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Mailing Lists

  • Sasami Appreciation Society Mailing List (Subscribe) (Digest)
    A mailing list devoted to the Tenchi Muyo character Sasami.
    To subscribe to either the regular or digest list:
      Put "subscribe" as the body of your message.
    Be sure to check out the Sasami Appreciation Society Homepage.

  • Tenchi Muyo Mailing List (Subscribe)
    This ML is for the discussion of Tenchi Muyou.

  • #WASHU# Mailing List (Subscribe)
    A mailing list devoted to the lovable Washuu-chan.
    Their is a choice for either Regular by putting "subscribe washu" (without the quotes) in body of message, or Digest version by putting "subscribe digest-washu" in body of message.
    Also check out the Un-Official #WASHU# Page.

    Link Pages

    Personal/Combo Pages

    Miscellaneous Pages

    Tenchi Muyo Links @ Anime Web Turnpike™
    Anime Web Turnpike™ © 1995-1999 Jay Fubler Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
    Last Update: 4/12/99