Nausicaa.Net The Hayao Miyazaki Web

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Other Pages Featuring Miyazaki

The Miyazaki Multimedia Page, by Debi DeWald
Contains several movie files of Studio Ghibli films, including the Buena Vista (Disney) Kiki trailer.

Greg Kaufman's Home Page
Contains several QuickTime movies from Nausicaa, Laputa, Kiki, and Whisper of the Heart.
Be aware I am using a demo and I may not have it up permenently. I will definitely make every effort to keep it up but there's always the chance my page will go down in the future. -- Greg

Hayao Miyazaki and the Anime of Idealism
an article by Jim McLennan, featured at Otaku Publishing, Ltd. (UK)
Miyazaki Information
a webpage by Michael Mifsud
Australian Mirror of Marc Hairston's Nausicaä webpage
also hosted by Michael Mifsud
The Ghibli Exhibition main page
a webpage by Yasuhide Mohri
AltaVista search for pages linking to our old TCP.COM site
AltaVista search for pages linking to our site

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