Download Stuff! Archivos Para Bajar!!(A su disco duro)

Welcome to the Download page. This page will change every weekend, due to the limited space I have here (just 6 mb!). All this files are made by fans for fans. Please support the Nuku fans and their work. Also, I am not making any profit for this cool programs. This are for NukuNuku fans. This weekend I will introduce to you the following:

Bienvenidos a mi pagina de archivos. Esta pagina cambiara en todo momento, pues tengo un espacio limitado en el disco duro (Solo 2mb!) Esta fin de semana, les presento lo siguiente:


The first Winamp skin is courtesy of SHAN FIELD, Visit the homepage at

and also visit the LOT 18 Winamp skin archive!

The second Winamp skin is courtesy of ART-OHKI san...Cool job...Visit his site at:

A BRAND NEW NUKUNUKU ICON FOR WINDOWS!. This cool icon was made by cool NukuNuku fan Tiger J. Conti. Great job John-san!...Also Arigato for the new icon, courtesy of cool NukuNuku fan, Jake L...Arigato!

A brand NEW NukuNuku kiss set! That´s right, A new Kiss set of Nuku made by cool NukuNuku fan Alisa Farrington You have to play it, It have a lot of clothes and Nuku looks great "Check it out"...You can get the kiss program from The Big Kiss Page (Kisekae Set System)

Un nuevo set de NukuNuku para Kiss. De verdad! Este nuevo set de Nuku fue hecho por Alisa Farrington. Tienes que verlos, Tiene un nuevo guardaropa y Nuku se ve muy bien. "Chequealo"...El programa para usar este set esta en la Gran Pagina de Kiss. (Kisekae Set System)

NukuNuku Desktop Wallpaper...I got this cool desktop wallpaper of NukuNuku showed in the main page. This image is in a 800x600 resolution, and it´s pretty cool...Just click the link and convert the file to bitmap...I got this cool wallpaper here...(Anime Backgrounds/wallpaper for your desktop)

Click me to download my clock face...

This is a cool clock for windows sent by good old friend John "Tiger J." Conti. Just Look for the program "ALLCLOCK FOR WINDOWS" and install it."You will see a list of programs related to win95 clocks. Download the file named " " or similar filename" Then configure the program to use this cool NukuNuku clock face and "giatta"...You will have her cool looking face in the clock with cool alarm sounds...NukuNuku waking you up, and the intro sound of the first ova..." Arigato J. C.

Este es un reloj para windows que me envio mi buen amigo John Conti. Solo busca el programa "ALL CLOCK FOR WINDOWS" e instalalo."Ustedes veran una lista de programas relacionados con relojes de Win95, Bajen el archivo que se llama " o nombre similar " Despues configura el programa para que use la caratula de NukuNuku para el reloj y "giatta"...Tendras su imagen en el reloj, asi como sonidos de alarma...Nuku despertandote y el sonido del primer "ova".... Arigato J.C.


Only one.mid

This are midi files of the opening sequences of "NukuNuku", I hope you will enjoy it.

Estos son archivos midi de las presentaciones de "NukuNuku", Espero que les guste.

Traslation of the opening song "Happy Birthday"

Close in on the secret, it's like a hysterical puzzle, Dance around and clap your hands, starting from today, My body is so strange, please don't turn your eyes away, A humorous process has just begun.

As the wind blows, my hair flows, everything seems so radiant.

When we meet, every time, Happy Birthday, With brand new body, I wave my hands, An angel is smiling, Happy Birthday I want to meet you soon, you carefree you.

En Español...Traduccion del tema musical "Happy Birthday"

Acercate a un secreto, Es como un rompecabezas histerico, Baila alrededor y aplaude con tus manos, empezando desde hoy, Mi cuerpo es tan extraño, Por favor no voltees tu mirada, Un proceso divertido acaba de empezar.

Mientras el viento sopla, mi cabello se mueve, todo parece tan radiante.

Cuando nos conozcamos todo el tiempo, Feliz Cumpleaños, Con un cuerpo nuevo, muevo mis manos, Un angel sonrie, Feliz Cumpleaños, Quiero conocerte pronto, para poderte cuidar.

Translation (C) Doug Cha, Final Proofing by John Prenis

Traduccion en Español (C) Carlos Diaz Cheung, "Charlie D.BearHart"

Nukukiss.lzh (For Windows)

This is a "kiss" set for NukuNuku. It´s a game, where you can change the clothes of our favorite character...I found this Kiss set from The Big Kiss Page (Kisekae Set System)

Este es un set de "kiss" de NukuNuku. Es un juego, en donde puedes cambiarle la ropa a nuestra personaje favorita...Esto lo encontre en la Gran Pagina de Kiss. (Kisekae Set System)

Click me!

So you want to know what other roles have been played by seiyuu Megumi Hayashibara (Nuku´s voice)? Download this screensaver (For windows) to know the answer...(I found this cool goodie in Megumi´s Island...Check it out)

Les gustaria saber que otros papeles ha hecho la actriz Megumi Hayashibara (la voz de Nuku)? Bajen este protector de pantalla (Para Windows) y sabran la respuesta...(Esto lo encontre en La isla de Megumi...Chequeenlo...)

There is also an animated gif I found on Sito´s laboratory...(japanesse). Just click the link, when you see the image click the right button of your mouse, and save the image.

Este es un gif animado que encontre en El Laboratorio de Sito...(en japones). Solo cliquea el link, cuando veas la imagen, clickea el boton derecho del mouse, y salva la imagen. J

Return to the NuKuNuKu and Company main page (Volver a la pagina principal de NukuNuku y Compañia.)