Translated Script for the Karula Mau! Movie Translated by Pat Munson-Siter & Kiyoshi Harada With help from Bill Bruhn NOTE: Lines that begin with ** are STAGE DIRECTIONS to let you get some idea of where in the movie the scene(s) in question take place. ------------------------------------------------------------- **Opening scene: traditional Japanese soccer game TITLE: "Night Train of Changing Monsters" **Next scene: Mr. Ikeda's house Mrs. Ikeda: Dear, what's wrong? Mr. Ikeda: I'm having trouble sleeping. Mrs. Ikeda: Shall I open the door? **opens door Mr. Ikeda: Ah, there's a nice breeze. Could I have a glass of water? Mrs. Ikeda: Certainly. **After drinking, Mr. Ikeda makes strange noises Mrs. Ikeda: Dear, what's wrong? Darling! Darling! Oni Ikeda: Mom! Mom, are you OK? Mrs. Ikeda: He... Oni Ikeda: This can't be happening! **Scene: Nara, the ancient Japanese capital 1st Man: Get ready! Old Monk: Lord Kenmochi, Iruka's skull has been stolen! Kenmochi: Iruka's head has been causing the incidents happening here recently. Old Monk: What makes you think that? Kenmochi: I'm not sure, but not only is Iruka's skull gone, but his tomb has been destroyed. Kenmochi: I don't know - but I feel something... **Kenmochi throws dart and hits spy Old Monk: Things are so complicated - this is a complicated situation you are getting involved in. Old Monk: Are you sure you can handle it by yourself? Kenmochi: Yes, I have some powerful supporters. TITLE: KARULA MAU! (Karula Dance!) The Movie Mai: Oh, I made it! Sho: Mai, don't make me worry! I thought you'd missed the train! Mai: Sorry, Sho, I just took my time in selecting a drink you'd like. Sho: It doesn't matter. Mai: Even though you say it doesn't matter, you still took the one you like. **She hands a drink to a man seated in front of them. Mai: This is my treat! **Sits back down. Mai: Humm! He didn't even say thank you! Sho: Oh well, when we get to Nara he won't be around. Don't let it bother you. Mai: Why do we have to go to Nara? Sho: That's our duty. Grandma told us this job depends on us. When I heard that, it touched me deep inside. Mai: Me too! We're the pride of the Ogi family! So let's go to work, Sho! **Splashes soda on man. Sho: Mai...! **Scene: Student goes splat. **Scene: Girls sight-seeing from train. Mai: Now you can see the ruins of the Suzaku-mon. Sho: I sense something... Mai: Sho, look there! (SIGN) SUZAKU-MON RESTORATION PROJECT BY HOSAKA GROUP **Scene: Temple/shrine - priest sitting on mat. Evil Priest: Are you Tsuchigumo? Tsuchigumo: Someone has begun to interfere. Evil Priest: Was it the Ogi family? Tsuchigumo: I don't know. The guy had a needle shuriken up his sleeve. Oni Ikeda's half-brother: Is it time for me to act? Evil Priest: You are the master of a different type of magic than mine. Oni Ikeda's brother: My mother's family, as you know, has long had power. My mother and my half-brother have the magic, too. Evil Priest: No one must interfere with our plans. If they do, kill them. (to Oni's brother) Despite your affection for your mother, you must kill her, too. Step-son: The pain in my heart - I'll make her feel it, too! **SCENE: High School Nishikiori: After school, go to the Ikedas' house. The wake for Mr. Ikeda is at 7 this evening. Mai: When will you pick us up? Nishikiori: It's ten minutes by bus or 15 minutes by taxi - so don't worry about it. Mai: Hey! Nishikiori: I'm doing this job for the government's Secret Division, and for no other reason. Take it easy! **Drives away. Maiko sticks out her tongue at him as he leaves. Mai: What a bad impression he makes! Sho: For Grandmother's sake we'll be nice to him. Mai: Sho, what is it? Sho: Mai -- don't relax. Nishikiori on phone: I just left the Ogi sisters at the Nijo high school. Phone Voice: What about their classes? Nishikiori: They're supposed to share classes with Ikeda's son. (Pause) I don't think they trust me at all. And I'm not sure I trust in their magic! Voice: You'll just have to