Academic History

Graduated Cum Laude from Saint Norbert College '97 with degrees in Philosophy and Sociology.
More important than that, I learned how to think, love, and really work hard at the things that I liked.  Philosophy saved my soul and blew my mind away, I do believe, and all those sociology classes were the perfect outlet for my mind- I love thinking about people and the kinds of nutty things that we do.  I was also a Japanese minor, which explains what I'm doing way the hell over here in Japan.  I was in ROTC, but I got way the hell out of that after they paid for my first year of college, which was nice.  ROTC was Boy Scouts with live ammo.  I got a bunch of academic and social awards at SNC.  I forgot why long ago.

Graduated from Glenbard South High School.  Barely.
I was something like in the 56th persentile- yeah, that means 56 percent of the school was the academic "Rocky" to my bitch-ass "Apollo Creed".  I got a couple of awards for something or other, but I can't really remember what for.  The coolest thing I did in high school was to turn Dungeons and Dragons into an Indepedent Study course my senior year.  But leave it to me to slack off and get a 'B'!

Attended Sparta High School
Well, sort of (see Case Study).

Graduated from Sparta Junior High School.
I showed up to classes regularly.  That's about it.

Attended Helen Morgan Elementary School NJ, Glenview School for the Gifted LA (at the bequest of the segratory Louisiana State Government), and Shenandoah Elementary School LA (yeah, that's also the name of a Civil War battle.  The South.  Go figure.)
My greatest single feat of will when I was at Shenandoah was kissing some 4 girls in one year back in first grade.  First grade was my favorite school year.  Ever.  I sang "Jingle Bells" in French, I made Deviled Eggs that turned out orange but tasted good, and I got to make a blue soap dinosaur that ended up looking like something I ate.  I would love to go back and teach first grade.  Hell, I'd love to go back and ATTEND first grade!

Attended Glen Road Nursery School, NJ
All I remember was getting in trouble for throwing sand at the wall during Outdoor Playtime.  I had to see the "nursery school principal".  I was so nervous that I wet myself.

Played a lot with LEGOs and those "Fisher Price People"- the ones with the big round holes in their asses.
It sounded kind of academic...