Miscellaneous Links

Here are some miscellaneous sites...I hope you find some of them useful!

Anime Web Turnpike

Now on its own server...sigh...


I've been scouted! Look here for many, many anime links.

Here's a site with a lot of anime stuff, and I'm linked here! Check it out!

Shodouka Launchpad

This one is important. It turns the squiggles on your screen into Japanese characters, if you don't have a web browser that can read Japanese. The server is a bit tricky, but it's cool. It's like magic or something...

Japanese/English Dictionary Server

For those pesky hard-to-define words. Now with a link that works!

Here's where I found all the neat little icons and stuff on my page. Check it out!

Lots of cute icons here. I think I'm going to use them on the Field of Dreams....

This place has the nicest icons I've ever seen. Very pretty!

Timestream Netscape Color Charts

This page has proved very valuable to me in choosing colors for my web page.

Anime Explorer

A pretty good general site, with reviews and other stuff.

A really nice miscellaneous anime site. She really needs to meet my favorite Cyber Formula guy. Then again, she's probably laugh at me. -_-;

Cute cute cute cute cute free graphics! Cute cute cute cute cute!

Cool free graphics. Cool.

My friend's site. A good idea, don't you think?

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