(Original Story by Nobuhiro Watsuki)

5=It just doesn't get much better than this! 4=Terrific! 3=Worth watching. 2=Just okay. 1=You won't miss anything if you skip it! 0=Destroy the master tape and all copies!

Episode #31 Never Reaching Feelings... Kenshin's Departure. (5)

May 14th. Meiji 11. Life at the Kamiya dojo seems too normal. Kenshin, Kaoru, Dr. Genzai, Suzume-chan and Ayame-chan are walking by the river. The kids are telling Kenshin about the fireflies they saw last night. Kaoru tries to get Kenshin to promise to come to the river with her that evening to see the fireflies. Before Kenshin can answer, Yahiko, Sano, and Megumi arrive on the scene. Kenshin tells everyone that he is going to go and visit Ookubo instead of waiting for Ookubo to come to him. He remembers that Ookubo will be at Kiyoi-saka and plans to meet him there. Ookubo's carriage at Kiyoi-saka is intercepted by Seta Soujiro, assistant to Shishio Makoto. Soujiro kills Ookubo. Kenshin comes upon a crowd of people gathered around Ookubo's body. A voice from the crowd tells Kenshin that if he does not want to end up like Ookubo, he should not challenge Shishio. Later, Kenshin is at the police station with Saitou. Saitou tells Kenshin that he (Saitou) will be going to Kyoto to try to stop Shishio. Kenshin listens to the people in town talk about Ookubo's death. He remembers the words of Ookubo, then thinks about Jin-eh and what Jin-eh told him about "once a Hitokiri, always a Hitokiri" (oops!....did I forget to mention that earlier? ^_^ gomen!). Kenshin knows he must decide what to do!

Kaoru is down by the river watching the fireflies. Kenshin appears. He tells Kaoru that Shishio killed Ookubo, and he cannot let Shishio do as he pleases. He is going to Kyoto to stop him. Kaoru wonders aloud if he will he become the Kenshin of 10 years ago. Kenshin does not know, but he knows he must find some way to control or rid himself of the Hitokiri Battousai inside of him. He also realizes that his presence at the Kamiya dojo is putting Kaoru, Yahiko, and Sano in danger. He hugs Kaoru and tells her that he appreciates the taste of normal life, but he is a rurouni, and it is time for him to continue his journey................

Episode #32 Changing Tears to Courage! The Path Choosen by Kamiya Kaoru. (3)

Kaoru will not get out of bed and refuses to eat. Sanosuke is at Katsu's apartment getting money for his trip to Kyoto. Katsu gives Sano some pineapple bombs (for his protection) and tells him to be careful. Sano runs into Yahiko and Saitou on his way out of Katsu's apartment. Saitou derides Sanosuke for thinking he would help Kenshin in Kyoto. He tells Sanosuke that Sano, Yahiko, and Kaoru are all Kenshin's weak points and he, Saitou, understands why Kenshin went off to Kyoto by himself. Saitou beats up Sano and calls him a 'mutt' and a 'puppy', but it does not change Sanosuke's mind. In the end, Saitou tells Sano to go ahead and go to Kyoto; since his skill level is so low, he won't live long anyway. Saitou then leaves, and Sano tells Yahiko that no matter what happens, Yahiko MUST DRAG Kaoru to Kenshin. Yahiko promises and Sano begins his journey to Kyoto. Kaoru is curled up in the corner of the dojo, not responding to anyone. Megumi comes in and ridicules her. They argue and Megumi goes to slap Kaoru a good one. She stops just in time and talks tough to Kaoru. Kaoru is still moping when Yahiko comes in and convinces Kaoru that she is the only one who can bring Kenshin back, and at last Kaoru decides to go to Kyoto.

Episode #33 Time to Be the Strongest Warrior! Aoshi's New Battle! (2)

Kaoru and Yahiko set off by boat to Kyoto. Sano, still pissed, sets off on foot. He is taking out entire trees along the way, screaming that he will prove he is not a weakness to Kenshin! Kenshin had talked to Saitou the evening before. Saitou was going to Kyoto by boat and expected Kenshin to go on the boat with him. Saitou told Kenshin that they would be fighting together. This was news to Kenshin. He refused to go on the boat, saying it would be too confining for a rurouni who does not like to get others involved in his fights. The next day, Megumi stops by the dojo to check on 'things' and finds it is unlocked. She rushes in thinking Ken-san has returned, but instead finds Shinomori Aoshi. Aoshi wants to know where Kenshin has gone. Megumi refuses to tell him, and Aoshi threatens to kill her if she does not answer him. Saitou arrives and tells Aoshi that the Battousai went to Kyoto. He then tells Aoshi about Shishio. Aoshi goes into the mountains and decides that he, too, is going to Kyoto. He comes to the graves of the Oniwabanshuu and finds a group of Shishio's goons desecrating the graves. He kills them all. The situation was really a setup by Seta Soujiro. Shishio wants to talk to Aoshi, but Aoshi is not going to cooperate. Soujiro tells Aoshi if he changes his mind, he should come to Kyoto. Shishio Makoto is having a picnic in the woods. He tells Soujiro that it is time to say hello to Shishio's Hitokiri Senpai, Himura Battousai.

