Read Japanese... INSTANTLY!
sort of...
OK- This is a link to the Microsoft Homepage.  From there, you can download a small, 2 meg or so file to your hard drive.  When you open that file, it will update your Microsoft Internet Explorer program to include Japanese fonts.  There will be a new feature at the bottom right of your browser- if you hit a webpage that includes Japanese in it (most notably recognized by the fact that it's unreadable, and that millions of strange boxes, dollarsigns, and strange characters appear), you can open that bottom-right "world box", select "Japanese AUTO-DETECT", and you will be thrown into the strange and exciting world of the Japanese writing system- you will be able to see and read the three Japanese syllabries- Hiragana, Katakana, and most notably Kanji.  Of course, unless you KNOW JAPANESE you won't be able to do anything more than look at the pretty characters, but still, for just 2 megs worth of download time, it's worth getting rid of those annoying boxes, right?

So, go to the following site by clicking below, select FOREIGN LANGUAGES, and then the Japanese language.  If this link changes and becomes unusable, please contact me at