Wedding Peach DX Vol. #2 Oasis: Excuse me, miss. Why are you alone out here? Is there a complaint you would like to make about our service? Salvia: I am sorry that the moon hasn't come out from under the clouds on this wonderful night. Especially tonight... Oasis: An eclipse of the moon, where the earth casts its shadow upon the moon. And tonight it will be a total eclipse. Salvia: Will you do something about this fog? Oasis: Yes, ma'am. It's our duty to honor the requests of the guests, even if they are selfish ones. Salvia: Is this one of your services too? Oasis: Scarlet, I am glad you came. Salvia: Thank you for inviting us. My friends are very delighted to be here. Oasis: I am happy to hear that. (Title) Wedding Peach Deluxe (DX) Original Story Sukehiro Tomita/TENYU Tadashi Tanizawa/Shogakukan Theme Song "Merry Angel" Sung by: FURIL Lyrics by: Arisu Satou Music/Arrange by: Kanji Saitou [Title] 2 Salvia's Love We even fight on gorgeous cruise liners. Peach: Salvia's love Momoko: Ah! What's this? Caviar? I thought it was Seirogan. (Note: Seirogan (TM) is a pill that works very well for diarrhea. It has been sold in Japan for very long years. Those pills are black and round, but definitely bigger than Caviar. They have peculiar smells, too. It is very funny that Momoko mistook caviar (expensive food eaten by rich) for Seirogan (cheep traditional pills thought to be not fashionable at all).) Ah! Which one should I eat first? I just can't decide. Maybe this one...Well, that one looks yummy too... Jamapii: Momoko-chama, I am embarrassed, pii. Hinagiku: Look, Yuri. Isn't that the movie star, Tom Honks? (Note: She said "Honks" not "Hanks") And, isn't she the pop singer, Mariah. Oh, the guy that just walked away is... Yuri: F1 driver, GoMach-san, isn't he? (Note: Maybe this name came from a theme song of "Speed racer," "Mach Go Go.") Hinagiku: I thought so. Yuri: Not only stars, I can also see lots of high officials from various government and financial institutions. Hinagiku: We've gotta be dreaming. Momoko: Oh, just relax. We were specially invited by the host of this party. Yuri: A good friend is a great blessing indeed. Hinagiku: You can say that again. [Flashback] Yuri: Clark Oasis, CEO of the World Company Group... (On the magazine: Feature article: Mammoth millionaires in the world. Their personal lives) His private life is wrapped in mystery. Hinagiku: It says "There have been several assasination attempts on his life," phew! Being rich sounds tough. Huh! Momoko: You are amazing, Scarlet! To have had the chance to make his acquaintance! Scarlet: He doesn't mean anything to me. He's just a friend who is in my horse riding club. [end of flashback] Yuri: You saw Scarlet's face when she talked about him? It's the face of a girl in love. Hinagiku: She usually has a good poker face. She thought she was talking normally, but... Yuri: She looks cute when she's blushing and such. Hinagiku: Yeah, yeah. It's too obvious. Momoko: Stop that, you two. Scarlet is pure of heart. Hinagiku: I know but....... Yuri: Right. Scarlet: Who is pure of heart? Momoko: Never mind. Yuri: Exactly. Announcer: Thank you for coming on the World Company Group's Moonlight Cruise. Now, the CEO of the World Company Group, Clark Oasis, will give the address. Oasis: Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you are having a good time. Though the weather is not ideal for the main purpose of this cruise, viewing the eclipse of the moon, we still have time for the weather to clear up. I promise you that the fog will clear and give us a chance to see this spectacular event. Momoko: Scarlet, Oasis-san is way cool! Scarlet: Huh? Momoko: Ehe, I wonder what kind of juice this is. (Brent, "ehe" is