;pcmagic_idlist.txt ;sustituye * por el nš de copias ;replace * with the no. of copies ;karawapo@arquired.es ;http://redestb.es/personal/josecrem/karawapo ;Updated January 18, 1998 ;1st Edition ;comments .6 * Armageddon .7 * Aspect of Wolf .8 * Bad Moon .18 * Black Vise .24 * Bog Wraith .48 * Counterspell .51 * Crusade .63 * Dingus Egg .64 * Disenchant .65 * Disintegrate .67 * Dragon Whelp .68 * Drain Life .69 * Drain Power .75 * Earthquake .77 * Evil Presence .84 * Fireball .91 * Forest .112 * Holy Strength .123 * Iron Star .126 * Island .144 * Lifetap .145 * Lightning Bolt .149 * Llanowar Elves .150 * Lord of Atlantis .153 * Magical Hack .154 * Mahamoti Djinn .155 * Manaflare .160 * Merfolk of the Pearl Trident .164 * Mountain .188 * Plains .195 * Psychic Venom .198 * Raise Dead .213 * Savannah Lions .214 * Scathe Zombies .223 * Shatter .224 * Shivan Dragon .237 * Stream of Life .239 * Swamp .240 * Swords to Plowshares .243 * The Hive .251 * Tranquility .260 * Unsummon .272 * Wall of Stone .283 * White Knight .286 * Will-O'-The-Wisp .291 * Zombie Master .293 * Angry Mob .294 * Ashes to Ashes .337 * Inferno .409 * Desert Twister .462 * Unstable Mutation .485 * Colossus of Sardia .503 * Ivory Tower .538 * Triskelion .582 * Blight .618 * Durkwood Boars .698 * Killer Bees .719 * Lost Soul .782 * Segovian Leviathan .826 * Tundra Wolves .831 * Untamed Wilds .851 * Whirling Dervish .859 * Zephyr Falcon .862 * Knights of the Rainbow Vale .868 * Aswan Jaguar