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My Diary    

6/1/99--Another hot day. My sister is playing Breath of Fire 3 upstairs, so I'm all alone. ^^; That game annoyed me at first, but I think it's kind of interesting now...I don't know if I'd want to play it, though. Now that I've seen my sister play it, I think I'll pass and try borrowing an RPG from my brothers that she hasn't played. Xenogears, maybe... I haven't picked up Sonic Adventure for a while... My long-lost Two-Mix CD that I've been waiting for for so long is not coming. It's out of print, after all. But the people at JIGS were very nice about it, so I won't hold it against them. I ordered a Minami Takayama CD, and they're giving me 9 dollars back. Hmm. They really are nice people there, even with the trouble I've had. I've been trying to get myself mentally prepared to go to Japan in September, but I don't know if I can do it... It's so strange. I've never been so far away from home. But I have two choices. I can go and fall apart, or I can go and have a good time. Not going is not an option. I guess I have to have a good time, huh? :D Most people I know would kill to go to Japan. Why should I ruin it by acting like a little kid? All I know is that I should eat all the sushi I can while I'm in the States, because I sure as heck will not be able to afford it while I'm in Japan...(laughs)

5/28/99--Ah...time to delete all of this old junk and start anew. (grins) What's new today? Do any of you really care what I think? ^_^; Well, this is my page, so I get to say what I want! It's the second(third?) week of summer vacation, and the poppies I planted at the side of the house are finally sprouting. I made snickerdoodles and ate three of them in a row, so I feel kind of sick. But at least I know why I keep getting headaches all the time, even though I try not to use the computer that much. ^^; Hair strain. I tie my hair back too much. I tried wearing it down for a while, but it just got in the way, so I just did it in two braids, and I think I'm okay. For now. ^^; I'm such a loser. (laughs) I keep getting Dreamcast-related injuries. Just two days ago, I almost broke my wrist playing Psychic Force 2012. I had been playing it for a long time that day... I don't have an arcade stick, and maybe that makes playing especially stressful on my hands...I don't know. All I know is that I was using Patty, and playing against my sister, who was using Wendy. I tried to do a special attack(can't remember which one...), and something snapped in my wrist. Needless to say, I lost. The day before that, I almost threw up because of Sonic Adventure-related motion sickness. Well, it could have been food poisoning, too... After all, a lot of people in my family were feeling sick, and who in the world gets queasy while doing a fishing simulation? 0_o I can't go in my own backyard without being attacked by stray cats... Beetles like my bedroom. For some reason, I want to go to Barnes and Noble and get a Frappuccino, but the stupid machine's always broken. And the people who work at the Starbucks there act like it's the customer's fault. Jeez. I didn't want to rant about anything today, but I HATE it when salespeople(or people who work in restaurants) treat their customers like garbage! I can't understand how anybody can live with themselves after acting like a huge jerk to people they don't even know! Why do some people think that they're better than everybody else? (sighs) If I ever get a part-time job that requires me to make/serve food, remind me not to be a jerk. I'm not saying I want people to be all fake-nice, but it helps to lose the stuck-up attitude. Makes you a lot less angry at other people if you make it a point to be humble, too.

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