very cute sound girls make when smiling or happy.) Guy#1: Excuse me. Hinagiku: Uh, Haroo... Good naito. (Uh, hello...good night.) Guy#2: Ladies, may we have this dance with you? Hinagiku: Ooraito! Dansu, sharu ui dansu. (All right! Dance, shall we dance.) Yuri: Hinagiku, they are talking in Japanese. Guy #2: May I have the honor. Hinagiku: Ah, I see! Oh, I was wonderin' why I could understand English all of the sudden. [flashback] Scarlet: Huh? Hiya! Grab on! Body guard: Oasis-sama! Terrorist: Interference! Retreat! Oasis: Hang in there. Are you all right? I am very sorry. Because of me... [inserted song: A Miracle in one of Billions] [end of flashback] Momoko: Scarlet Scarlet: What's the matter, Momoko? Momoko: When we recovered our memories as Love Angels, We decided to keep it secret from Yousuke and the others. From and Takurou-kun too. Scarlet: You didn't want to involve men in the battles against the Devils, right? Momoko: Yeah, but... Scarlet: But? Momoko: I'm wondering about you, Scarlet. Scarlet, you are a pure angel. You're different from me, Yuri, and Hinagiku. Scarlet You've been fighting against the Devils for a long, long time. So, I think from now on you have the right to think about your own happiness. I mean... Identitility, uh, hmm, uh... Scarlet: Momoko? Momoko: Ahn! Anyway, putting the difficult stuff aside. You know, I really want you to be happy, Scarlet. You know that? So... Scarlet: Momoko, you drank some alcohol, didn't you? Momoko: No, I didn't. I just had some juice. Jamapii: I don't know why, but I feel great, pii. Momoko: So, forget that you are a Love Angel and Jump into Oasis-san's heart. You understand me? Scarlet: Momoko... Momoko: All right. Now, I, Momoko-san, will sing a song dedicated to you two! Hey, boy-san. Karaoke, where's the Karaoke? Scarlet: Ah, wait! Hinagiku: Why are you making so much noise, Momoko? Scarlet: Ah, she must have been into the alcohol. Momoko: Hey, the boat is swinging, can you feel it? Are we in a storm or something? Hinagiku: Come on. Yuri: Pull yourself together, Momoko! Scarlet: Thank you, Momoko. Scarlet: Love Angels... Oasis! Oasis: The fog will clear up soon. Let's go upstairs. Jamapii: Geez, I feel dizzy, pii. Oasis: Scarlet, let's sit down on this bench. Jamapii: Huh? Oasis: Scarlet Please... Scarlet: Oasis... Oasis: Please accept it. Scarlet: Wait. I have something to tell you. You may not believe this, but I am... I am... Oasis: I know you are the Love Angel Salvia. Oasis: You must have heard about the existence of fallen angels. Scarlet: Fallen angels... Angels who were driven from the Angel World and fell to Earth. Oasis, you aren't... Oasis: Yes, I am a fallen angel. It was before the battle against Rain Devila... I was of the mind that angels should guide humans. Scarlet: Guide? Oasis: Humans pollute the oceans, destroy forests, scatter hatred and jealousy, and drive this world to destruction. I insisted that humans needed guidance from angels. However, my opinion was not accepted and I was driven from the Angel World. Therefore, I entered this world, and built up my position using my powers as an angel. I have also made lots of enemies. This is the true nature of humans. They are capable of doing anything to satisfy their lusts. Scarlet: Oasis! Oasis: Tonight, when the earth casts its shadow on the moon, the Gate of Power will open. Scarlet: The Gate of Power? Oasis: The energy from the heavens will flow to this spot. Oasis: I will obtain the power of supreme ruler of this world. And all the influential people on this boat will become my servants. Scarlet, let's begin our wedding ceremony. Momoko: Ahn? Did they drink too much? Hinagiku: This is nothing like that! Yuri: I feel an evil