(Original Story by Nobuhiro Watsuki)

5=It just doesn't get much better than this! 4=Terrific! 3=Worth watching. 2=Just okay. 1=You won't miss anything if you skip it! 0=Destroy the master tape and all copies!

Episode #11 Farewell the Ultimate Men! The Clash of Light and Darkness. (5)

Kenshin and Aoshi fight. While they are fighting, Kanryu is plotting something very evil. Kenshin defeats Aoshi (with difficulty). Aoshi is knocked out. The Kenshin gumi start to go find Megumi, but the rest of the Oniwabanshuu come in. Aoshi wakes up and asks Kenshin to take his, Aoshi's, life (stupid, stupid, stupid!!). He tells Kenshin that if he does not, then he, Aoshi, will hunt Kenshin down. Kenshin doesn't care, he is not going to kill Aoshi. (whew!) Kanryu breaks through the door with a Gatling gun and says he is going to kill them all. Kenshin breaks right, dragging Yahiko, Sano breaks left, dragging Kaoru, and Aoshi gets hit in the legs with the bullets. Kanryu stops firing, lights a cigar, and tells everyone that he has made most of his money selling arms, like the Gatling gun. He then starts firing again. Shikijo is killed first, then Hyottoko, then Beshimi, but the dart man manages to get one of his darts caught in the gun's ammunition belt before he dies. Hannya distracts Kanryu so Kenshin can stop him, but Hannya gets killed in the process. Kenshin does stop Kanryu and disables the gun. Aoshi is totally devastated and probably in shock, as all his men are dead! Kenshin urges the Kenshin-gumi to go rescue Megumi (which is good, because Megumi has the small knife that Aoshi left her and is getting ready to plunge it into her chest). Sano breaks the door in, you see him jump, you see blood......... he grabbed the blade of the knife to stop Megumi from killing herself, and the blood is from Sano's bleeding fingers. Sano screams at her, Kenshin preaches at her. The police never found Aoshi or the dead Oniwabanshuu. Megumi is going to stay in town and work for Dr. Genzai. Meanwhile, Aoshi buries the dead Oniwabanshuu in the forest and vows to kill Kenshin so that he can give the title of the "strongest" to his four dead men.

Episode #12 The Birth of A Junior Samurai! First Disciple, Yahiko's Battle. (3)

Yahiko is by the river training with his shinai, attempting to hit a board hanging from a tree. He misses, falls down, breaks a shoe, and a young girl fixes it for him. (Ah...........love * - *!!!) Kenshin and company are at the Akabeko eating, and who should come to their table to ask if they need anything?? Yep, the young girl who fixed Yahiko's shoe, Tsubame-chan. When she leaves, Yahiko jumps up to follow, helps her at the well drawing water, and thanks her. (Sano, Kaoru, and Kenshin are around the corner giggling.) Tsubame-chan accepts Yahiko's awkward 'thank you'. She leaves to return to the restaurant and is accosted by some thugs. Tsubame-chan gets backhanded, Yahiko rushes in to save her, Yahiko gets beaten up. Yahiko has decided to 'rescue' Tsubame-chan. He trains with 10 boards hanging from a tree, then talks to Kenshin and learns some new techniques. He wins against the thugs (with some unbeknownst support from Kenshin and Sano). He is Yahiko-chan, Tsubame-chan's hero!!

Episode #13 You Can Do It Toramaru! The Dosukoi Journey.... (3)

A self-contained episode about Kaoru rescuing an ex-sumo wrestler named Toramaru from committing suicide. She takes him home, dries him off, feeds him, and he LOVES HER COOKING!!, so she decides to keep him and train him in sumo herself. Turns out Toramaru was forced off the sumo team because he was so good, and the top-ranking sumo wrestler felt threatened. It all ends well. Sano gets to beat up some of the sumo hotshots, and Kenshin falls real hard for 200 pounds of rice. (Shinomori rated this episode low, but I liked it. I fell off the couch laughing, both when Kaoru fell off the bridge, and when she pinched Toramaru's butt! GO GIRL!)

Episode #14 To Save a Small Life! Challenge! Doctor Megumi! (3)

Dr. Genzai throws his back out. Kaoru and Yahiko go into town to help Megumi at the doctor's clinic. Sano rushes in with one of his friends who has been shot with a wooden cannon by the Hishi Manji Yakuza. Megumi works long and hard into the night and saves Sano's friend. (You can actually see Sano's affection for Megumi grow in this episode!) Megumi begins to build a good reputation around town, but some bad boys set up a patient with a fake illness to discredit her. It works. Another bad boy, Raiko, claims to have received special healing powers from god. The townspeople believe him. It seems this is all part of a plot by the Hishi Manji Yakuza to discredit Megumi. The Hishi Manji plan to make money off the wealthy citizens by claiming Raiko can cure illness. They target one of Megumi's favorite patients, a little girl named Kaede. Megumi and Yahiko try to save Kaede-chan, and Sano comes to the rescue. Yahiko and Sano kick butt. Kenshin intervenes when the Yakuza start using the wooden cannon, Dr. Genzai's back heals, and Kenshin and company return to normal (whatever that is).

