Ara... looks like I'm going to Japan next semester, after all. I found out May 18th...still waiting for my paperwork to arrive, but when this is all over, I'll be set to spend a semester in Nagoya. Hmm. I guess I'm pretty nervous, but I'm excited, too. I don't know where I'm going to live...if I'm going to have enough money to survive...I've never even been on a plane before. What if it crashes? (laughs)

I'm finally out of school for the year, and I vow to sink to new levels of laziness. ^^ So far, I've been doing nothing but playing video games. Nice Dreamcast... Maybe it was foolish to get it as my early only birthday present, but I think I got my money's worth. Maybe it was foolish for me not to wait for the US release, but since I really only wanted the import games, there shouldn't be a problem. ^^; It's a very cute machine. It will never survive in the US, at least not in its current form. (laughs) The US one will probably be big and ugly, and have loud, obnoxious commercials. God, I hate American culture! (laughs) And the dubbed could I live without Tasuki the Echidna? ^o^

Lately, I've been living on nothing but bread. My family's grocery shopping is defunct. (laughs) Come on, I can think of something better to say! I'm really glad that I'm out of school. The end of the semester was...awful. I fell apart in Japanese class. I can easily say that I never want to go through that again. I wonder if I even deserve to go to Japan, after the pathetic job I did...;_; There's nothing I can do but go forward... But I really wished things wouldn't have ended that way...


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