(Original Story by Nobuhiro Watsuki)

5=It just doesn't get much better than this! 4=Terrific! 3=Worth watching. 2=Just okay. 1=You won't miss anything if you skip it! 0=Destroy the master tape and all copies!

Episode #51 Now Is The Time To Awaken... True And Perfect Solution. (3)

Kenshin tells Aoshi that with the death of his men, Aoshi's purpose was lost, and that Aoshi blames his men for dying. Aoshi slugs Kenshin. Kenshin says that no matter what Aoshi does to him, it won't bring Aoshi's men back. Aoshi swings his kodachi and Kenshin grabs it with his hand. Kenshin tells Aoshi that Misao leads the Oniwabanshuu now and that she cried for Aoshi. Kenshin tells Aoshi to find the pride he lost and snap out of it! Aoshi knocks Kenshin across the room, but Sano catches him. Aoshi tells Kenshin that he cannot move on until he finishes this fight. Kenshin tells Aoshi he will fight him and promises to do his best. Kenshin does his ougi. Aoshi is down! Yumi has been on the telegraph machine the whole time telling Shishio what has been going on. Sano catches her sending messages and destroys the machine. Aoshi tells Kenshin and Sano to go on ahead, that he will catch up once he recovers. Meanwhile, back at the Aoiya, Kaoru and Misao team up to fight Kamatari. Yahiko takes on Hen-ya, who is feeling pissed off that he has to 'baby-sit.' Using his glider, Hen-ya flies up and tosses a bomb at Yahiko.........

Episode #52 Miracle in The Making! The Battle at Aoiya Continues. (3)

Yumi is telling Kenshin and Sano about the Juppongatana's secret weapon, which should be arriving at the Aoiya any time. At the Aoiya, Yahiko is not doing very well against Hen-ya. Hen-ya is very light, and with his glider he uses the updraft from his bombs to fly above whomever he is attacking. Yahiko is determined, but is still getting his ass whupped! Then he comes up with a great idea. The next time Hen-ya drops a bomb, Yahiko uses a door like a wing and uses the updraft from the bomb to get above Hen-ya. Yahiko does a good imitation of a Ryu Tsui Sen on the top of Hen-ya's head, and the bird man is down. Yahiko is seriously injured, however, and cannot help Kaoru and Misao in their fight with Kamatari. Kamatari knocks Misao out, then goes after Kaoru. Misao wakes up, and with some great teamwork the girls defeat Kamatari. Iwanbo just sort of bounces off and the Oniwabanshuu celebrate, believing they have won the battle with the Juppongatana. But then Fuji arrives.........

Episode #53 A Giant Versus Superman! Saving Grace at the Edge of Despair. (4)

Fuji is a giant controlled by a little man called Saizsuchi. Saizsuchi gives a demonstration of Fuji's power, but Yahiko says he will not submit, he will fight. Yahiko believes Kenshin will save him. Saizsuchi tells Fuji to kill Yahiko first. As Yahiko stands in front of Fuji screaming Kenshin's name, Fuji's blade comes down and is stopped by Hiko Seijuro. The MAN HIMSELF! Hiko easily tosses off Fuji's blade, thanks Yahiko for screaming so loudly, and says he would have been here sooner if his stupid pupil had given him decent directions. He then throws Yahiko to Kaoru and addresses Fuji. Hiko talks to Fuji as one warrior to another. He complements Fuji's balance and form and criticizes how Fuji strikes. He tells Fuji that though everyone else sees Fuji as a monster, Hiko sees him as an opponent, a budo master. Hiko tells Fuji that Fuji does not need to be controlled by an old man. He tells Fuji to take off his armor, put down the old man, and if he does, a worthy opponent stands before him ready to destroy him. Fuji starts to cry with tears of joy because he is being addressed as a person, not a monster. Fuji does as Hiko requests, Hiko and Fuji fight. Hiko wins with a Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu Kuzu Ryu Sen. Yahiko thinks Hiko killed Fuji until Kaoru points out that his sword was turned upside down, like a sakabatou. The Aoiya is again victorious. Hoji reports to Shishio that the Juppongatana have been defeated at the Aoiya. Soujiro tells Shishio and Hoji not to worry, that he, Soujiro will simply be as strong as all 10 of the Juppongatana. Soujiro leaves to ready himself for his fight with Kenshin. Kenshin is at the door leading to Tenken no Soujiro........

