Card Captor Sakura
Clow Zero
by Kittyhawk Sakura

Chapter1: Card Captor Roll Call

Sakura Kinomoto, age 17Sakura Kinomoto was at Yukito's apartment. He had told her that he had something important to tell her. He came into the room and took her into his arms. He whispered into her ear, "Will you marry me?"

Sakura blushed and looked deeply into his beautiful gold eyes and said, "Beep, beep, beep, beep..."


And then she woke up. Sakura was not in Yukito's apartment, but at home in her bed. Why, oh why, alarm clock, did you have to wake me up, she thought. She picked it up and turned it off. Time to get up.

Sakura got up and pulled her school uniform out of her closet. She put it on and went over to the mirror. Staring back at her was a girl of about seventeen years old. She had golden-orange hair that had bangs that framed her face and a braid in the back that she had been growing since she was eleven. She had green eyes that tended to lighten or darken as her mood changed. She was short, not taller than 5'1". (Goodbye dreams of growing as tall as a telephone pole and squishing her brother.) Her school uniform was the one of Seijyu High School, the same high school that her brother and Yukito had attended. It consisted of a sky blue jacket and skirt, a white blouse and knee socks, a black tie, and white sneakers with little blue wings on the side, a gift of Tomoyo.


Sakura looked down. A little orange, winged critter was sleeping on top of a gilded book. Kero-chan and the Clow. What was he doing with the Clow out? She picked up Kero-chan and put him on the bed. Then she picked the Clow up. She stared at it a minute, and then put it back on the bookshelf. She looked back at Kero-chan. Kero-chan never has anything to do with the Clow anymore, she thought. He spent his days playing video games, finding ways to bug her, and munching snacks. Seven years of this and he never got bored!

Sakura walked downstairs. Yet another day in the normal life of Sakura Kinomoto. It kind of got old waking up each morning, getting dressed, going downstairs, and...

"Good morning Sakura-san how are you I didn't make breakfast there's some pancake mix in the cabinet you like pancakes right I have an early meeting at the university I love you and I will see you this evening!!!"

Sakura was dumbfounded as her father ran out of the house. Well, that was different.

"Hey, Kero-chan!! Do you want some pancakes?!"

Clank, clank!

"Let's have some pancakes!"

Sakura turned around to see Kero-chan already at the table with a fork and knife.



Cerberus (or Kero-chan, whatever)"Mmmmmm... sese're gook!"

Yep, yep, thought Cerberus. Real pancakes are a lot better than dream pancakes. Less of 'em, but ya can accually eat 'em.

"Sanks, Sagura!"

"Kero-chan, don't talk with your mouth full," said Sakura.

"Mmph. Ya still call me 'Kero-chan.' My name's Cerberus!"

"What's wrong with 'Kero-chan'?"

"Makes me sound like a lil' mouse!"

"You are a little mouse, Kero-chan!" ^_^

Cerberus growled.

"In any case, Kero-chan, who made these pancakes for you?" said Sakura with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah..."

Sakura's face then changed to a more serious one. "Oh, by the way, why did you have the Clow out?" asked Sakura.

Cerberus gulped another bite down and said, "I had a weird dream last night. Kinda like a premonition."

"A premonition?"

"Yeah, so I pulled the Clow out to see if the miss was telling the truth."

"The...miss?" Sakura questioned.

"Yeah, the miss told me..."

The Clow... Its at hand...

Cerberus continued to tell about the nightmare. He noticed that Sakura's mind was wandering. She wasn't taking this as seriously as she should. Sakura's eyes wandered in the direction of the clock.

"...and then, the miss let the Clow..."

"OH NO!" yelled Sakura.

"What is it?" asked Cerberus.

"I'm late!!"

Cerberus turned and looked at the clock. "Sakura," he said. "You've got plenty of time till school starts."

"Yeah, but I want to see Yukito-san this morning!"

Cerberus fell over. Somethings never change, he thought. It's been seven years and she still chases after that boy. "But, Sakura, my story!" he whined.

"Tell it to me later! Oh, I hope I'm not too late!"

Cerberus growled and mumbled about how his Card Captor had gotten soft. He wondered if he could get another one.

Sakura ran around the house like a madwoman getting ready as fast as she could. Cerberus just munched on pancakes. "Okay! I'm ready!" she yelled as she ran into the kitchen.