Kenshin is camping out in the forest. He goes to the aid of a girl whom he believes is about to be assaulted, then discovers that she is a mugger. She fights and defeats four men and steals their money. Kenshin confronts her.........

Episode #34 The Little Thief... Makimachi Misao's Deceptive Looks! (4)

The female thief tells Kenshin she wants his sword. She tries intimidation, but it doesn't work on Kenshin. He easily evades her attacks and confiscates the money she stole from the four men. This really makes her mad and she flings her tobikunai (throwing daggers) at him. Kenshin blocks the small knives with her cloak. She gets even madder (it was her favorite cloak) and demands all of Kenshin's money as payment. Kenshin goes back into town to return the money the little thief stole. He finds out her name is Makimachi Misao and she is from Kyoto. Unbeknownst to Kenshin and Misao, the four men she beat up are getting a crowd together to come get revenge. Kenshin takes out a bridge to foil the men's trap. Misao is impressed with the bridge incident and starts talking about the people she has been looking for. When she mentions the 'guard of Edo Castle' and 'Aoshi-sama', Kenshin is so shocked he whispers 'Shinomori Aoshi'. Misao hears him and gets very excited that Kenshin knows her Aoshi-sama. Kenshin refuses to talk about Aoshi, since he knows that Misao would be very hurt if she found out about the deaths of the Oniwabanshuu. She does not give up. He runs, she follows. He finally leaps a ravine that is too wide for her to jump, and from the other side tells her to forget about Aoshi. She tells him to go to hell, and attempts to leap the ravine. She falls, Kenshin saves her (it is a terrific scene!), and Kenshin resigns himself to having Misao follow him on his journey to Kyoto..........

Episode # 35 Occupied Village! Shishio's Evil Shadow, Ever Closer! (3)

Kenshin and Misao are still heading toward Kyoto. Kenshin hears a noise. He investigates and finds a dying man holding an unconscious young boy. The dying man asks Kenshin to take care of his younger brother and save his village from Shishio. Kenshin buries the man. The boy's name is Eiji. His village is called Shingetsu. Shishio took over Shingetsu 2 years ago. The police tried to save the village, but Shishio's men kept killing the police, so they gave up. Eiji's older brother came to the village to try and save his family, but he was killed by Senkaku, a slave master sent by Shishio to control the village. Kenshin tells Eiji that he will help him in place of his brother. Kenshin goes to the village to try and rescue Eiji's parents. He finds the village quiet. A man and a woman are dead, hanging by ropes in the center of the village. Eiji screams -- the man and woman are his parents. Eiji's scream brings Shishio's men. Kenshin asks Shishio's men if Eiji's parents were hung up as examples. An affirmative answer angers Kenshin and he takes out the whole group. One of Shishio's men goes after Eiji and Misao. Misao gets ready to defend Eiji but a sword appears and the goon is beheaded by a tall, slender, austere man in a policeman's uniform.........Saitou! Saitou had information that Shishio was in the area. He was also investigating the disappearance of one of his undercover agents, Eiji's older brother. Eiji approaches the bodies of his parents to cut them down, but before he is able, the townspeople come out and tell him not to, because if the bodies are cut down, Senkaku will punish the town. Kenshin cuts the bodies down regardless. Kenshin and company leave the town to bury the bodies, and Kenshin tells Eiji that he will avenge Eiji's loss. Since Saitou knows where Shishio is, he and Kenshin leave Misao and Eiji burying Eiji's parents and head toward Shishio's base in the village. Shishio has been informed that they are coming and he prepares...............

Episode #36 After The End of The Dynasty. First Meeting of Kenshin and Shishio. (4)

Kenshin and Saitou are greeted by Seta Soujiro. Kenshin asks Shishio why he involved this particular village. Shishio tells Kenshin that the hot baths soothe his burned skin, which makes Kenshin furious. Shishio says he is kidding. He explains that 10 years ago he gave his life to the Ishin government as the inheritor of the Hitokiri Battousai. The government repaid him by trying to kill him. Shishio says he has no respect for the current government and believes they must be overturned. He wants to make Japan the strongest! Kenshin draws his sakabatou and tells Shishio that his plan will kill too many innocent people and he, Kenshin, will not allow it! Shishio tells Kenshin that if he wants to fight, he would rather fight in Kyoto. In the meantime Kenshin can fight Senkaku. Senkaku makes an entrance (^_^hehehehe......just a little understatement here !) Shishio watches every move Kenshin makes during his fight with Senkaku. Kenshin 'tricks' (not really but you would have to see it...) Senkaku into breaking a leg. Shishio tells Senkaku that if the fight ends without Senkaku making Kenshin reveal even one of his Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu moves, Shishio will kill Senkaku himself. Senkaku pulls himself up and attacks Kenshin. Kenshin does a Ryu Sho Sen on the underside of Senkaku's jaw. Saitou ridicules Kenshin for not killing Senkaku. Kenshin tells Saitou that it is not necessary that he be serious with a 'kohai' (someone of junior rank). Then Kenshin looks at Shishio and tells him to draw his sword..............