accept it. Nishikiori: I know, but I prefer straight investigative work, not working with psychic girls! Voice: I'm sending Kenmochi to help you. He'll meet you at the wake. Nishikiori: I've heard of Kenmochi, but not anything good. (Pause) Is this an order? Voice: Yes, it's an order. Nishikiori: All right... **Hangs up Nishikiori: Stupid! **Scene: SCHOOL Kobayashi: What did I ever do to you? Girl1: Ah, you're talking back to us, Kobayashi!? Girl2: And you talk behind our backs! Girl3: You disgust me! Sho (picking up glasses): What a nasty place! I feel a lot of evil around here. Girl: Who are you?! Mai: We're new students here. Girl1: New students? We'll teach you manners in this school! Mai: Wait, wait, wait. We just want to know why you're so upset with this girl! Girl1: It's none of your business, outsiders! Mai: Hey! Wait, we just want to tell you -- Sho: Forget it, Mai. It won't work. They won't listen to us. (Pause) I have some advice for you. The spirit that compels you to hate this girl is going to get you all. **Points at one girl Sho: But especially you! (Pause) If you have zits on your right shoulder, be careful! If you really trust them... well, believe me! Let's go... let's go, Mai! Mai: Sho... Kobayashi: Thank you... Mai: Hey, Sho, it doesn't seem right, just to let them go. Sho: That isn't the way to stop this. We must destroy the chief evil spirit. Young Ikeda: Hey, you! Don't go into that old building! **Scene: IN CLASS Sho: I'm Shoko Ogi, from Saitama. I'm pleased to meet you. **Scene: OTHER CLASS Mai: I'm Maiko Ogi, nice to meet you. I'm a C-student, except for P.E. My cheerfulness is the only good thing about me! Young Ikeda: (coming in late) Oni Ikeda, I'm late, excuse me. Teacher: Oh, your father's funeral is today. Go home if you like. Oni: It doesn't matter. Teacher: OK. Homeroom business is done for today. Mai: Teacher, what about my seat? Teacher: Sorry, let's see... Sho: It's not as bad as I thought it would be. **Sees spirit on kid's shoulder Sho: Oh, no! It's a lust spirit! Mai: Ikeda... he's the one whose father died. Mai: (to girl next to her) Oh, what's wrong? Girl: Mosquito bites? Mai: Don't scratch them. **Class break Sho: Mai... Mai: Sho! Boy: She's wearing the same uniform as you. Mai: We're twins. We're beautiful, right? Boy: She's prettier! Mai: WHAT DID YOU SAY?! If you say that again I'll hit you. (Pause) Oh, they're so discouraging! Sho: How's class? Mai: Oh, I recognized the boy whose father died so strangely. He's in my class. (Pause) Yeah, he's the one we met outside that old building! (Pause) I need to keep an eye on him... your class? Sho: I've seen some minor evil spirits, but none powerful enough to worry about - much. Mai: What are those guys laughing about? Sho: Oh, they've got lust spirits haunting them. Don't worry. **Girl 3 walks by. Sho: But I'm worried about her. **Scene: dressing room Girl1: What's wrong, Yoko? You're not worried about what they said, are you? Girl3 (Yoko): Uhmmm... Girl1: Oh, you DO have zits on your shoulder, hmmm? Girl3: Hey, cut it out! Girl1: Don't be so serious. Girl2: They just want to get attention. Girl1: Come out when you feel better. **Yoko is attacked by a spirit. Maiko & Shoko are spying what's going on. Sho: Oh, the evil is growing stronger! Mai: Sho... **Maiko and Shoko enter room to face spirit Mai: Wow; even I can feel it now! Sho: It's at least a thousand years old, and has a lot of power. (Pause) It may take some time to get rid of it. (Pause) OK, let's go contain the evil spirit! Mai: Right! **Action: Confrontation of spirit Both: Karula two-combination roll scroll!! **Unroll scrolls Sho: Karula Evil Spirit Containment! Mai: Termination! **Spirit turning into "marble" Mai: (Looking at the "marble") We should send it to Grandma for cleansing. She'll take care of it. Sho: We can't do it yet, the job isn't finished. (Pause) We still haven't found the major evil spirit, the one that's causing all this. Mai: We'll see if