power. Jamapii: Momoko-chama! Scarlet-chama is in trouble, pii! Oasis: Those three are angels and humans at the same time. But why do you, a pure angel, fight with them? Scarlet: Momoko and the others freed my heart which was shattered from my hatred of the Devils. Oasis: I can free your soul even more. Scarlet: As a human or an angel? Oasis: As something beyond human and angel. Yuri: No way! Oasis-san is Hinagiku: a fallen angel... Momoko: Scarlet... we've got to save her! Transform! Peach: Wedding Beautiful Flower! Lily: Wedding Graceful Flower! Daisy: Wedding Attractive Flower! Guests: (Laughter) We won't let you get in Oasis-sama's way. Daisy: Same pattern again? Lily: We should learn not to follow men whom we don't know so easily. Daisy: Reflect on your conduct, Lily! Lily: It's you who should, Daisy! Daisy: Saint Rolling Boomerang! Lily: Saint Spiral Whip! Peach: Saint Feather Impulse! Scarlet: Tell me. Did you approach me because I was an angel? Clark: No, I did not. I fell in love for the first time here on Earth. And I know the reason why it was with you. It was because you were a pure angel like me. Scarlet: This was the first time that I felt this way too. Oasis: It was our destiny to meet one other. Scarlet: Huh! Oasis: I've been waiting for this day, my bride. Oasis: Stars that circle in the cosmos, give me your power! Congratulate my bride and me with the breath of the ocean and the earth! Oasis: What? Peach: On this wonderful day...When a boat sails on the open sea with people's joy, You have trampled a girl's pure heart. I won't forgive you! Love Angel, Wedding Peach, is very much displeased with you! Oasis: Don't get in my way! Peach: Oasis-san, if you are an angel, please don't make people obey you with the power. Oasis: It's too late. The time has come! Oasis: Woa! Such power! I am being filled with the power! The curtain of the new era is going up! Woa, ahhh! Woaaaa! Daisy: What's happening? Lily: He cannot control the power. Jamapii: An angel swallowed by the power will become a devil. Peach: Oh, no! Scarlet: Oasis... Jamapii: Scarlet-chama? Daisy/Lily: Peach! Scarlet: A devil lurks in everyone's heart. It's true for both humans and angels. Peach: Salvia! Scarlet: Oasis, is this what you wanted? All: Salvia! Peach: Salvia! Peach: Saint Grenade Crystal! Heart impact! Scarlet: Oasis, I wanted to be with you as a human. Oasis: The feelings mutual. I truly believe that. I cannot go back to being a human or an angel. Scarlet, kill me! Momoko Hanasaki Kyoko Hikam Wedding Peach Yuri Tanima Yukana Nogami Angel Lily Hinagiku Tamano Yuko Miyamura Angel Daisy Scarlet Ohara Yuka Imai Angel Salvia Oasis Jouji Nakada Jamapii Miwa Matsumoto John Takumi Yamazaki Tom Wataru Takagi Toastmaster Ono Shokker Body guard Tetsuya Sakai Terrorist Tokuai Kawashima Inserted song "A miracle of one in billion" Lyrics by: RISA Music by: Kanji Saitou Arranged by: Harukishi Yamamoto Sung by: Yuka Imai (Wedding Peach Dream Collection) Ending Theme "Sweet little love" Lyrics by: Arisu Satou Music/Arranged by: Harukichi Yamamoto Sung by: FURIL (Next episode preview) Peach: A holly night only once a year! Lily: Tonight, even angels go on the loose. (Note: in Japanese idiom "Hane wo nobasu" = relax the wings -> go on the loose) Peach: And have fun! Scarlet: Only tonight? Peach: Ah, weeell... Scarlet: By the way, where is Hinagiku? Lily: Oh? She's not here... Peach: Ah, she's over there, growing timid. Daisy: I know. I know. I'm nothing! Shit! Peach: Huh, she ran away! Scarlet: I wonder what's up with her? Lily: Its this nuisance's fault. Peach: Hey, you! Next episode, Wedding Peach Deluxe, Reunion. We even fight on Christmas. Daisy Blah! [On Screen] Reunion We even fight on Christmas.