"Aren't ya forgeting somethin'?" Cerberus said as he pointed over to the sink. It was overloaded with dishes.

"Argh! I knew I forgot something! Kero-chan, can't you do them? Please?"

"How could I do 'em? You're the one who said I'm just a lil' mouse. I've got these useless lil' mouse paws. Squeak, squeak, squeak!" said Cerberus as he did his mouse impression. He got on his hind legs and nibbled at a pancake like a mouse. Sakura just stared. She sighed and knelt before him. In her most servile voice, Sakura said, "Oh great Cerberus-sama, whilst thou do the dishes so that I might see Yukito-san? Can such a great being such as yourself find enough pity to do such a great favor for me?"

Cerberus dropped his pancake. What the hell's Sakura doin'? he thought. He sighed and said, "Sakura, get up. I'll do 'em..."

Sakura kissed his cheek and said with a big grin, "Thank you, Kero-chan! I'll see you this afternoon!" And with that, she ran out of the house.

Cerberus was still blushing from the kiss. Sakura had grown into a beautiful woman he had to admit. Heck, she'd become a model like her mother Nadeshiko. The house was now filled of Nadeshiko's and Sakura's modeling pictures. Many of the dresses Sakura wore in the photos were the creations of Tomoyo. Tomoyo used her as a model in almost all of her fashion shows. Cerberus went to each one of them and silently cheered Sakura on from a bag or the rafters. He sometimes wished that he didn't have to wait till they got home to actually congratulate Sakura face to face...

Cerberus looked back at the mess he was left with. Well, at least I won't be bored today, he thought. 'Cause it's gonna take all day to wash these dishes.

"I'm such a sucker."


Shaolan LiShaolan Li was walking to school. I was early, but he had some work he could get done. He sighed deeply. Why had he decided to stay in Tokyo? The Clow Cards had been quiet for a long time, and he decided a long time ago not to take the Clow from Sakura (maybe because she was a stronger magician than him). There was something stronger keeping him in Tokyo, and he didn't know what it was. Oh well, it didn't matter 'cause...


Shaolan found himself spralled on the ground. Something had come around the corner at breakneck speed and ran smack into him, and now it was on top of him. A girl...?

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doin'?" yelled a struggling Shaolan.

The girl jumped up and dusted herself off and bowed. "Please forgive me, Li-kun!" she said.

Shaolan recognized the voice. He looked up to see a girl bowing before him. She wore the girl's uniform of his school. She was a little shorter than him (which wasn't saying much because he was only 5'4") and looked an awful lot like him except for the braid in the back of her hair. Sakura?!

Shaolan jumped up and tried to hide the fact he was blushing. He stuttered, "Ah! S-Sakura! I-I didn't know i-it was you! I-I-It was my fault!!" Well, it wasn't, he thought, but he he couldn't think of anything else to say...

"Are you okay? Oh! Your hand is scraped up!" she said concernedly as she she reached out ot look at his hand.

Shaolan yanked his hand back and yelled, "N-No! I d-did this yesterday! Yeah, yesterday! See! It's fine!"

"If you say so... Oh no! I got to really hurry now if I want to see Yukito-san! Bye, Li-kun!" And with that, Sakura ran off.

Yeah, Shaolan thought, she better hurry if she wants to see... Hey, wait a minute! "Yukito-san is mine!" he yelled as he ran after Sakura.


Tomoyo DaidoujiA girl giggled as she watched the short young man with auburn hair and amber eyes run after her beloved Sakura-chan. After watching this scene, she started walking to school again. She had long curly purple hair that was past her knees and beautiful silver eyes.

Tomoyo Daidouji also got up early this morning to get some schoolwork done. She had a fashion show this Saturday, so she needed time to get everything ready, especially the outfits Sakura would be wearing. Her beloved Sakura-chan was her favorite model. Tomoyo planned on designing clothes full-time when she graduated, but till then, she did it every chance she got.

"Good morning, Tomoyo-chan!"

Tomoyo turned around to see her friends Yamazaki, Chiharu, Naoko, and Rika. They had matured a lot since elementary school (of course ^_^;;). Yamazaki and Chiharu had been going out since junior high. Rika was engaged to their elementary school PE coach, Terada-sensei. Tomoyo had agreed to design her wedding dress. Tomoyo wanted to design her beloved Sakura-chan's wedding dress, or if she was lucky, she wouldn't have to do so (if you know what I mean ^_^;;).