she'll tell us anything... maybe she can lead us to the leader! **Looks at Yoko. Bell rings. Mai: Oh, I've got to go! See you later, Sho! Teacher: Sit down. Mai: Just barely made it! Girl: What's wrong, Ogi? Mai: Oh, nothing. Still itchy? Girl: Yeah. Guy: (to Sho) Hey, we're going to show you around school during lunch break. Sho: I've another appointment. Guy: You go around with Kobayashi, you'll get worse than her, dark and dumb! **Sho slaps him. Guy: Hey! What do you think you're doing?! Yoko: Stop it. Guy: Why? Yoko: I owe her something. Guy: Hmmmph! **Sho looks out window. Sho: I see the demon fire in the old building. **Mai sees Ikeda at old building and follows. Mai: (to Ikeda) Ikeda, Ikeda, would you mind showing me around the school? Oni: I told you before, don't get too close to that building! Mai: Oh, you should be nicer to a new student! Oni: My advice is kindness! Mai: Oh, so you're trying the same magic as you used on the teacher? That magic can be really useful. (Pause) Ikeda, can you see the ghosts in this school. Oni: You can see them too? Mai: Of course not! You seem to like this old building. Is there something here? Oni: Yes, there's something in this room ahead. But I won't tell you where. Mai: Where, where? **Sho is talking to Yoko and Kobayashi Yoko: (to Sho) We used to hang around here smoking until Kobayashi arrived a month ago. Then strange things began happening. Sho: A month ago? I'll check it out, while you go back to class. (climbs stairs) Let's go to the third floor, where I saw the demon fire. Yoko: Stop, Hidemi! Hidemi: Shut up! **Sho sees the damaged door, begins to open it. Ghost begins to form on other side. Yoko: Hey! STOP, Hidemi, or the ghost will get you! Hidemi: And if they come, those two new students will get rid of them, right? Yoko: If you don't stop, I'll do anything to stop you! Hidemi: How funny! It doesn't matter how many I beat up - two or three. It doesn't matter. Yoko: What did you say?! OUCH! Guy: Oh, you're going to beat them up? Let us join you! Sho: (above, seeing ghosts) Oh, that's an ancient spirit, from the Nara era! What's wrong with me? I didn't sense how strong it was until it came close! **Ghost comes out of room after her. Sho: This situation is getting bad! Gotta get out of here now! Guy: Ah, here she is! Yoko: Shoko! Sho: Hey, what are you doing here? Get away, the ghost is coming! Guy: Why should we run? I don't see any ghost! Sho: Don't be stupid! Get away! Guy: Ah, you are real pretty, hmm? Hidemi: Hey, I want to go next! Sho: Let me go! Guy: You're not pretty when you're angry. Sho: Go away! Hidemi: Let's do it! **Ghosts attack. Hidemi: Ahh! Guy: What's wrong--? Yoko: Hidemi! Sho: Sho: Yoko, call Mai! Yoko: Right away! Guy: Stop! Stop! Sho: Mai, hurry! **Mai is on lower floor with Oni Ikeda. Oni: Mai: Are you finished? Oni: Many ghosts have been attracted to this room. I try to calm them down when I come here every day. I can handle most dangerous ghosts. Mai: Do you know why these things are happening here? Oni: No, it takes all I have just to keep the ghosts calmed down. Mai: And you still have to get rid of the ghosts in your own house. Oni: Oh, you know about that, too? Sho (telepathic voice): Mai! Mai! Mai: Sho! **running upstairs Mai: Sho! Yoko: Hurry! Voice From Shell: Get back, get back! I am the Ochi no wa! **Ghosts draw back from her light. Mai: Sho! Sho: Release! **Ochi-no-wa drives other ghosts away, forms into beautiful woman. Ochi-no-wa: I am the Ochi-no-wa! Sho: Oh, you! Protect us, thank you! Ochi-no-wa: I'm the Ochi-no-wa, I'm the ghost that helps people. What is your command? Sho: That was your duty long ago, not now. You're free. You can now be cleansed. Ochi-no-wa: No, I'm not. I was called from ancient times, and cannot be cleansed as a result. I have to do my duty. Sho: So, who called you back? Ochi-no-wa: Oki-no-Jingo! Sho: Oki-no-Jingo? Who is that? Mai: Sho! Sho: Oh, you can't tell us that yet, right? Sho: Very