Chapter 46: Eh!? Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <5> Sound: Ta ta ta ta ta. Youta: Dammit, it's already nine o'clock.! Sound: Jiririririri. Youta: Ha ha ha. Sound: Pu shu--. Youta: Ha ha ha. <6> Youta: Almost there! It's just there from here. I thought it was very far from Izu to Tokyo, but after I came, it's nothing. The important thing is the guts it took. Nobuko: Ah, Senpai! Youta: I'm sorry, I'm late. Nobuko: I'm glad I waited for you, without giving up Youta: I can see the situation. I'm beginning to feel like she's surely waiting for me!! Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki doki. <7> Youta: That Nobuko-chan said she wanted to see me, that I unexpectedly listened to the message there, that I came here, even though I was late, like I was pulled here. Every one of them looked like signs that a miracle would happen. I'm sure she'd wait for me!! Sound: Puuuun. <9> Youta: I'm here, Nobuko-chan!! I'll be there soon! I can tell her everything! I can explain every misunderstanding!! Sound: Doki doki doki. Za. Youta: U. <10> Youta: .Heavy. The forests seem so heavy. The silence and deepness of the dark just comes over me. What is this fear. Sound: Dokun dokun dokun. Za za za za za. Youta: As I'm reaching the last part, I'm beginning to realize that her existence isn't here. Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki. Youta: Around here, I can't see her. It's about five hours past the scheduled time, huh. It's normal that she wouldn't be here. But what was her existence that I was so sure of. Youta: Maybe in the shadows. Nobuko-chan!! Sound: Za za za. Youta: Nobuko-chan!! Where are you, Nobuko-chan!! Where! Where!! <12> Youta: Nobuko-chan. Sound: Za. Ba. Jari. Youta: She's not here! She's not here, Youta! There is no girl who would wait five hours. Sound: Za za za za za. Youta: Footsteps! .Getting closer. Sound: Za za za za. Youta: The footsteps are getting closer to me!! Sound: Za za za. Youta: Nobuko-chan!! <13> Girl: ha? Youta: Ah. Ex-Excuse me. I mistook you as my friend. So miserable. Giving up, Youta. If we could meet. If she would wait for me this late, we could make up again. But now. It's been too late for a long time. Until I left to the sea with everyone. No. Before that, we. Any.more. <14> Youta: Eh!?. <16> Youta: Nobuko-chan is here, by me. She was waiting for me for five hours. She was waiting for me for five hours. Sound: Ko. <17> Sound: Gasa gasa gasa. <18> Youta: I happen to know. It's so cold, I shake even in the summer, the air is so sharp and cold. It's as sharp as if I move a little bit and then start to bleed. As we don't say anything, then. The more colder and sharper. I thought of winter. We try to protect ourselves from the cold, putting on clothes and turning the heater on. The feeling of getting warm is certainly, 'heaven'. If we freeze in the winter, we're at the end. Because we didn't prepare our clothes or turn on the heater. I happen to know that I don't have clothes to warm her heart. <19> Nobuko: Why don't you say something? Youta: Because I talked a lot in my mind. Nobuko: Kusu. Same here. I also had a conference with myself. A serious conference. Until I saw you, I was talking all the time. Sound: Don. <20> Nobuko: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. <21> Youta: Nobuko-chan. Don't you apologize. Don't apologize. Nobuko: I'm sorry. Narrator: Youta cried for being confused that he hurt Nobuko-chan so deeply. Nobuko to scold herself for somehow leaving Youta. But the tears on their cheeks weren't tears of love anymore. <22> Sound: Za. Youta: Well. I'll be around here a little longer, so. <23> Sound: Za za. Nobuko: Se. Youta: Bye-bye. Chapter 47: It's not true Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <25> Youta: I broke up with Nobuko-chan. There is no longer something called a girlfriend. A broken heart is a little different from love. Tired. I feel like I don't care about anything. There's no one who likes me and worries about me. Whatever happens to me, nobody will be sad for me. .That's right. I kinda really want something to happen to me to get attention from Nobuko-chan. Why did this happen, and I still like her. <26> Sound: Dadan dadan dadan dadan dadan dadan. Nobuko: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Youta: What is she doing. Even if I try not to think, only bad ideas. Right now, Nobuko-chan might. Sound: Za za za. Za. Nobuko: Just kidding!! Ah, I feel better. <27> Nobuko: Oh Matsui-kun!? it's me!! I just broke up with Senpai! Yeah! Yeah! Youta: Impossible! That girl isn't that kind of person! What am I thinking. I'm falling down. I can't stop. I prepared my mind to break up, but. .I didn't expect to be so helpless. When I was a kid. After I slid, That warm hand that would pick me up, it's really gone. Girl: Let's go on the slide again! Youta: That warm hand. <28> Sound: Gu. Youta: Hand. It's a