Card Captor Sakura
Clow Zero
by Kittyhawk Sakura

Chapter 4: Return of the Card Captor

"So the ghost scattered the Clow Cards?"

"Yep, all except LIGHT. That one came back," said Kero-chan.

"Hmm..." mused Tomoyo as she let it sink in. Kero-chan had been telling her about what had transpired last night. Frankly, it was a bit confusing to her. An elemental sent to scatter the Clow Cards? "But, why?" she asked.

Kero-chan crossed his arms and sighed. "Really, I don't have an exact answer right now."

"What do you mean?" asked Tomoyo.

Kero-chan smiled and shook his head. "Don't worry. I need to talk to Yue 'bout this one, gods permitting he can still wake up."

"Tell me if you are successful."

"Will do! See ya, Tomoyo!" And with that, Kero-chan fluttered away.

Tomoyo watch Kero-chan slowly disappear into the clear azure sky. Such a beautiful day, yet so terrifying, she thought. The Clow Cards were loose in the world again, and that meant... the Card Captor would have to return! More costumes! More videos! More nights spent with her beloved Sakura-chan! (Umm.... ^_^;;)

Tomoyo picked up her school bag and hummed a happy tune on her way to class. There would be much more to do, so she really needed to get ahead. It was all worth it, though...


Shaolan's Top Ten Stupid Bonehead Moves!!Shaolan stretched his arm. Ow. He heard it pop. He held it for a moment until the pain subsided. He had made a lot of stupid mistakes last night. Number one on "Shaolan's Top Ten Stupid Boneheaded Moves" (Drum roll, please!): going through Touya's window. Normally, he would have stood up to Touya, but considering the circumstances (and the fact that he was not in good condition), he decided to run for it. Touya had chased him from Sakura's house all the way to "King Penguin Park." Gods, thought Shaolan, he never gave up. Shaolan finally shook him off by throwing a barrage of runes and creating a wall of fire. (That took a lot to do.)

Shaolan sighed. Touya was the least of his worries. Nothing of last night made any sense. Why would anyone want to purposely scatter the Clow Cards. Those who know anything about the Cards know the dangers of letting them have their freedom. He would have to look into this...

"Earth to Li! He-llo! You team's on the field!"

Shaolan jerked his head up to see his classmates yelling at him.

"Get dressed out and hurry!"

Gods, I don't want to play this stupid game. "Coach, I would like to..."

"Quit like a little baby?!" yelled the coach.

"No, I mean, I injured..."

"I don' wanna hear it, boy! You get dressed out and get out there, you little wuss!"

"Stupid old man," grumbled Shaolan as the coach left the locker room. He removed his school uniform and shoved it into his locker. Sure, he was good at soccer, but he hated team sports. He pulled out a gym uniform with a white shirt with a blue collar and school seal and blue shorts. Never did like working with others, except Sakura... Shaolan shook his head. He couldn't ever stop thinking about her, but he never could actually talk to her. I've known her for seven years now, he thought as he slipped into his gym uniform, but I can't actually tell her how I feel. He sighed. It was easy to take on Clow Cards and stuff like that, but to confess his love for Sakura, that was a challenge...

"Glad you could make it, Li," said one of the boys as Shaolan walked out to the field.

"Yeah, we need all the help we can," said another.

"Why?" asked Shaolan in a monotone voice.

"'Cause the other team's got Kaiou!"

"Yeah, Kaiou's the best goalie!" yelled a third.

"That's great," said Shaolan.

"Hey! Get goin'!" yelled the coach.

So the ball was put into play, and to save you from having to hear a play by play, I'll skip to the good part. ^_^ One of Shaolan's teammates had gotten the ball all the way to the goal.

"Yaah!" yelled one of the players as he kicked the ball towards the goal.

"Kaiou can't even block that!" yelled another.

Kaiou stood there and closed his eyes. The ball approached the goal. Suddenly, it hit a gold dome that formed in front of him and flew heavenward.

Shaolan just stared blankly at the quickly disappearing ball. What was that?! He looked back at Kaiou. Kaiou was laughing. Yep, something was wrong with this picture. A previously normal high school student suddenly learns high level magic in one day.

"Wh-What did he...?" "Um..." "Did you see that?!" were just some of the comments floating around.

Shaolan backed away from the crowd forming around Kaiou. He pulled the ranshinban out. He chanted the magic words and it turned into a board with a yin yang symbol in the center. It started to glow brightly. A Clow Card? thought Shaolan. But, how can it be a Card? Kaiou couldn't use Cards, unless...

"How did you do that?" asked a student slowly approaching Kaiou. Kaiou jerked his head up and gave the student a strange glare. His eyes flashed a gold color and he yelled, "Stay away from the goal!!"

The student continued to approach. "Man, are you okay?"

"I gave you fair warning..." said Kaiou, and with that, a wall of amber light emanated from his body, slamming into the student and causing him to deflect into the field house.