well, go back. Mai: Sho! Sho: We need to get them to the hospital. **Sho collapses in Mai's arms. Mai: Oh, Sho! *In front of the statue of Karula. Mai: (to Oni) This is our protector. Oni: Ah, a statue of the Karula! Mai: Yes. **Outside the temple. Mai: I'm sorry, Ikeda. We sorta forced you into showing us around. Oni: It's OK. It's not so bad here. Strange things happened when you left. By the way, you mentioned the demon fire. It's appeared several times now, starting about a month ago. Sho: A month ago - Oni: Yes, about the time we were learning about the Nara period the ghost first showed up. Mai: If ghosts start coming when we learn about their history, we won't be able to study it any more! Sho: Mai! Ikeda, are you concerned about something? I doubt the lectures brought about the ghosts! Oni: Ghosts of the Nara Era... Taika no Kaishin... Sho: Nakatomi no Kamatari, Soga no Iruku... Mai: Iruka's skull was stolen and his tomb destroyed about a month ago. Mai: that was the Kasuga Taisha, dedicated by the Fujiwara, and designed to calm down and cleanse his spirit, right? Oni: And the Karula statue is in the other shrine dedicated by Fujiwara. Mai: Sho! Mai: (seeing Kenmochi) There's no room to watch him here if he's going to perform. Sho: No, no, that's called "Uho". It's a way to cleanse the spirits locked in the ground. It's a type of magic. In ancient times, Anamoesai did this sort of thing, calming the spirits of the earth. Mai: If it's "Uho" just tell me it's "Uho"! As I can't see the ghosts or spirits, to me it's just a performance. (Pause) Ah, so he's a colleague of ours, then? Sho: I think so. Mai: Oh, sorry Ikeda! Oni: Oh, I envy you! So I'm not the only one doing something about the strange things going on here in Nara... Mai: So your father... Oni: I know it was a murder cause by an evil spirit. I think my brother is involved. Sho & Mai: What? **AT WAKE: Various: I'm sorry for Mr. Ikeda, he died so strangely! No wonder she's so depressed! Yes, she's so sad... like she lost her heart. I heard a rumor that she was Ikeda's mistress before they got married. Yeah, she finally became his real wife, and now this... It's all over for her, all over... Mr. Ikeda's political part is having problems, isn't it? A strange death in strange days. Now that Ikeda is gone, his rival Mr. Hosaka is unopposed. Mr. Hosaka is doing whatever he wants. He should be doing big business rather than hanging around here looking. Hmm, his current project is the restoration of the Suzaku-mon, that's what he's doing now. Ah, Mr. Hosaka's coming! Relative's Voice: That's a weird way to die. Maybe he was poisoned? Maybe the former mistress poisoned him? We're in charge with the funeral! You agree with us, right? **Nishikiori watches Mr. Hosaka, then meets Kenmochi. Kenmochi: They weren't a happy family. Nishikiori: Even though they were married, she was his first mistress. That's hard on a family. Kenmochi: Prejudice is an ugly thing. Nishikiori: Sounds like you know it all! Kenmochi: I learned these things from Grandma Ogi. Nishikiori: Yes, it sounds like something she'd say. Kenmochi: Oh, let me give this to you before I forget. Nishikiori: What is it? Kenmochi: It's a protective charm. It would be too late if I didn't give it to you until after something had happened to you. Nishikiori: To me, it's just a doll. A doll won't help me or save my life. **shows gun Kenmochi: Well, treat it like a good luck charm. Take it! **Maiko and Shoko are talking to Oni Ikeda. Mai: Well, how do you feel? Sho: I feel something faintly... Oni: It's a volatile situation. All the ghosts have not yet released. Maybe the next target will be me or my mother. Mai: Ikeda! **They meet with Nishikiori. Nishikiori: Oh, how have you been? Have you discovered anything about the magic? Kenmochi: Oh, you're not nice! Mai: Oh, he's the performer from the shrine! Sho: Mai! Oni: Excuse me... Nishikiori: Are you the son of Ikeda? I'm Nishikiori from the Secret Agency