DNAČ Multimedia!

There aren`t a whole lot of stuff here... And none of them are on my machine...No, wait... ONE of them is on my machine ^_^ There are so many links to the same things that one of them, at LEAST, is doomed to work. I`m not sure if all the ones in the same format are the same size, or what...

I found a new DNAČ movie!!
It is of the little eyecatch sequence they show before and after the commercial breaks... Really cool, but kind of big for as short as it is... ^_^ It is in Avi format, and is zipped....
Get it here!

The DNAČ Sound that is HERE!

Karin`s Sweet Home Speech... Wav Format.

Opening Theme

Mp3 Format! Mp2 Format
Mp3 Format Link #2 Mp3... Again...
Mp2... Once again...^_^ Wav...
Mp3... Yet another...No more...~_~

Ending Theme

Mp2 Format Mp2 version... Again...
Wav...Thats all...

DNAČ Movie clips...

DNAČ Movies

Mov Format... Avi Format
Mov Format, link #2 Little Avi...

Wow!!!!! A lot more than I used to have! And all these SHOULD work! Great huh!? If you have a link to another DNA multimedia file,or know of one, write me! KarinAoi@iwaynet.net