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  • Aa Megami-sama Mailing List (Ah!/Oh My Goddess!) (Subscribe)
    This ML is for the discussion of the Aa Megami-sama OAV and manga series, and other work by Fujishima Kosuke, for example Taiho Shichauzo.
    A digest version is available.

  • Belldandy Mailing List (Subscribe)
    This ML is dedicated to the Aa Megami-sama OAV and manga series character Belldandy.
    To subscribe, put "subscribe" as the subject and the first line of the body.

  • Skuld Mailing List (Subscribe)
    A mailing list dedicated to the character Skuld from Aa! Megamisama manga and anime series.

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    Ah! My Goddess Links @ Anime Web Turnpike™
    Anime Web Turnpike™ © 1995-1999 Jay Fubler Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
    Last Update: 4/12/99