of the government. I'm investigating your father's death. Because it was - unusual - we're working with the Ogi sisters. Kenmochi: Oh, are you the grandchildren of Grandma Ogi? Is Grandma here too? Sho: No, she's retired. We're taking over for her. Kenmochi: Oh, I see. I'm sorry. I'm Kenmochi, from the Ogo Temple. Pleased to meet you! Mai: I've heard a lot you. You're the one who gets rid of people who use evil spirits ! Kenmochi: Oh, don't mention it! Mai: But you don't look like a hero! Kenmochi: Nishikiori: Let's stop this stupid talk! It's a waste of time. Ah, Mrs. Ikeda, excuse me. Could I have a small... **End of side 1 LD **all gathered around table talking. Nishikiori: Mr. Ikeda was leading the opposition to the restoration for the Suzaku-mon. Therefore, the things happening to him and his supporters are being caused by the group supporting the restoration. Probably Mr. Ikeda was poisoned or something. Kenmochi: No, he wasn't. Nishikiori: What?? Kenmochi: The real cause is an evil spirit, one who wants vengeance very badly. Nishikiori: Oh, Kenmochi, you have to be realist! Kenmochi: I AM being realistic. Possibly the spirit is also using the mortals you mention. **Kenmochi turns to Mrs. Ikeda. Kenmochi: Ma'am, have you seen a small ball like this, with a Chinese character in it? Mrs. Ikeda: No. **Mrs. Ikeda remembers the "marble" she saw beside her husband when he died. Nishikiori: If we perform an autopsy, we'll get to the truth. If you find any marbles, just let me know! This will be a scientific investigation. **Nishikiori leaves. Mai: Nishi! Kenmochi: There's an old legend that when strange things happen in Nara, the Koma-inu statues crack and shake. Some people used to claim the monks were actually shaking them to produce the omen. But something is happening right now... Sho: The Ochi-no-wa might know something. Kenmochi: Hmm, that's the family that served Iruka in ancient times. Mai: Sho, let's ask her! Sho: Release! **Ochi-no-wa appears Sho: I want to ask a question. Who is the Oki-no-Jingo who called you back? Ochi-no-wa: Oh, I can't tell you that! Sho: Oh, please tell me. Who is Oki-no-Jingo? Ochi-no-wa: Emperor Jingo... Kenmochi: There is no Emperor by that name! Sho: So he must be known by another name, right? Ochi-no-wa: That name is Harashino Oye Yatsumai. Kenmochi: That's Iruka's other name, too. Sho: So that is the person who called you back? Ochi-no-wa: I loved him. Sho: So you serve him again to be cleansed, right? You returned to your lover? Ochi-no-wa: No, Oki-no-Jingo was my master. Sho: So he was not your lover? Ochi-no-wa: Because of his sword, my mother served him. The sword Hahakiri. Because of that sword, my mother and I served the Emperor, and it forced me to leave my lover. Sho: But that was more than a thousand years ago! Ochi-no-wa: I was sealed to my lover by the sword's power, but have now been called back. Sho: By who? Ochi-no-wa: I was called by the Suzaki-mon, by the gate... Sho: Suzaku-mon? Ochi-no-wa: I was called back, just as I was called into service by the sword before. I was called by Hahakiri. Mai: Which means the sword is in the old building at the school. Sho: That's why the Nara Era ghosts came to the school. The magic of Hahakiri is calling all the evil spirits together. Ochi-no-wa: The evil magic took away our will, it made us murder. I don't want to hurt people any more! I want to sleep with my lover once more... Mai: OK. Sho, let's cleanse her now! Ochi-no-wa: No, you can't do that. I'm the Bloody Ochi now. You can't cleanse me of that evil. Sho: You must trust us! Kenmochi: Thinking negatively creates obstacles. (Claps) You can see the light? Ochi-no-wa: Yes! Kenmochi: Draw yourself toward the light. Ochi-no-wa: Oh, it's getting brighter and brighter! Kenmochi: OK, you are cleansed! Ochi-no-wa: Oh, I am so happy! After more than a thousand years, I am finally clean! Mai: She's gone now. Kenmochi: OK. Now I must learn more about that sword, Hahakiri. Sho: You need to check out the Suzaku-mon too. Mai: OK, Sho, you and Kenmochi go to the gate. I can't see the ghosts here anyway. Sho: But Mai, are you sure--? Mai: I'm alright myself - and I'm worried about Ikeda. Sho: Very well. Kenmochi? Kenmochi: Alright, let's go! **Kenmochi sees Mrs. Ikeda with marble but girls drag him off. Kenmochi: But - but that's--!! Sho & Mai: Kenmochi, we'll explain to you later. Kenmochi: But--!! SIGN: SUZAKU-MON RESTORATION Hosaka: As we'd planned, the restoration will be done by the end of June. **Nishikaori is watching, and talking to his bosses on the phone. Nishikiori: I'm a little worried, so go looking. Mr. Hosaka is checking Suzaku-mon at midnight. Further, the project will be completed at midnight. That seems weird, so I will watch him more closely. Perhaps he will reveal something. **Kenmochi & Sho walking Kenmochi: Oh, that's Ikeda's brother! Sho: Yes, he told us in secret. I think he's had a hard time. Kenmochi: Some people try to control the evil spirits to get rid of them, and others just try to take advantage of their powers. If people think too much about it, they might be tempted. Shoko, do you see that--? Sho: Yes, I can. **Back to Oni Ikeda and Mai. Mai: This is a lonely wake. Oni: Maybe everyone is scared of the evil spirits. (Pause) I didn't talk with father a lot, but I have sensed a great sadness since my mother married him. My brother's father is dead, so she has worried about him. People here thought she was my father's mistress, and had driven my brother's father to his death so she could marry father. Married or not, it has been very painful to her. **Loud, strange noise. Oni: Ah! The feeling of the spirits has changed! Be careful! Look out! Mai: Ikeda! What's --? **Baby noises, blood coming from table. Oni: This can't be--! **Baby noises get louder, things fall off table, etc. Oni: Shu da ya ke Mai: What's going on?! Oni: The evil ghosts have surrounded us! More and more spirits are coming! Mai: (to herself) When Sho isn't here I don't understand what's happening! Oni: Ogi, look out behind you! Mai: Oni: Ogi! Mai: Ha-jump! Aaahhh!!! Oni: Ogi! Are you all right?! Mai: Yeah, I think so... Oni: More spirits are coming! Mai: Ikeda! **They look up to see someone dressed in ceremonial religious dance garb. **Sho and Kenmochi are awed by the ghost-lights surrounding the Suzaku-mon. Kenmochi: I had no idea this many spirits were locked inside Suzaku-mon. Sho: They're being released a little at a time. Kenmochi: If someone was trying to use the magic of the spirits of Suzaku-mon, this would happen. Sho: That very strange death, the other incidents affecting the group trying to stop the restoration of the gate... they could have been caused by that magic, I think. Kenmochi: Whoever they are must have stolen Iruka's head, too. **They see a ball of light speeding away from the others. Sho: It's heading for the school! Kenmochi: It's being drawn by Hahakiri! **They head towards the school, but are intercepted by the ninja Kenmochi blinded in one eye earlier. Kenmochi: (to ninja) The evil spirit surrounding you - I've felt it before. **Fight begins. Kenmochi injured. Sho: Kenmo! **Back to wake & fight with Ikeda and Mai Oni: I know who you are even with that mask, brother! Masked: I'm not your brother! That person is now dead! **Throws balls that turn into "infant" spirits. Oni: Ogi! Mai: **SCENE - back to Kenmochi & Sho Evil Priest: You're the mystic (ghost) fighter! Kenmochi: Finally you show yourself! Evil Priest: I am Nemman Sogi! Kenmochi: An evil priest, form the Scoona clan. Evil Priest: Ah, you know too much! Sho: Kenmochi, you know of him--? Evil Priest: Ah, but if you've so little magic you haven't healed your wound, you don't have enough magic to defeat me! **Nishikiori is trying to shoot but can't. Evil Priest: For the prosperity of the Scoona clan, you all must die! Sho: Mai! Mai: Sho... Help me! Sho: Mai! **back to Mai and Ikeda Oni: Ogi! Stop