Gundam Wing Links

Hiking Duo!

Here are all of the Gundam Wing sites that I like to visit. Well, most of them. ^_^

Monica's page

Lots of nice scans and fan fiction, not all of it Gundam Wing. But what's wrong with that? ^_^

Obsessed With Duo Maxwell

A nice Duo page, with a lot of pictures and yaoi stuff. The keeper of this page was also kind enough to link me....arigato!

Wild Wing Boys

A Gundam Wing page with fan art and other stuff. A nice place to visit.

Oki Doki Homepage

This is one of my favorite sites. Gundam Wing and Dragon Ball Z fan fiction! And there's more...oh, and I'm linked here too!

Dawn's page

One of the first GW pages in English. The first one I went to, at least.

Ken's Gundam Wing gallery

Many nice doujinshi and Endless Waltz pictures.

Tim's Gundam Wing gallery

I first got this address from the Gundam Mailing List. A lot of nice scans, many of which I haven't found anywhere else.

The Gundam Wing Universe

This one has doujinshi, music,and...well...check it out! Now with an updated link...

sea's win 95 page

Yes...I am linked at this page too ^_- Icons, sounds, and stuff. For customizing your computer. Now, if only I could make my recycle bin sound like Majin Boo when I empty it..oh, never mind.

Zechsama's page

A rather new page, with character and seiyuu profiles, a poll...oh, and Zechsama, thank you for putting Japanese links on your page! Fun to explore!

The Gundam Project

A good place to find basic Gundam information. Too bad it's updated so infrequently...

Gundam Project Silhouette v 2.01

A page with Gundam Wing information and pictures from the two opening themes.

Gallery of Wonders

Many nice Gundam Wing doujinshi scans here...

Fushigi no Ujyu no Duo

It's back! It's back!

It's the GWML home page!

Merle's Anime Corner

A very nice anime page, maintained by a very nice cat-girl. Waii! That Tsuzuku guy has the same seiyuu as Wakashimazu sama!!!

Relena's Gundam Wing Page

Now revamped and looking very, very nice. ^_^

The Circus

A Trowa fan's page, with images and other stuff. And, the last time I checked, a sound file, which means I can never go there again...-_-;;;

Sumire's Semi-Obscure Gundam Wing Cel Art Gallery

There are really, really nice pictures here. Watch out for the disembodied floating head of Sally Poe!

Keiko's Anime Page

A new site with lots of cool anime...and a midi file.

xian-pu's fanart page

I wonder if it should be in all lower-case...anyway...some GW and other fan art. ^^

Japanese Pages

Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing "Operation Meteor"

Character profiles, links, etc. Makes me wish I could read more Japanese.

Operation Wing

Another GW page....haven't looked at this one much..but it looks interesting.

Hard Black 0.5

I really like this page! It's not all GW...but it's fun to explore and has nice fan art. Go there! See little Heero with a water gun!

Dragon Gate


Yuy Himuro's Home Page

Some really nice Gundam Wing fan art.

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