Oh yeah, this is definitely screwed up... thought Shaolan. Possessed, more than likely. "Take care of him," said Shaolan to the kids surrounding the injured student.

"What are you going to do, Li?"

Shaolan didn't even bother to answer. He headed straight towards Kaiou. Kaiou's continued to stand in front of the goal. Shaolan began to analyze his behavior. Protecting one object, ability to form a protective wall, and very diligent with a one-track mind. Classic behavior of the Clow Card SHIELD. But this just wasn't SHIELD's style to possess someone...

"Keep back, or I will certainly kill you defending my goal," said Kaiou in an unnatural voice.

Shaolan kept walking slowly towards Kaiou. Don't startle him, don't misstep, and for the love of the gods, don't attract too much attention. He said slowly, "I'm not interested in the goal; I just want to talk to you."

"Not interested," said Kaiou. His eyes flashed gold. With that, Kaiou ran straight towards Shaolan at full force. Shaolan saw a glimmer of amber form around Kaiou and dodged him. Good thing because Kaiou formed a shield before him, ran straight into a tree, and felled it.

"Damn..." muttered Shaolan. Well, so much for trying to keep it low key...


I want happiness
I seek happiness
to cause your happiness
to be your happiness
so take me
someplace far away
to a true Elsewhere
please take me there...

Sakura stared out the window as Rika recited the poem "Clover". She watched the clouds go by, birds fluttering about, and the trees swaying in the wind. She would give anything to go outside. Even if it was to fight a Clow Ca...


Sakura looked towards the soccer field just in time to see a small shed gliding through the air. Well, she got her wish. She got a Clow Card to fight.

She slipped out of the room while everyone was looking out the window. As she ran, she pulled out a key with a star in a winged circle.


Okay, thought Sakura, I'll get out there, catch the Card, and get out of there. Piece of cake, especially if everyone was smart enough to run away...

Sakura turned the corner to see a crowd watching the Clow Card. No such luck, she thought. I can't go out there and risk being seen. "What to do...?"


Sakura jumped three feet in the air and spun around. It was Tomoyo smiling. "Tomoyo-chan! Wh-What are you...?"

Tomoyo grabbed Sakura's arm and said, "Doing here? Playing faerie godmother! Come Cinder-Sakura, I dress you in finery!"

Sakura sighed and went along with it. There was no way of stopping Tomoyo when she was in this kind of mood...

Sakura in Tomoyo's costume with an SD Tomoyo.----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tomoyo gasped as Sakura pulled back the curtain. Sakura was dressed in a cobalt leotard with poofy sleeves and wrap skirt made of a white, transparent material. It also had white gloves and boots, silver buckles, a cobalt beanie with white wings that covered her ears and silver trim, and white wings that stretched out from her back. Tomoyo gazed at Sakura amazed. Her beloved Sakura-chan was gorgeous.

"Um, Tomoyo-chan? What's this?" asked Sakura.

Tomoyo hopped over to Sakura and adjusted the costume. "Isn't it just beautiful?! I was going to reveal it on Saturday, but I guess we can use it today. Besides, you have plenty to model Saturday!" said Tomoyo excitedly.

"Yeah, uh, Tomoyo-chan, people are going to recognize me even in this," said Sakura.

Tomoyo reached into her bag and pulled out a mask. She placed it on Sakura's face. "There! Now you're ready!"

Sakura stared blankly at Tomoyo. Tomoyo smiled and hugged Sakura. "Do your best, Sakura-chan."

Sakura nodded and ran off. Tomoyo watched as Sakura seemed to flutter away. She sighed happily and reached into her bag again. She pulled out her video camera. "Well, friend," she said to it, "We've got work to do..."



Smash!! The trash can was flattened by an amber force field.

"Doesn't he ever quit?" grumbled Shaolan as he landed on a tree branch. He took a breather as SHIELD-Kaiou looked frantically for him. So far the battle was a stalemate. Kaiou was too untrained to use the power of SHIELD, and Shaolan didn't want to kill or seriously disable him because of the crowd. This was just one of the many reasons he disliked people: they are too stupid not to mess with things they don't understand. Sigh...

Shaolan suddenly was startled as the branch moved beneath his feet. Did Kaiou find him? He turned to see a girl in a navy leotard (tight one at that...) with great white wings and a mask. She seemed puzzled as she watched Kaiou emanating golden rays. He saw she had the Clow Key Staff in her hand. "Sakura?" he asked.

She turned her head quickly and said, "Shaolan?"

He stared at her outfit, "What...?"

Sakura sighed. "Tomoyo."


"What's going on?"

"We got ourselves a Clow Card."

"Yeah, I know that. Where is it?"

Shaolan pointed at Kaiou. "Hoee?" squeaked Sakura.

Shaolan sighed and said, "I don't understand it either, but that guy's showing Clow Card behavior. SHIELD, actually."

"Could be like that time SWORD possessed Rika-chan," said Sakura.