this, brother! **The masked man hurts Mai worse; back to Sho and Kenmochi. Sho: Kenmo! Mai is dying! Kenmochi: What? Evil monk: **Nishikiori shoots ninja Evil Priest: Tsuchigumo! **Priest's image disappears. Sho: Nishikiori! **Nishikiori waves, looks at marks on his arm. Sho: Nishikiori, take me to the Ikeda estate! Mai is dying! **At the Ikeda estate, Mai lies unconscious. Mrs. Ikeda appears. Oni: Mother! **mother breaks spell of babies, older son leaves. Go back to shrine. Evil Monk: There is no time to finish this now. Tomorrow the gate will be finished, and our time will come! (Pause) Then no one can stop us! Iruka's skull will bring us greatness! **hospital, Mai is still in coma Sho: I'm sorry, Mai, I never should have left you by yourself. Oni: How do you feel? Sho: Kenmochi, what about you? Kenmochi: I'm OK. Oni: The doctors were surprised at how quickly we healed. Kenmochi: The doctor would never believe it if I told him I was protected by magic! Nishikiori: I believe you, mystic warrior! Nishikiori: Last night, I investigated a bit further. I found the thing Kenmochi mentioned... and we found the little balls somewhere near all the people who died in strange ways. (Pause) We'd thought the marbles were something that some kids left, like a forgotten toy... Kenmochi: You investigated much in a short time! Nishikiori: I've gone many places because of that... and won't be able to sleep well at night for a while! I discussed matters with headquarters. We've decided the cause of this activity is evil spirits. (Pause) So now we ask you, Lord Kenmochi, to kill the man who has called up these evil spirits to do his dirty work for him. Kenmochi: I accept the charge. Nishikiori: Thank you. Sho: But Kenmo, you've been injured! Kenmochi: Yes, but Hahakiri is more important. This injury will not stop me from doing my duty. Sho: Kenmo, if you use Go-Ho magic, you can't heal that scar! Kenmochi: Ah, but I need the scar to remind me not to make the same mistakes again! Now, I'm going to look for the sword in the old building. (Pause) Oni, I'll need your help, and Sho's as well. (Pause) Nishikiori, you need to find out more about the people behind the group restoring Suzaku-mon. Nishikiori: Understood. Sho: Mai, please help protect me! ** Affects older son - frees him from the control of the Evil Priest? Spirit monks approach the Suzaka-mon. **At the old building Kenmochi and Oni are digging up an old locker room. They find Hahakiri, and ghosts and spirits fly forth. Spirits: We're free! Oni: Kenmochi -- Brother!! Kenmochi: You are the servant of the evil priest. He told you not to make any mistakes, didn't he? Masked: You are indeed the mystic warrior, I guess. What kind of thing is that, that it called so many ghosts? It has activated the place strangely... Kenmochi: And if I said its magic would hinder the work of the evil priest? Masked: If you did, I'd want to see it work! Kenmochi: You have no real loyalties, so your true purpose was to kill Mr. Ikeda... you killed your step-father. Masked: No, I wanted to kill my mother. But that's over. **Takes off mask. Oni: You bastard! Masked: I thought I wanted to fight you, but now I know better. Be careful not to die - take care of your mother. Oni: Brother! **He looks out the window and sees storm clouds gathering. Oni: Kenmo! **SCENE: Nishikiori tries to make way to gate through monks Nishikiori: Get out of the way! Evil Priest: Now we are going to revive the magic of Suzaku-mon. We will seal Iruka's skull to the gate, so it will open! All evil spirits sealed beyond the gate, come out! **Lightning strikes, killing Hosaka and co. Only evil priest left among living. Switch scenes to the school. Sho: Hey, relax! Don't get scared! Hidemi: Stop there! Yoko: If you get scared, the ghosts can get you! Ogi! Sho: Yoko, Hidemi! Guy1: Ogi, please go! Guy2: Hurry! Hidemi: We rely on you - go! **Sho meets Kenmochi and Oni. Sho: Kenmochi! Kenmochi: Yes, we found Hahakiri, but the gate has