Episode #15 The Operation Starts! The Terrorist Group Jinpu Tai. (2)

Kenshin and company are sitting on the front porch of the Kamiya dojo when a sensei (teacher) friend of Sano's shows up with a child sick in his arms. The sensei is looking for Dr. Genzai. Dr. Genzai is not there, but Megumi is, and she treats the child. Sano tells the Kenshin-gumi that the sensei used to be a samurai, but now he is a teacher living like a beggar, teaching poor children to read and write. Kenshin thinks he might recognize the teacher, but he is not sure. Meanwhile, at a darkened house, a mouth talks with a member of the Jinpu Tai, plotting the recruitment of an assassin who is equal to the Hitokiri Battousai. Kenshin and Yahiko are on their way back from the market and they pass the sensei working in the field breaking rocks and soil. Suddenly a man appears and attacks the sensei. The sensei, however, has no problem defending himself. The man, Toma, is a member of the Jinpu Tai. Toma used to be a student of Sasaki Heihachiro (the sensei). Kenshin recognizes the budo technique, Hinoha Ittou Ryu. Kenshin fought Sasaki back at the end of the Edo dynasty. Later that evening, Sano is on his way to Sasaki's house when he spots Sasaki being escorted away by the Jinpu Tai. Sano follows. He overhears Sasaki refuse to join the Jinpu Tai, but the Jinpu Tai tell Sasaki that he will not be able to say 'no'. The Jinpu Tai threaten Sasaki's students, so Sasaki has no choice but to go with them. The Jinpu Tai make another assassination attempt, but Sano and Kenshin rescue Sasaki and stop the Jinpu Tai, this time...............

Episode #16 Take a Pledge! The Hidden Sword Technique, Shiden No Tachi! (2)

The mouth is talking to Toma and his men. Toma is given orders to kill Sasaki and Kenshin. Sano is protecting Sasaki's students. Sasaki tells Sano that Kenshin would lose if he fights Toma. Sano acts like he does not believe it, but then he and Sasaki go to check on Kenshin's physical wellbeing. Kenshin has disappeared from his place in front of the laundry wash tub; he is in the woods fighting and arguing philosophy with Toma. Just before the fighting gets serious, Toma's men come and collect Toma. The rest of the Kenshin-gumi rush up to Kenshin. Kenshin tells them that the Jinpu Tai have selected another target. Later that evening Kenshin disappears and the Jinpu Tai show up at the Kamiya dojo. At a party, Yamagata-san (remember him?) is leaving and Hashizume-san (the mouth) tells him to be careful on the highway. Sano, Yahiko, Kaoru and Sasaki kick butt. On the highway, the Jinpu Tai waylay Yamagata-san's carriage, but Yamagata-san is not in it--Kenshin is. Kenshin tries to tell Toma that the Jinpu Tai is being used for selfish reasons, not high political ideals. Toma will not listen. The rest of the Kenshin-gumi arrive. There is a fight scene, and the Kenshin-gumi triumph.

Episode #17 Blast to Your Dream. The Adventure of Marimo the Flying Bullet. (1)

The Kenshin-gumi plus Ayame-chan and Suzume-chan are at Sumidagawa, where they go to see the Ebisu Circus. The main draw is Marimo, a young girl who shoots out of a cannon. Yahiko thinks Marimo is soooo kawaii. However, after she is shot out of the cannon, a man named Sumidaya-san disrupts the proceedings. Marimo and her father used to work for Sumidaya before setting up shop for themselves. One of Sumidaya's men empties his hot pipe on the straw and Yahiko rushes down to help Marimo put out the fire. They bump, he introduces himself, she calls him Yahiko-chan! Later that evening Sumidaya's men injure Marimo's father and start to hurt Marimo, but Yahiko comes to the rescue. He defeats Sumidaya's men and helps Marimo take her dad to Megumi-san. The next day the Kenshin-gumi help Marimo at her circus. Kaoru is ringmistress. Kenshin, introduced as Himura Somenosuke, shows the audience the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu succession techniques, i.e. the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu Umbrella Sword Spin, Hiten Mitsurugi Lightning Umbrella, etc.....There are some funny moments in this one.

