Shamanic Princess


*This page contains spoilers for episode 2*

Episode 2: Forest

     Tiara and Leon had changed into more powerful forms, and began to attack each other. The fight grew furious, with Tiara gaining the upper hand. Suddenly, they changed back into their normal selves. They had been neutralized. Kagetsu appeared and asked Tiara to give him a bit more time before returning the Throne of Yorudo. Despite Tiara's protests, he then left.
     Alone later, Kagetsu lamented his inability to save his sister Sarah; even with the neutralizing power he had been granted, he was helpless.

     At school, Tiara was having a light conversation with her friends. When Tiara was asked if she had had a date with a boy before, memories her happy, carefree times with her beloved welled up. That man was Kagetsu. But Tiara refused to tell her friends anything.

     That night Tiara and Japoro discussed Kagetsu's involvement with the Throne of Yorudo. Kagetsu, a Neutralizer, was expected to stabilize the Throne, but for what reason did he steal it and escape to the human world?
     As Tiara slept, Sarah appeared again in her dreams. "Be careful in the forest," cautioned Sarah.
     As for Lena, it was a sleepless night. She wanted to love someone. To protect him. To laugh. To cry no more. She loved Kagetsu.

     The following night Tiara and Japoro continued their search for the Throne of Yorudo. Japoro explained that neutralizers control the great power of the Throne, and that a chosen Neutralizer spends the rest of his life with the Throne.
     Encountering no resistance this time, they came to stand before the Throne of Yorudo in Kagetsu's sparse room. Tiara tried to use her power to communicate with Sarah, and was instead sucked into the Throne by a mysterious force. Kagetsu and Lena showed up, but were too late to save her.

     Tiara found herself in a dense forest facing a copy of herself. This other Tiara persuaded the real Tiara to do battle. As the two fought, the false Tiara taunted her. Tiara managed to defeat the copy, but it only smiled and declared itself stronger than Tiara.
     Suddenly, Sarah appeared. But when Tiara went to embrace her, the figure turned into a replica of Lena. It was the Throne of Yorudo, changing forms to torment Tiara. The Throne morphed into Kagetsu's form and asked Tiara to stay.
     At that moment, weak from traveling into the Throne, the real Kagetsu appeared. Angered, the Throne attempted to kill Kagetsu, but before it could deliver the final blow, Sarah appeared and bound the Throne. She used her power to send Tiara and Kagetsu out, but not before Tiara promised to return and set Sarah free.

Episode 1

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