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Frequently AskedQuestions
(FAQ) by Ryoko Toyama |
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Q: Where does the name "Nausicaa"
come from?
Nausicaa was named after a Phoenician princess in the Odyssey. Nausicaa was "a beautiful and fanciful girl, quick on her feet...She took delight in nature and had an especially receptive personality". She saved Odysseus when he drifted ashore covered with blood and then nursed his wounds. Another model for Miyazaki's Nausicaa was the "Princess Who Loved Insects". It is an old Japanese story about a noble girl who was regarded as an eccentric because she loved to watch insects. For more information on the origin of Nausicaa, visit Michael Mifsud's page.
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Q: Why are there two spellings of "Nausicaa"?
The last "a" of Nausicaa should be spelled as "ä" (a-umlaut). Nausicaa comes from the Anglicized version of the Greek name, Nausicaa in Homer's Odyssey. The a-umlaut is not part of the native alphabet of Greek. Rather, it is simply to indicate an accent for pronunciation in Romance languages. Unfortunately, it is difficult to type an a-umlaut character on some computer systems and it often can't be transmitted properly via email, so usually a normal "a" is used instead.
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Q: How do I pronounce "Nausicaa"?
In Japanese, it's [Na u shi ka]. The proper pronunciation for Nausicaa is [Nau-sik'a-e] (the last [e] is supposed to be upside down, pronounced like [a] in ADORE, or [u] in SINUS).
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The kanji (Chinese characters) used for Ohmu are "King" and "Insect", so it means "King Insect" or "King of Insects". Reading those kanji as "Ohmu" is a bit unusual. According to Miyazaki, the sound "Ohmu" came from "Oh Mushi" (king insect), "Ohkii Mushi" (large insect), "Sando Uomu" (Japanese pronunciation of "Sand Worm" from "Dune"), "Aum" in Buddhist belief (no, he didn't get it from the Aum Shinrikyo cult), and others.
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"Mehve" is the German word "Moewe", which means "seagull" in English.
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Q: Which studio made "Nausicaa"?
Since it was made before Ghibli was established, and since Miyazaki didn't belong to any animation studio at that time (1983-84), the studio called "Topcraft" was chosen as a base for the production of "Nausicaa". Topcraft was led by Toru HARA, a long time friend of Miyazaki and Takahata. Hara later became the president of Studio Ghibli (he left Ghibli in 1991). Also, many top animators who wanted to join the project (there were many) participated in the production. The credits for "Nausicaa" are a really impressive who's who of Japanese anime.
Before they made "Nausicaa", Topcrat animated several Rankin-Bass produced animation films such as "Hobbit" and "Last Unicorn. To know more about this, see the Marc Hairston's page.
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Q: Is there religious significance to the resurrection scene?
Though some see a religious image in this scene, Miyazaki himself did not intend it so. In fact, he was hard on himself for giving the movie an ending which looked "religious", and gave only 65 points out of 100 to the movie because of that.
Miyazaki had a strong aversion to organized religions. He once said that he did not want to explain the world based on a god. This may be due to his background in Marxism. However, he seems to be "opening up" a bit more towards religion or spirituality these days, largely because writing the manga "Nausicaa" required him to think about philosophical questions such as "What is life?". However, he doesn't belong to any cult or organized religion.
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Q. Why did the color of Nausicaa's dress change from pink to blue?
It was dyed by Ohmu's blood (which is blue) when she tried to prevent the baby Ohmu from getting into the Acid Sea.
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Q: Is there a model for the tapestry in the opening of the movie?
Yes. Miyazaki said that it is based on the Bayeux tapestry and other images he saw in books about the world history.
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SHIMAMOTO Sumi. For many Miyazaki fans, she is the voice of the Miyazaki heroine. She played Clarisse in "Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro", and Maki in "Farewell Beloved Lupin". She also played Satsuki's mother in "Totoro". To know more about her, visit Hitoshi Doi's Seiyuu (voice actor) Page.
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Q: I heard there is a dub of Nausicaa. Is it true?
Yes. But the only one existing today (10/97) is the horrendously mangled "Warriors of the Wind" from New World Pictures. It's rather difficult to find these days, but please forget about it if you have. Disney is going to release the newly dubbed version, but we don't know when that will be. For more information see Availablity page.
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Q: What is wrong with "Warriors of the Wind"?
New World Pictures felt it could only be marketed as a kid's action movie, so they cut out about a quarter of the movie (the parts they felt were "slow moving") and garbled the storyline in the process. Nausicaa was changed to "Princess Zandra". The voice actors and actresses (including the June Foray, voice of "Rocky the flying squirrel") said later that they were never told what the story was about and so the acting was substandard. Miyazaki was horrified when he found out what they had done to his film, and Ghibli asks everyone to forget that this version ever existed. Fortunately, New World Video's rights to Nausicaa expired in 1995.
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Q: I heard that cuts were made in "Warriors of the Wind" to cover Nausicaa's bare bottom. Is it true?
That's a nasty rumor which just won't die. Even in a recent article by Reuters, she was called "a bare-bottomed heroine on a glider" @_@; Nausicaa *is* wearing pants. That's not a mini skirt she is wearing. It's her coat. Notice that the men in the valley are dressed as Nausicaa is. And they are not Scottish. ^_^
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Q: I heard there is an official sub of "Nausicaa". Is it true?
