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    This is a mailing list dedicated to YuYuHakusho. Any discussion relating to YuYuHakusho will be greatly encouraged. On this list, there'll be discussions, updates, fanfictions, etc. Please feel free to introduce yourself when you get on the list.
    To subscribe, and type on the BODY line (only on the body line) : "subscribe yyh".
    If there's any problem with the subscription, please feel free to contact Shuichi Minamino at Kurama@Animanga.COM.

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    This Mailing List is for people who like Anime FanFictions (especially YYH Fics) and want to exchange ideas, stories, opinions, etc.
    To subscribe, send the following as the body of the message:
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    Be sure to check out the Yuu Yuu Hakusho mailing list homepage for more information.

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    Last Update: 4/12/99