puaaaaan. Gagagaga. Gari gari gari. Dadan dadan dadan dadan dadan. <144> Nobuko: I'll go see him and talk to him. And, see if I can apologize to him. Sound: Pin pon. Ai: Yes. Who's there? Nobuko: A-Amano-san!? Youta: .How stupid of me! If I think about it, I don't know where her house it. <145> Sound: Gachaa. Kotsu kotsu kotsu. Kii. Ai: Um?. Nobody's here, is this a joke? Nobuko: Why? At this time is Amano-san at his house!? Why!? Chapter 44: Hesitation Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <148> Youta: Ah. Oh. I see. She went to the hospital for Matsui-kun. Eh? Oh, it's okay, I'll call her back, so. Yes. yes. Thank you. Sound: Gacha. Nobuko: I'll do my best to start hating you. Youta: It's over. We're already over. Those words weren't a bluff. I can't think of anything better since she's going to the hospital for Matsui. <149> Ai: Youta! Sound: Ba. Ai: Well. Hello, Youta. Youta: Upstairs. <150> Ai: What are you doing? Youta: .Looking at the sky. Ai: Okay. You'll be more depressed if you stay in your room, so why don't we go somewhere. I mean, it's a problem because it's only the two of us, right!? Then we can go our with other people. Youta: With other people? <151> Nobuko: "I'll do my best to start hating you," I said, but. Can I really do it. Actually, I already want to hear his voice. --But, I don't have the confidence to forgive him with a smile, about the pool and Amano-san being at his house. Matsui: What are you looking at? Nobuko: Eh? Well. Just looking at the sky. Matsui: Oh. <152> Matsui: You were thinking about him. Can I ask you. Why do you come to see me like this? I don't remember why I passed out at the Audio-Video room at all. But, I wouldn't have the courage to kill myself, even if I was rejected. So. It's not your fault. <153> Nobuko: But. Matsui: I will just have a pain. I'll not be able to give up on you. <154> Moemi: Hello. Youta: Hi. Mo-Moemi-chan. Moemi: If we're going, then. Youta: Maybe I feel exciting seeing Moemi-chan because it's been a long time since I saw her. Have my past feelings awaken. Moemi: Let's go somewhere overnight! Youta: Eh. <155> Moemi: It's summer vacation, so like a two-night/three day trip. Ai: Oh! It sounds good! Sounds good! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go on a trip!! Youta: Then it's better if we have more people, so let's ask him to go, too, Takashi! Let's take Takashi as well. Moemi: Eh? Are we going to call Niimai-kun as well?. Youta: Ah. Let's take him! Okay! Let's call him now and take him with us! <156> Youta: Is it okay, Moemi-chan? Sound: Gata. Moemi: Eh. Why do you ask me? I don't care. Youta: Okay, good! Ai: Something wrong? Moemi: No, not particularly. Youta: I'll be their culprit of love, and divert my pain. Sound: Tyururururu. <157> Sound: Tyururururururu. Nobuko: I guess he's not there. Where did he go without setting the answering machine. Sound: Gachan. Nobuko: Senpai. Matsui: Nobuko-chan. Nobuko: Matsui-kun! I want to see Senpai. I want to assure my feelings! I don't know my own feelings. Senpai. <158> Takashi: Mo-Moemi. Sound: Kuru. <159> Youta: Hey, Takashi! Were are you going!! Takashi: Why is Moemi there!! Youta: I called you to make you see her, of course she's there. You guys don't make up your minds, so my feelings toward Moemi-chan are wandering like a ghost in my mind! Let it die well! <160> Moemi: Ah, well. Don't you have to take Nobuko-chan? Ai: U! Takashi: Nobuko? <161> Youta: No. I was just dumped, so. Moemi: I'm sorry. Takashi: Stupid! Don't interfere with others then! I'm saying, mind your own business!! You said you were rejected, but wait it out, it was just a spat!? Youta: No, the main reason I called you is. Your uncle has a big hotel? So. Ai: That's right! Let's go somewhere and enjoy it!! <162> Sound: Tyurururu. Tyurururu. Tyurururu. Tyururu. Tyurururu. Tyuru!! Putsu. Ai: Ooops. It hung