hand. I'm given a hand!? Sound: Pachi. Natsumi: Hand! Your hand! Youta: W-what? What is this!? Does she want me to give her my hand!?. S-Soft and warm. <29> Sound: Gui. Zun. Natsumi: Thanks. Youta: .Who is she. What a joke. A weird girl played a trick on me. The worst day, today. Station: Nakano, Nakano. Sound: Ga ga. <30> Youta: Ouch. What do you want. Natsumi: Sit down. Sound: Ban ban. Natsumi: Gee! You're making an 'I'm the most unhappy person in the world'-face! <31> Sound: Maka. Youta: Ignore her, ignore her. Natsumi: You must have been rejected by a girl. Pu. Is that so! Kahahahaha. Horrible!! Just because you were rejected, you're making that face that looks almost dead. What a shameful guy! <32> Sound: Muka muka. Youta: The person who hasn't been rejected wouldn't know this pain. Sound: Boso. Natsumi: That's not true! Gee, I have a date now, and what a bad sign, seeing a rejected guy. <33> Youta: Big baggage for dating. Sound: Giriririririri. Youta: Oh no! I'm supposed to get off here, too!! Sound: Pshu--. Youta: I didn't want to go home, so I thought I'd try to divert my feelings by watching an everyday, all night movie, but there was no movie I wanted to see. <34> Youta: There's no one who wouldn't be depressed after being rejected. It's so painful, I don't want to do anything. Natsumi: That's not true! Youta: That girl had surprisingly honest eyes. Sound: Gyu. Guy: Ouch. Youta: Ah, I'm sorry. Guy: Hey! Youta: I'd better not deal with him. <35> Guy: Can't you hear. You, hey, you!! Youta: .Troublesome. Why am I meeting so many weird people today. Leave me alone!! Sound: Za. Za za. Ka. Ga. Youta: If it's normal, I'd just smile and go away, but. What do you want! Shut up!! I'll have a fight to divert my feelings. Nobody cares what happens to me, so. Sound: Za za za. Don. Guy: Let's play together. <36> Guy: Here, pass!! Sound: Baki. Youta: What am I doing. I don't care. I don't care anymore. Do whatever you want. Anyway, today is the worst day, so. Sound: Baki. Youta: U. Guy: Hey, don't come to me. Guy: Here!! Strike!! Sound: Ga. <37> Youta: Ouch. Don't you care about me, even if I'm getting into so much pain, Nobuko-chan?. Nobuko: Senpai! Youta: Ah. It was fun when I was getting along well with Nobuko-chan. That's right. If I were at the sea with everyone, then this wouldn't happen either. Ouch. Oh my god. How many more times am I going to be hit. Sound: Bufu. Pasu. <38> Natsumi: Stupid! These two aren't people you can fight back with. Youta: What. This girl. Why is she here. Natsumi: It's my bad habit, I want to help when I see a person in misery. Guy: Hey, girl! What? You want to do something kinky with me!? See see. <39> Guy: Gu. Sound: Ki. Guy: That bitch! Sound: Byu. Baki. <40> Sound: Zun. Natsumi: You guys had bad timing. I felt very down, but because of you guys, I feel better. Youta: S-strong. Natsumi: Hey! Furare-kun*. Don't be reckless just because you were rejected! I think I understand how you feel, because I was also rejected just awhile ago. but, you can't be spoiled! *Furare-kun is a term used to mean rejected person. Youta: Eh!?. Chapter 48: Both, Rejected People Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <42> Natsumi: Hey, hey. You're looking indecent and staggering. Why don't you rest a little more. <43> Youta: You're noisy. If you're going to complain, then don't follow me. Natsumi: I can't leave you alone like that, damaged. And, I have something to ask you. Would you let me stay over in return for rescuing you from danger. Youta: Eh!? Sound: Pon. Natsumi: Let's be friends, both rejected people. Youta: What about rejected people! <44> Youta: We waited for the first train and left for my house. I think it doesn't matter whether I sleep or not, since it's morning. Sound: Puuaaan Dadan dadan dadan. Sound: Guoooo. Gogaga gooo. Sound: Guoooo. Gogogo. Guoooo gooo. Youta: Ah. What a day. I came to Tokyo from Izu, even though Ai-chan tried to stop me, only to be rejected by Nobuko-chan, and was hit a lot by weird people. And, am followed by a weird girl. Youta: I wonder if Nobuko-chan is sleeping well right now, or has a little pain. Natsumi: Um--. Mitaka, huh. I haven't been here in a long time. I used to live here before. <45> Youta: Oh. Natsumi: What are you doing. Let's go to your house, quickly. Youta: Even though we were both rejected, we are different. She's so bright because she didn't like the guy so much? Youta: No, the other way. Huh. Youta: She's completely different from me. In the beginning, she'd be really depressed if she were rejected, like me. Natsumi: Big house. Natsumi: I think I've been around here before. How do you read your name? Youta: Moteuchi. Natsumi: Moteuchi!? <46> Natsumi: I think I've heard that name somewhere before. Moteuchi. Natsumi: Oh, a big yard!! This is nice! Sound: Do sa. Sound: Teki paki. Youta: A tent!? What are you doing!! Natsumi: Yeah. I don't have any