The Disclaimer and background info: The Book: Card Captor Sakura volume 1, Kodansha Comics Deluxe #743 ISBN4-06-319743-3 C9979, retailed at 408 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha, 1996. First printing: November 22, 1996. This "script" was written as an _aid_ for those who wanted to read the Japanese manga (as the US version is not available yet)... not for sale or for commercial/public use. Please keep it for your own personal use. Thanks. Regardless of whether you agree with the romanization system used or not (God knows I don't!), I will be using romanizations that CLAMP have given us in this tankoubon. Thanks for waiting as always (although going from Nakayoshi did make some of this easier...) signed July 23, 1997. Fuu ( Card Captor Sakura -- Volume 1, Version 1.0 Legend of all symbols used: %thoughts *chants [narration, captions, handwritten text] {footnotes} <<>> spells CARD NAMES are in all caps. P.3 [Clow Cards.... when its seal is broken, a disaster will befall on the world......] P.7 P.8 GIRL (Sakura) I finally caught up. P.9 THING (Kerberos) Sakura!! SAKURA *The Key that hides forces of darkness! *Show your true shape in front of me! *I, Sakura, command you under the contract. <>! {more precisely, "seal release"} P.10 [MONSTER: Grrrr] THING (Kerberos) Sakura! The card!! SAKURA I know! *The card created by Clow. *Lend your powers to my Key. *Transfer the magic powers residing in the card into the Key, *and lend me your powers! P.11 SAKURA <>! *Wind! *Become a reprimanding chain! P.12 SAKURA *Return to the shape you were meant to be in! <>!! P.13 [MONSTER: Gyaaaaaaa] P.14 SAKURA Ummmmiyyuuuuuuu....... aiya....... This sound...... %I'm Sakura Kinomoto. %A fourth grader going to Tomoeda Elementary School. THING (Kerberos) Late morning, Sakura! SAKURA 'morning.... You're watching that video again? THING (Kerberos) This, This face here! Well.... when the model is great, the screen creates a great picture.... [Cool! Awesome! Handsome!] P.15 SAKURA %My favorite subjects are music and physical ed. %My least favorite subject is math. %I'm basically a girl whose main characteristic is energy. %Hmm? %You ask what that video was? Oh yeah.... %That was..... [stop] [eject] THING (Kerberos) Whatcha doin'!? That was the best part! SAKURA I have to return it to Tomoyo-chan today. THING (Kerberos) My best shot! P.16 SAKURA %This video was recorded by my classmate and best friend, %Tomoyo Daidouji.... %Hmm? A movie? Nope. %It's real. %What is this stuffed toy that's wrecking havoc? [notice!] THING (Kerberos) [Gyaa gyaa] I'm Kerberos! SAKURA This is Kero-chan! P.17 KERBEROS No, KERBEROS!! SAKURA It can be Kero-chan! [Kerberos is too long! KERBEROS: I have a cool name, don't abbreviate it as if I was a frog!!] %Yup. This is not a stuffed toy. It's alive. %But, it's not a dog, or a cat. %Then what is it, you ask? [It's a long story.] [Argh] Kyaaaa! I'm late! %Oh yeah, I haven't told you about my family yet. Good morning! [uh-oh....] P.18 GUY (Touya) Why are you running around? [SAKURA: I'm not running around.] When you walk, it sounds like a monster is taking a stroll. SAKURA I'm not a monster! %This mean guy is my big brother Touya. He's a junior in high school. %He goes to Seijyou High School, right next to my elementary school. %I don't know if it's the age difference, but I just can't win an %argument against him! Grrrr... just because he's so tall.... %I get bitter thinking about it! [TOUYA: Well, you are too small to be a monster.] P.19 SAKURA %I'll become as big as a telephone poll and step on him someday! [like this.] MAN (Fujitaka) You guys are friendly from so early in the morning. SAKURA %This is my father Fujitaka. %He's a professor of archaeology at college. %He's nice. And he cooks and sews well. %I love him. %Hmm? %My mother? %My mother passed away when I was little. %It was when I was 3 years old, so I don't remember much about her. P.20 SAKURA %But I'm not lonely. %I have my dad. %And I have my brother, although he's mean. %And I have Kero-chan. [KERBEROS: I told you, it's Kerberos!!] %Oh yeah, about Kero-chan.... TOUYA Thanks for the food. SAKURA [Wha!?] We're leaving already? TOUYA I have morning practice with the soccer team. [FUJITAKA: Be careful.] SAKURA Phank phou.... FUJITAKA You all right? P.21 SAKURA I'm on my way! FUJITAKA Be careful! KERBEROS Ahh.... I wonder if she's okay, being in such a hurry! SAKURA Wa, waaaaiitt! TOUYA You're fine even if you leave a little later... SAKURA %But, but, my brother always goes to school with HIM! [waaah] P.22 SAKURA AAAHHH! [Sakura vision] GUY (Yukito) Good morning. TOUYA Yo! GUY (Yukito) Good morning, Sakura-chan. You're up early today. ['morning, To-ya.] SAKURA Y, yea! TOUYA This monster can eat breakfast in 5 minutes. P.23 [and it's a hit!! TOUYA: All right!] SAKURA %Yukito Tukisiro. %A junior in high school. Same class as my brother. %I can't believe he's a friend of my savage brother. %He's so nice and wonderful! YUKITO By the way... I hear you're becoming an oversleeper, Sakura-chan? P.24 SAKURA Eh? Eh? Why do you say that!? YUKITO I heard from Touya. Are you staying up late lately? I hear you're hard to get up in the morning. You can't sleep at night? Something on your mind? TOUYA [humph] She's too absentminded to have any worries on her mind. SAKURA Oh. [We're here already....] YUKITO I'll see you later. P.25 SAKURA Oh, Yukito-san.... GIRL (Tomoyo) That was clever. SAKURA [WAH!] Tomoyo-chan! TOMOYO A gift upon parting.... A nice touch. SAKURA %This is Tomoyo Daidouji, the girl that taped that video. Good morning, Tomoyo-chan. TOMOYO Good morning, Sakura-chan. SAKURA Thanks for lending me this. TOMOYO Wasn't it filmed well? P.26 SAKURA It's