up. Youta: Shit. The answering machine wasn't set. <163> Nobuko: Matsui-kun. Then, I'll go home today. See you tomorrow. Matsui: Nobuko-chan. Please don't call him when you're here, please. Nobuko: .okay. Sorry, Matsui-kun. I can't get closer to you yet. In truth, because Senpai is still alive deep inside me. <164> Ai: Anyway, it's too sudden, I didn't think we'd have to leave today. Youta: But if we go tonight, we can stay three nights. It's just like a miracle that we could get into a hotel without a reservation. Ai: Thanks to Takashi's uncle. Hey, Youta, don't you really have to ask Nobuko? Like Takashi said, you didn't break up with her, right? Youta: We didn't talk about breaking up, but my actions when I went to you that night, were horrible. I hurt her very deeply. I think. <165> Youta: Why do you care. I'm trying to forget about it, so don't bring it up. Ai: So-Sorry. Okay, then let's enjoy!! Sound: Tyurururu. Tyurururu. Tyurururu. Gacha. Tape: Hello. This is the Moteuchi residence. Right now, I'm out, so please leave a message after the beep. Sound: Pi--. Nobuko: I'll call you back later. Sound: Gacha. Nobuko: There are words I want to take back every time I call him and call him. "I'll do my best to start hating you," I want to tell him that, but. Senpai! Where are you!? Chapter 45: Can you forget? Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <167> Ai: Wow, it looks kinkier than being naked!! It's a bum, and a bum! Wow, they're raised so high!! It's taken off!! And Taken off!! <168> Ai: Everyone looks so dynamic, just like a living adult magazine. Don't you think everyone's more bold than the people at the pool? But, I can understand how they feel if I look at this huge sea. Youta: Ai-chan is so excited. So, it was good that we came to the sea. Ai: Well, I don't want to be left behind. I'll get naked too!! Sound: Gui. Youta: Stop that!! <169> Moemi: Wa. Youta: Moemi-chan. At last. Moemi-chan is cute. Now, more than Moemi-chan, who is so cute and I liked so much, I like Nobuko-chan. It's not logical to fall in love. I. came here to forget about Nobuko-chan. <170> Ai: Hey! Moemi!! Let's be naked together!! Moemi: Kya. Sound: Gui. Youta: Are you stupid!! Oh yeah, what about Takashi? Where is he? Sound: Karu. Moemi: .Said he's stay in the room. I've never known such a person! Youta: Troublesome. <171> Youta: I'll go get him. Ai: Ah. Sound: Za. Ai: Wait a minute, Youta!! Youta: Um? Ai: You came here to enjoy yourself, right? Be careful. Sound: Gyu. Ai: That's all. Youta: Ah. I see. So she saw me when I became depressed that time. She did such a thing. Sound: Gui. Youta: Ooops. I feel like I was tricked. <172> Takashi: You're being impatient. I came with you, so it's enough, right. Youta: It's not enough. Moemi-chan was sulking. Takashi: Why would she be sulking, she's the one who left me. Youta: But, she still likes you. Moemi: Kya--. Ai: Go Moemi!! Sound: Za za zaa. <173> Takashi: I think you can't forget about her. You. About the girl, Nobuko. Youta: What? Why do you suddenly bring that up. Right now, we're talking about you. Takashi: You were so in love with her. But you're persuading me about her without any hesitation. Doesn't that mean there is a girl you like as much or more than Moemi? Or, even though you say you can forget about Nobuko, then maybe there's someone you like without knowing about it. <174> Youta: It was a shock to me. Takashi's words, "there's someone you like without knowing about it.," rather than, "Can't forget about Nobuko-chan,". Who could it be?. So. Is it Ai-chan? Nobuko: Good. See, it looks clean. Matsui: Isn't the hair cropped unevenly? <175> Nobuko: Just a little bit. Uneven? Hehe. Matsui: Oh no, would you take the responsibility. Seriously, I want you to take responsibility. Nobuko: Okay. Okay, what do you want me to do? <176> Matsui: Take responsibility for being nice