Episode #54 Hiten versus Shukuchi. Soujiro, God's Gift to Nature. (4)

Soujiro is soooo polite to Kenshin. He tells Kenshin to not worry about the Aoiya, since the Juppongatana have been defeated and arrested. Soujiro and Kenshin begin. Soujiro starts with a battou jutsu. It is not successful. Soujiro is surprised that Kenshin is much stronger than when they fought at the Shingetsu village. Kenshin is amazed at Soujiro's powerful legs and his incredible speed, shukuchi! Soujiro can attack going from a standstill to full speed because of his powerful legs. It is why Soujiro was able to kill Ookubo on a moving carriage. Additionally, Soujiro appears to have no emotions; Kenshin cannot 'read' Soujiro to anticipate his movements. Soujiro tells Kenshin that his last attack was not shukuchi, it was 3 steps short. The next attack will be faster. Soujiro attacks. Kenshin tries a Kuzu Ryu Sen. Soujiro not only evades, but slices Kenshin across the back. Kenshin is seriously wounded! Soujiro is puzzled, since he really did try to kill Kenshin, but was not successful. He starts to think about Shishio and Senkaku. Soujiro asks why Kenshin used the Ryu Sho Sen on Senkaku. Sano answers the question: because if Kenshin had not shown Shishio one of his moves, Shishio would have killed Senkaku. Soujiro attacks again, one step short of shukuchi. He talks to Kenshin as he fights. 'The strong live, the weak die.' Soujiro strikes! He hits Kenshin, but not a killing blow. Kenshin asks Soujiro what is holding him back. Kenshin has noticed that Soujiro's sword speed has decreased, and he can 'feel' Soujiro's inner conflict. Soujiro starts to show emotion, irritation! He attacks Kenshin again, but breaks a shoe lace, and asks to stop so he can fix it. Sano patches Kenshin's wounds and Kenshin compares the Hitokiri inside of him with the emotions inside of Soujiro..........

Episode #55 Tragedy in The Storm. Soujiro's Past. (5)

Yumi is talking to Soujiro while he fixes his waraji lace. Soujiro tells Yumi that Himura-san is stronger than Soujiro thought he would be, but it does not matter because a sword that protects the weak is useless.

Soujiro was the bastard son of a rice merchant. The merchant died and left Soujiro the responsibility of Soujiro's half brothers and sisters. Soujiro was beaten and abused. He was forced to move 100 lb bags of rice every night and every day (hence the strong legs). One night little Soujiro investigates a noise and witnesses Shishio kill a man. Shishio intends to kill Soujiro, but notices that Soujiro is smiling, waiting to die. Shishio hides out in one of Soujiro's family's storage sheds. Soujiro gets food and bandages for Shishio, Shishio gives Soujiro a wakizashi (short sword). Soujiro knows that Shishio is a bad person, but a very strong bad person. Soujiro's family notices that all the bandages in the house are gone. They knew that an injured criminal had been seen in the area, and they surmise that Soujiro is hiding him. They beat Soujiro severely and plan to kill him. Soujiro runs, screaming, but no one comes to help. Soujiro kills all of his half brothers and sisters with the sword Shishio has given him. Shishio comes out of the shed when all is quiet and finds Soujiro standing over the dead bodies of his family.

Soujiro has fixed his lace and the fight resumes. Yumi is worried. Soujiro tells Yumi that when he is fighting Kenshin, he feels so distracted! Soujiro attacks Kenshin using one step short of shukuchi. Soujiro is talking as he is moving. He tells Kenshin that even though Kenshin talks about non-killing and protecting the weak, Kenshin cannot be right because "Back then, you did not protect me! If you really believe in what you say, why did you not protect me...?" 