place to stay because I left home. I decided to be taken care of here, so. <47> Youta: I can't let a runaway girl stay here!! Why don't you go home. Your parents must be worried! Natsumi: Since you mentioned it, would your parents be upset with this? Youta: I don't have a mom, and my dad doesn't get home too often. So, not particularly. Natsumi: Then it's okay! Let's be friendly since we were both rejected. Youta: That doesn't matter now. Youta: And would you stop saying it, that we're both rejected people. My level of pain is different than yours! <48> Natsumi: Wow, the inside is huge, too. Natsumi: So, you're like, living alone in the big house. Youta: Well. No. With my cousin. Natsumi: With your cousin? Don't you get tired of living with a man. Youta: What man? Why does it have to be a man. I just said it was my cousin! Do I look so away from women. Shit! Natsumi: What's behind this? Youta: Ah. What am I doing. Bringing a weird girl in. Well, it's okay. I didn't have to think so deeply about Nobuko-chan because I was interrupted by her. <49> Ai: Youta! Youta: Ai-chan. Ai: What happened, these cuts. <50> Natsumi: Oh. Natsumi: Oh oh oh. Youta: Ah. Well. Ai: Oh oh oh. Natsumi: What is this obscene looking girl!? Sound: Gui.. Natsumi: Hah. So, no bra, like I thought. Ai: What!? What!? If you want to look, I'll show them to you!? Natsumi: No thanks! Such small breasts aren't of interest to me. <51> Sound: Zaki zaki. Ai: Small breasts. Ai: Who is she!! Youta: Ah. Well. Natsumi: Oh. Your cousin is a girl. So, you mean her!? Natsumi: Are you guys in an incestuous relationship!? Youta: No! Ai: That's right! Youta: No!! No!! Ai: Ouch. <52> Natsumi: If you're normal, wouldn't you get excited with that kind of girl wandering around you. Youta: She's my relative! How can I!! Ai: But we're not cousins, really. Natsumi: But, you've used her figure in your bed, right*. *This implies using her as an image to masturbate. Sound: Ka--. Youta: Of course not!! Whatever, get out!! Natsumi: Don't get excited. Stupid. Ai: Oh, I see. Youta got hurt because you did!! Natsumi: Not that way, I helped him. This guy was dumped, so he became reckless and beaten. <53> Ai: Were you rejected?. Natsumi: Actually, I was dumped as well, so we're both rejected people. Youta: Just a minute. Youta: I told you many times!! Don't make yourself out as the same as me!! I bet in your case you were just playing, right!? I was serious!! Natsumi: You. Of course are rejected like that. I hate people like you. Youta: .Clean up if you hate me. <54> Youta: Why did you come home? Everyone's still at the sea, right? Ai: Yeah. I left right after you, but. I didn't know where you went, so I was going to wait for you at the house. It's good that I had a spare key. Youta: You're stupid. You'd be better off to stay and enjoy it with them. Ai: I feel sorry that Youta was rejected by Nobuko-chan, but deep inside, I feel happy. What a person I am. Youta doesn't think of me as a girl, so I have to kill this feeling! Ai: I have to kill. Ai: Hey! Youta. You're going to sleep now, right! When you get up! Let's go somewhere!! Sound: Ba. Youta: Good idea, shall we. Ai: Good!! Forget all your troubles and enjoy! A continuation of the sea!! <55> Youta: Well, I'll go to sleep. Ai: Okay, g'night. Youta: Well. Don't worry about what the girl said. Well, about being used in the bedroom. What. I've never done that at all, so. Ai: Of course! I would kill you if you did! Youta: I think about you as my sister, so. I think like that, so. Ai: Oh. I feel comfortable. <56> Sound: Shu. Sound: Jari. Sound: Gaba. Natsumi: --Kouji. <57> Ai: Youta. are you asleep already? Ai: Gee. Sleeping in the same clothes. Youta: Ku-- ku--. Ai: I'm your sister. It's okay for me to sleep with you, right. Sound: Piku. Tsu. Sound: Gaba. <58> Ai: Yo.Youta! Ai: Eh?! Sound: Doki. Ai: Just a minute, Youta. Suddenly. What. Youta: .chan .chan. Youta: Nobuko-chan. Nobuko-chan. <59> Ai: Stupid. Half-asleep. Sound: Gyu. Ai: I'm a Video Girl. So, this is what I'm supposed to be. Even a substitute. I don't mind if I can be reliable for Youta's heart. Chapter 49: The Warm Hand Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <62> Ai: .A date with Youta. My face is naturally happy. I'm so happy. Even what happened this morning. Youta: Nobuko-chan. <63> Youta: Nobuko-chan. Nobuko-chan. Nobuko-chan. Sound: Giwa. Sound: Pafu. Sound: Gu. Ai: I quit. Ai: I'll quit thinking of something that would give me pain. We'll have a fun time now. It's a waste to think of pain. I'll make myself comfortable. I should live on the flow. Whatever happens. <64> Kouji: I told you not to call me again!! Natsumi: Ah. Sound: Gachan. Pu-- pu-- pu--. <65> Ai: Youta. Youta. Youta: Um--. What time is it now. Ah, feeling dull. Sound: Bo--. Ai: It's three o'clock in the afternoon. Youta: Oh, then I've slept only five hours, I'll go to sleep. Ai: Ah--!! <66> Ai: No!! You promised me we'd go somewhere!! Sound: Boku. Youta: Gaha!! Ai: Move! Move! Move! Youta: Okay! Okay! I'll get up!! Sound: Niko. Ai: Let's! Let's, let's! Youta: Okay, so let me eat first. Ai: Good, I'll fix something for you!! <67> Ai: I'll cook my best! Ai: Byo--n. Youta: Ai-chan has been so light-hearted recently. She doesn't even let it show that somebody is aiming for her life or something. I have to learn from her. I can't just have a dark face. Youta: Oh, is the "tent girl" still there!? Sound: Sura. <68> Youta: Ah. So, she's still there. I bet her parents have worried since she ran away from home. Youta: Oh, here she comes, good timing. I'll tell her something. Sound: Gara. Youta: Hey!! Till when you.!! Sound: Biku. <69> Sound: Kuru. Sound: Ba. Youta: Ah. .She was crying. So, that was. <70> Youta: The person who hasn't been rejected wouldn't know this pain. Natsumi: That's not true! Youta: I told you many times!! Don't make yourself out as the same as me!! I bet in your case you were just playing, right!? Natsumi: You. Of course are rejected like that. I hate people like you. Youta: She meant this. I said very cruel things to her. Ai-chan and that girl, too, are having. I'll just make a miserable face. What a pitiful guy I am. Ai: It's done!! Nothing fancy, but it's okay, right!? Youta: Ai-chan! Sound: Gata. Kotsu. Ai: What. <71> Youta: Can we go somewhere some other time? Please, forgive me for today. Ai: Eh!? Why!! Youta: .I can't leave that girl alone. Sound: Basa. Ai: Fine! I understand!! Youta: Sorry. Ai: A promise with me is that easy, huh. I'm your sister, so. Just that much, huh. <72> Sound: Ga. Ai: Ouch. Station: The Train to Tokyo is arriving on the Fifth Line. Please, get inside the white lines. Ai: Stupid. Youta. Sound: Kotsu. Dadan dadan dadan dadan. Sound: Gaga gagagagaga. <73> Sound: Gagagagaga. Sound: Gagagagaga. <74> Sound: Batan. Youta: Ah. She left, didn't she!? I'm so wimpy, so I waited until I could see her actions, so. I couldn't make an action. That's the reason I broke up with Nobuko-chan. Because I didn't want to be hated, so I searched for her feelings. Youta: At last, I created a gap I couldn't close. I haven't grown up since I was a kid, waiting for that warm hand. Youta: I have to graduate from that warm hand. Youta: That 'tent girl' is much more grown up about that than I am. If I can help her, I want to learn from her at the same time. <75> Natsumi: Ah. I don't have much money, and. Starving. What should I do now. Sound: Zu. Sound: Zuzuzu. <76> Natsumi: What are you doing. Youta: .Now, stand up. You'll be griped at if you put a tent up here. Youta: I'll apologize for what I said. So, come to my house. Natsumi: When I was a kid, there was a kid who couldn't slide if I didn't give him my hand like that. That miserable part is very similar to you. Sound: Ba. Youta: Eh? Natsumi: I won't be taken care of by you! <77> Natsumi: You're the one who told me to leave. Don't try to give me sympathy because you saw me crying! Youta: Are you. Na-Natsumi-chan. Natsumi: Wha-What. I didn't tell you my name. How do you know!? Youta: Are you serious. She is the one who had the warm hand at the bottom of the slide. Natsumi-chan!? <78> Ai: Finally, she came! The other Video Girl who is erasing me, "Mai!" Haa haa haa haa. Why do I feel more intimidated by her than before!? Ai: Haa haa. Mai: That's good, run away as much as you like! You can only live for a short time. Ai: Gata gata gata gata gata. <79> Ai: Help me! Youta.!! I want to be with him more and more, even as his sister! I don't want to disappear yet! Youta! Help me!! Sound: Gata gata. Sound: Za. Mai: I can feel your magnetism a little bit, but. I wonder, you don't have to run away anymore. Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki. Sound: Paki. Ai: Dammit!! Chapter 50: Attack Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <82> Sound: Paki. Sound: Ni. Ai: She found me!! <83> Sound: Za za. Sound: Do do do do do. Ai: She's getting closer!! Sound: Za za. Sound: Do do. Ai: She stopped.!? What?. She's not there. Sound: Bata bata bata bata. Sound: Bata bata bata bata. <84> Ai: !! <85> Sound: Dan. Mai: This tag game is over, isn't it. Ai: Does this really work on her!? Mun!! Sound: Ba. Sound: Ga. Ai: Ah. <86> Ai: U. Sound: Gan. Ai: Ah. Sound: Charin. Ai: Like this, she will paralyze me again, and this time, for sure, she'll erase me!! Sound: Bari bari. <87> Ai: She seems more powerful than before. If I try to run by her, she'll probably catch me. So, that means the only way to run away is from behind. If it's worse, I wouldn't just have been injured in this fight. What should I do. Ai: As usual, you haven't a scrap of love in your eyes. Sound: Za za. Mai: "Love?" It's foolish for a Video Girl to talk about "love." Sound: Za za. Mai: The Video Girl has the ability to help a plurality of men, regardless of looks, personality, or