Shaolan remembered that fight very well. "Hmm, but this just isn't this Card's methods..."

Suddenly, Kaiou spotted them. About time, thought Shaolan. Kaiou formed a yellow shield in front of him. "Here he goes again," muttered Shaolan.

But, Kaiou did something different. He used the shield to wrap around the tree. Kaiou's eyes flicked with a strange power. Shaolan caught on to what he was about to do. He grabbed Sakura and jumped heavenward. "Hoeeeee!?" screamed Sakura.

Kaiou waved his hands outward and brought them together causing the shield to constrict on the tree splintering it.

Shaolan and Sakura landed behind him. "We better do something quick," said Shaolan. "He's learning..."


Sakura stared at the tree as it shattered. Students scattered in all directions as huge branches pummeled the ground. This is nuts, thought Sakura. These kids are so stupid to be hanging around. She turned to see Shaolan pulling out some runes. Obviously, he wasn't worried about the spectators. He didn't even bother to disguise himself...

Kaiou spun around and his eyes flickered. He jumped into the air and his eyes flickered. he jumped into the air and was going to land on them. Sakura dashed towards the splintered tree. She turned around to see Kaiou defending himself against Shaolan's runes. She saw a glimmer on Kaiou's neck. She stared harder. It was the symbol of the sun and the moon on the back of the Clow! It glowed brighter every time Kaiou used his power...

Sakura rushed towards Kaiou, but he suddenly spun around. She was forcefully knocked back as he formed a shield. She felt woozy as she looked up. He approached her and... Suddenly, Kaiou screamed. Sakura saw the remains of fire runes fluttering by. Shaolan had thrown some while he was distracted. Easily distracted. All she needed was a big enough distraction...


Shaolan grabbed Sakura's arm and ran with her. She yelled as he tugged her along, "Shaolan-kun! I think I know how to stop him!"

Shaolan looked back. "Huh?!"

"All I need is a big enough distraction. He seems to be distracted easily and he can only shield himself in one direction!" she said.

"You need a distraction?"

"Yes!" she yelled.

Shaolan smiled and said, "Oh yeah, I can do that."

Sakura nodded and broke left. Kaiou chased her. Shaolan continued foward--towards the goal. If there was anything that would get that person's attention, it was his precious goal.

He ran straight to it and grabbed on to one of the poles. He placed a feather rune. on it and lifted it up. He took a deep breath and yelled, "Hey stupid!! Look what I got!"

Kaiou jerked his head toward Shaolan. His eyes turned pure gold and he screamed, "Put it down!!!"

"I don't think so. Come get it!" said Shaolan as he ran off with it.

Kaiou chased after him at full force. He turned amber and shot forth a wall of magic power. Shaolan tried dodging, but carrying something as awkward as a soccer goal, he wasn't able to. He fell to the ground with the wind knocked out of him.

Shaolan glanced up in time to see a large golden wall forming above him. He struggled to get up, but Kaiou brought the wall down. Shaolan closed his eyes...


"Yaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!" screamed Sakura as she leapt into the air behind Kaiou. She struck her staff on the seal on his neck.

<Return to the shape you were meant to be in!>

<<Clow Card!!>>

Kaiou howled as his entire body radiated amber light. The light then concentrated at the Clow Seal. It then shaped into a card, a Clow Card. SHIELD.

Kaiou fell flat on the ground. He twitched and then got up on his elbows and looked around. Kaiou looked straight at Sakura, who was standing next to Shaolan, and blankly asked, "Where am I? How'd I get here?"

Sakura smiled and yelled, "Yatta!!" She held the Clow Card high in the air and did a happy jig. (Yes! Yes! Yes!)

All the students cheered. "Wow! That was great!" "A real superhero!" "Cool!"

Sakura took a bow, grabbed Shaolan, and ran off.

Yes, it was a successful Clow Card hunt.


"She was amazing!"

"Who was she? A Sailor Senshi?" ^_^;;

Tomoyo giggled as she finished taping. Sakura was as amazing as she had always been. And the outfit looked just perfect on her!

Naoko, Rika, and Chiharu appeared behind Tomoyo. "You taped it?" asked Chiharu.

"Yes, every bit of it," said Tomoyo.

Naoko said, "Whoever she was, she was awesome."

Tomoyo sighed happily, "Yes, very awesome..."

OH YES, I AM DONE!!!!! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yet another chapter done! ::K-hawk does a happy jig:: Oh damn, I gotta work on my translations! And the page needs a Christmas theme! Great... Well, I gotta go... Comments are welcome! Happy Thanksgiving!

Kittyhawk Sakura (
November 26, 1998

Oh yeah, the BLURB.

Card Captor Sakura, Manga: ©CLAMP/Kodansha; Anime: ©CLAMP/Kodansha/NHK/NEP21. All pictures, ©Kittyhawk. This fanfiction is made because of my love of CLAMP's work. Please do not use anything on this page unless you ask Kittyhawk for permission. Thank you and goodnight.

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