kinda embarrassing.... TOMOYO Don't be embarrassed! You are the one brave girl on Earth who collects the Clow Cards that will bring disaster to this world! SAKURA [you're exaggerating....] %Yup. %I'm collecting cards that are called Clow Cards. %But they're not ordinary cards.... P.27 [Flashback mode] SAKURA %It was two months ago, just around the time I became a fourth grader. %I found an old book in my dad's library. %And from when I opened the book, %the days of my hunt for the Clow Cards began. P.28 SAKURA %Yup. %Kero-chan came out of the cover of the book. %His real name is Kerberos. %He's supposedly the Creature of the Seal that protects this book. %Oh, he doesn't always look like this. [small and cute] %He's really much bigger, but he lacks some magic power during the day. %And so he's in the shape of a stuffed toy. %Kero-chan's real shape is "very studly" [Ummmm....] %.... or so he says. %[I haven't seen it, but....] P.29 $ (Kerberos) $Hulllo! $ (Sakura) $Wha!? $ (Kerberos) $Weeellll.... you were able to wake me up. $Thanks! $ (Sakura) $Osaka dialect...... $ (Kerberos) $Weeelll... the book was in Osaka for quite a bit. $And so I picked the dialect up. $ (Sakura) $.....Where's the battery? $ (Kerberos) $I'm the Creature of the Seal that guards this book! $[I ain't no toy!!] $ (Sakura) $... Creature of the Seal? What are you sealing? P.30 [$ (Kerberos): You're pretty calm. I thought you would be more surprised, or that you would faint. $ (Sakura): Well, you're talking about something that really doesn't have much to do with me.] $ (Kerberos) $This book! $This isn't a regular book. $It contained cards called Clow Cards. $ (Sakura) $..... But there's nothing in it. $ (Kerberos) $That's why we're in trouble! $If you don't keep the Clow Cards in here, they materialize and $do bad things to the world. $ (Sakura) $[um, um] $Bad things.... $like stealing dinner or breaking flower stems or not doing homework $or staying up late.....? P.31 $ (Kerberos) $It's not something petty! [fan chop, an Osaka original!] $"Clow Cards. $When its seal is broken, a disaster will befall on the world." $I ain't kiddin'... I'm serious. $Clow Cards are magical cards created by a very powerful magician $named Clow Reed. P.32 $ (Kerberos) $Every card has its own life, and has its own name, shape, and magic. $For example, a wind card has wind magic. A fire card has fire magic. $The cards that Clow made each have lots of power. $They all do whatever pleases them, and normal things can't win against $them. $That's why Clow himself created this book, and sealed the cards. $He then placed me, a Creature of the Seal, as a watchdog on the cover. [$ (Sakura): hmm.] P.33 $ (Sakura) $Then why aren't there cards in here? $ (Kerberos) $Something must have happened while I was asleep in the cover of the $book. $ (Sakura) $And you call yourself a watchdog!? $ (Kerberos) $A lot of things happen in life! [$Come on!] $And now for the main point! $This book can't be opened by someone who has no magic. $The fact that you opened this book and woke me up means that you have $some potential to use a little bit of magic. P.34 $ (Kerberos) $What's your name? $ (Sakura) $S... Sakura. $ (Kerberos) $All right, Sakura. Stand there! $ (Sakura) $wha? $ (Kerberos) $*Key of the Seal. $*There is someone wishing for a contract with you. $*A girl. Named Sakura. P.35 $ (Kerberos) $*Key, grant her power! $<>! PP.36-37 $ (Kerberos) $Sakura, take the staff!! PP.38-39 $ (Kerberos) $It's the birth of a card captor!! [$ (Sakura): Whhhaaaaaatttt!?] [end of flashback] P.40 SAKURA Come to think of it, I was conned by Kero-chan. [hmmmmm....] TOMOYO Oh, it's not something that most can do. A card captor that saves the town from the disasters of the Clow Cards... It's so cool! SAKURA [To, Tomoyo-chan.....] %I've been in the same class as Tomoyo-chan since third grade. %Smart, beautiful, and the daughter of the head of a big company called %Daidouji somethingarather Corporation. %She's really rich, but she's a good girl. P.41 SAKURA %Tomoyo-chan is the only one that knows that I'm collecting the Clow %Cards. %She helps me out a lot every time.... TOMOYO And, how many cards have you collected? SAKURA Only three.... TOMOYO Do your best, Sakura-chan! Your undercover work is protecting the peace in this neighborhood! SAKURA Tomoyo-chan.... P.42 TOMOYO And please let me tape you again next time. And we'll have a flamboyant costume, too! [I already have it designed!!] SAKURA %Yup. %All the clothes I wear when I look for cards have been made by %Tomoyo-chan. [like this, and this. Wah, it's soooo embarrassing....] P.43 TOMOYO Well, when you do something special, you have to wear special clothes to match the occasion! [And of course, taping memorial videos is a must!] SAKURA %She's a good girl, but a LITTLE different. [TOMOYO: lan la la la STUDENTS: Good morning! Good morning!] {Sidebar} 1) Sakura Kinomoto Birthday: April 1 Blood Type: A Favorite Subjects: physical education, music Least Favorite Subject: math Extracurricular Activities: cheerleading Favorite Colors: pink, white Favorite Flower: cherry blossoms Favorite Food: rice omelets, noodles Least Favorite Food: konnyaku (taro root curd) Most Adept Recipe: pancakes Top of Wish List: a new school bag P.44 [CROWD: Ooooooooooo] [CROWD: Aaahhhhhhhh] TEACHER All right! Good job, Kinomoto! TOMOYO As usual, you are wonderful athletically! SAKURA Hehe, I like physical education. P.45 [GIRLS: Kyaaaaaaa Touya-kuuunnnnn] TOMOYO Both you and your brother are wonderful.... SAKURA My brother is in the soccer team. Of course he's good. [Why does the athletic grounds for the high school have to be next to ours?] %Yukito-san!! P.46 SAKURA [AARRGGGHH!] I can't see