Video Girl Ai The Manga started out with Youta having a wet dream about Moemi-chan... he saw a girl outside the school window (kinky?) and tried to grab for her... but his REAL hand accidently grabed part of his Video/Audio stand (JVC-SVHS, BOSE, Yamaha etc) and brought it to the floor on top of him. This is how his VCR got messed up... and it was only a day old! He gets dressed and goes to Moemi's job to ask her out (he dressed like a dweeb) But Takashi shows up and takes him away. Takashi then takes Youta to the diner to help out... After embarrasing himself & Moemi, Youta gets a SORT-OF date with Moemi, Takashi is part of it. They go to a public pool (this is the fall) where we see some nice drawings of Moemi's butt. The girls at the pool laugh at Youta, He flips them off. Later at a park, Youta, Takashi, Moemi and about 8 other girls see a fortune teller who says to Youta "One of these girls here, you are in love with"... all the girls scream and curse and say things like "It better not be me!" Moemi is confused, Takashi is disgusted by the snotty girls. -Then you get the fountain scence from the OAV#1. (manga, it was a hill) -Youta runs into Gokuraku Video store and Borrows Ai's tape. This is where Ep 1 begins. And pretty much goes from there. -OVA 2 stays in order with the manga.. but when Moemi & Youta fall on the bed, Youta grabs her chin(both blushing) and is REALLY going to kiss her. But Ai comes in 2-4 seconds too early. Rest of the video is like the manga... -OVA 3, compared to the manga they go shopping after bowling(he didn't go to the movies first), Ai says it was a joke after fainting and Youta leaves and sees "Batman" by himself, then leaves theater and ends like the OAV... -OAV 4, very much like the manga(chap 6-7) but the manga is more intense... Youta getting a nose bleed when feeling (indirectly) Moemi's breast. Takashi is very upset about Moemi wanting to be his girlfriend... I'm not sure if he's calling Moemi or Youta an Idiot... I think Youta. Takashi sheds a tear or two after Youta leaves after talking to him next to the river. He really is Youta's best friend. No shower scene like in the OAV. -OAV 5,= Manga chapters 8-9... but a bit of a switch around. Takashi tells Youta the same thing about taking her away... but Youta is not vocal about it. This part happens when Youta is looking for Ai... He DOES see the sparks and lights from the corner but by the time he gets to the alley, nothing is there but smoke and burned papers(his). -OAV 6,= Manga #2 Chap10- its starts the same as the OAV starts, but when Youta gets home, Moemi is inside, Ai is in a new dress and there's a new video tape cover. At this point, the OAV skips to Book3 (90% of book 2 is skipped). What happens is that Ai is given another chance... she must not show her love and goes on a date with some guy(jerk) who LOVES to paint naked girls (not women). Youta goes on date with MOEMI! It goes better than with Takashi & Moemi- but Youta runs into Ai at the movies who's wearing a VERY mini-skirt(why bother). Youta wants to beat up Ai's date(the pervert) but Ai & Moemi interfere in some way. The pervert, Sorayama gets Ai to his home(alone), Ai finds his nude art but doesn't freak over it. Sorayama crys on Ai (Bullshiting) and is about to go all the way when AI gets a "Youta-flashback" and ends up beating up the pervert. That night after walking Moemi to the train station, Youta gets worried that Ai will be attacked by Sorayama.. but he loses Ai. The next day, he confronts Sorayama and after some insults about Ai, he gets WACKED by Youta... who gets in deep trouble. (He had beat up the son of president of PTA. In Japan (the president of the PTA in private school are normally a big donater. He ends up suspended for a week during final week. That's why Youta ended up being in same class as Nobuko, who is one year younger.) Meanwhile, Takashi & Moemi are talking (fountain OAV#5) and Takashi tells her, " See if you love Youta first". Youta meets Moemi on train crying and they talk later in a garden... a lot of talking. Next day, after Ai is sleeping safely in Youta's home... Ai writes a goodbye letter and almost Powers Down the VCR... but waits for one last goodbye with Youta and a kiss (knowing that loving Youta would make her dissappear) They kiss and Ai starts to explode. End of book 2, Start book 3 (also start of OAV #6 again) Somewhat like the manga, but Youta starts out climbing the glass stairs (there's lots of floating rocks) On the way to Ai, he has VERY long chats with Moemi & Takashi. When he reachs Ai, she says a few words before becoming possessed and attacks Youta with wires > Youta flash backs to a young boy who liked this little girl... then as a 12yr old(about) who ended up in the girls locker-room by accident and caught. Ai comes back and Youta unplugs a GIANT powercord from its socket. They are returned to the normal world. The end of OAV 6 and the VGAI OAV series... This is to show how the OAVs relate to the manga which only covers 1.3 mangas out of 13 books. The story gets better and better as it goes. The rest continues like, Youta recovering (not much) from the glass wounds, loses Ai again who is returned with her memory erased. A cute girl named Nubuko is in love with Youta and gets a date outt of him... she's SUPER cute, Super childish(compared to Moemi) but also aggresive... particularly Moemi. She's the kinda cute girl that would stabb you in the heart 20 times if you "messed around" after you've been married to her for a while. :) Youta runs into a few old friends, some enemies... Some people get killed, Takashi has a fellow Band member who's a total @^#%$jerk who rapes Moemi-chan. Video Girl Mai is the sexist Video Girl... but also the deadliest... also sexually attracted to Ai, who she must kill. Moemi goes thru a serious rejection crisis which kinda "snaps" her into a rather rough person. And much more... the realism (considering the SciFi aspects of the Video Girls) makes the story great. Video Girl Len This is not the same story (yes same BASIC premise) but the "Moemi" in this series is pretty much the school slut. The "Takashi"(with even more screwed up hair) in this story is "lively" and very much horny and seems to have done something to every girl in school (his cheeks are red for life from all the slapping). -Written by Donovan Floyd -Complied and Edited by Franklin Wang