Nausicaa.Net The Hayao Miyazaki Web

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Volunteer to contribute to the Miyazaki web

These webpages are far from complete. Please consider volunteering to fill in the gaps in our coverage of Miyazaki's anime and manga, and those of his colleague Isao (Grave of the Fireflies) Takahata, and their Studio Ghibli.

What's not represented on the Miyazaki web?

The rewards for volunteering to do this are:

The resources you have available are:

How to volunteer:

Send us email at letting us know what you are volunteering for, and we will help you with access to whatever information you need.

Current volunteers:

Team Ghiblink is a group of Miyazaki fans who are responsible for much of the content you see on these webpages today. Would you like to be one of them? We'd love to hear from you!

 [Free Speech Online!]
These pages brought to you by Team Ghiblink.