age, otherwise it's impossible. For that, love, an emotion that ties the heart up, is useless. People say that love is absolute, but don't you think there is no emotion more vain, easier to break, and make disappear, than love? Ai: That might be true. Ai: Even though, if love must be taken away, I'll quit being a Video Girl! Sound: Ba. <88> Mai: Mu!? Sound: Ga. Ai: Ouch!! Sound: Gaga ga ga ga. Sound: Guki. Ai: Kya!! Sound: Buwa. <89> Sound: Hyu. Zun. Ai: I'm amazingly tough. <90> Ai: Because I could get out of that difficult situation. Ku ku ku ku. Ai: I'm filled with laughter. Ahahahaha. Hahahahaha! For now, I've survived. Ai: Haha. Ha. Sound: Guwa. Ai: I have to run away! I can't just stay here! Ai: There is it! Ai: When I thrust it toward her, her face certainly froze. As the old man said, it has an effect! My only weapon, I have to keep it well. Sound: Shu. <91> Ai: "Love" is foolish, huh? That's impossible. I don't want to lose that emotion, it's very painful, but it fills my heart when I begin liking someone. Ai: If a Video Girl cannot love people, then I renounce being a Video Girl. Ai: Wait. If I quit being a Video Girl, then I don't have to go back to being his sister. I can approach Youta more. Ai: No, I can't. No matter how hard I try. Even if I quit being a Video Girl. I'm not a normal person. Either way, I can't love anyone. <92> Mai: What courage. You're lost in wild fantasies while your life in in the hand of danger. Ai: Un. Sound: Bya. Ba ba ba. Ai: Extremely light movement!! Sound: Ga. Sound: Byu. <93> Sound: Gatsu. Ai: !. Gloves. She wasn't wearing them just awhile ago. Mai: These gloves are for concentrating and releasing my magnetic power. The power released can erase part of your body. Like before, you can't just pass out. Mai: Hands, legs, face, gradually, I'll erase you. Fufufu. The last blow is, of course, the 'Kiss of Death' to your heart. Then, you'll be completely erased from this world. Ai: If I don't kill her, she'll kill me!! <94> Sound: Ba. Sound: Su. Sound: Gu. <95> Mai: What about it? Sound: Do do do do do do do. Ai: It doesn't work!? No kidding!! Mai: Did you think it'd work on me forever? There is a special coating all around my body to protect my from outside magnetism. Ai: No--!! Sound: Ba ba ba ba ba. <96> Youta: Anyway. This is a really big chance. I didn't think I'd see the girl who played with me at the slide in kindergarten. Natsumi: Really. Natsumi: A person seems not to change much. Your miserable part hasn't changed at all. Youta: Stop that. I worry about it too, so. Natsumi: Goo. We'll make up!! There is no happier thing than old friends meeting. Plus, we were both rejected! <97> Youta: For a moment, I was shocked. Because her smile was the same as it was then. Like you said, people don't change so much. I guess you're still a kind and honest girl like then. Natsumi: I was rejected, but I won't give up yet! I won't give up so easily because I really like him! Youta: Me too! I won't give up either, I'll do my best too!! I won't be a miserable guy forever. Natsumi: Oh, that's right!! I'm impressed with you a little bit, Furare-kun!! Youta: Like I said, stop saying that. I was always helped by Ai-chan, Moemi-chan, and Nobuko-chan. A person might hardly change, but sometimes has to. I won't depend on anyone, and I'll do my best to love only myself. <98> Sound: Dosu. Ai: My arm is losing its feeling! Mai: Why do you try like this? Why? I don't understand. Does he need you, the person you want to be with? <99> Mai: Are you really useful to him? Can you still work on your duty to "comfort" now? I don't think an imperfect thing like you could do that. Ai: Shut up! I don't want to hear it!! Mai: He already has a girlfriend or something, right! Then what is the meaning of your existence! You're his burden. Ai: That's not true!! I can comfort him when his love with his girlfriend falters!! I can stay with him forever!! Mai: .Forever, huh. She doesn't know anything about Video Girls. Well, it's okay, you'll be erased anyway. <100> Ai: Is it true? Youta-- Don't you need me anymore? Am I a burden? Hey, Youta. Nothing would change, even if I was erased here? Hey. Youta. Sound: Su--. Ai: No--. Youta!! I'll disappear!! Chapter 51: Unexpectedly Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <103> Ai: No. Ai: Please, stop!! What did I do to you!! Do you hate me so much!? Mai: It's not hate. It's just that if you'll disappear, then I can be friendly. <104> Clerk: Here. Nobuko: Thanks. Natsumi: So. What kind of girl was your ex-girlfriend? Was she cute? Youta: It doesn't matter, right. <105> Sound: Ga ga. Girl: I'm sorry, sorry. Did you wait!? Nobuko: Oh! You're late!! <106> Girl: Sorry, sorry. Nobuko: Tomoko will be upset if we're late. Girl: Anyway, I wonder how much longer she'll have a birthday party*? * In Japan, birthday parties are considered to be childish when they're planned by the birthday