Episode #56 Fight To The Limit! Shun-Ten-Satsu Versus Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki. (3)

Soujiro has broken! His emotions are pouring out! He tells Kenshin that Shishio cannot be wrong: the strong survive, the weak die. Kenshin easily anticipates Soujiro's moves now. He tells Soujiro that he cannot even imagine what Soujiro has been through, but that he can guess that deep down inside, Soujiro regrets what he has done. Soujiro never really wanted to be a killer. Kenshin says he can feel it. He says that Soujiro can still put that part of his life behind him and start over. Soujiro goes crazy, pulling his hair, pounding the floor. He tells Kenshin that he will kill him. Kenshin uses his ougi. Soujiro is defeated. Soujiro has his head in Yumi's lap pondering how could Kenshin, with such a non-killing attitude, have such a perfect counter. Soujiro tells Kenshin that the battle with Kenshin gave Soujiro his answer. Kenshin says Soujiro is wrong, the stronger man is not always right. Real life is not that simple. Soujiro is still young and he can find his answers and atone for his crimes. Soujiro calls Kenshin a harder taskmaster than Shishio. Kenshin and Sano are running down the hall again. Soujiro tells Yumi that the real power behind Kenshin's Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki is the fact that Kenshin leads with his left leg. Therefore, if Shishio watches Kenshin's left foot, he will know before hand if Kenshin is going to use his ougi. Soujiro gives Yumi the wakizashi that Shishio gave to him 10 years ago, and asks Yumi to return the sword to Shishio. Soujiro says goodbye. Kenshin and Sano arrive at the next doorway and find Yumi waiting for them. Kenshin stops to catch his breath and drips blood all over the floor, causing Sano to worry about him. Yumi leads Kenshin and Sano to the Dai Shaku Netsu room where Kenshin will fight Shishio.......... 

Episode #57 Two Men Betting Their Lives On The End Of The Dynasty... Shishio Versus Kenshin... Final Battle! (3)

In the Dai Shaku Nestu no Ma, the Big Burning Room, Yumi, Kenshin and Sano cross a bridge with metal towers belching smoke and fire on each side. Petroleum! The three climb several flights of stairs and reach the arena where Shishio and Hoji wait. Kenshin approaches Shishio. The fight begins. Shishio uses his first hidden technique, the Homura Dama. Shishio swipes the tip of his sword across the ground, his sword flames and burns across Kenshin's chest. Kenshin deduces that the oil from all the people Shishio has killed has soaked into Shishio's very intricate, serrated sword, and the friction from swiping the ground causes a spark, then a flame. Shishio tells Kenshin that Arai Shatku made the sword, just like he made Kenshin's. Shishio's sword is Shatku's final satsujin sword. Kenshin tries a Ryu Sho Sen, but Shishio catches Kenshin's sword with his fingertips, then picks up Kenshin by his forehead and BITES a hole in Kenshin's shoulder........

Episode #58 Will The Era Inherit Shishio? Kenshin's Most Critical Moment! (4)

Shishio repeats to Kenshin the same words Soujiro did. "The world is a survival of the fittest. Natural selection. The strong live and feed off the weak." Shishio tells Kenshin that the Meiji government is weak and not fit to rule. Shishio is the natural ruler. Kenshin tells Shishio that the people Shishio calls food for the strong deserve a respite from war. Kenshin tells Shishio he will stop him! Kenshin bleeds, Shishio laughs. Kenshin finds out that Soujiro left Shishio, and tells Shishio he is glad. This irritates Shishio and he again swipes his sword tip on the ground, making it flame, picks up Kenshin, and ignites the glove he is wearing which is coated in gunpowder. The glove explodes against Kenshin and Kenshin falls, unconscious. Shishio and Hoji gloat. Shishio tells Hoji to clean up the mess when suddenly Saitou Hajime charges through the door, his sword aimed at Shishio's head. It makes contact! But Shishio has a metal band under the bandages on his head. Shishio battles Saitou and Shishio wins. Saitou is down and unconscious. Sano fights Shishio and Shishio shatters Sanosuke's hand. Kenshin, Saitou, and Sano are all unconscious. Yumi wants Shishio to hurry and kill everyone while they are unconscious. Shishio is still gloating when Aoshi's voice speaks from the sidelines: "The end has not been written, and the title of the strongest has not been bestowed."

