Chapter 16: The Last Kindness Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <148> Moemi: Won't you answer me.? Sound: Gya. Takashi: .I'll tell you. But before that, can I ask you something as well? Why do you always talk about Youta when you're with me? You might not notice by yourself, but. Or do you already know, and are thinking about it? You might like Youta. Youta, right? I don't mind. <149> Takashi: Why don't you go see him, then find out yourself. Even though. you would still be confused and call me from there. I'll listen to you again. That's my answer. You remember my number, right? Sound: Su. Moemi: Eh. Takashi: You don't remember. How about Youta's? You remember it, right? <150> Takashi: You already have the answer, right? <151> Principal: Well, it's a fight between two students, so I'll let you go this time. Youta: Thank you very much. Excuse me. Kaminari: Principal! Why don't you suspend him from school! Principal: It's not that serious. Kaminari: Moteuchi hit the son of Sakuzou Sorayama. Anyway, I think he can't be left like that. <152> Youta: I hit a person for the first time. Am I not pure-hearted anymore. don't I have the right to ask Ai-chan to stay with me. Station: Step back inside the white lines. Sound: Gota goton goton. Pusyu. <153> Youta: H-hi. H-hey. What's wrong!? Moemi-chan. Moemi: Sorry. Youta: No. It's okay? Did something happen? Moemi: I was with Niimai-kun, just a while ago. Youta: With Takashi? <154> Moemi: I found out many things. many things. Niimai-kun gave me very warm eyes for the first time today. Youta: That's great. He's never been nice to girls. Moemi: Oh yeah? Youta: Yeah. Actually, something happened to him once, and after that he's never like girls seriously. So when you confessed your love, I though, "Not good. Take more time," but. Well. It's great progress. Moemi: I see. <155> Moemi: Hey!! Look! Look! There's fish here!! Youta: Eh? Oh yeah!! I didn't know there were fish in a place like this. Moemi: .It'd be better not to know. Youta: Ah? Moemi: One thing I found out is. Station: The train to Tokyo is arriving, please get inside the white lines. Moemi: .Niimai-kun doesn't like me much. <156> Youta: Eh. Moemi: And. Niimai-kun knew what I was thinking. Youta: You were thinking? Youta: I. about Moteuchi-kun. Youta: Eh!? Sound: Doki. <157> Sound: Purorororo. Station: The train to Tokyo leaves on Line 6! Moemi: .like you. Sound: Pa aaan. Dadan dadan dadan dadan dadan dadan. Do do do do do do do. Youta: .You're kidding. <158> Moemi: Sorry! Don't worry! Listen to me until I finish. He told me to see you. It was the first time he talked nicely to me. But. he was nice, but. It was like his last kindness, and. As a result, he pushed me away. When I was pushed away, then I found out something I didn't want to know the most. <159> Moemi: .This person who doesn't like me. finally, I like him very much. <160> Youta: I already gave up on Moemi-chan and. Moemi-chan doesn't know It's not Moemi-chan's fault., but it's kinda too. hard, face to face. Ai-chan is moving away from me too, recently, and. Definitely no hope with Moemi-chan. Horrible. Really. Um. <161> Ai: Youta!! <162> Ai: Wa!! It seems like it's been a long time. Youta: Ah. Ai: I slept till just awhile ago. I was just going to pick you up at school. It's a good thing we didn't pass each other. <163> Ai: What's that face for! Youta: Nothing!! Sound: Gu. Ai: Oh. Youta: You left suddenly! But you show up when I'm in a pinch!! You're really nice!! Youta: What's that!? Hey, Youta. Aren't you going to ask me where I've been? Youta: It's all right! Because you're here now. I know Sorayama saying he did it with Ai-chan is a lie because of this smile! <164> Youta: Wahahaha. So you kept drinking the 'free refill' coffee from the family restaurant! Ai: Um. because Sorayama-kun asked me to be with him, so. Youta: Uhm, so he was lying! Ai: So I had a stomach-ache. Youta: Hey, hey, when you're cooking. Ai: Ah, hey!! Youta: I missed this horrible food. Ai: Excuse me!! Youta: Well, I'll take a bath before dinner. <165> Ai: Youta, this is the last time I can fix food for you. Sound: Tyururururu! Narrator: Youta was happy, not knowing what Ai was really thinking. but even that happiness was struck by the word, "Expelled from school>"