person. Nobuko: I don't know. Tomoko: Even if I get old and even if I marry, I will have a birthday party! Nobuko: That's what she said, so maybe until she dies? Girl: She shouldn't gather up her girlfriends, she should get a boyfriend and have it with him. Nobuko: Yeah. Girl: Ah. Sorry. Nobuko: No. It's okay. <107> Nobuko: .The place Senpai chose Amano-san over me. Nobuko: I still haven't forgotten him. It's so painful, painful. I might tend to him if I see him now. Even though I decided to separate, the separation is decided. <108> Ai: .Demon! Mai: My playing time is limited as well, so I'd like to finish my destiny around today. I'll erase you! Ai: Eh? What? Playing time!? Is there such a thing!? Sound: Ka. <109> Sound: Don. Sound: Go go go go go. Mai: You got away from it. I'm proud of you. I thought you would have lost energy since your arm disappeared. You're surprisingly strong. Ai: I thank you for telling me many shocking things. I didn't know there was such a thing as playing time. If I think well, we're Video Girls, so there are ends to our tapes. Ai: But, since I know it now, it makes me want not want to disappear here! I'll be alive as long as my playing time!! Sound: Bu. <109> Sound: Byu. Ai: An. Sound: Kaysu. Sound: Gasha. <111> Ai: Goho goho. Gu. Sound: Su--. Sound: Hyu. Sound: Su--. Sound: Hyu. Sound: Pashi. Mai: What would you prefer, to fight here, or run away? <112> Sound: Garan garan. Sound: Gu. Sound: Da. Sound: Da da. Sound: Ta ta ta. Ai: Haa haa haa. Ai: Haa haa haa haa. <113> Ai: Haa haa. Ai: Haa haa. Mai: You're breathing heavy. Sound: Za. Sound: Byu. Mai: Oh. <114> Sound: Ga. Gu. Ai: U. Sound: Do. Mai: Not any more. You should give up and disappear. Youta-kun doesn't need you anymore, right? Then there's no meaning to play. Ai: You don't understand feelings, I just want to be with someone I like. Ai: That! Sound: Byu. Bushi. Suton. <115> Ai: She's making fun of me! .Intentionally dodging so low!! Sound: Suku. Sound: Gatsu. <116> Ai: I'll die.!! Youta! Youta!! Youta: N-Now. Ai-chan's scream. Natsumi: Eh? Natsumi: I didn't hear anything. Youta: Yes. I certainly heard "I'll die.!" Sound: Da. Natsumi: Hey! Where are you going? <117> Ai: Ah ah ah ah ah ah. Ai: Ah. Sound: Dofu. Sound: Hyu. <118> Sound: Baan. Sound: Dosa. Ai: U. Gu. Gugugu. Ai: Um. It really hurts. But, I'm saved by a clothes pole. And, she made one mistake, now I can run away. Anyway, I have to run away. Like this, I'd be perfectly killed. Ai: Hey! You failed. Even you can't jump this high! A Video Girl isn't Superman!! Mai: .Fu, that's right. <119> Ai: Bye! If we can, I'll see you again! Ai: How long am I going to hold onto this pipe. I don't need it now. Ai: Wh-what? Sound: Gugugu. Ai: It doesn't leave!? Mai: Hah. It won't leave you because I put my magnetism into it before I gave it to you. Look closely. My magnetism is all around your hand! Ai: Wh!? U. Mai: Like magnets attract each other!! Therefore, unless you can get rid of the pipe, no matter how far apart we are, my magnetism will hit you 100%!! Sound: Ba. <120> Ai: U. Sound: Kui. Ai: Kya. Sound: Buwa. Mai: This time, you won't just lose an arm. Ai: Gyaa!! Sound: Ba. <121> Youta: Uu!! A-Again! The bad expectation is getting stronger. Where are you, Ai-chan! I feel she's somewhere around here, but. Where:!? Nobuko: Oh. Oops. I was asked to buy snacks. Girl: It's okay. We can worry after we get there. Nobuko: It's okay. You go ahead, I'll go buy them. Girl: Okay, sure. Nobuko: Ah. Youta: No-Nobuko-chan. Chapter 52: The Kiss of Death Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <124> Sound: Bachi bachi ha. Ai: Ah ah ah. Ai: U. <125> Sound: Guwa. Sound: Kun. Sound: Byu. Sound: Dosa. <126> Sound: Gu. Sound: Goro. Ai: Youta. Youta. Youta. <127> Sound: Pan. Mai: You can't move if I do this. Sound: Gu. Mai: It'd be a bother if you were thrown over the road when I attack. Mai: You must be lonely dying here, without anyone knowing. It's your fault that you broke the rules and let yourself play even though you were imperfect, so long. Sound: Ba ba ba. Ai: I think. This is my end. <128> Youta: Nobuko-chan. Nobuko: Se-Senpai.! Why is he here!? My face is starting to strain. Embarrassing. I tried so hard to give up every day, but if I see his face. My heart. So much. Sound: Kyun kyun kyun. <129> Natsumi: Now, I caught up with you. Natsumi: Suddenly, you started to run, so. Sound: Gi. Youta: W-Well. Ai: Youta!! Youta: Ai-chan. <130> Nobuko: I'm in a hurry, so excuse me. Natsumi: She was your ex-girlfriend, right? What are you doing, go after her now. <131> Natsumi: You just said you'd do your best for love, and why don't you go after her! Are you just going to wait to see how she acts!? Stupid! You'll be hit by an electric shock!! <132> Youta: It's there. Sound: Ka ka. Sound: Ta. <133> Nobuko: What am I expecting!? We broke up, so he wouldn't come after me! This is not good like this. I