The Accident
    So it was on April 26, on Sunday morning (or late Saturday night, depending on your point of view) at about 1:30 AM, me and my girlfriend were nearly killed in a car accident.  Freaky the way that sounds when I write that now.
    Anyway, here's what happened:  Orie and I and our friend Eikichi (a kid that Orie teaches) went to see a movie.  Afterwards, we hung around at my place, playing video games and talking and stuff.  Then we went to drop Eikichi off and come back, a round trip totalling maybe ten minutes.  After we dropped Eikichi at his house, and were making our way back to our place, we saw a car coming towards us... in our lane!  It was swerving back and forth, and finally swung around and hit us (after we put on our brakes).
    The other driver: 22.  He had been drinking.  He was sleeping at the wheel when he hit us.  He wasn't going too fast, but he was going fast enough- our small car was spun around and pushed back more than 10 meters (over 30 feet)!  I'm not too sure about the Japanese legal system, but basically since it was all his fault his insurance is covering everything.
    Anyway, here's our list of injuries (no humans died, fortunately):

Sprained ankle
2 broken ribs (in the back)
Injured knee: 5 stitches
Various scratches and bruises
Sprained hip
Broken elbow (mild)
deep cuts and lacerations on arm: 40 stitches
1 cm-long piece of glass buried in finger: 1 stitch
1 broken rib
really cool sratches and scars-in-the-making
Dead On Arrival

Minor Injury: 3 teeth knocked out

Anyway, so that's why updates on my webpages will be a little late with the updates and stuff.  But it's been a blast thusfar- I've learned a lot about Japanese culture when it comes to being sick and/or injuries.  I've improved my grammer with impressive-sounding medical and legal terms.  I got a fast lesson in government (and business) inter-office relations after I got chewed out in my office (the Azuma Board of Ed.) for not informing the proper people (supervisors, etc.) in the proper ways.
Well, I guess Nietzsche's right again:  I'm not dead, but I feel stronger in many ways.  Metaphorically, of course- my right hand couldn't crush a grape at this point...