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The Miyazaki Mailing List
[ Subscriptions ]

This page will answer questions that you may have about subscribing or unsubscribing from the mailing list.

If you have a question about subscriptions that isn't answered here, feel free to contact the list owners.

Index for non-subscribers Assumes you're not a subscriber.
Index for new subscribers Assumes you're a recent subscriber.
Index for subscribers Assumes you're a long-time subscriber.

How do I subscribe to the list?

Use one of the following methods:

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How do I unsubscribe from the list?

Use one of the following methods:

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What is "NOMAIL"?

Q. The list server tells me that my subscription has been changed per the "SET NAUSICAA NOMAIL" command. What is that?

A. The "SET NAUSICAA NOMAIL" command tells the list server not to deliver any mail from the mailing list to you. This could be caused by one of the following circumstances:

You were recently subscribed to the Miyazaki mailing list.
New subscribers will not be able to read mail from the mailing list until they have read Welcome! Information for new subscribers. This is part of a "get a clue!" policy put into effect by the list owners to make sure that new subscribers know what the rules of the list are before they post any messages to the list.
Read Welcome! Information for new subscribers for further instructions.
The list server cannot deliver e-mail to you properly.
If the mailing list cannot properly deliver mail to your address, the list owners will receive one error message per attempt per day. When there are over 200 subscribers, and more than 10 messages a day, this can be really annoying to the list owners, so they will tell the list server to stop delivering mail to you from the mailing list to preseve their sanity.
  1. Find out if there is anything wrong with your e-mail service.
  2. Make sure that your e-mail service is delivering e-mail to you properly.
  3. Contact the list owners for assistance.
You set your subscription to "NOMAIL" because you are going on vacation or for some other reason don't want to receive e-mail from the list temporarily. (If you do not want to receive e-mail from the list permanently, unsubscribe.)
If you are going to be away from your e-mail for a while, it is recommended that you stop the list server from delivering e-mail to you so that your mailbox does not fill up and cause annoying error messages to get sent to the list owners.
If you are back from vacation, or otherwise want to resume delivery of e-mail from the mailing list, Welcome! Information for new subscribers will refresh your memory of how to fix this.

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What is "NOPOST"?

Q. The list server tells me that my subscription has been changed per the "SET NAUSICAA NOPOST" command. What is that?

A. The "SET NAUSICAA NOPOST" command tells the list server not to let you post any messages to the mailing list. This could be caused by one of the following circumstances:

You were recently subscribed to the Miyazaki mailing list.
New subscribers will not be able to send mail to the mailing list until they have read Welcome! Information for new subscribers. This is part of a "get a clue!" policy put into effect by the list owners to make sure that new subscribers know what the rules of the list are before they post any messages to the list.
Read Welcome! Information for new subscribers for further instructions.
There is a problem with the e-mail you are sending to the list.
  • Some problem with your e-mail is causing too many messages to be sent to the mailing list.
  • Some problem with your e-mail is causing other people difficulty reading your messages.
  • You were found to be in violation of the terms of netiquette.
  • You were misbehaving on the mailing list.
  • There were complaints about your messages on the mailing list.
  1. Find out if there is anything wrong with your e-mail service.
  2. Make sure that your e-mail service is delivering e-mail properly.
  3. Read the terms of netiquette and think about how your messages might have been found to violate them.
  4. Contact the list owners for assistance.

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Why am I told I'm not subscribed to the list?

This could be for one of the following reasons:
You are not subscribed to the mailing list.
If you are not subscribed to the mailing list, you cannot post messages to the mailing list. This prevents spammers from reaching subscribers of the mailing list.
You are subscribed under a different address than the one you are trying to send messages to the list from.
You can only post messages to the list from the exact same e-mail address that you subscribed from. Try sending e-mail to yourself and compare the return address with the one you subscribed with. Ask the technical support people of your e-mail service for help if the addresses are different. If they're the same, or if you suspect any other problem, contact the list owners for assistance.
The list owners thought your e-mail address didn't exist anymore.
If the list server has any trouble delivering messags to you, it lets the list owners know about it. Sometimes, the problem is that the list server was told by your e-mail service that your e-mail address doesn't exist anymore. Without spending a lot of time and trouble, there is no way for the list owners to confirm or deny this, so they automatically assume that the list server is telling the truth, and will unsubscribe you from the list. If you suspect that this has happened, contact the list owners for assistance.

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