Episode #37 Shock! Sakabatou Broken... Soujiro "The Heavenly Sword" versus Kenshin. (4)

Misao and Eiji are peering through the door. Saitou opens it and they tumble in. He tells them to be quiet. Shishio is saying to Kenshin that fighting him would be boring. As Shishio leaves he tells Kenshin that if Kenshin should becomes the Hitokiri again, Shishio will fight him in Kyoto. Then Shishio tosses a katana to Soujiro and tells Soujiro to 'play' with Kenshin for him. Kenshin notes that Soujiro is unlike any man he has every fought before. Normally, Kenshin 'feels' the emotion inside an opponent and uses that emotion to anticipate his opponent's next move. He feels absolutely no emotion emanating from Seta Soujiro. Soujiro mimics everything Kenshin does. When Kenshin prepares for a battou jutsu, so does Soujiro. They draw, they clash, and the top of Kenshin's sakabatou is cut off. Soujiro thinks he won, but Saitou points out that Soujiro's sword is cracked. The fight is a draw, and Soujiro leaves. Misao is upset that Kenshin's sakabatou is broken, and Saitou is upset that Shishio got away, but Kenshin is happy that they did what they planned to do, which was rid the village of Shishio and Senkaku. Speaking of Senkaku.......Eiji is looking down on the prone Senkaku and notes that he is still breathing. He raises his brother's sword and prepares to kill Senkaku. Saitou stops him. Eiji argues vehemently and goes to pick up the sword again. Kenshin stops him, asking him if his brothers sword was used for killing........Eiji acquiesces. Meanwhile, Soujiro is in the forest talking to Shishio, telling him about the fight. Shishio is upset and intrigued that Kenshin ruined his favorite katana. Shishio tells Soujiro to gather all his Juppongatana into Kyoto. Kenshin and company are on a hill looking down on Shingetsu. Misao and Kenshin are going to resume their journey to Kyoto. Saitou tells Kenshin that his wife will take care of Eiji. Saitou will meet Kenshin again in Kyoto, and he suggests that in the meantime Kenshin reincarnate the Hitokiri Battousai. He wishes the old Kenshin good luck............

Episode #38 Sanosuke, The Secret of Patience... Challenge the Hakai-Priest, Anji. (3)

Sano is lost in the forest preparing to eat the last of his food when a loud noise and a shaking of the ground makes him drop his meal on the ground. He goes to investigate and finds a Hakai-So priest. The priest is training; he can hit a rock and it disintegrates into dust. This rock-breaking ability impresses Sanosuke, who asks to be shown how he does it. The priest wants to know why Sanosuke wants the knowledge of Futae No Kiwami . Sanosuke tells the priest very briefly about Saitou beating him up, and how Sanosuke needs to be stronger. The priest initially refuses, but Sano keeps talking. Yuukyuzan Anji (the priest) asks Sano for his opinion of the Meiji government. Sano answers honestly, and Anji agrees to teach Sanosuke the Futae No Kiwami. He demonstrates his rock-breaking technique. The first hit reduces the rock's resistance; the second hit obliterates the rock. Anji tells Sanosuke he must master the technique in a month or Anji will kill him. Sano tells Anji that he does not have a month -- he'll master the technique in a week. Sano tries. He hits rocks and rocks and rocks. His right fist is bloody with his effort. On his last evening alive (if he does not learn the Futae No Kiwami) he has a vision of Sagara Souzou. Sagara tells Sano to give up, it's not worth it, he will die, but also that if Sano admits his mistake, Anji will not kill him. Sano tells Sagara (with all due respect) no! The next morning Anji finds Sano prone on a large boulder and thinks he is dead. Sano is not dead, and he did learn the Futae No Kiwami. Anji congratulates Sanosuke, and points him in the direction of Kyoto. Shortly thereafter, Seta Soujiro appears in the forest and tells Anji that Shishio is summoning the Juppongatana to Kyoto.