"You are up early," said Tomoyo in her usual extra-polite tone.

Chiharu punched Yamazaki's arm. "Takashi called our houses and woke up up early," she said with a great bit of annoyance.

Naoko yawned, "Yeah, Yamazaki-kun! Why'd you wake us up so early?"

Yamazaki cleared his throat and grinned, "Well, you see, according to Einstein's theory of relativity...blah blah blah..."

Yamazaki rambled on about scientific theories and what-not. Chiharu looked annoyed. Naoko looked confused (What the hell is he talking about?). Rika and Tomoyo just smiled. Tomoyo figured there was no reason to stop Yamazaki. He enjoyed explaining everything.

"...So in short, I figured we would sit here as I explained my reason for getting up early until it was time to leave. That's why I woke all of you up early."

Everyone facefaulted. Chiharu yelled, "TAKASHI! We could have slept in and skipped your little lecture!"


"No buts! I need to beat some sense into your head!" And with that, Chiharu ran after Yamazaki with her schoolbag hitting him over the head. Naoko, Rika, and Tomoyo followed behind laughting.


A motorcycle pulled up to Tomoeda Elementary. All the children wowed as it braked. The biker pulled his helmet off. He revealed his short black hair and dark blue eyes.

"Thank you, To-ya!"

Touya looked back at his passenger who was now taking off his helmet. He had platnum blonde hair with golden eyes and wore glasses.

"Yuki, I take you here almost every morning."

"And I thank you, To-ya!" said Yukito.

Touya just smiled at Yukito. He and Yukito had been friends for a long time now. Yukito had become an elementary school math teacher, and Touya became a physician. Although Touya didn't have much time these days, he tried to spend as much time as possible with Yukito.

"So, do you want to come to my place for dinner tonight?" said Touya.

"Of course!" Yukito said happily.

"You have a good d--"

"Oh no you're not!"

"It was my idea! You butt out!!"

Touya and Yukito turned around to see two high schoolers running up to them. Oh gods, it's them, thought Touya.

"Good morning, Yukito-san!!" said the two blushing teenagers.

"Good morning, Sakura-chan, Shaolan-kun," said Yukito. "You two are here early."

"Yes!" said Sakura and Shaolan.

"Yeah, why ever are you here so early, monster?" asked Touya with a smirk.

"Shut up, onii-chan."

Touya laughed. She was still a little monster. But his attention suddenly became diverted. The short kid to Sakura's left. He was such a pest. Always chasing after Yukito or picking on Sakura. Set your eyes to glare, thought Touya and Shaolan.


Yukito smiled throughtout it all. Touya and Shaolan were having a staring war. Tomoyo and her friends were approaching. Finally, there was Sakura. She just stood there watching Touya and Shaolan (Oh no, they're at it again...).

"So how have you been doing in your classes, Sakura-chan?" asked Yukito.

Sakura spun around and said, "F-Fine! I'm doing well!"

"That's good. I'm sure your father and brother are proud of you. I know I am."

Sakura turned a bright crimson. She tried to hide it but she couldn't. Yukito smiled. Sakura was cute.

"Touya invited me over for dinner tonight to his place. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you came."

"Sure!" said Sakura excitedly.

"Yukito! I invited you!" complained Touya.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" yelled Shaolan.

"What's it to you?" asked Touya a bit annoyed.

Chiharu was just dumbfounded by the scene. Naoko looked concerned. Yamazaki, Rika, and Tomoyo walked on to class, hardly affected by all of it. Touya and Shaolan continued their attempts to destroy the other with the evil eye. Sakura just gave up on trying to stop Touya and Shaolan from fighting.

Just a normal day in the Tomoeda district, thought Yukito as he headed to class smiling.

Well, everyone's here! So let the fun begin! See ya next time with Chapter 2: Ghost?! I Hate Ghosts!!

Kittyhawk Sakura (
October 1, 1998

Oh yeah, the BLURB.

Card Captor Sakura, Manga: ©CLAMP/Kodansha; Anime: ©CLAMP/Kodansha/NHK/NEP21. All pictures, ©Kittyhawk. This fanfiction is made because of my love of CLAMP's work. Please do not use anything on this page unless you ask Kittyhawk for permission. Thank you and goodnight.

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