Chapter 40: Contrary Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <67> Ai: You feel the same as I do. You. Mai: That's right. I'm the same as you, a Video Girl. <68> Ai: What do you want! Mai: I want to be a friend of yours. Ai: A friend!? You liar! Those eyes don't show any scrap of love, such cold eyes. Mai: You're really weird. Rumor has it, you're a bad product. I can't believe a Video Girl would talk about 'love.' <69> Sound: Gatsu. Po. Ai: Wa!! Sound: Pan. Mai: You. Should disappear! I heard we, Video Girls, have a special magnetism in our bodies. That magnetism is like a human blood type, yours and mine are different. <70> Mai: If one blood mixes with another type, it causes death, right. The same goes for our magnetism if they are mixed. The Video Girl's master tape will have interference, and her body will be erased. Where do you think is the easiest place for that magnetism to discharge from? Um? Sound: Goku. Kui. Mai: It's the mouth!! Sound: Biri. <71> Ai: Wa. What do breasts have to do with the mouth! Sound: Ba. Ai: Pervert!! Mai: To inject my magnetism into your body is easier from the mouth, but it also might be dangerous for me to get your magnetism in the opposite way. So, I'm aiming for your heart. Even through skin, if it's the heart, it's the same effect. <72> Ai: You're stupid! Are you okay, telling all your secrets to your enemy? Mai: It's not something like an enemy, or secrets. This is a game, either erase or be erased. Both have to know the rules at first. I want a fair game. Sound: Giri. Ba. <73> Mai: Kya. Sound: Do. Dan. Ban. Gu. Ai: Where are you grabbing!! Let me go!! <74> Sound: Ga. Ai: If u don't stop, I'll hit you!! Sound: Kuru. Mai: Do you need a handicap? You can't control magnetism, right? Like this. Sound: Bari bari bari. Ai: Kya--!! Mai: I can even paralyze you with the magnetism from my hand. Sound: Don. <75> Mai: It was too easy. I guess the game is already over. I wanted to enjoy it more, but, oh well. l make you comfortable with 'The kiss of death'. Ai: Oh no. My body can't move. Dammit! Is this is the end. Gokuraku: Stop it! Sound: Za. Mai: Who? Sound: Cha. <76> Mai: What is it? Gokuraku: You should know by a glance, an amulet. Rosary. This is made with the same type of magnetism as Ai's. You understand, right. This repulses you. Nun! Sound: Gi. Mai: Gyaaa. <77> Sound: Dosa. Gokuraku: We can't stay here anymore. Rolex: Fu. They think well, too. But that makes this more interesting. Not yet. Soon, we're really going to attack you.! <78> Youta: I haven't seen Nobuko-chan even once since the summer vacation started. Even in a phone call, she only talks about Matsui. I'm afraid we're going to be separated like this. Ah! I can't concentrate!! I'll go out and change my mood!! Sound: Ban. <79> Youta: Nobuko-chan! Well. Youta: Wa. Nobuko: Senpai. Youta: I'll shock her! Flowers. <80> Youta: She must be on her way to the hospital. By the way, this is the first time I've seen her with a skirt other than her uniform. It isn't for Matsui. It's not a joking mood. Darn. Nobuko-chan. Nobuko: Senpai! Youta: Her calm reaction made my depressed feeling more depressed. She sees me after a long time, but doesn't seem to be happy. <81> Nobuko: Anyway, it's been a long time since we've dated like this. Youta: I didn't even care, but I don't like to hear respective language from her. It sounds so reserved. That's right. What? Wait, did she talk like this recently. I think she was talking more frankly. I felt like I didn't like it because it wasn't normal, right? Are Nobuko-chan's feelings really drifting away from me. Nobuko: I think you really have a large mind. You don't get upset even if we can't see each other because of my visiting Matsui-kun. Youta: Because. You have your own thoughts and actions, right. I can't be angry just because of that. Nobuko: I wonder if he really has a large mind. Maybe he's not interested in me, and he doesn't care about me. I see. <82> Nobuko: But if you just let me do whatever and don't scold me, then I might run away somewhere. Youta: Then, I'll take it as my fate. I tried very hard to act like an adult. Because I wanted her to think I was generous. Nobuko: You're really grown-up. Is it so easy? If I said we would break up, then he wouldn't stop me at all, and just say, "Okay?" You only think about me that much? I want to hear you truthfully. You said, "Don't go to the hospital," the other day, but why don't you tell me that today? I want you tell tell me, "Don't leave me." Youta: You said you might go away. Why would you say that. Do you want that? So, you're still upset about the other day, or her feelings still haven't come back to me. I want to ask her about that. I want to know if she likes me for sure. I want to know, but. What if I ask her, and then she looks troubled. I'm afraid of that. <83> Nobuko: Bye, Senpai. Youta: I have to say something. .like, "I'll call you tonight, or, "Like your clothes, or. No! I have to tell her something nicer. I have to say something. This way, it's too easy to leave! Like this, our relationship will quietly fade out!! So, something. Nobuko: Senpai. I wonder if he doesn't care about me anymore. Why does he look so normal, even after it's been a long time since we could see each other. <84> Youta: .Didn't know what to say. Couldn't say anything. I feel impatient, but maybe. I wonder . If deep inside me, there is a feeling of, "I don't care." Gokuraku: Long time no see, Youta-kun. Youta: Ai-chan.