[Anime Web Turnpike]
Mailing List Addition Form

Fill out this form ONLY if you would like to add a mailing list to the mailing list section. Go back to the mailing list section in order to join a mailing list!

(If you wish to update/remove a mailing list, mention so in the comments section)
Your Name:

Your Email Address:

Mailing List Name:

Subscription Request Address:

Instructions/Comments to go with your entry:

The Turnpike maintainer will check the validity of your request
and will add it to the Turnpike within 2 weeks.


Anime Web Turnpike Mailing List Addition Form @ Anime Web Turnpike™
Anime Web Turnpike™ © 1995-1999 Jay Fubler Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Last Update: 4/11/97