Yes. With the expiration of the rights for "Warriors of the Wind", Ghibli has produced a new English subtitled version of "Nausicaa". It premiered in London on July 30, 1995 at a special screening event at the "Building Bridges" program. People have hoped for the wide release of this version in the UK and US, but since Disney has acquired the global distribution rights for "Nausicaa", we don't know if this version will ever be commercially available.
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Yes. It's based on Miyazaki's manga, "Kaze no Tani no Nausicaa". There are seven volumes in total, and the movie covers about the first two volumes.
He started serializing the manga "Nausicaa" in the animation magazine "Animage" in 1982. At first, Miyazaki did not want to make "Nausicaa" into anime, since he wrote the manga to express something he couldn't express with animation, and since the manga was still at an introductory stage. As a result, the story of the film was substantially changed from the one in the manga.
To know more about the manga, visit Nausicaa manga page.
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Q: Is the manga "Nausicaa" different from the anime "Nausicaa"?
Yes. It's very different, and very long. Miyazaki took 13 years to finish the manga, though he did set the manga aside several times to make movies. A great many things happen after what happened in the movie. Even the part depicted in the movie is much more complicated in the manga.
In the manga, there is a war going on between two superpowers, Torumekia and the Dorok Empire. Nausicaa was a part of Kushana's invading force, which she joined as the chieftain of the valley to keep the old treaty between Torumekia and the valley (so Torumekia was basically an ally, not an enemy). Most of the story then takes place in the land of Dorok. The Doroks are the ones who tried to cause the Ohmu stampede to crush Kushana's army to defend their land from the invasion. Nausicaa didn't even die at this point.
In the manga, there are no simple dichotomies such as valley vs. Torumekia, good vs. evil, or Nature vs. Man. Many characters, such as Kushana, Ghil, and the God Warrior have very different fates and roles than in the movie. And the ending will likely surprise you and make you think. It's a great work or art and thought. You'll enjoy it very much.
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"Daikaisho" roughly means "Big Tidal Wave". In the world of "Nausicaa", it means the uncontrollable expansion of the Sea of Corruption by stampeding Ohmu.
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Q: If there are emperor's brothers, where is the Dorok emperor?
Actually, that is a bit of a confusion in the translations. Those two "Emperor's Brothers" ARE the emperors of Dorok. After the death of their father, the first Holy Emperor, they were supposed to reign the empire together, so the new titles were created for them - "Koutei" and "Koukei". "Kou" means "Emperor", "Tei" means "younger brother", and "Kei" means "older brother". So, they actually mean "Emperor, the younger" and "Emperor, the older". Koutei has the same pronunciation as "Koutei" (emperor), but different kanji (Chinese characters). Koutei Miralupa has been the one who actually reigns the empire, since he has a mystical power, while Koukei Namulis doesn't. When Viz started publishing the English "Nausicaa", "Koukei" hadn't appeared yet in the Japanese "Nausicaa", so the translator just assumed that he was a younger brother of the emperor (actually, at this point in the manga, most Japanese readers thought so, too).
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Q: Do the symbols used for the Dorok language bear any relation to kana or kanji?
No, there is no systematic reference for the Dorok language as far as we know (you might want to try). However, the characters sometimes look like a very old form of Kanji (Chinese characters) back in the Chou dynasty or older. For example, in a scene where the Doroks were angry, a symbol which looks a bit like a kanji for "anger" was used.
They also look somewhat like Bonji. Bonji are a sort of Sanskrit which are used to express names (and mantras) of Buddhist deities. You can find them on statues or temples. In some branches of Buddhism, they are treated as magical symbols. Many mangas and animes borrowed from Buddhism use them as magical spells.
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Q: What is "The Princess Who Loved Insects?
" It is a story in "Tsutsumi Chunagon Monogatari", which was written at the end of the 12th century. Miyazaki took an inspiration from the princess in this story to create "Nausicaa". This princess was quite eccentric - she didn't dye her teeth black, she didn't shave her eyebrows off, and she was tanned since she actually went outside (this is the equivalent of going around naked today). She loved insects and worms, while other princesses loved butterflies. But she was incredibly intelligent and perceptive (from our standpoint). She said "Beauty is only superficial. You have to see the real nature of things to understand them", and loved to watch caterpillars changing into pupas. When her parents tried to persuade her to give up her "hobbies", she replied, "To understand anything, you have to look into it deeply, and see it through from the beginning to the end. This caterpillar will become a butterfly someday. The silks you are wearing came from silkworms, too."
Miyazaki wondered how this princess survived as an adult, and what her fate had been. We can see the traits of this princess in Nausicaa.
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Q: Will there be a Nausicaa sequel?
Very unlikely. When asked about the possibility of a sequel to the movie, Miyazaki flatly said, "No". He had enough difficulties making the manga into a movie once, and he doesn't want to go through it again. On the possibility of a sequel to the manga, Miyazaki was somewhat more ambiguous. It sounded like he had some stories in his mind. He once said that he wanted to write a manga about Nausicaa in her 30s, so someday, we might be able to read what happened after the conclusion of the manga.
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