to me. I can't forget about you anymore. Nobuko: Matsui-kun. Sorry. Matsui-kun. But, I can't forget about Senpai like this. Like this. <177> Ai: The sea is fun. And the hot spring feels good. I love this trip. I wonder if something happened to Youta. Since he seemed down after he went to talk to Takashi. <178> Moemi: Just for us. Ai: All reserved for us! Come here quickly! Sound: Chapo. Ai: I envy your big breasts. Moemi: Don't. Please don't look so closely, Ai-chan. <179> Ai: Has Takashi ever touched those breasts? Moemi: Of course not. Nothing is going on between us. Ai: Well, well. Something is written on your face, "I like Takashi-kun." Moemi: It isn't! Sound: Pui. Ai: Wow, it's written here, too. Oh-- It's written in such a complicated place, too. Sound: Basha basha. Moemi: Kya. Don't touch there!! Gee, you're kinky! Ai: You can't pretend since it's written in so many places! <180> Moemi: .It sounds very pitiful, but you're right. It's hard to forget if I start to really like. Ai: .Got to really like, huh. Then Youta might no be able to forget about Nobuko-chan, as well. Moemi: What? You look like it wouldn't be good for you if he couldn't forget about her. Ai: What are you saying. It's a big misunderstanding! Oh no!! Of course not. I wouldn't think it'd be bad for me, I already made up my mind to be his sister. No--. Gee. <181> Youta: I can't give up Nobuko-chan. I wonder if I should push and push and try to be able to go out with here. No. She would say she wouldn't go out with me no matter what. Then, maybe I should try to forget about her. Shit. I don't know what I should do. Ai: Yo. Youta: Should I call her. I might get some answer if I heard her voice. <182> N's Family: She said she was going to meet someone at five, and left. Do you want me to tell her to call you back? Youta: Ah. No. I'll call her back, so. yes. Thank you. Who's she going to meet. Is it Matsui. Sound: Gacha. Youta: That's right, I'll listen to my answering machine. Something might be from Nobuko-chan. Sound: Pi po. Machine: Pi--. Sixteen messages. Youta: !. So many. Machine: Pi--. I'll call you back later. Pi--. This is Nobuko. Good night. Pi--. Are you out somewhere?. Pi--. I'll call you back around noon. Pi--. Gacha. Pi--. I'll be home around eight, so please call me. Pi--. I wanted to meet you and tell you, but. I take back what I said about, "I'll do my best to start hating you." Youta: Eh. No kidding. Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki doki doki. <183> Machine: Pi-- Good morning, Senpai. I'll be home today, so give me a call. Pi-- Gacha. Pi-- .I'll call you later. Pi-- Are you ignoring me.? Pi-- I hate you!! Pi-- .Stupid. Pi-- Call me, Senpai. Pi-- Please, I want to talk to you. Youta: What should I do. What can I do. I want to get a hold of Nobuko-chan right now! What should I do, what should I do!? If this happens, I should have stayed at home. Sound: Ota ota. Machine: Pi-- .I don't know my feelings now. Anyway, I want to see you. I'll wait for you at the boat port at Inogashira Park at five o'clock. Gacha. Pi-- pi-- pi-- pi--. Sound: Ba. Youta: Oh. No. <184> Youta: Ai-chan! It's me! Me! Open up! Sound: Kon kon. Moemi: Oh, just a minute. Ai: What do you want? Moemi-chan is changing now, so you can't come in. Youta: I'll go home first, so I thought I'd tell you that. Ai: Eh!? Why!! Youta: Nobuko-chan is waiting for me! There was a message that she is waiting for me at Inogoshira Park at five! Ai: Five o'clock. It's past six. It'll take more than two hours from here to Tokyo. It's impossible now. Youta: But!! I can't just stay here, anyway, I'll go! <185> Ai: Youta! It's impossible now, don't go!! Youta. Youta: You're acting weird. You're like a different person. Like always, give me your support. Bye, enjoy everyone! Moemi: Wa-Wait, Moteuchi-kun! Ai: Am I not able to control my feelings, without knowing it.