Card Captor Sakura Image Gallery

  Image gallery need I say more?? Sakura helped me in getting these for you. Tomoyo
  I spent a long time getting these edited and on line and would appreciate no posting on news groups or the net. you however can use these if integrated into a web page but not in a gallery. This image gallery exists for high rez wallpapers etc not for net use. Sorry Tomoyo
Yes this layout sucks but I wanted to get some thing up Tomoyo
Hey! New stuff!
Sakura's Colouring Book!
Second Photo Shoot
kawai! sakura-60.gif (7827 bytes) sakura-08.gif (9569 bytes) sakura-10.gif (8368 bytes) sakura-18.gif (16730 bytes)
sakura-02.gif (8965 bytes) sakura-55.gif (8375 bytes) sakura-63.gif (8428 bytes) sakura-42.gif (8849 bytes) sakura-64.gif (15709 bytes)
sakura-65.gif (8672 bytes) sakura-39.gif (7730 bytes) sakura-38.gif (8645 bytes) sakura-30.gif (7977 bytes) sakura-16.gif (14001 bytes)
sakura-21.gif (8182 bytes) sakura-53.gif (7844 bytes) sakura-26.gif (8311 bytes) sakura-51.gif (9172 bytes) sakura-23.gif (15398 bytes)
sakura-20.gif (8335 bytes) sakura-25.gif (8335 bytes) sakura-58.gif (7348 bytes) tomoyo-02.gif (7528 bytes) sakura-15.gif (13478 bytes)
E-Maill Me

All images copyright Clamp

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busysince 7/7/99