Episode #18 Run! Yahiko, Bring The Sakabato Back! (4)

Yahiko stops a man with a knife at the Akabeko restaurant. He gets a little arrogant after the experience and starts thinking he is too good for his shinai. He wants to use a real sword. Hiruma Gohei (remember him?) witnesses Yahiko's fight and starts plotting. (Gohei is really hung up on this revenge thing!!) Gohei hires the Tsuchikum Ryu's Onizaki brothers to kill Kenshin after he, Gohei, sets the stage. Gohei dares Yahiko to fight him with a real sword (when Kenshin and Kaoru are not around, of course). Yahiko falls for it. He borrows Kenshin's sakabatou and sneaks out of the dojo with it. Kenshin sees him sneak out with the sword, but doesn't worry about it. Yahiko goes to a Shinto shrine on the edge of town where Gohei said he would meet him. It's a trap. Yahiko is knocked out, tied up, and Gohei gloats that Kenshin will die because he will come to rescue Yahiko and not have the sakabatou to fight with. Gohei leans the sakabatou against the door of the shrine and leaves. Meanwhile, Kenshin gets a note that says he must come to Kikyo Hill before the sun sets if he wants to rescue Yahiko. Kenshin realizes that it is a trap, but he must go anyway to save Yahiko. Yahiko bloodies his wrists getting untied and rushes to Kikyo Hill with Kenshin's sakabatou. He is barely in time. Gohei intercepts Yahiko at the hill and Yahiko fights Gohei in order to get the sakabatou to Kenshin. Yahiko is victorious. Kenshin gets the sakabatou and kicks ass, and Yahiko learns a very valuable lesson.

Episode #19 Raijuta's Desire. Vision of a Forbidden Empire. (3)

The Kenshin-gumi go to Izu to stay with Dr. Genzai's sister for a vacation. They meet Tsukayama Yutaro, the young boy who owns the big house and surrounding property. Yutaro wants to learn budo. Dr. Genzai's sister offers Kenshin as teacher, but Kenshin declines. Yutaro offers Kenshin a house, food, and a horse. Yahiko gets angry at the way Yutaro is treating Kenshin, and attacks him. Kaoru rescues Yutaro by throwing Yahiko across the room. Yutaro gets angry at everyone and rushes out of the house. He is almost kidnapped for ransom (it is a fake kidnap set up by Raijuta), but is rescued by Isurugi Raijuta. Yutaro asks Raijuta to be his sensei. Raijuta accepts. At Yutaro's residence, Raijuta breaks Yutaro's shinai and gives him a metal sword. Raijuta's budo is called Shinko Ryu. Meanwhile, Kenshin and company are enjoying their vacation, eating, sleeping and playing. They go to the hot springs, but Kenshin is deep in thought, remembering Raijuta. He overhears Dr. Genzai's sister talk about the Shinko Ryu and gets excited, then rushes over to the girls' side of the hot springs, telling Kaoru that he has to rescue Yutaro. (^o^!!! Oroo....) That evening Yutaro is at the cliffs by the sea, practicing with the sword Raijuta gave him. Kenshin appears. He is soooo gentle and soooo understanding with Yutaro. Then Raijuta and his men appear. Raijuta talks to Kenshin about the Meiji era, corruption, and the samurai. He asks Kenshin to join the Shinko Ryu. He explains that he is setting up an empire of Samurai in Izu. Kenshin tells him he is nuts and declines. Unfortunately, now Kenshin knows the agenda so the Shinko Ryu feel they must kill him. A good fight scene ensues. Yutaro gets knocked off the cliff screaming and falls into the ocean. Kenshin is pinned by one of the Shinko Ryu, Raijuta tells him he is going to die, and Yutaro is in the ocean..............

Episode #20 Shinko Ryu's Revived! Show of Evil, Ultimate Killing Technique! (3)

Kenshin's eyes turn yellow (yoweee!!!!), and he recovers the advantage real quick! He takes care of the Shinko Ryu in Battousai mode, and then jumps into the ocean to save Yutaro. He carries him back Dr. Genzai's sister house for Megumi to care for. The next day Yutaro wakes up, tells Kenshin he is grateful, but he, Yutaro is going back to be with Raijuta. Yahiko challenges Yutaro, and Yutaro loses. Yahiko tells Yutaro that Yutaro may leave when he can beat "this Sensei" (Yahiko). Kaoru offers to teach Yutaro Kamiya Kasshin Ryu, and Yutaro accepts. It is a "Rocky" rerun for a while. Yutaro trains, the BGM is terrific. Yutaro improves so much that Yahiko is actually starting to feel a little threatened. Meanwhile, Raijuta is planning the creation of his kingdom while, unbeknownst to him, the army is on the outskirts of his "kingdom," getting ready to stop him. The Kenshin-gumi and Yutaro are having a cook-out when Yutaro goes back to the house to get his shinai so he can practice for his match with Yahiko on the morrow. At the house, Yutaro meets police detective Muraki. Muraki wants to talk to Kenshin about the situation at the Tsukayama house. Muraki tells Kenshin that the military special forces are about to attack the Shinko Ryu and exterminate them, but Yamagata-dono heard that Kenshin was in the area and wanted his opinion. Yahiko runs into the room where Muraki and Kenshin are talking and says that Yutaro is missing. Kenshin surmises that Yutaro went home to see what was happening with his sensei and his house. Yutaro is stunned to see the military surrounding his house. He rushes in just as the battle is starting. The military bursts in shooting and the samurai are swinging their swords. Yutaro gazes in shock at the chaos! Kenshin and company are hurrying to Yutaro's house to try and rescue Yutaro and stop the battle...........

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