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Mailing Lists

  • Macross (Subscribe)
    Mailing List en español de las series Macross y Robotech. Mayores detalles en el sitio oficial de Macross Mailing List, click en Subscribe.

  • Macross\Robotech (Subscribe)
    Nuevo Mailing List en español de las series Macross y Robotech. Para mayores detalles dirfjete a nuestro sitio oficial de Macross\Robotech Mailing List. Haz Click en Subscribe.

  • The Robotech Cantina (Subscribe)
    This ML is for the discussion of the Robotech series.
    To subscribe, type in the body of your message:
      subscribe cantina <email address> <first name> <last name>

  • Robotech en español (Subscribe)
    Lista de correo de Robotech en español. Entrar a la direccion mencionada para inscribirse.

  • Robotech Mailing List (Subscribe)
    A mailing list for the (in)famous Harmony Gold series from the mid-80's.
    To subscribe, place the following as the body of your message:
      subscribe robotech
    To subscribe to the digest version, place the following as the body of you message:
      subscribe robotech-digest

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    Robotech Links @ Anime Web Turnpike™
    Anime Web Turnpike™ © 1995-1999 Jay Fubler Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
    Last Update: 4/5/99