still have feelings toward him inside me like this. Like this.! Sound: Ta. Sound: Su. Sound: Gu. Natsumi: Wait! <134> Natsumi: Are you going to let her go like that!? She'll be hurt deeply like that. Youta: .Ai-chan's life is in danger. Natsumi: Okay! I don't know why you're so sure about it, but. For example, I can help her too. Natsumi: But only you can help that girl's feelings. Youta: --Would you go to the top of the sky-colored building we just passed. Sound: Za. Youta: I'll go there too, after I talk to Nobuko-chan. Until then, please take care of it. <135> Natsumi: Rely on me! Now, go quickly. From what I saw, you guys aren't at an end. Youta: Have you been there all this time? <136> Sound: Baba. Sound: Pura pura. Mai: .Beautiful. Mai: This must be the real transparent skin*. *Transparent skin is used as an idiom implying that a person's skin is beautiful looking. <137> Mai: Since you're imperfect, you've never comforted him with this body, right. I've never heard of a Video Girl keeping her virginity for over a year. Mai: Nowadays, people sleep using the word, "love," your favorite word. Ai: we don't do.that. Mai: Fu. you're stupid. Mai: You don't understand guys' real feelings. <138> Mai: You can't comfort his body or heart. You've kept on playing for nothing, imperfect, and can't live life as a human, so you have to disappear. Ai: Dammit, I don't want to lose! Finally, I don't want to lose! I don't want to lose to the person who fools love! If I had the power to control magnetism. That person! That person.!! Mai: Now, it's time for the kiss of death. I'll send my magnetism directly into your heart. It hurts a little bit, but you'll be comfortable, so be patient. Ai: Ku. Sound: Tsu. Tokun tokun tokun. Sound: Pikan. Ai: U. Mai: Disappear. <139> Sound: Don. Ai: Hau!! Ai: I don't want to lose! I don't want to lose!! I don't want to lose!! I won't disappear like this. I won't disappear like this!! <140> Natsumi: Haa haa. Natsumi: The top of that apartment, huh. Haa haa. Natsumi: Anyway. He said her life was in danger, but is she trying to kill herself or is someone attacking her? What is it. Haa haa. Well, I'll go up there now. Sound: Za. Sound: Zuki. Natsumi: Hau! Natsumi: Un. Gu. Gu. Such a time. Sh-Shit. <141> Youta: I want to you. Sound: Kuru. Nobuko: What.are we going to talk about? We.already ended everything.right? And. Even if we could make up, I think the same thing would happen. Unless Amano-san's shadow has left you. Chapter 53: Don't give up your life Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <144> Sound: Kooooooo. Sound: Pachi. Natsumi: Haa haa haa. Sound: Goku. Natsumi: I can't die here! Haa haa My heart better hold out!! <145> Sound: Do. Ai: Ahhh!! Sound: Dokun. Dokun dokun dokun. Ai: Ah ah ah. Ai: Shit, It's confusing, I can't do anything anymore! My consciousness is slipping longer. <146> Youta: Anyway, let's talk. I'm not saying now, but let's make a chance later. Youta: Honestly, I still. Well. Need you. <147> Nobuko: Let's put it to an end. Nobuko: Let's do our best to end this. Youta: Why do our best for that!! Nobuko: If we continue on like this. I'll hate both you and Amano-san. I don't want that. So. Nobuko: I still like you. So now, let's put it to an end. Okay. <148> Nobuko: I like you, so. Let's break up. Nobuko: That's for something.Senpai. <149> Sound: Gu. Youta: Let's talk to each other later! You look like you have something to do, and I'm also in a hurry. It's not something we can talk about here! Call me when you decide to see me! Okay! Okay! Sound: Za. Nobuko: .G'bye. Sound: Ba. Nobuko: I won't call you. Let's try. Let's be stronger. I want to see you with a smile when I see you at school. For that, let's get over this, right, Senpai. <150> Sound: Za. Sound: Ba ba ba ba ba ba. Sound: Ha ha ha. Mai: You no longer have the power to think! It's just time before your body disappears!! Sound: Za. Sound: Ba ba ba ba ba ba. Dosa. Natsumi: Wh-What are you! What are you doing. Sound: Pita. <151> Sound: Shuuu. Dosa. Natsumi: Her body is transparent!? What is this!? Mai: My destiny is to perform without anyone knowing. I'll kill any witnesses! Sound: Zusa. <152> Natsumi: What are they! This situation is weird! Abnormal! What are they.!? Sound: Dokun dokun dokun. Sound: Shu. Natsumi: Ah. Sound: Sa. Natsumi: Wh. Natsumi: Gu. <153> Sound: Ga. Gagaga. Natsumi: Ouch. Sound: Shu. Sound: Ga. Natsumi: Gu. Natsumi: Gu. She's serious!! And has power too!! I'll be killed if I don't fight back!! Natsumi: Anyway, I promised Youta I'd rescue Ai-chan. I worry about my heart, but I must do it!! <154> Natsumi: Mu. Sound: Bun. Ga. Sound: Guaa. Sound: Ba. Sound: Gu. Buwa. Sound: Tan. <155> Sound: Shu. Natsumi: Ha. Sound: Ga. Natsumi: Ryaa. <156> Sound: Dosa. Natsumi: U!! Natsumi: Ha ha ha. Kuku. Ha. Sound: Dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun dokun. Natsumi: U. My heart. I just moved this