Yukito-san! You're in the way, oniichan!!! [TOMOYO: S... Sakura-chan?] SAKURA [Kyaaaaaa] %Yukito-san!! [YUKITO: Saku....] P.47 SAKURA [AAAAahhhhhh] Oh, Yukito-san...!! I'll kill you!! [STUDENTS: Kyaaaaaaa! Wah!] %What is this!? P.48 SAKURA %A bird!? P.49 TOMOYO Sakura-chan! Are you all right!? Were you hurt? SAKURA %That was definitely a bird. %But a big bird like that.... %By any chance..... %A Clow Card!? [To be continued] P.51 KERBEROS A Giant bird.... TOMOYO I did not see it. SAKURA The other kids didn't mention anything either. P.52 KERBEROS Well, that means that the Clow Cards are involved at a high probability. All right! It looks like we should head out to the scene of the incident! [eating Pocky, wearing Sakura's sunglasses] SAKURA The scene.... you mean my school? KERBEROS Of course! The culprit always returns to the scene of the crime! SAKURA Kero-chan likes the detective show reruns lately. TOMOYO Oh, I like "Hagure Deka Junjyouha". {Think along the lines of "Hill Street Blues", can't find an American equivalent...} [I always watch the reruns.] SAKURA %Tomoyo-chan... you're so.... cool. P.53 KERBEROS [Arrrrriiiggghhtt!!] Sakura! It's time for the card captor!! TOMOYO Then we should use this costume today. [I tried to express spring lyrically.] FUJITAKA I baked an apple pie. Would you like some? SAKURA Uh..uh... uh..uh... thanks. TOMOYO Hope you don't mind me being here, sir. [Kerberos is pretending to be a stuffed animal] FUJITAKA Oh? Tomoyo-chan is the only guest? SAKURA Huh? P.54 FUJITAKA I thought I heard the voice of another person... A really lively person with the Osaka dialect... SAKURA That.... that was me! Me! Whadduyamean? Whadduyamean!? FUJITAKA [Practicing ventriloquism with a stuffed toy?] Oh I see..... [Tomoyo giggles] KERBEROS Why am I, a good-lookin' thing, a ventriloquist's doll? SAKURA Are you still mad? [let's go....] P.55 KERBEROS Of course! I'm so cute and wonderful.... why would I do such a stupid..... SAKURA Whadduyamean? Whadduyamean? [Backhand punches oneself] Kero-chan, you look like you're having fun..... [KERBEROS: AARRRGH.....] P.56 SAKURA Tomoyo-chan! [sign: Tomoeda Elementary] I'm sorry to have kept you waiting! TOMOYO Oh no, I just got here. BODYGUARDS We will be going now, miss. TOMOYO Yes. Please come pick me up when I contact you. P.57 [Kerberos was hiding because it would be awkward if he was seen.] KERBEROS Yo! TOMOYO Good evening. SAKURA [Umm....] Those were your bodyguards, Tomoyo-chan? TOMOYO Mother gets worried if I go out at night without them. SAKURA %The bodyguards that come pick Tomoyo-chan up when it gets late at night. %The ones you see on TV are men, but she says that these guards are all %female. %Tomoyo-chan said that it was her mother's preference, but I don't %understand it too well.... Wooooow.... There aren't that many elementary school kids that have bodyguards! TOMOYO Oh, there aren't that many elementary school children who can use magic. [SAKURA: Come to think of it, I guess you're right.....] P.58 TOMOYO You look wonderful, Sakura-chan. SAKURA N..... not really! TOMOYO No, no... as the creator, I am happy. SAKURA %Oh yeah. I have to remember to get that before I go home.... So how was it, Kero-chan? KERBEROS There is one. There is a Clow Card somewhere in this school. P.59 SAKURA It was like this during physical education class! This is.....!!? KERBEROS The card FLY! P.60 SAKURA *The Key that hides forces of darkness! *Show your true shape in front of me! *I, Sakura, command you under the contract. <>! P.61 SAKURA <>! KERBEROS Oh! Don't! Not on FLY....! P.62 SAKURA *Wind! *Become a reprimanding chain! [Kyaaaaaaa] P.63 [KERBEROS: MMMphhhffff] SAKURA Thanks! Tomoyo-chan, are you all right? TOMOYO Yes! I have it all on film! [No doubt!] P.64 [TV: *Wind! *Become a reprimanding.....] SAKURA [Wah] I couldn't catch it after all. [TV: Gyaaaaaaaaa] KERBEROS Ahahahahahahaha! SAKURA Ke---ro----chaaan.....! You're sooo mean! KERBEROS Ahahaha... [TV: Tomoyo-chan.] Sorry, sorry, because it was such a big jump..... But I did stop you. P.65 [TV: Oh! Don't! Not on FLY....!] KERBEROS See? WINDY's magic doesn't work on FLY. Because FLY is under the element Wind. SAKURA Wha? I captured all the previous cards with WINDY, my first card. KERBEROS The card WINDY was docile to begin with. It hates to fight. You didn't have any problems capturing it, did you? P.66 SAKURA More like.... it went into the book on its own will.... [hehehe] KERBEROS There are a lot of different types of cards. Docile ones, violent ones, finicky ones, strong ones, weak ones. WINDY was the most friendly card of the deck, and so was the other card WOODY. P.67 SAKURA What about JUMP? It made itself big, and attacked me. KERBEROS It likes to fight..... but is really stupid. SAKURA Then the card FLY is a violent one too? KERBEROS No, shouldn't be. It's usually about as quiet as WINDY. SAKURA Wha? Then why? KERBEROS [crossing arms, to start...] I don't know..... Even if I tried to fortune-tell, I can't get any results from only three cards..... P.68 SAKURA Fortune-telling? KERBEROS [Oh, did I forget to tell you?] You can fortune-tell with Clow Cards. Clow Reed, the creator of the Clow Cards, was not famous only as a magician, but also as a fortune-teller. SAKURA EH!? That means you can tell Love Fortunes too!!? [About Yukito-san and myself!] KERBEROS Why Love Fortunes with the one and only set of Clow Cards in this world... SAKURA Because it means a lot to me! Aah... Yukito-san....!! KERBEROS Yukito.... that's the friend of your brother Touya that you keep talking about. [right label: Touya, da brother left label: Yukito top arrow: friends bottom arrow: don't know too much coz I haven't met 'im] P.69 [label: Yukito-san] SAKURA He's handsome... especially his smile..... [I want to introduce you to him, Kero-chan... KERBEROS: No thanks, I have to act like a stuffed animal in front of everyone excepting Tomoyo.] Umiyaa!? It's late already! KERBEROS Did you write your name on the three cards you captured? SAKURA Yeah. KERBEROS Okay. If you do, they will listen only to your orders even if they are outside of the book. {Sidebar} 2) Tomoyo Daidouji Birthday: September 3 Blood Type: A Favorite Subjects: music, Japanese Least Favorite Subjects: none Extracurricular Activities: choir Favorite colors: beige, white Favorite flowers: lily magnolia, cherry blossoms Favorite Food: buckwheat noodles, sushi Least Favorite Food: bell peppers Most Adept Recipe: Italian food Top of Wish List: a new video editing machine P.70 SAKURA Good night, Kero-chan. See you tomorrow. KERBEROS Good night... sweet dreams. SAKURA %It's usually docile..... %I wonder what happened..... Did something wrong happen to it....? P.71 SAKURA ..... it's injured........ VOICE .... san.... Sakura-san.... P.72 FUJITAKA Sakura-san.... you'll be late for school.... SAKURA GAAAAHH.... [I overslept.....] TOUYA .... monster. SAKURA I'll be going now.... [I couldn't eat breakfast slowly.... again. FUJITAKA: Are you all right?] %My blades aren't here!! P.73 SAKURA %Last night...... %I forgot it at school!! %Waah! I can't make it even if I run....! Ah! Um, um..... c... c.... Can I have a ride? TOUYA ..... you do the dishes tonight. [SAKURA: grrrrrr] KERBEROS I tried waking her up so many times.... Such a sound sleeper. P.74 SAKURA Wait.... Where's Yukito-san?? TOUYA A helper for the morning match of the archery team. SAKURA That means the match was this morning? Oniichan! Stop in front of the high school! [TOUYA: What about your tardy?] P.75 YUKITO Sakura-chan. [Morning, To-ya.] SAKURA You looked wonderful! YUKITO Oh, this? I'm just helping. P.76 SAKURA %Yukito-san is not a part of any of the school teams. But he appears %in matches as a helper when people ask him to. %He's also very smart.... a wonderful person that can do anything. %Miyaaa.... STUDENTS Kyaaaa Waaaaaa SAKURA %A bird!! P.77 SAKURA %A bird's chirp.... %The voice I heard in the dream! YUKITO Are you all right, Sakura-chan? SAKURA Y, yes. TOUYA You wouldn't have flown away even if I didn't hold you down, coz you're _heavy_. P.78 TOMOYO For the costume today, I tried to imagine feathers to capture the bird. [A matching one for Kero-chan.] KERBEROS [Woohoo!] But are you gonna be all right, Sakura? If you only have three cards, you don't have any magic to capture FLY. SAKURA I know. I don't know if this will work, but I'll try. P.79 KERBEROS It's here! TOMOYO Sakura-chan!!! KERBEROS Sakura! SAKURA [Kyaaaaaaaa] <>!! *Trees! *Flourish your greens and be my aid! P.80 KERBEROS Nice! P.81 SAKURA <>!! P.82 SAKURA Don't be scared. You *are* injured..... P.83 SAKURA You're all right now..... P.84 KERBEROS Sakura! TOMOYO Sakura-chan! KERBEROS [Ooooohh....] How did you know that this card was injured? SAKURA I had a dream last night. A bird was injured, and it looked like the wounds hurt. So I wondered if that bird was this card. KERBEROS .... A foretelling dream...... %As suspected. P.85 KERBEROS %She had enough power to open that book and wake me, the Creature of the %Seal..... %Sakura, you have more magical powers than I expected....... %This may mean.... P.86 SAKURA Hey, can I heal this card? KERBEROS Write your name on it, and put it inside the book. [All better.] Well, you captured it. Try it out. SAKURA What does this card do!? KERBEROS Just try it. P.87 SAKURA <>!! P.88-89 SAKURA Woooooow! [The next day.] Miyyaaaa! I'm late!! KERBEROS Even with magic, her habit of oversleeping ain't fixed.... [The end] P.91 [sign: Private School: Tomoeda Elementary] {In Japan, public / private status of the school is noted as part of the school's name.} STUDENT (Rika) Our school is so useful because it lets us choose between cafeteria lunch and packed lunches. TOMOYO And the teachers differ by subject. Sakura-chan, you seem to be in a good mood all day today. [STUDENT (Chiharu): I like Midori-sensei, the Japanese teacher! STUDENT (Rika): Eh!? I like Terada-sensei, the PE teacher!] SAKURA Because we're going in the pool today! P.92 STUDENT (Chiharu) Sakura-chan, you're sooo athletic! SAKURA Not really... STUDENT (Chiharu) Oh. But I heard a slightly scary story.... SAKURA Wha? STUDENT (Chiharu) Well, my big sister is in sixth grade. She was in the pool two days ago. Then... Something tugged at her feet. P.93 TOMOYO Could it be just a prank? [SAKURA: f.. feet....] STUDENT (Chiharu) Nope. She said it wasn't like that. And the third-grader who was in the pool yesterday said that she felt a tugging on her arms and legs. TOMOYO Are you all right, Sakura-chan? SAKURA I, I, I, I, I'm all right.... P.94 [TEACHER (Mr. Terada): Make sure you stretch before you swim!] SAKURA %(sob sob) I was looking forward to this...... %I can't stand scary stories and konnyaku.... [I hate that blubbery feeling when I eat it.] {konnyaku == taro root curd. It's like flavorless Jell-O Jigglers.