
The Second Series ClowkeyThe story begins with a cute little girl named Sakura. One day, Sakura is in a library and finds a book named the Clow. The Clow is a large book with a gold lion (Cerberus) on the front and originally held the "Clow Cards." It was created by a man named Clow Reed. The Clow Cards have been scattered.

Cerberus, a little critter with wings, emerged from the Clow's cover and asked Sakura to capture the Clow Cards. Cerberus was sleeping on the job, so the Clow Cards escaped. Sakura is given a key that can catch the Clow Cards. It can grow to staff size and also can use the powers of previously captured Clow Cards! (Wow!) If Sakura fails in capturing the Clow Cards, disaster is certain.

Here's a list of the Clow Cards in the order found:

1. The Windy
2. The Wood
3. The Jump
4. The Fly
5. The Watery
6. The Illusion
7. The Flower
8. The Sword
9. The Thunder
10. The Shadow
11. The Mirror
12. The Shield
13. The Maze
14. The Erase
15. The Glow
16. The Dark
17. The Light
18. The Firery
19. The Earthy

So Sakura has many adventures where she catches all the Clow Cards. Tomoyo tapes her adventures and makes costumes for her. Sakura tries to find ways to be with Yukito. Touya constantly vies for the "friendship" of Yukito against Shaolan and "protects" Sakura. ^_^;; Shaolan tries to take the Clow at first and later helps Sakura.

My fav episode is when she catches the GLOW. Everyone goes to the festival, and the funniest scene is where Shaolan and Touya fight to win Yukito an "Ushagi-san" doll (Ushagi-san is from Wish). It's sooooo CUTE!! ^_^

Eventually this all leads up to the fight with Yue. Of course, Yue is none other than Yukito! Anyhoo, Sakura wins and meets Clow Reed and he tells her about a new threat. What?!

In the second series, Sakura gets a new staff from Mizuki-sensei in able to fight the "new threat." Guess who?

Turns out the new threat is Eriol Hiiragazawa and his two butterfly-winged guardians, Ruby Moon and Spinel Sun. There are suspicions that Eriol is really Clow Reed! And the Clow Cards keep transforming into Star Clow Cards! Oh My! And the rest? Stay tuned!