much. Sh-Shit!! Because just awhile ago, and now!! <157> Natsumi: Haa haa haa haa haa haa. Sound: Gu. Za. Piku. Natsumi: H-Hey! Are you alive!? Hey! Hey! Ai: Wh-Who.? Natsumi: It's me. Ai: Oh. It's you. Why. Such a place. Natsumi: Youta-kun told me to rescue you. Sound: Nu. <158> Sound: Baki. Natsumi: Ga. Sound: Aashan. Ai: Ah. Mai: I'll kill any witnesses! That's my destiny!! Natsumi: U.Ku ku. Sound: Doka. <159> Natsumi: Guha!! My heart. Sound: Don don don. Sound: Doka doka gaki. Natsumi: U. Gu. Fu. Ai: Wait. Ai: Wait. She has nothing to do with this. Me. Kill me. I give up, so. I give up. Natsumi: Hyu hyu. Mai: I see! Finally you give up! Then thank your words, I'll kill you first!! Sound: Za. Sound: Gatsu. <160> Natsumi: Stupid! Don't give up your life so easily! Don't think it will end, do your best until the last!! There's a person who cares about you! You have to live for them!! Ai: .person who cares about me. <161> Mai: Shut up! No more cheap play for youth!! Sound: Guwa. Sound: Gu. Natsumi: Youta-kun. Ai: Youta. Chapter 54: Ai's Magnetism Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <165> Sound: Shu. Natsumi: Ah. Sound: Pishi. Natsumi: Haa haa haa. Youta: Are you okay? Ai: Youta! Mai: Ai! I'll show you what the perfect Video Girl is, now. Sound: Su. <166> Sound: Pasa. Ai: Yo-Youta. No. Sound: Su. Youta: U. Sweet smell! .A lump in my heart. Sound: Kura. <167> Mai: You.have many scars in your heart. Youta: you know that. Mai: I can tell if I look into your eyes. A Video Girl specialty. Sound: Chira. Mai: Fu. Ai. Look closely! I'll make the person you love crazy about me. A Video Girl's magnetic power attracts boys. Ai: Dammit. Under these circumstance, but I can't move my body. I wish I could release my magnetic powers like her. Mai: I'll cheer you up. <168> Ai: No. Stop it. Don't, Youta. Mai: Fu. <169> Ai: No!! Mai: What was that!! Sound: Ba. <170> Sound: Ni. Mai: Are you kidding me!? Youta: I hid my lips because I didn't want to kiss you. Youta: I don't want to do it with someone I don't like, so. Mai: Hah. Then have you kissed Ai, that faulty product lying down there? <171> Youta: No. Mai: Oh yeah? Even though you were with her for almost a year. Does that mean that a Video Girl can't be a girlfriend. Youta: .Maybe so. Youta: But! I feel love towards her. She's the girl I want to stay with. <172> Ai: Youta. Mai: Love!? Here it comes again! That dreaded word!! Mai: Humans use that word as a trump card. The one who believes in such a cheap thing, a great idiot, is lying around there miserably!! Mai: I want to be with that person! I want to marry that person! I want to help that person! In the end, they're all for themselves. Love is a human's ego!! <173> Natsumi: She.upsets me. Haa haa haa haa haa. Moteuchi! Why are you listening quietly! Hit her!! Shit, if I'm okay, I'll do it. Youta: You._envy it. Mai: Envy what? Youta: You want to know love. Like us, you want to love somebody. So. You envy us. That's why you're so angry, right? Sound: Pan. Mai: I thought you were worthy of using Gokuraku, so I talked to you as an equal, but then you became conceited. I envy you, huh!? Mai: I'm against love because I've been programmed like that! Sound: Za za za. Ai: U. Sound: Za. Mai: Get away. Youta: I won't let you kill Ai! Youta: If you want to get closer to Ai, then you'll have to beat me first! Except, I won't move even if I die! <175> Mai: That's interesting, shall I try. You'll bother me even if you die, huh. Mai: I'm not scared of 'loneliness' or 'death' like you, so I won't hold myself back. I can kill Ai before you without hesitation, and. Mai: If I say I'll kill, then I will kill you!! Sound: Baki. Youta: Gu. Ai: Haa haa Youta! Youta: U. Ku. Fu. Sound: Doku. Gobu. Baki. <176> Sound: Gatsu. Zugo. Sound: Go. Sound: Gaku. Ai: It's okay now! Stop this, please, Youta. It's okay now! Youta: Don't.worry. I'll be your wall. Sound: Dosa. <177> Mai: You've tried very hard until now. I wonder if this is love. Sound: Za. Ai: Please, stop! Mai!! Mai: Then I'll teach you that love is a waste! If humans get hit by a Video Girls' magnetic power, they must be very easy! After that, I'll erase Ai, too!! Ai: No! He'll really die. Mai: That's fine. I'm trying to kill him, so!! Sound: Ka. Youta: Kyaaaa. Youta: Gugugu. I'll Gufu!! Sound: Gagagaga. <178> Ai: No. Mai: Get one more!! Ai: Stop it. Sound: Botsu. <179> Mai: Gufu. Impossible! A-Ai could.such.releasing magnetic powers. Sound: Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba. <180> Mai: What is this feeling I've never had before. To my heart, something. A lump. Ah. My consciousness is slipping. Lonely. Don't wanna disappear. Don't wanna disappear. <181> Rolex: An amazing fact. The perfect thing lost to the imperfect thing. I don't want to exempt love, but if this win is because of love, then I might need to know about love. A little more, I should make sure what love is.