} I, I'm all right. right? [STUDENTS: who are you talking to, Sakura-chan?] This feels gooood! You should swim too, Tomoyo-chan! P.95 STUDENT (Chiharu) Kyaa! SAKURA Chiharu-chan! %What is this!? P.96 SAKURA %Wha!? %Whaaaaaaaaaaaa P.97 TEACHER (Mr. Terada) Are you all right, Kinomoto!? SAKURA W... wha....? CHIHARU [Waaa] I'm sooo glad!! SAKURA [I'm okay.] Who saved me? Thank you, Tomoyo-chan! TOMOYO I am glad that you were within 5 meters of the edge when you drowned. I cannot swim more than 10 meters. [Hohoho, I would have drowned too if it was more than 10 meters...] P.98 [Kerberos is out of Sakura's room because the father is out working.] KERBEROS You almost drowned?! Sakura, I don't know about your other traits, but you're athletic... SAKURA What do you mean, don't know about others? I won't give you pancakes, then! KERBEROS [suddenly nice] Ah, Sakura-sama....! SAKURA I don't think it's a ghost or anything. KERBEROS Why? SAKURA If it was a ghost, I _definitely_ wouldn't have made it! [KERBEROS: Is that worth boasting?] P.99 SAKURA I mean, I didn't feel scared. Rather..... like something familiar.... KERBEROS Like when you meet a Clow Card? VOICE (Touya) I'm hooommme! SAKURA Kero-chan! To the room! Go up to my room! P.100 SAKURA Welcome home.... [You're early...] [Oh! You ate it without my permission!! I bought the pancake mix with my allowance!!] [TOUYA: Oh? Oh?] VOICE (Yukito) That looks delicious. SAKURA Yukito-san!!!! [arrow: Sakura-vision] P.101 SAKURA H... Hello. YUKITO Sakura-chan, you're a good cook. [Pardon me.] SAKURA N.. not really! TOUYA Yup, she's not all too good. SAKURA U, um, would you like to have some pancakes....? YUKITO Really? You bought it with your allowance, right? SAKURA Oh, it's fine! I'll bring it up to my brother's room in a bit! P.102 YUKITO Thank you. [Happiness.....] SAKURA %Miyaa! %I can't knock on the door....! [both hands are occupied] YUKITO Thanks for your work. [TOUYA: Oh? Sakura, you were there?] P.103 SAKURA It was nothing.... Um, um, why did you know I was here....? I didn't knock.... YUKITO I had a feeling you had come up..... P.104 KERBEROS What happened?! SAKURA I'm soooooo happy! Yu-ki-to-sa-n. KERBEROS What about your duties as Card Captor! SAKURA Yukito-san is better than cards. KERBEROS Hey hey! If you don't do anything you won't be able to swim in the pool safely! P.105 SAKURA I don't like that. KERBEROS [sigh.... I thought I was gonna die.] But it might be a little tricky this time. SAKURA Miya? KERBEROS It happened underwater, right? Did you see anything? SAKURA No, nothing besides a whirl of water. KERBEROS That's probably the card WATERY. {Actually, the card and spell are called "Warty" but it's the element Water, so I am going to call it "Watery". --Fuu} P.106 SAKURA So it is a Clow Card! If I capture it and return it into the card, I can swim again! KERBEROS It won't be that easy. WATERY is one of the more advanced magic in the Clow Cards. The four elements, Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind are difficult to use. P.107 KERBEROS And the card contains an attack spell. It's really short-tempered! SAKURA Ugh. KERBEROS You don't have a way to fight back with what you have. {Sidebar} 3) Touya Kinomoto Birthday: February 29 Blood Type: O Favorite Subject: chemistry Least Favorite Subject: none Extracurricular Activities: soccer Favorite Color: blue Favorite Flower: peach blossoms Favorite Food: steak Least Favorite Food: ganmodoki {tofu-based fried dish} Most Adept Recipe: rice omelet, fried noodles Top of Wish List: a new pair of sneakers P.108 TEACHER That will be it for today's practice. CHEERLEADERS Thank you! [That one part was hard. That was tiring.... You want to go eat some ice cream on the way home?] CHIHARU Someone's leg got pulled in the pool again... almost drowned. STUDENT (Naoko) That's so scary.... The teacher was saying that they would have to shut down the pool if they can't figure out what the problem is. [arrow: flashback mode] $ (Sakura) $But if I use all four together, there has to be a way....! P.109 [$ (Sakura): Hmmmmmmmmmmm.....] $ (Kerberos) $Nope, won't happen. $WINDY, the other high-level magic, can't win against WATERY. ['coz WINDY is kind.] $And it's hard to catch the ones that have no distinct shape, like water. $You have to first gather it into one place and prevent it from spreading $out. That's impossible considering what cards you have now, Sakura. [End flashback] CHIHARU You're not as energetic today, Sakura-chan. SAKURA Oh, nothing. I'm just tired coz practice was really hard today. [STUDENTS: You, the always energetic one? The one that never gives up, even if you repeatedly hit yourself with your baton?] P.110 SAKURA %I have to capture WATERY soon. %Or someone will really drown. %But how do I catch water......? YUKITO Sakura-chan! SAKURA Yukito-san! [arrow: doing his cleaning.] {A part of the Japanese schoolchildren's day is to clean their main classroom.} P.111 YUKITO Thank you for the food yesterday. It was delicious. You just finished your club activity? SAKURA Y, yea! YUKITO You were in the cheerleading squad.... are you getting better at twirling your baton? SAKURA I... I still can't twirl well..... YUKITO Touya was saying that he got hit with the baton while you were practicing at home. [SAKURA: Grrrr] In return for the pancakes... would you like to go eat snow-cones sometime? SAKURA Oh! Really!? YUKITO Sure. P.112 YUKITO I know a store that serves good strawberry-milk flavored snow-cones. I'll meet you in front of the gates of Tomoeda Elementary after school. [four o'clock, right?] SAKURA Yes! %Ice.... %That's it!! Yukito-san! [Thank you!!] [YUKITO: Oh, wait, the trash bag....] P.113 KERBEROS You really okay, Sakura? SAKURA Leave it to me! KERBEROS What's that? SAKURA Tomoyo-chan lent it to me. She said her mother's company make these. [It's a phone that you can carry around.] P.114 TOMOYO Hello, this is Daidouji. [SAKURA: Was the door unlocked?] All clear. [sign: dining hall] SAKURA [Good.] Okay! Then keep yourself hidden somewhere! WATERY! Get me if you can!! P.115 SAKURA <>!! KERBEROS Where do you think you're going!? P.116 [arrow points to dining hall] TOMOYO Sakura-chan!! P.117 SAKURA <>!! P.118 P.119 P.120 SAKURA *Return to the shape you were meant to be in! <>!! KERBEROS I see! If you freeze water, it's easy to capture it! Nice, Sakura!! P.121 SAKURA Because we have a dining hall here at school, there's a big freezer. Tomoyo-chan, thanks for making sure the freezer was unlocked...! [And the outside window.] TOMOYO I'm glad I could be of service. KERBEROS But how did you come up with it? SAKURA It's all because of Yukito-san. Oh, Yukito-sa...n........ TOMOYO Sakura-chan!! [Oh my, oh my!] KERBEROS All right! Complete with a punch line! Show your guts next time too, Sakura! [The end] P.123 STUDENT (Naoko) %The piano lesson went later than I thought... %I have to go soon. [or I'll miss my TV show.] P.124 [SAKURA: GAAAH!!] CHIHARU Sa, Sakura-chan... SAKURA I'm sorry.... %I'm Sakura Kinomoto. %A fourth grader. %I'm here today for summer practice of the cheerleading squad.... P.125 SAKURA T... the park with the lake... you mean the one with King Penguin? [King Penguin, the slide shaped like a penguin] %It's summer vacation. %We're taking a break from practice. %Why scary stories.....? [CHIHARU: What TV show were you going to watch? STUDENT (Naoko): The summer horror special.] N... Naoko-chan, could it be that you thought something else was a monster.....? [like a tree, or a telephone pole, or a sign....] ..... didn't think so. TEACHER We will now resume practice! [STUDENTS: Yes.] CHIHARU What's wrong? SAKURA Nothhhing.... P.126 SAKURA % (sob sob sob) %Why do everyone start telling scary stories when summer comes around? %I have to pass by that park on my way home..... SAKURA I'm sorry! I'll go get that! [I don't want to remember that story.... waaaan NAOKO: That flew far..... CHIHARU: Sakura-chan is energetic as usual today.] P.127 SAKURA Ooh...... [Okay.] *The Key that hides forces of darkness! *Show your true shape in front of me! *I, Sakura, command you under the contract. <>! P.128 SAKURA I brought it with me. [Hehe.] <>! %This song...... P.129 SAKURA It *is* Tomoyo-chan! %Tomoyo-chan is in the choir. %She has a pretty voice, and sings well too. She's won many singing %competitions. P.130 SAKURA [I wonder if it's over.] Tomoyo-chan. TOMOYO Sakura-chan! My my, so high up. You used magic? SAKURA [Ya.] Choir practice? TOMOYO Yes, for the national competition in September. [We're singing "Momiji".] {Momiji == maple. It is the title of an traditional Japanese song.} P.131 TOMOYO Sakura-chan, when does practice end? SAKURA 3 o'clock. [speaking of going home....] TOMOYO Is there something wrong? SAKURA [Waaaaaahhh] Let's go home together! [Waaaaan. TOMOYO: It's okay.] {Sidebar} 4) Yukito Tukisiro Birthday: December 25 Blood Type: AB Favorite Subject: math Least Favorite Subject: none Extracurricular Activities: none Favorite Color: white Favorite Flower: mealy primrose Favorite Food: anything Least Favorite Food: none Most Adept Recipe: curry, stew Top of Wish List: a new lunchbox P.132 TOMOYO It's all right. It's still light outside. SAKURA I, I, I, I guess. NAOKO Here! P.133 TOMOYO There does not seem to be any..... [WAAAAAAHH] P.134 [Kyaaaaaaa Waaaaaaah Gaaaaaaahhhhh SAKURA: A woman....! Waaaan NAOKO: Some big swirly one-eyed thing! CHIHARU: I don't know... A fuzzy thing with pointy ears!] P.135 TOMOYO [Oh? I saw.....] ...... King Penguin..... [.... slightly blurry, on top of the lake....] SAKURA Wha? P.136 SAKURA It was [VERY] scary! KERBEROS Why is it okay to fight Clow Cards but not ghosts or spirits? SAKURA I don't like things I can't understand! [ghost: something that can't be understood FLY element: don't know too much, but it's a card] But in that park, the usual ghost sightings are at the big tree past the lake. I have never heard of it appearing on the lake. [KERBEROS: oh really...] P.137 KERBEROS And everyone saw somethin' different? SAKURA Could it be a Clow Card? KERBEROS You're wishing that it was a Clow Card, aren't you? [arrow: Exactly. SAKURA: Because.... it's not that scary that way...] Hmmmm..... I can't think of one.... [Was there such a card?] FUJITAKA Sakura-san..... it's almost dinner..... SAKURA Okaay! [It's Father.] Sigh.... I wish you would return to your real shape and be my bodyguard, Kero- chan. [Like the ladies with Tomoyo-chan.] P.138 KERBEROS Magic is stronger at night. And you would have to collect more Cards if you want to return me to my real shape. [Ya can't with what you have.] Well, ya have to at least catch the Fire card. I am symbolized as the Sun. Fire is under the element Sun. My true shape is really handsome! [SAKURA: Is your true shape like this?] P.139 SAKURA Yay! Hiyamugi! {Hiyamugi: one type of thin wheat noodles in Japan. usually served in ice water. slightly thicker than soumen.} FUJITAKA Sakura-san, you like noodles, right? SAKURA Yup! Oh, I haven't seen that picture before. FUJITAKA That's when your mother was 16. P.140 SAKURA %My mother Nadesiko was a model from when she was in junior high. %So our house has a lot of pictures of my mother. [Including clippings from magazines.] %Father puts up a new picture every day. Mother is beautiful. FUJITAKA Yes. She's the most beautiful, kind, wonderful person in the world. SAKURA %My mother was 16 when she married my father. He was 25. [16... means she was in high school, right?] P.141 SAKURA %I was only 3 years old when Mother passed away, so I don't remember %much. %But I love Mother because Father tells me many stories about her. [Wait.] Where's oniichan? FUJITAKA Working. [He wants to buy a motorcycle to go to school with.] SAKURA Okay. [It feels weird without him.] FUJITAKA Well, we'll have custard pudding after the hiyamugi. [SAKURA: Woohoo!] P.142 SAKURA Kero-chan! Custard pudding! [I took oniichan's.] KERBEROS [Yaahooo!] Here. A fax from Tomoyo. FAX To: Miss Sakura Kinomoto It was a tough