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But, ¿Who is that Karawapo?

My hair and me... It is no easy question, but I will answer it.

I am Karawapo, I'm 17 and I live in Alicante (Spain). My e-mail address is
Of course, get in touch with me if you live in Alicante and you share any one of my hobbies. You can collaborate on the page or we can study the idea of a paper edition.

What I do.

I am studying COU (last year before university), learning Japanese, English, and other languages, I read manga, I play Magic and Netrunner and I make web pages like this one. While I am doing all these things, I listen to X Japan, DEF CON DOS, Héroes del Silencio, King Crimson, Brian Eno, The Cranberries, The Beatles, anime music and others.

The reason I do this.

Because it is much easier than editing a fanzine. Although less people in my zone can read it, much more people all over the world can.

Any problem?

If you have any problem to see any part of my page, please make me know it so I can improve it for you and the rest of mankind.

Take it easy, collaborate!

If you have any interesting ideas, information, opinion, links or whatever else, get in touch with me, please. This can be big.
Of course, I will collaborate in any page as long as I am interested in it and, with a little money charge, I ellaborate commercial pages for companies and particulars in English and Spanish.

Thanks a lot
for reading my page!!

And do not forget to visit Dad's La Página Imprescindible.