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Mailing Lists

  • Akane Tendo's Ranma 1/2 Mailing List (Subscribe)
    This Mailing List is dedicated to Ranma 1/2 own, Akane Tendo! You may also talk about Ranma 1/2's other characters. Post anything you want, but I ask you to keep it clean. Please no virus warnings or chail mail.
    To subscribe, go the bottom of the page where there is an area called "Subscribe to a Coollist Mailing List". Then enter akanetendo as the list name and your email address in the your email section. A confirmation email will be sent out immediatel y.

  • Church of Ranma-Kun Monthly Newsletter (Subscribe)
    The Church of Ranma-Kun (CoRK) Monthly Newsletter was founded for members of CoRK and TSLGOTTP, external subscription is now offered.
    Write subscribe as the title, put your name and e-mail in the body. You may also be a contributor.

  • Church of Ryouga Mailing List (Subscribe)
    This mailing list is dedicated to the Ranma 1/2 character Hibiki Ryouga.
    To subscribe, place the following as the body of your message: subscribe corml.

  • Ranma 1/2 Mailing List (Subscribe)
    This ML is for the discussion of Ranma 1/2 (TV series, manga, OAVs, movies).
    A digest version is available.

  • Shampoo Mailing List (Subscribe)
    This ML is for the members of the Shampoo International Fan Club (SIFC).
    To subscribe, place the following as the subject and body of your message:
      subscribe <your_address>

  • Worshippers of Shampoo Mailing List (Subscribe)
    This ML is for the worship of the Ranma 1/2 character Shampoo.
    To subscribe to the regular list, type as the body of the message:
      Subscribe <name <mail-address>>

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    Last Update: 4/12/99