What's new?

Update of 12-10-1998

Thanks a million to Fuu for the translation to Card Captor Sakura Volume 1!!

Put Reinselft's and Seimei's artwork in the Guests' Fanart section.

Added some links.

Update of 12-1-1998

Changed spelling on Eriol's and Spinel's names. (CLAMP finally came out with the "official" English spelling. Thanks Reinselft!)

New pictures from Reinselft in Guests' Fanart!!

A fanpic for my Fanfiction!

Update of 11-28-1998

A new winter theme is added for the Holidays!

New pictures on the Main Page.

Translation to Chapter 25 in the Translations section! (Finally!)

New stuff in Anime Info section.

New picture in My Fanart section.

LOTS of new fanpics in the Guests' Fanart section!

Chapter 4 of Clow Zero is in the Fanfiction section.

Self-portrait of this page's maintainer, Kittyhawk.
Kittyhawk: Half Cat, Half Girl, All CLAMP Fan.