Episode #59 Luck Hasn't Run Out Yet! Ken-Ki (Warrior Spirit) Revived Again. (5)

Aoshi reaches the rooftop arena and surveys the fallen warriors. Shishio calls Aoshi a loser. Hoji tells Aoshi to leave before he gets hurt. Aoshi tells Hoji that the Battousai accepted Aoshi's challenge and was worn down as a result. Therefore, Aoshi has come to cover the Battousai's losses. Shishio puts on his gloves and agrees to fight Aoshi. Aoshi does a lot better then Kenshin did originally, defending himself successfully against Shishio. Yumi and Hoji wonder why Aoshi is doing this and where he is getting the strength. Shishio finally uses his Homura Dama against Aoshi and Aoshi is down but not out! Aoshi was stalling for time to allow Kenshin to regain consciousness. Shishio mocks Aoshi, but Aoshi tells Shishio that Shishio is not a match for the Battousai. Suddenly the wind starts blowing, leaves start exploding, and Kenshin stands up. He is still unconscious, but on his feet. His ken-ki is holding him up. A leaf explodes in front of Kenshin's face and his eyes focus. The wind whirls on the rooftop and Kenshin yells his battlecry! Leaves explode in front of Sanosuke and he regains consciousness. The same happens to Saitou. Everyone is awake now. Shishio is so excited he is orgasmic. Kenshin and Shishio begin to fight. Yumi is terrified; she tells Hoji that he must stop the fight. We learn that since Shishio cannot sweat like ordinary people, he cannot exert himself more than 15 minutes without hurting himself. Hoji tells her not to worry. Shishio has Kenshin by the throat with the infamous exploding glove. Kenshin thinks of Kaoru and escapes by setting off Shishio's glove himself. Kenshin pulls a five hit combo, then grabs Shishio by his hanging bandages and does a Kuzu Ryu Sen, sending Shishio crashing into the wall at the far end of the arena. Suddenly the metal towers all around the arena start belching flames. The leaves that were responding to Kenshins ken-ki burst into flames. Shishio stands at the far end of the arena; the flames are responding to his ken-ki. Shishio and Kenshin face each other again across the arena.......

Episode #60 The One Who Permits Victory. Shishio Versus Kenshin... Last Stage! (5)

Kenshin can barely stand, but he sheaths his sword. Shishio tells Kenshin that it was good to fight again after such a long time, and that he hasn't had this much fun since the end of the dynasty. Kenshin tells Shishio that he did not enjoy this, but he admires Shishio's skill. They begin! Kenshin leads with his left foot. Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki! Shishio blocks Kenshin's swing, but when Shishio tries to retaliate, he is drawn toward Kenshin as Kenshin spins in a circle. The Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki created such a vacuum that Shishio is drawn into Kenshin's swing range as Kenshin's sakabatou makes solid contact against Shishio's side. Shishio is down. But he gets back up! He starts foaming at the mouth and tearing at his throat. Yumi runs across the arena and stands between Shishio and Kenshin. She begs Kenshin to stop making Shishio suffer like this. Kenshin acquiesces. Shishio calls Kenshin 'too kind' and stabs through Yumi into Kenshin's stomach. Yumi falls into Shishio's arms. Kenshin is wounded and horrified, Yumi dies happy. Kenshin is on the ground bleeding profusely, Shishio is holding Yumi and panting, Saitou, Sano, Aoshi, and Hoji are all waiting and watching. Red steam starts to rise from Shishio's body. His blood is boiling. Shishio gets up. Kenshin rolls over, seriously considering giving up, but then he remembers Kaoru and the fireflies. He blocks Shishio's blow, and Shishio starts to burn, literally! He self-combusts and dies laughing. Hoji is horrified and goes berserk. As he rushes out of the arena he bumps Kenshin, who falls unconscious into Sanosuke's arms. Aoshi, Saitou, and Sano (carrying Kenshin) head to the bridge leading out of the arena. The door is locked. Sano's hand is broken so he cannot use his Futae No Kiwami to open the door. Saitou charges the door with his Gatotsu and breaks it down. Suddenly the earth starts shaking and the flames start spewing. Hoji is in the depths of Shishio's headquarters breaking pipes! An explosion occurs under the bridge the four men are standing on........

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