Episode #39 The Man Who Makes Sakaba... Arai Shatku's Masterpiece! (3)

Kenshin and Misao arrive at the Aoiya restaurant in Kyoto. Misao's Jiya (grandpa) greets Misao and invites "Himura Battousai" into the Aoiya to talk. The old man is a Kishiwazaki ninja, Oniwabanshuu, called Okina. Kenshin tells him the story of the Oniwabanshuu at Kanryu's mansion. Okina agrees that it would be best not to tell Misao. He knows about Shishio and tells Kenshin that he, Okina, will be Kenshin's number one supporter, and that Kenshin must stay at the Aoiya while is in Kyoto. Kenshin asks Okina to find two people for him: Arai Shatku and Hiko Seijuro. The next morning Okina tells Kenshin that the swordmaker Arai Shatku is dead, but his son, Arai Seikuu, is still in the business and has supposedly inherited his father's skill. Kenshin, Okina, and Misao pay the swordmaker a visit. They are greeted by a small boy, Iori, and Iori's mother Asuza. Kenshin tests a kitchen knife made by Arai Seikuu, and then asks Seikuu to make him a sword. Seikuu refuses; he has a son and a wife and does not want to spend his life making instruments intended for killing. Kenshin understands and leaves. Meanwhile, at Shishio's headquarters, Shishio is checking in with Hoji, the Hyaku Shiki. Shishio tells Hoji that he has called together the Juppongatana and as soon as they all are gathered, they will begin their kuni-tori (national domination). Shishio tells Hoji that in celebration of kuni-tori, the Juppongatana will kill Himura Battousai. Katanagari (sword-lover) Cho arrives while Hoji is telling Shishio about Kenshin's visit to Arai Seikuu. Hoji tells Shishio that Arai Shatku's last sword was not given to Kenshin. Cho gets excited when he hears that a dead famous swordmaker has an unclaimed last sword, and goes to visit Shatku's son. Cho arrives at the swordmakers house, and Seikuu asks him what he wants. Cho says he want Arai Shatku's last sword. Seikuu says he does not have the sword there. Cho picks up baby Iori with the tip of his sword and throws him into the air, then catches him with the sword tip. Seikuu's wife tells Cho that her father-in-law's last sword was dedicated to the Haku-San Shinto Shrine. Cho goes to check it out, taking Iori with him, swinging on the point of his sword. Misao arrives on the scene, hears the story, and notifies Okina via carrier pigeon. Kenshin is at the Aoiya when the pigeon arrives. He rushes out of the restaurant to go to the Shrine. When Cho arrives at the Haku-San Shinto Shrine, Iori over his shoulder, and finds Kenshin already waiting for him...........

Episode #40 Cold Blooded, Samurai! Battle with Juppongatana Cho! (5)

Cho tosses Iori into a tree where he hangs from a branch, then challenges Kenshin. They fight. Kenshin uses his sword stump, his sheath, his wits, and wins each initial battle. After each battle, Kenshin goes to where Iori is hanging from the branch, intending to get him down, but Cho always recovers. Cho is getting pissed. Misao, Okina, Seikuu and Asuza arrive on the scene. Okina, Misao, and Asuza all try to talk Seikuu into giving Kenshin Shatku's last sword. Seikuu continues to refuse until he overhears Kenshin telling Cho that he, Kenshin has sworn to return Iori safely to his parents. Seikuu makes a run for the temple, grabs his father's sword, and tosses it to Kenshin. Kenshin catches the katana, but does not draw it. Okina explains to Misao that Kenshin used to be the Hitokiri Battousai. Cho is getting impatient. He aims his murder sword (satsujinken) toward the baby hanging in the tree, and Kenshin goes Hitokiri! Using the katana that Seikuu tossed him, he performs a Ryu Kan Sen Tsumuji. Cho does not have a chance. It is all over! Kenshin stands with his Hitokiri face, Cho is lifeless on the ground, Misao is in shock. Then Seikuu tells Kenshin to look at the blade of the sword. It is a sakabatou! Cho groans and moves. The last sword Arai Shatku made was a shinuchi, which is the better of the two sakabatou Shatku made. Shatku made the first sakabatou and gave it to Kenshin 10 years ago when Kenshin quit the Ishin group. He told Kenshin that if, when he broke his sakabatou, he was still the same dreamer, to come back to Kyoto. Seikuu offers the sakabatou shinuchi to Kenshin, and Kenshin accepts.

Kaoru and Yahiko are sitting on steps in Kyoto wondering where to look for Kenshin. Yahiko sees Aoshi walk by and gives chase. Meanwhile, Okina gives Kenshin the address of Hiko Seijuro. Kenshin then leaves the Aoiya, with Misao chasing after him. Misao runs past Aoshi and does not see him, while Kaoru, chasing Yahiko, runs past Kenshin and does not see him. Misao and Yahiko collide. Misao gets angry and yells out Kenshin's name. Kaoru tackles Misao before she can get away, asking if Misao is talking about Himura Kenshin...........

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