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—by Eric "Scanner" Luce


ep-ic \'epik\ adj [L epicus, fr. Gk epikos, fr. epos word, speech, poem—more at VOICE] (1589) 1: of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an epic. 2a: extending beyond the usual or ordinary esp. in size or scope


epic n (1706) 1: a long narrative poem in elevated style recounting the deeds of a legendary or historical hero. 2: a work of art (as novel or drama) that resembles or suggests an epic. 3: a series of events or body of legend or tradition thought to form the proper subject of an epic

[source: Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, principal copyright 1983, copyright by Merriam-Webster Inc., ISBN: 0-87779-508-8]

Epic is the only word that suitably describes the scope, direction, and overall feeling of GIANT ROBO. It extends far beyond the usual OVA series in both size and scope. The running time of the OVAs totals over five hours and the story took almost six years to animate. Narration is a key ingredient in the telling of the story, and while it does not occur in the past, the past of the story plays a significant part in the storyline. This is truly an epic.
  The first episode was release in 1992 as a 55 minute OVA with the promise that viewers would get six more 30 minute OVAs, at a proposed rate of one every six months. Finally in 1998 OVA 7, the final episode of this series was released, bringing the total running time to 5 hours and 39 minutes—over 100 minutes longer than the initial promise of just under 4 hours. Granted, a good amount of time was spent recapping the story to the poor viewers who had to wait a year sometimes between episodes and a year and a half between episode 6 and 7. In episode 7, however there was virtually no re-cap and most of the 60 minutes was spent attempting to close the current story line.

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