day today. Were you able to safely return home? I am slightly worried. Please feel better. Well. I am sending you a fax concerning the festival tomorrow. Did you know that there will be a festival at King Penguin Park tomorrow? I was hoping to be attending with you, but I am debating whether or not I should invite you after what happened today. It is summer vacation after all..... I would like to go have fun with you. What do you think? There will be a lot of people at the festival. Would you like to go with me if I promise that we will stay away from the lake? Tomoyo Daidouji KERBEROS Well, so there's gonna be a festival at the park you were talking about? SAKURA Yeah... KERBEROS You should go. P.143 KERBEROS As Tomoyo wrote, if there are a lot of people the ghost may use its judgment and not appear. [SAKURA: You really think so....?] It's all right. You can take your Cards as a safety measure. SAKURA That's true. KERBEROS So! Bring me something back! [cotton candy, caramel apples, ikayaki, takoyaki, okonomiyaki, ice cream, snow-cones, kaiten-yaki, hot dog, oden, soft-serve, pon-gashi, lamune, caramel, milk-senbei....] {i.e. the typical food fare, as well as modern-day additions, in a traditional Japanese festival.} [SAKURA: So that is your real motive.] P.144 SAKURA Why do we have to be with my brother? TOMOYO Because there are a lot of people, he got worried, I'm sure. SAKURA But since Yukito-san is with us, I'm a little happy! P.145 SAKURA Oh! Caramel apples! Oniichan, get some! [for me, Tomoyo-chan, and Yukito-san!] TOUYA Where's your allowance? SAKURA You have a part-time job. While you're at your job, I did all the dishes. [ahem. TOUYA: hmmmmm...... SAKURA: Yeaaahhy! YUKITO: Thanks, To-ya. TOMOYO: Is it all right?] TOUYA Yuki, is this enough? YUKITO I ate lots while I was at home. P.146 SAKURA Wait, Oniichan. It's not nice to make it sound like Yukito-san eats a lot.... TOUYA He does eat. Several times the amount that I eat. [SAKURA: EH!?] YUKITO [Ahaha] I can't last for long without eating. SAKURA L, lots? [Oniichan eats a lot when he has team practice... a few times THAT!?] YUKITO Hmm..... I eat breakfast, then some bread second period, then two boxes of lunch during lunch hour, then okonomiyaki on the way home, and I do eat dinner at home.... SAKURA That's very healthy...! [To eat a lot... But you only ate two bowls of snow-cones the other day.... YUKITO: Oh, I had eaten five dinner-rolls before that.... Ahahahaha TOUYA: Yukito just has really bad gas mileage. VOICE: KYAAAAAA!] P.147 TOMOYO That was from the direction of the lake! [Kyaaaaaa] What happened!? GIRL (Rika) Some weird long-legged thing! CHIHARU Noooo! It was white! GIRLS It had a long neck like a giraffe! It was pink and shiny and round--! [Waaaaaaaaan!] SAKURA Again.... TOMOYO Completely different stories.... P.148 [SAKURA: uuuu.....] TOMOYO Are you all right? SAKURA I'm not all right, but everyone's scared. If it's a Clow Card, I have to capture it. Because I walk by here every day, this is a problem too... I'll try my best. [uuuuu...... TOMOYO: Good luck.] P.149 TOMOYO This is a new product from my mother's company. It is a cellular phone over here. And this side is the LCD screen for the pager. I can't hear you from underwater. If something happens, use this. [You can reach mine with #1 on the speed-dial.] SAKURA <> P.150 KERBEROS You're fine now, until you use up all the air in the bubble. But you won't be able to stay down there for long. P.151 P.152-153 SAKURA M.... Mother.....!? [To be continued] P.155 KERBEROS Sakura!! [pager: Mother is here.] KERBEROS Mother!? TOMOYO I had thought that Sakura-chan's mother had passed away seven years ago...... P.156 SAKURA Are you really Mother....? %Mother! KERBEROS Sakura!! P.157 TOMOYO Kero-chan! Eh!? P.158 SAKURA %Mo.. ther.... %... this is painful.... Mother..... P.159 SAKURA %.... who.....? P.160 YUKITO You awake yet? SAKURA Yukito-san!! YUKITO This is my house. [Oh, my grandmother changed your clothes, by the way.] SAKURA %Oh yeah... Oniichan mentioned that Yukito-san was living with his %grandparents. P.161 SAKURA %He said that Yukito-san's mother and father passed away when he was %still a small child..... Um, I...... YUKITO Do you remember almost drowning at the lake in the park? I was just passing by..... [on my way to the convenience store to get a late-night snack.] SAKURA What about Tomoyo-chan...? YUKITO Ladies wearing sunglasses came and picked her up. She was really worried, but when I told her that I would contact Touya, she sent her best wishes and went home. [she's very polite. Banner: The bodyguard lady.] SAKURA Oniichan!? P.162 YUKITO It's okay. I'll talk to him, so he won't scold you. SAKURA Oh wait, Kero-chan...! YUKITO Oh, Tomoyo-chan told me to tell you: "I will borrow it for today." [You mean that orange stuffed animal, right?] So. Rest a little more. SAKURA ... Yukito-san... YUKITO Hmm? SAKURA I met... my mother.... In the lake in the park. I wonder if that is Mother's ghost. A long time ago, my brother told me a story. He said that there is a reason for ghosts to appear. P.163 SAKURA I wonder if Mother has something to tell me. YUKITO .... But. If it was your mother.... I don't think she would put you in such a dangerous position, Sakura-chan. P.164 TOUYA I'm sorry to cause you so much trouble, Yuki. YUKITO No prob. .... By the way. Sakura-chan said she met her mother. In the lake in the park. Have you seen your late mother too, Touya? TOUYA I have. [not in the lake, though.] It is my fault that she can't stand ghosts anymore. [Arrows: Touya -> 10 years old Sakura -> 3 years old] Since she was a little kid, I kept telling her every day that there's a young lady without legs over