for your
Last Update: 4.17.Tiger

The following are fonts and links to sites with fonts that have a "otherworldly feel" to them.   I am an absolute font freak, and these fonts work great in not only player handouts and "RPG writings", but they can be used to write awesome letters and other documents as well.

All the fonts here are in .zip format.  They must be UnZipped, Installed under "fonts" in the Control Panel (for you Windows users), and then you may have to restart your computer (I'm not sure).  Anyway, these pages will have to be reloaded.
If the font links (not the site links) below appear... well... Not Normal, then you have correctly installed that particular font.

Here are the fonts that are frequently used in these pages:
Exocet- the premire "Planescape Font"
Roughbrush- An attractive half-cursive/half-print
 Ogilvie- A really strange, and thrillingly "scratchy" font
Here are some links to other killer font sites:
The Pointless Page
This site has more fonts than Chicago has Vampire enthusiasts
Transmission 23
This is another groovy site for FONTS... with a delightfully pretentious "Goth Edge"
Any exciting new fonts for me to put here?
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