been opened! Sho: Then we've got to go to Suzaku-mon! Evil Priest: This isn't enough, not nearly enough! All the spirits must be released to achieve full power! Only that will be enough to make the Scoona clan's thousand-year old wish come true. **Evil priest looks up. Evil Priest: What's wrong?! Kenmochi: You're the one who would use the power of the spirits! Evil Priest: Who dares--?! Kenmochi: I will lead you to the light, I will cleanse your evil! Evil Priest: Don't disturb us! ** Evil Priest: That's the seal of the Omanosai! It destroys the power of evil spirits! Invented by the ancient lords! Kenmochi: Nemman Sogi, you are reviving more evil magic than you will ever be able to control, that's what you're doing! Evil Priest: That? Kenmochi: You've Iruka's skull, and Suzaku-mon has been restored, just as you planned. But the rest of your plans will fail. This is Hahakiri the sword of Susanoo, the sword he used to kill the monster serpent Yamata no Orochi! This is the sword! Evil Priest: it can't be! The sword is within the shrine! Kenmochi: That isn't the true sword! And without Hahakiri, your plan is doomed to fail! Oni: We will destroy you! Evil Priest: You're his brother! Ah, you are the-- Oni: With all the vengeance of the old blood, my clan against yours! Sho: You murdered with magic. The Ogi family will not stand for that sort of evil! Evil Priest: Ah, but your Grandma is retired now! Iruka, give me the power to defeat them! **Kenmochi forms shield Evil Priest: And now I'm going to take Hahakiri from you! Sho: Mai... Grandma Ogi: Shoko, Shoko! Sho: Oh, Grandma! Grandma Ogi: There is only one way to win, Sho. You must use the transformation with Maiko. Just as you did when you were much younger. (Pause) You have to remember the strong spirit you two had when united. I will break the seals I put on the two of you so long ago. Sho: Grandma, Mai's been hurt! Grandma Ogi: Her spirit was drained of energy, but not hurt! Your Protector will always shield you from such attacks! Don't worry! Grandma Ogi: Wake up, Maiko! **Karula statue activated by Grandma's call. Mai: Grandma... Sho: Mai, hurry! Sho: Mai! Mai: Sho, hurry! I'm OK! Karula GO! Mai: Karula ten chi no roll (Unity!) Sho: Transform! **they switch souls Mai: Sho, I rely on you! Sho: Kenmochi: Ah, the Ogi family transformation magic! Sho: Evil Priest, we are Shoko and Maiko Ogi, of the 38th generation of the Ogi family, and we're going to destroy all your evil plans! Evil Priest: How dare you say that! You're just greenhorns, while I've been planning this my entire life! You can't defeat me!! (Pause) Any family that attains power will eventually decay into decadence - that has happened to every clan, except the Fujiwara! Evil Priest: The Fujiwara clan protected its aristocratic status for more than a thousand years! The clan head, Kamatari, and his son Fuhito have used evil magic to preserve our power! So give me the sword, and leave this place at once! Sho: How many people have died because of your stupid dream? Evil Priest: You can't punish me for murder by magic! Everyone dies someday! You should appreciate the magic the Iruka teaches, it protects you from destruction! Sho: You, shut up! We won't stand for that kind of nasty dream! Evil Priest: AAHHH! Kenmochi: If you continue to use the evil magic here, Iruka's curse will get you! Evil Priest: If my dream comes true, I won't care what happens to my body! Kenmochi: You are a very sad person! Mai: Sho! Sho: Mai! **The two girls return to their own bodies. Kenmochi: Sho, Mai, we are going to seal all the evil spirits back inside the gate! Oni! **hands him the sword Oni: Yaaaah! All: **Spirits are drawn back into the gate, returning to demon/spirit world. Evil Priest: No, I cannot lose, my dream must come true - AHHH! **Evil Priest dies, and Iruka's skull splits in two. Karula appears to the successful "ghostbusters" in triumph. END NEXT TIME: We go to the Sindi, the other place - The end for now!