there, or there's an old man with a cracked head over here.... P.165 YUKITO And that's why Sakura-chan became so scared. [I understand....] TOUYA She can't see them, but I think she feels them. Especially because she kept crying when there were bad things around her, even when I didn't tell her about them. YUKITO Do you still see your mother often? TOUYA Nope. By the time I got into junior high, she was gone. .... I guess she is lonely without her mother. YUKITO That probably isn't the case. It's just that..... P.166 YUKITO ... she might not be able to help wanting to see her if she could. Sakura-chan has her things, so don't scold her about tonight. TOUYA .... humph. YUKITO But, you can't help but think she is so adorable... You should stop teasing her. TOUYA I am the only one that can toy with her. [YUKITO: Ahahahahaha... To-ya, have you heard of "sister complex"? TOUYA: Shaddup!] P.167 [Sakura-chan is reading a book about cheerleading.] SAKURA Tomoyo-chan! TOMOYO Are you all right now? SAKURA Yeah! I'm sorry I got you worried! Kero-chan! KERBEROS I'm sorry..... I couldn't do anything....... SAKURA ..... Thanks. P.168 TOMOYO I couldn't be of any help either..... [I brought cookies.] SAKURA Don't say that! [But I love your cookies, so I'm happy.] TOMOYO Were you scolded by the members of your household? SAKURA ..... I wasn't. I think Oniichan kept it quiet from Father. I'm sorry I got this all wet... KERBEROS Sakura, what did you mean by this? [pager still reads: Mother is here.] SAKURA In the lake, Mother was there, looking exactly like this picture. P.169 TOMOYO But.... [$ (Naoko): Some big swirly one-eyed thing! $ (Chiharu): I don't know... A fuzzy thing with pointy ears! $ (Girl-Rika): Some weird long-legged thing! $ (Chiharu): Noooo! It was white! $ (Girls): It had a long neck like a giraffe! It was pink and shiny and round--!] Everyone saw something different on top of the lake. [I saw King Penguin, for example...] Sakura-san is the only one who saw a woman. KERBEROS Maybe we shouldn't chase this.... SAKURA Why!? KERBEROS If Touya-niichan's friend didn't pass by, it wouldn't have been a joke. I don't know if it's a Clow Card or a real ghost, but the enemy has enough power to send me shooting off, unconscious. P.170 KERBEROS I was the one that asked you to find the cards. But I don't want you to be hurt or in tears, Sakura. SAKURA I don't know why, but you're really awesome today, Kero-chan! [You're making me blush!] KERBEROS Whatcha sayin'? I'm always awesome! SAKURA But I'm going to go again.... I don't know what it is, but I think I have to do something if it's really a Card. P.171 SAKURA Besides, Oniichan told me long ago. "Mother is not here. Because you grew up, she became satisfied and went to a beautiful place above the sky -- in peace." So.... I want to ask her why she is there..... and if she has something that she wants to tell me. P.172 TOMOYO This time, I have a walkie-talkie to use. [This one is for you, Kero-chan.] If something happens, please let us know. KERBEROS Don't overexert yourself. SAKURA Okay. KERBEROS Look! P.173 KERBEROS Exactly like the picture....! TOMOYO Sakura-chan's mother!? KERBEROS But why are we all seeing the same image this time!? SAKURA <>!! P.174 SAKURA .... Mother? Why are you here? What do you want to say? Wa! TOMOYO Sakura-chan!! KERBEROS Sakura!! P.175 SAKURA %Mother!! %It hurts, Mother.....! %Why...... %.... Are you lonely? Do you want me to be here? P.176 $ (Yukito) $If it was your mother.... I don't think she would put you in such a $dangerous position, Sakura-chan. SAKURA %No!! Mother wouldn't do something like this! P.177 KERBEROS I got it! I know that pattern! It's a Clow Card!! P.178-179 SAKURA Where is the card!? KERBEROS I think it's underwater! SAKURA <>!! TOMOYO It's a card! SAKURA *Return to the shape you were meant to be in! <>!! P.180 KERBEROS This is the card ILLUSION. So that's why everyone saw something different. TOMOYO What do you mean? KERBEROS ILLUSION is a card that shows someone what they _want_ to see. It shows something that is in their hearts. Of course it would show different things to different people. P.181 TOMOYO .... Speaking of which, I was thinking about King Penguin the last time I passed by here.... [about how I should slide down it sometime... KERBEROS [So everyone else saw the things that they thought would be scary to see in this lake.] We all thought that Sakura-chan's mother would be coming out after we were shown the picture. That's why all of us saw her. The power that shot me off when I tried to save her was a reflection of how strong Sakura's happiness was when she met her mother...... SAKURA But... I'm glad that Mother wasn't all alone in this lake.... P.182 SAKURA I would love to see her... but I'm happier to know that she is in the beautiful place above the sky. KERBEROS Of course. Sakura, you're working hard; your mother is probably resting easy.... although she might have been worried this time. SAKURA Aaaah.... I'm soaked again!! [If Oniichan finds out, I have to do more favors for him....!] TOMOYO That's all right! I thought of such a situation. I brought you a change of clothes this time! [KERBEROS: Ain't that even more flashy than the one she has on?] P.183 SAKURA [Waaaaan] Today is the first day of the new trimester---!! Oniichan! You have morning practice from today, don't you!!? TOUYA I have a motorcycle. I have lots of time left. [arrow: calm SAKURA: Grrrr..... Not fair!] FUJITAKA Here, your lunch. SAKURA Thanks! P.184 SAKURA .... I'm going now, Mother. P.185 GHOST OF NADESIKO %I got a little worried this time, so I dropped by. %But it seems like she's fine now. SAKURA I'm going now--! [To Be Continued to Volume 2]